Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 23 Bitter (referring to the opposite side) choice

The effect of [Half-Dragon Maid·Glory Dragon Maid] is different from other monsters with three-color health. Not only can it be used once per turn, but it can only be used once while on the field, so Hayato naturally has to choose one. Use the right opportunity.

Whether it was the [Paladin - Artoris] specially summoned by [Rough Man's Expectation] or the [Paladin - Gawain] specially summoned by its own effect, they were not qualified for Hayato to use [Half-Dragon Maid·Glory Dragon Maid] ] effect, but the [Three Paladin Brothers] who can drag two together are barely qualified.

After using the effect of [Half-Dragon Maid: Shining Dragon Girl] to destroy [Three Paladin Brothers], Hayato said: Then deal with the subsequent effects of [Half-Dragon Maid: Shining Dragon Girl] and return this card. To the holder's fusion deck, special summon one [Half-Dragon Maid·Dragon Butler] from the fusion deck.

Come out, Brother Crab, I mean, [Dragon Housekeeper]!

Releasing the breath of destruction consumes a lot of power of [Half-Dragon Maid: Shining Dragon Maid]. She is just a maid and not as powerful as other monsters. She has no choice but to transform from the dragon form into the human form to preserve her physical strength. The dragon horns on her head are In human form, the hair style is very similar to that of Fudo Yusei from the future whom Hayato met once. Hearing Hayato's slip of the tongue, the [Half-Dragon Maid and Dragon Butler] who appeared on his field looked at Hayato with a resentful look.

[Half-Dragon Maid·Dragon Housekeeper] [9☆/Light]



After using the three-color Kang effect only once, [Half-Dragon Maid·Dragon Maid] will transform into the form of [Half-Dragon Maid/Dragon Maid Butler]. Compared with the dragon form and the human form, the attack power is It's 500 points lower, but it's still as high as a [Blue Eyes White Dragon], much higher than the monsters on Artoris's field.

He was unable to use the effect of [Three Paladin Brothers] to special summon other [Paladin] in his hand, and also lost [Three Paladin Brothers]. Artolis was a little angry, but he calmed down. He continued: Do you want to stop me even if you weaken your own strength? However, I will not give up easily.

Magic card [Multiple Mallet], return any card in my hand to the deck along with this card, shuffle it, and draw the number of cards returned. Activate the magic card to return all the remaining two monster cards in your hand to the card After putting them in the group, he briefly shuffled and cut them. Artolis pulled out three cards, played one of them and said, Then, here is this card, [Bitter Choice], choose five from my deck. cards, the opponent chooses one of them to add to my hand, and the rest are sent to the graveyard.”

Hayato glanced at the five cards selected by Artolis and twitched the corner of his mouth——

[Treasure Card from Heaven] [Pot of Desire] [Pot of Desire] [Angel's Alms] [Angel's Alms]

Is this really a choice for Hayato? Either one is not a good choice, it’s really a [bitter choice], but it’s obviously the bitterness on my side.

After looking at the five cards selected by Artolis, Hayato finally pointed at [Pot of Desire] and said, It's unbelievable that I would actually agree to let others add [Pot of Desire] to my hand, but in any case Better than the other two. I choose [Pot of Desire] to add to your hand.

In that case, the remaining four cards will be sent to the graveyard. Artolis nodded, leaving the [Pot of Desire] and sending the other cards to the graveyard, then immediately activated the [Pot of Desire] and said, Then activate the magic card [Pot of Desire], and I will draw two cards from the deck.

Then, discard two cards in my hand, and I activate the magic card [Extraction of Magic Stone].


After Artoris activated the [Pot of Desire], Hayato thought it was time for him to finish, but he didn't expect that this [Pot of Desire] would actually deliver the [Magic Stone Mining] to Artolis. ? What a fucking dog!

The effect of [Extracting Magic Stones] is to recover a magic card from the graveyard and add it to the hand. In this case, is there any other choice for Artoris?

With the effect of [Magic Stone Digging], I can add a magic card from the graveyard to my hand. The one I chose is this [Treasure Card Falling from the Sky].

After placing a card, I activate the magic card [Treasure Card Falling from the Sky], causing both parties to draw cards from the deck until there are six cards in hand. Artolis inserted the card into the magic trap area and watched. Hayato glanced at him and said, However, for you who already have seven cards in your hand, you won't be able to enjoy this effect.

Hayato gritted his teeth and said, Not letting me earn cards is even more uncomfortable than letting me lose cards. You really deserve to die!

You think others deserve to die just because you didn't earn a card. Master, you are too petty. Hayato's front field, Xiao Lan, who was squatting and holding his head because of the defensive position, complained.

Then what would you think if someone kicked your freshly washed and dried clothes to the mud and made you have to wash them again?

Gah! Xiaolan, I want to kill that kind of person a thousand times!

While [Half-Dragon Maid·Dragon Butler] pressed Xiao Lan, who suddenly became angry, Artolis also pulled out six cards from the deck, and the number of cards in his hand instantly returned to the number at the beginning of the round. Make a lot of money with cards.

However, he has already used the normal summons this round, and the two level 4☆ monsters on the field that are no different from mortal bones do not have much combat power. Unless Artolis tires out their Oppas at the next moment, Hayato will I really don’t think Artolis can pose any threat to me.

After looking at a card he had drawn in his hand, Artolis drew it out separately and hesitated for a moment, but finally used it and said: Then, put the light attribute normally represented on the side of one of the cards I have on the field. The monster——that is, I send it to the graveyard myself, activate the effect of this card in my graveyard, and special summon it.”

Come out, the Knight of the Lake with the name of 'Lion of Britain' sent the card representing himself [Paladin-Artolis] to the cemetery, and Artolis took another card from the cemetery and placed it on On the duel board, take a step back to clear the monster area you previously occupied, [Devil Paladin-Lancelot]!

In the vacant position on Artolis' court, an unknown black energy emerged from the ground. A knight wearing armor dyed black appeared silently. His eyes were scarlet, giving people an extremely dangerous look. Feel.

That is Lancelot, who is the most famous in The Legend of King Arthur, the most powerful among the Knights of the Round Table, but also the one who caused the most damage to the Knights of the Round Table!

[Devil Paladin-Lancelot] [5☆/Dark]



However, compared to the fact that Artolis, who should be King Arthur, used Lancelot, who could almost be said to have betrayed King Arthur, Hayato was more curious: When did that card enter the cemetery? I I haven’t seen cards like [Angel’s Alms] used by you before.”

When Artolis heard what Hayato said, he also explained: It's [Extraction of Magic Stone]. The two cards in my hand that needed to be discarded when [Extraction of Magic Stone] was activated before. That's when I put the cards in my hand into The [Devil Paladin-Lancelot] sent it to the cemetery.

While Artoris was speaking, the [Demon Paladin-Lancelot] and [Paladin-Gawain] on his field were just standing there. Like the other cards before, they were just ordinary duel monsters. card, but no elf describes it. However, even so, [Paladin-Gawain] still kept some distance from [Demon Paladin-Lancelot] when he appeared on the stage.

This is not just because the two have harmonious light and dark attributes. In Legend of King Arthur, the Three Holy Knight Brothers were just blown up by Hayato using the effect of Half-Dragon Maid and Shining Dragon Maid. In fact, he died at the hands of Lancelot. In other words, the monsters on Artolis's field no longer have spirit hosts and no self-awareness. Otherwise, it would have been normal for Hayato to stage an internal strife.

But Hayato was even more curious at this moment. Although Artolis hesitated a little when he played [Demon Holy Knight-Lancelot], it was not like he was hesitating about his betrayal experience towards King Arthur, but he was hesitating about himself. Should Lancelot's power be used.

King Arthur should be dead in the legend. Who is Artolis who can appear as [Paladin-Artolis] but does not show much affection to other [Paladins]?

Once per turn, I use the effect of [Devil Paladin-Lancelot] to release and activate a monster on my field with [Paladin] in its name, and remove a monster with [Holy Sword] in its name from the deck. ] cards are added to the hand.

After sending himself to the graveyard, Artolis freed the [Paladin-Gawain] on the field who was about to attack [Lancelot] at any time to activate the [Devil Paladin-Lancelot]. The effect is to retrieve a card from the deck and add it to the hand, The card I chose is this one, [Holy Sword - Alondette], and give it to [Devil Paladin - Lance] on my field. Lot] equipment.”

As Artolis activated the equipment magic card, a two-handed sword with a sword body as bright and flawless as moonlight appeared in front of [Devil Paladin-Lancelot]. There was also the name of the fairy who made it engraved on it. There are words on it, and the sword grid has a symmetrical bat-wing-like guard, which looks quite extraordinary.

Although he has no self-awareness, [Demon Holy Knight-Lancelot] is quite skillful in pulling out the weapon inserted in front of him, which is closer to the Devil Sword in temperament than the Holy Sword. However, there was no change in attack power.

Sure enough, since you are the Knight of the Yangtze River, you should take the 'Indestructible Lake Light'. Hayato glanced at the [Demon Holy Knight-Lancelot] who picked up the [Holy Sword-Arondette]. , and then said, However, his attack power has not changed because he picked up the weapon, and he is still no match for the [Half-Dragon Maid and Dragon Butler] on my field!

That's because [Lancelot] has extremely strong martial arts. He can defeat armed enemies even with his bare hands. As the saying goes, 'A knight never dies with his bare hands.' Artolis pointed at a man on the field behind Hayato. The real power of [Holy Sword - Alondette] is not killing, but a card that can be used to set up the opponent's back field once a turn by reducing the equipped monster's attack power by 500 points. destroy!

By paying [Devil Paladin-Lancelot] 500 attack points, I will destroy the leftmost cover card on your back field!

[Devil Paladin-Lancelot] (Holy Sword-Alondette) [ATK2000→1500]

Taking the equipment card, even if the attack power is not increased, it is actually reduced. [Devil Paladin-Lancelot] silently raised the sword in his hand and slashed, generating a crescent-like slash out of thin air. Hayato's Gaika in the backcourt.

Hayato did not activate the cover card, and watched helplessly as the [Explosive Armor] under his cover was destroyed, and said nonchalantly: If you can deceive the wind once, [Explosive Armor] is worth the money, but the effect is not good. It can only be used once per round, and I still have two cover cards in the backcourt.

Being able to detect a trap is enough. I am not so greedy that I want to start attacking without any safety risks. That is simply unrealistic. [Holy Sword-Arondette] can destroy a Hayato Queen The number of cards on the field seemed to be enough for Artolis. He drew another card from the graveyard and said: Put two of the [Paladin Brothers] and [Paladin-Gawain] in my graveyard. [Paladin] activates by excluding monsters.

Using the effect of [Paladin-Ector De Malis], he is specially summoned from the graveyard.

[Paladin-Ector de Malis] [5☆/Dark]



[Gawain] The four brothers walked very neatly and were all excluded from the cemetery by Artolis. Next to the [Demon Holy Knight-Lancelot] on his field, a man wearing gold and silver armor appeared. , a paladin who is holding his sword like a trekking stick, and his appearance is somewhat similar to [Devil Paladin-Lancelot].

——This is very reasonable, because in The Legend of King Arthur, the knight Ector de Malice with a very long name is Lancelot's half-brother. This can be seen from the fact that the attribute of [Ector de Malice] is the only dark attribute among [Paladin] except [Lancelot].

This time Hayato did not ask when Artolis sent this card to the graveyard. Needless to say, it was the previous card [Extraction of Magic Stones] again. The card Artolis sent to the graveyard at that time was [ Lancelot], and one is [Ector de Maris]. They are indeed brothers, and they will be sent to the grave together.

The concentrated will can penetrate the stubborn stone, and the knights' concentrated strength will be invincible and invincible. Artolis activated a card, The magic card [Power of Inheritance] will Send the [Paladin-Ector de Malis] on my field to the graveyard, and select the [Demon Paladin-Lancelot] on my field to activate.

The attack power of [Demon Paladin-Lancelot] will be increased by the attack power of [Paladin-Ector de Maris] who was sent to the graveyard until the end of this round!

[Paladin-Ector de Malis], who just appeared, entered the cemetery again, but before leaving, he transferred his power to [Devil Paladin-Lancelot] On the body, under Hayato's gaze, the attack power of [Demon Holy Knight-Lancelot] soared, making up for the attack power originally lost due to the activation of [Holy Sword-Arondette], and even surpassing him. [Half-Dragon Maid·Dragon Housekeeper]!

[Devil Paladin-Lancelot] (Holy Sword-Arondette) [ATK1500→3100]

Entering the battle stage, I use [Demon Paladin-Lancelot] to attack [Half-Dragon Maid and Dragon Butler]! Artolis pointed forward and ordered,

All the chains are broken, the light of the lake is too heavy!

Thanks for the 5,000 points from the book friend Ordinary Jellyfish, thank you very much

When I saw the news that Club I was going to cease its activities, I couldn’t help but think back to my past youthful days.

Tears rushed out uncontrollably

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