Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 66 As soon as I entered the door, I saw Laifu beating Chang Wei violently

Standing in front of the gate of the castle, the man in black who was guarding the gate - Saruwatari who once worked for the Kaiba Group and betrayed the International Illusion Society yawned boredly, thinking about why the replacement person hadn't come yet.

Ten minutes ago, his former boss Seto Kaiba entered the castle with his help, and the reward was a gun taken from him.

‘That arrogant bastard, who knows where he is now? Could it be that someone has already caught him? ’ With the obstruction of his sunglasses, Saruwatari felt that today’s sun was not too dazzling, and was even a little warm. ‘Whatever, as long as he doesn’t confess me, it’s too embarrassing to be threatened by such a brat. ’

Thinking like this, Saruwatari suddenly noticed a few people walking up the steps not far in front of him.


Since you asked the question sincerely, we will tell you mercifully. Skip everything in between, clang clang clang! Hayato raised his right hand, with ten star chips embedded in the glove. Maiko Mai, Yugi, and Jonouchi standing behind him also raised their hands with duelist gloves, showing off the inlaid chips.

The four of us have collected all ten star chips, and we are the top eight players in the Duel Kingdom!

Kyoko was panting, and she and Tapiliang supported each other and walked at the end. She looked at the people in front and complained: It took a lot of effort to climb up such a long step. You are really energetic.

We've actually collected ten stars. Saruwatari confirmed the number of star chips on Hayato's four gloves and stepped aside, Mount your star chips on the door and you can turn the mechanism to open the door. .”

As he spoke, he looked at Kyoko, Honda, and Tairiang who were standing behind him: You guys are not contestants, right? Why are you here?

Hmph, you guy, you must have joined the International Illusion Society not long ago, right? I remember, I saw you at the headquarters building of the Kaiba Group. Hayato smiled proudly and patted his shoulder, I'm a Bei The special guests of that guy Cass, these are the people I brought to the island. Now we are going in, what, do you have any objections?

Hayato was really right. Although Saruwatari had been bribed by Bekas a long time ago, and while taking salary from the Kaiba Group, he was ready to rebel at any time, but joining the International Illusion Society was only a recent event. He had indeed heard that Becas had special guests in this Duel Kingdom Competition, but he was not very clear about who they were.

No, no objection. He forced his facial muscles to force a smile, and Saruwatari bent down slightly, hoping in his heart that he would not offend the big man whose identity was not yet clear in front of him. Just for a moment, please come in.

Bekas invested a lot in this Duel Kingdom Competition. Not only did he use all the contacts he had accumulated in the past, he also spent most of the liquidity that the International Illusion Society could mobilize. With so much investment, in addition to building the island of Duel Kingdom and holding trials around the world to invite players, they also invited giants from all walks of life as special guests.

As far as Saruwatari knew, Anasis, the king of the shipping industry, the Gallem Zaibatsu, which is involved in all walks of life, and the Paradis Company, which can be said to be the strongest in the world, were all invited, although not all of them were invited. Participate, but it is certain that the people who qualify as special guests are people he cannot afford to offend.

The only exception may be the Kaiba Group where Saruwatari worked before. Although Keihei Kaiba, the acting president, is also a special guest, his current status is, haha.

Hayato glanced at the respectful Saruwatari and ignored him. This is the kind of person who bullies the weak and fears the strong. It just so happened that Yugi had opened the mechanism on the castle door, and the group walked into the castle without looking back.

Hayato walked at the front to lead the way because he had been here before. After entering the door, there is an extremely long corridor, and at the end of the corridor is a staircase leading to the second floor. As soon as they walked up the stairs, they heard a very familiar voice in the distance:

I'm going to duel you, Becas!

Who is this voice? Peacock Dance couldn't tell who was speaking, so she asked Jonouchi, who looked unhappy next to her. After all, Jonouchi's expression showed that he knew the person who spoke.

Yugi and Hayato looked at each other and replied to Maiko Wu: This voice should be Kaiba-kun. Could it be that he has found Becas and confronted him?

Then we have to go faster! Jonouchi was a little anxious, If that guy Kaiba defeats Becas, wouldn't our hard work of collecting star chips be in vain!

Hey, I have a share of your chips, within the city. Peacock Wu said. Shortly after Kaiba left, Peacock Dance found Yugi and the others, and gave Yugi five star chips to help him fill the vacancy.

Yugi was only missing three coins, and the two extra coins were used by Jonouchi. Peacock Dance was quite unhappy about this, because she felt that although she gave the chips to the game, she owed it to the game, and Jonouchi was a bastard.

Last night, there seemed to be some duelist killer named Dark Duelist, arranged by Bekas, who carried out a midnight raid. The purpose seemed to be to speed up the progress of the duel kingdom competition. Unfortunately, Mai, who was looking for a game duel at Hayato's suggestion, but was defeated by Jonouchi, was chosen as a target and lost a full five star chips.

After that, Yugi defeated the Dark Duelist and gave Peacock Wu five of the star chips he got from him, because Yugi felt that Peacock Wu would never lose if it was a regular competition.

The stronger Peacock Dance wanted those five chips very much, but her self-esteem couldn't bear it. In the end, she chose to regard the five as temporary loan and collect the chips herself.

Jonouchi didn't care whether he was running in the right direction or not, he directly passed Hayato and ran ahead, looking for the place where Kaiba's voice came from before. Hayato and the others had no choice. They were walking leisurely in the castle, but now they had to run after Jonouchi.

But not long after they arrived on the second floor, a few people - or rather Yu Yu - they met someone they knew. An unshaven man wearing a denim shirt, leather jacket and sunglasses wearing an American flag turban leaned against a fence and looked down.

Keith the Thief!

Jonouchi shouted out the other party's name angrily. Hearing Jonouchi's loud voice, the hooded man turned around and looked at Yugi and the others with slight surprise. Immediately, another provocative smile appeared: Muto Yugi, and the guy who can't be named? I didn't expect you to move so fast. I thought you were going to be locked underground until the end of the game.

You shameless bastard—— Jonouchi angrily stepped forward, only to see the turbaned man——thief Keith put a finger on his flat palm to signal Jonouchi to be quiet.

Shh~ As he said this, Keith turned his head away from the fence again, Be quiet, little devils. Don't disturb the good show below.

The curiosity of several people was also aroused, and they took two steps to look down from the fence————

I saw Kaiba and Becas standing on both sides of a duel table, about to put down their respective decks? !

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