Without paying much attention to the clay tablets that were all fake, Hayabusa and Daitokuji walked through the hall and walked deeper into the villa. After passing through a corridor, they came to what seemed to be a living room. I only saw that the sofa and coffee table placed here were covered with white cloth to prevent dust.

Up to this point, it is still within the scope of the dormitory design submitted by Fujiwara Yusuke to the academy, but it is at the end of the living room on the negative floor that is obviously unused and is lower than Hayato and the others and requires stairs to go down. On the wall, there is a very rough opening, which can allow at least three people to walk into the tunnel side by side.

Looking at the huge oil painting that is taller than Hayato placed next to the tunnel, I am afraid that this is the way Yusuke Fujiwara usually uses to cover up this expansion project.

So I'm still saying what I said, the school's homework assignments are still too little. If there are so many homeworks that they don't have time to do things after school, how can they cause such a big trouble? Hayato and Daitokuji said in tandem. Walking on the stairs, he turned his head and said to Dadeji, At least you won't have so much energy to actually dig such a big tunnel?

Well, Fujiwara-san seems to be favored by the elves. Daitokuji said weakly to Hayato, but his narrowed eyes opened a slit to look at the deep tunnel.

This tunnel was discovered by him when he came last time. The failure to discover the actions of his students made Dadeji feel that he was a bit derelict in his duty. However, instead of being upset, what he couldn't understand was that when he was clearly outside the villa, He could still sense the dangerous aura, but after arriving in the villa, he could no longer trace the slightest trace of the threat, even when he came to this hidden tunnel.

Where did the magic power that was previously guided by that inferior alchemical formation go?

There's an elf helping me, so it'll be fine. Not knowing what Daitokuji was thinking, Hayato walked in front of him, not caring about the dangers in the tunnel at all, and just walked in. The tunnel is not connected to the power supply and lighting system in the villa, but it is not very long overall. The bright lights in the living room alone illuminate a long distance, and after just two turns, Hayato and The two people from Daitokuji arrived at the exit at the other end of the tunnel.

It was obviously underground and there was no light source at all. The light from the villa behind them had been exhausted after several turns. However, when Daitokuji and Hayato came to the tunnel exit that was supposed to be dark, But he could see the environment here extremely clearly.

Under the ground of Fujiwara Yusuke's top student dormitory, he actually dug out a large, almost circular space, and carved a rather complicated alchemical array on the specially smoothed ground. Around the alchemical array, There are also eight snake-headed statues placed at even intervals at key nodes.

This is it, Mr. Hayato, this is where the outdated alchemy formation I mentioned is located. Daitokuji opened his eyes and looked at the alchemy formation that had no magic power at all and seemed to be a failure. Although it's not the first time I've seen it, I still want to say that even a third-rate alchemist wouldn't be able to draw such a stupid formation.

I don't know much about alchemy. Can you explain it to me? Hayato jumped down from the height difference at the tunnel exit and came to the flat ground where the alchemy formation was engraved. He looked at the crooked lines on the ground, Okay. Maybe there’s no need to explain.”

Alchemy is not an idealistic thing like 'believe in the magic of the heart'. It is also very 'scientific.' But when Fujiwara Yusuke drew such an important alchemy and performed the ritual without authorization, he didn't even understand straight lines and arcs. If he's not good at painting, why should I teach someone alchemy from how to paint eggs? Even Daitokuji, who has a gentle personality, couldn't help but become a little angry, In other words, he is studying at Duel Academy. If he is at the Academy of Fine Arts, If so, he only deserves to fail!

Fast forward to the speech in the bistro and half a million yen of sushi.

As he spoke, Hayato stood up and looked at the snake-headed statues around him: But you can continue to talk about other expansions of this alchemy array.

Hearing that Hayato was interested in his professional field, Daitokuji immediately forgot about continuing to observe the alchemy formation, and enthusiastically explained: Although this alchemy formation is old-fashioned, it is actually quite a The classic compound formation has the concepts of 'life' and 'power' at the same time, which are located on the two rings at both ends of the formation. At the same time, the two concepts are not fixed and can be transformed into each other. Finally, the 'summoning' in the outermost circle 'Formation Constraint' was the first original work I completed when I was thirty years old. It was very memorable so I recorded it in my notes.

Through the means of 'summoning', this alchemy array can summon 'power' and use 'power' to transform it into 'life', or it can use 'life' to exchange 'power' to achieve the result of 'summoning'. Daitokuji said and paused, But what I can't figure out is why Fujiwara Yusuke is so obsessed with the two concepts of 'life' and 'power'?

Because his parents are dead, and the existence of parents is often the last barrier between a person and death. When their parents die, I know a lot of people who go on the path of paranoia because they face death head-on. Especially. Looking at the snake heads around him, it's hard not to remind Hayato of the biologist who was too far ahead of his time on the set of Ninjago next door.

Although Hayato can't quite remember how to activate this alchemy array, it is certain that the snake heads located around the alchemy array are by no means decorations, and because snakes are particularly loved by the Atlanteans, The decoration and these snake heads together reminded Hayato of the thousand-year-old gay Tatsu who coveted his beauty. Unhappy, Hayato stretched out his hand and the duel plate he had already worn unfolded automatically.

Hmph, even if they are pure dead things without self-awareness, who allowed you reptiles who are only worthy of crawling on the ground to stand up and look up at my glory?

From Hayato's deck, the elves began to transform into physical forms the moment they emerged from the cards they were hosting, and they had to work individually to remove the snake heads around the alchemy circle.

But at this moment, it seemed that he was aware that he was about to encounter danger. These snake heads, which did not emit any magic power even when being looked directly at by Daitokuji Temple, suddenly lit up with light from their mouths and shot out to the center of the alchemy formation. Location!

In an instant, a huge geoglyph suddenly lit up in a sunken center in the center of the alchemy formation. Although it didn't look very clear from Hayato's perspective, from the perspective of Daitoku Temple, which was still standing high up there, Looking at it from an angle, it is a standard Eye of Ugato!

At the same time, the hidden magic power that could not be found in Daitoku Temple before came out in large quantities from the alchemy array as the Eye of Ugato lit up, turning into a semicircular black-purple energy in the blink of an eye. The shield shrouded Hayato who was in the alchemy formation! (End of chapter)

Without paying much attention to the clay tablets that were all fake, Hayabusa and Daitokuji walked through the hall and walked deeper into the villa. After passing through a corridor, they came to what seemed to be a living room. I only saw that the sofa and coffee table placed here were covered with white cloth to prevent dust.

Up to this point, it is still within the scope of the dormitory design submitted by Fujiwara Yusuke to the academy, but it is at the end of the living room on the negative floor that is obviously unused and is lower than Hayato and the others and requires stairs to go down. On the wall, there is a very rough opening, which can allow at least three people to walk into the tunnel side by side.

Looking at the huge oil painting that is taller than Hayato placed next to the tunnel, I am afraid that this is the way Yusuke Fujiwara usually uses to cover up this expansion project.

So I'm still saying what I said, the school's homework assignments are still too little. If there are so many homeworks that they don't have time to do things after school, how can they cause such a big trouble? Hayato and Daitokuji said in tandem. Walking on the stairs, he turned his head and said to Dadeji, At least you won't have so much energy to actually dig such a big tunnel?

Well, Fujiwara-san seems to be favored by the elves. Daitokuji said weakly to Hayato, but his narrowed eyes opened a slit to look at the deep tunnel.

This tunnel was discovered by him when he came last time. The failure to discover the actions of his students made Dadeji feel that he was a bit derelict in his duty. However, instead of being upset, what he couldn't understand was that when he was clearly outside the villa, He could still sense the dangerous aura, but after arriving in the villa, he could no longer trace the slightest trace of the threat, even when he came to this hidden tunnel.

Where did the magic power that was previously guided by that inferior alchemical formation go?

There's an elf helping me, so it'll be fine. Not knowing what Daitokuji was thinking, Hayato walked in front of him, not caring about the dangers in the tunnel at all, and just walked in. The tunnel is not connected to the power supply and lighting system in the villa, but it is not very long overall. The bright lights in the living room alone illuminate a long distance, and after just two turns, Hayato and The two people from Daitokuji arrived at the exit at the other end of the tunnel.

It was obviously underground and there was no light source at all. The light from the villa behind them had been exhausted after several turns. However, when Daitokuji and Hayato came to the tunnel exit that was supposed to be dark, But he could see the environment here extremely clearly.

Under the ground of Fujiwara Yusuke's top student dormitory, he actually dug out a large, nearly circular space, and carved a rather complicated alchemical array on the specially smoothed ground. Around the alchemical array, There are also eight snake-headed statues placed at even intervals at key nodes.

This is it, Mr. Hayato, this is where the outdated alchemy formation I mentioned is located. Daitokuji opened his eyes and looked at the alchemy formation that had no magic power at all and seemed to be a failure. Although it's not the first time I've seen it, I still want to say that even a third-rate alchemist wouldn't be able to draw such a stupid formation.

I don't know much about alchemy. Can you explain it to me? Hayato jumped down from the height difference at the tunnel exit and came to the flat ground where the alchemy formation was engraved. He looked at the crooked lines on the ground, Okay. Maybe there’s no need to explain.”

Alchemy is not an idealistic thing like 'believe in the magic of the heart'. It is also very 'scientific.' But when Fujiwara Yusuke drew such an important alchemy and performed the ritual without authorization, he didn't even understand straight lines and arcs. If he's not good at painting, why should I teach someone alchemy from how to paint eggs? Even Daitokuji, who has a gentle personality, couldn't help but become a little angry, In other words, he is studying at Duel Academy. If he is at the Academy of Fine Arts, If so, he only deserves to fail!

Fast forward to the speech in the bistro and half a million yen of sushi.

As he spoke, Hayato stood up and looked at the snake-headed statues around him: But you can continue to talk about other expansions of this alchemy array.

Hearing that Hayato was interested in his professional field, Daitokuji immediately forgot about continuing to observe the alchemy formation, and enthusiastically explained: Although this alchemy formation is old-fashioned, it is actually quite a The classic compound formation has the concepts of 'life' and 'power' at the same time, which are located on the two rings at both ends of the formation. At the same time, the two concepts are not fixed and can be transformed into each other. Finally, the 'summoning' in the outermost circle 'Formation Constraint' was the first original work I completed when I was thirty years old. It was very memorable so I recorded it in my notes.

Through the means of 'summoning', this alchemy array can summon 'power' and use 'power' to transform it into 'life', or it can use 'life' to exchange 'power' to achieve the result of 'summoning'. Daitokuji said and paused, But what I can't figure out is why Fujiwara Yusuke is so obsessed with the two concepts of 'life' and 'power'?

Because his parents are dead, and the existence of parents is often the last barrier between a person and death. When their parents die, I know a lot of people who go on the path of paranoia because they face death head-on. Especially. Looking at the snake heads around him, it's hard not to remind Hayato of the biologist who was too far ahead of his time on the set of Ninjago next door.

Although Hayato can't quite remember how to activate this alchemy array, it is certain that the snake heads located around the alchemy array are by no means decorations, and because snakes are particularly loved by the Atlanteans, The decoration and these snake heads together reminded Hayato of the thousand-year-old gay Tatsu who coveted his beauty. Unhappy, Hayato stretched out his hand and the duel plate he had already worn unfolded automatically.

Hmph, even if they are pure dead things without self-awareness, who allowed you reptiles who are only worthy of crawling on the ground to stand up and look up at my glory?

From Hayato's deck, the elves began to transform into physical forms the moment they emerged from the cards they were hosting, and they had to work individually to remove the snake heads around the alchemy circle.

But at this moment, it seemed that he was aware that he was about to encounter danger. These snake heads, which did not emit any magic power even when being looked directly at by Daitokuji Temple, suddenly lit up with light from their mouths and shot out to the center of the alchemy formation. Location!

In an instant, a huge geoglyph suddenly lit up in a sunken center in the center of the alchemy formation. Although it didn't look very clear from Hayato's perspective, from the perspective of Daitoku Temple, which was still standing high up there, Looking at it from an angle, it is a standard Eye of Ugato!

At the same time, the hidden magic power that could not be found in Daitoku Temple before came out in large quantities from the alchemy array as the Eye of Ugato lit up, turning into a semicircular black-purple energy in the blink of an eye. The shield shrouded Hayato who was in the alchemy formation! (End of chapter)

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