Isn't this a big improvement compared to the last time? At least I know how to transform into a human form to play cards to solve problems. Hayato raised his hand, and the elves around him immediately gathered towards the deck on his duel plate, But I Or do you want to confirm before we start, whether the disappearance of my students has anything to do with you?

Darkness heard this, but shook his head: On the contrary, before I had time to do anything to any human, a human sacrificed his life to summon me who had not yet awakened, and in exchange, I let He became a part of me and gave him the strength he wanted.

However, after he merged with me, who did he give the remaining power to and how to use it? Heh, I don't care who the ant transports a grain of rice to.

I see, I completely understand. Hayato nodded, letting others know what he understood. He pulled out the card and said, In other words, you can't do the kind of thing where you can hold a hostage in front of you and threaten me if Is it true that if I dare to defeat you, the hostage will die?

Then I can kill you without any worries.


[Hayato: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

I am the darkness revealed in this world, but that does not mean that I will be as despicable as you humans. As if looking at Hayato with contempt, Darkness said, Duel!

Then be prepared to be destroyed and returned to nothingness, Hayato Kobayashi!

[Darkness: 4000LP, 5 cards in hand]

Seeing that Hayato clearly drew the cards from his hand first, and could have taken the initiative when he drew the cards, but did not draw the cards, Darkness's eyes flickered, and he seemed a little confused, but he still took the initiative. Draw a card: I took initiative, draw a card.

During my main phase, activate this drawn card, the Continuous Magic Card [Card Scan], and use its effect.

Placing a sustainable magic card on the backfield, Darkness pointed at Hayato with his pale skeletal finger, The effect of this card is to make the final future come early. It can only be activated once per round by declaring the type of card. Both parties put the cards from their respective decks into their own hands, otherwise the confirmed cards are placed at the top of their own decks.”

In other words, if you guess correctly, you can earn a card in one round. Even if you guess wrong, you can still know what cards the opponent can draw in the next round? What a fake card. Hayato glanced at his duel plate, But the deck is the most stuck.

This is the short-sightedness of you humans. You can only see the present but not the future. Because of this superficial vision, you humans will only usher in a ruined future like the Atlanteans ten thousand years ago. Darkness As he spoke, he declared, The type I declare is a 'monster card', and then both parties will reveal the future to each other!

Darkness grabbed a card from the void and showed it to Hayato, and Hayato also caught the monster card declared by the most S that popped up in the deck. Hayato needed to place it on the top of the deck. However, there is nothing wrong with drawing [Angel’s Alms].

When Hayato saw the card displayed by Darkness, he was stunned. He could see clearly that the card displayed by Darkness happened to be a monster card, which meant that Darkness could add it to his hand from the bottom of the deck and make up for the cards lost by activating [Card Scan] without losing or making any profit, but let What Hayato is more concerned about is that the monster card seems a little special.

Discard the [Cornfield Quetzalcoatl] that was just added to my hand, activate its effect, and add a [Cornfield Quetzalcoatl] from my deck that contains [Synthetic Beast Fusion] The monster with the card name is added to my hand, and I add [Mirror Sword Knight] to my hand, and Normal Summon it in attack position.

Behind Darkness, a monster with a green body and a bright yellow belly that looked like corn, with bat wings on its back, appeared in an illusory form, then shattered and disappeared. When it gathered again, the light spots turned into a person. The armored swordsman holding the sword has a mirror hanging on the chest of the armor.

But when Hayato took a closer look, he discovered that it was clearly just an empty armor. The knight's armor without the wearer was floating with a sword, and there were even soul-like blue flames beating around the helmet and joints. Can you even vaguely see the Eye of Ugato in the mirror on your chest?

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that the [Cornfield Quetzalcoatl] that just shattered and disappeared also seems to have the mark of the Eye of Ugato on its forehead?

【Mirror Sword Knight】【4☆/Light】

[Fantasy Demon/Effect]


Fantasy Demons!? Even Hayato, who is well-informed, saw this monster for the first time on the Darkness field. And what on earth are these monsters like, the 'Eye of Ugato'? thing?

Can you fantasize, Hayato Kobayashi? Human beings can't avoid fantasies caused by desires. Instead of directly answering Hayato's doubts, Darkness talked about something completely unrelated, Fantasy of looking forward to a better future is naturally full of There is light, but humans will inevitably have dark fantasies.”

The darkness that flows into the world naturally contains those dark fantasies, and what is born are monsters called 'Fantasy Demons'. They are incompatible things that are excluded from the human spiritual world, and therefore they are also I will destroy the greatest help that has ever come to the world!”

After hearing Darkness's words, Hayato thought about it and said suddenly: So, that's it. Quetzalcoatl and Smoke Mirror are the existences in the myths spread by the Mayan civilization. Are these the prototypes of your two fantasy demon monsters? ? To be precise, it is the transformation of a legendary duel monster that has been completely destroyed and has not been preserved.”

“But how could the ‘Eye of Ugato’ happen?”

Darkness did not answer Hayato, but picked up the card that was placed on the bat wing behind it, which was probably the [Mirror Sword Knight] summoned to the monster area, and said: I don't need to answer all your questions, just take it with me. Move toward destruction of confusion, Hayato Kobayashi, in the face of the darkness that will appear next.

During both sides' turns, I release [Mirror Sword Knight] to activate its effect, and special summon a monster with [Synthetic Beast Fusion] in its card name from the deck, except for one [Mirror Sword Knight].

The monster I want to special summon is this one, [Baphomet of the Great Wings]!

Wu! screamed strangely, and the [Mirror Sword Knight] based on the smoke mirror of the god in Mayan mythology shattered and disappeared like the [Cornfield Quetzalcoatl], and from the broken mirror, the duel disk accompanying Hayato The Dragon Rider BGM suddenly sounded, and Baphomet, the sheep-headed demon with a pair of wide wings, arrived!

When the new race came out, I thought about giving it to someone. I thought about giving it to Becas or Yu Yu, but it didn't seem very suitable, but suddenly I found that Darkness is really suitable.

In the original book, Darkness's deck mainly relies on the five trap cards in the backfield, and without the support of monster effects, he is not sure how to activate it accurately. Even the tenth generation has to Nani every time he plays a card. I was surprised. The level is lower than that of my younger brother Fujiwara Yusuke. At least Fujiwara Yusuke can use the net world to almost suppress Judai and John. If Brother Cheng hadn't helped Judai, he might not have overturned. Not to mention the bosses in the first few chapters such as Yubel and Saio, they are all better than he wants to be the final boss.

(Digression: Sure enough, the final boss of gx is actually a game)

Unfortunately, his identity is still the future of mankind's destruction and the darkness flowing into the world. The more awesome the setting, the better the performance.

So let’s put aside his terrible [Nothingness] and [Infinity] for the time being and let him use Fantasy Demon Clan. It just so happens that he can really get involved with Baphomet and Fujiwara Yusuke can use it to communicate with him. The Alchemy Formation also has the Eye of Ugato (see the Easter egg chapter above)

As for his nothingness (zero) and infinity, I feel it is not as good as Bawangmen

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