Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 17 Brave·Dazenga·Derivatives

My battle phase ends here, and then in the main phase two, activate the magic card

[Ancient Mechanical Synthetic Dragon] completed a round of attacks and returned to Chronos' field. Chronos also sent a card from his hand to the graveyard and activated the magic card [Ancient Excavator] ], When there is an [Ancient Machinery] monster on my field, I can only activate it by discarding a card in my hand. I choose a magic card from my deck and set it on my field.

It took two cards to retrieve a card and cover it. Looking at Chronos's operation, Hayato couldn't help but sigh in his heart that Chronos now has the ability to lose cards in the future. The classic four-for-one summons The famous scene of the [Ancient Mechanical Titan] is still vivid in my mind, and in the future, a certain student he taught was even better than his master. Five for one summoned a blank slate that was not as good as the [Ancient Mechanical Titan].

It's just that the card set with this effect cannot be activated this round. Not knowing that Hayato was slandering him, Chronos inserted another card in his hand into the magic trap area and said, Then I put another card in my hand on the backfield to end my turn.

[Kronos: 3200LP, 0 cards in hand]

[Ancient Mechanical Synthetic Dragon] [ATK2200]

[Ancient Mechanical Fortress] [Gaika] X2

After declaring that his turn was over, Chronos also put his hands down and looked at Hayato's field. Although he has the advantage on the scene now, Chronos is very clear about his deck. [Ancient Machinery] has the ability to seal the opponent's magic, traps and even monster effects when attacking. Coupled with its not weak attack power, It is a deck that is very suitable for strong attacks.

However, offense is one thing, and defense is another. [Ancient Machinery] does not have the ability to effectively counterattack during defense. Even if it is a civil war between [Ancient Machinery], [Ancient Machinery] 】It is also difficult for the deck to defend against attacks also coming from 【Ancient Machinery】.

The only monster on his field is [Ancient Mechanical Synthetic Dragon], which is still in a state of reduced attack power due to the suppression of [Starry Sky Butterfly], but fortunately, because the [Ancient Mechanical] monster was used when summoning the superior, not only When attacking only, as long as it is fighting [Ancient Mechanical Synthetic Dragon], even the opponent's monster that was not destroyed by the battle when attacked will still be removed at the end of the damage calculation step.

In other words, even if Tanli Dou summons some powerful monster, [Ancient Mechanical Synthetic Dragon] can block at least one blow. But besides that, does Tanli Dou have any other means? For example, the ability to destroy effects such as [Black Hole] outside of combat?

Taking this into consideration, one of the cards under the cover of Chronos' back field is [Ancient Machine Resurrection]. When there are no monsters on your side of the field, you can put one [Ancient Machine] in the graveyard once per turn. 】The monster revives and increases its attack power by 200 points, in order to prevent the monster from being directly attacked after being destroyed by the effect.

As for the other magic card covered by the effect of [Ancient Excavator], that is my secret weapon, a wonderful tool that I will use later~

My turn, draw a card. After looking at the cards he drew, Hayato said to Kuronos, I drew an equipment card, Mr. Kuronos, and it's different from [Dragon Riding- Carrying Dragon] is an equipment magic card that can definitely increase the attack power of monsters on my field. I want to give this powerful equipment card to [Temple’s Water Herald]!”

A beam of light fell in front of [Temple's Water Herald]. Out of her trust in Hayato, she reached out her hand without hesitation and grasped something in the beam of light in front of her. In an instant, a sound came from her palm. Powerful magic power surged throughout his body, and [Temple's Water Soldier]'s eyes lit up.

Oh oh oh, so strong, so strong, the power surged out in an instant! Feeling the surging magic power, [Temple's Water Warrior] said excitedly, I feel like I am finally close to the brave man now. I have gained so much strength and my body is so light, there is nothing to be afraid of anymore!”

【Water Herald of the Temple】【ATK1500→2000】

[Magic Wand] can only be equipped to magician monsters. Its first effect is to increase the equipped monster's attack power by 500 points. Hayato, who inserted the card into the magic trap area, explained.

On the field, hearing Hayato's words, [Temple's Water Herald] also subconsciously repeated: Yes, the [Magic Wand] given to me by the Brave Lord can increase my attack power by 500 points.

Huh? Wait a minute, [Magic Wand]!?

Looking at the true face of the equipment card revealed as the light beam disappeared in his hand, it was a classical and mysterious wand with an emerald jade inlaid on the top. It was obviously a powerful card that could effectively increase the attack power, but in an instant, [Temple's Magic Wand] Shui Qianshi] was as frightened as if he saw rat droppings in the toilet and wanted to get rid of it.

However, the [Magic Wand] that has been successfully equipped seems to be in the hands of [Temple's Water Soldier] and cannot be shaken off at all!

Why, why is this card! Lord Brave, what are you going to do!

Ah, I'm sorry, [Water Sent], this is a necessary sacrifice. Hayato showed a kind smile, Didn't I say before, I won't let you until I drain all your value. It was destroyed, but now is the time to use your last remaining energy.


Ignoring the wail of [Waterman], Hayato said decisively without mercy: Then, I have to use the second effect of [Magic Wand] to send the equipped monster and this card from my field to the graveyard to activate it. Draw two cards from the deck!”

In terms of effect, the [Magic Wand] that requires two-for-two is not as powerful as the [Pot of Desire], and it was sent to the graveyard along with the [Water Herald of the Temple], and the equipment magic card equipped on it [ Star Butterfly] was also sent to the cemetery, causing the restrictions on the [Ancient Mechanical Synthetic Dragon] on Chronos' field to disappear, and its attack power returned to its original value.

[Ancient Mechanical Synthetic Dragon] [ATK2200→2700]

You took the initiative to send your monsters to the cemetery? Chronos frowned in confusion, Such a duel style looks so familiar, Nuo, I should have seen it somewhere before.

The reason why I want to send [Temple's Water Herald] to the graveyard is because I want to use her effect. I can only activate it by banishing [Temple's Water Herald] in my hand and graveyard. From my deck ·Choose a card [Ritual of Alamesiah] from the graveyard and add it to your hand. Because there was no second [Ritual of Alamesiah] in the deck, Hayato took out the card from the graveyard and activated, The so-called That’s what a brave person is, a scumbag character who can come back again and again by saving and loading files.”

The magic card [Ritual of Alamesiah] is activated again! Now that there is no [Brave Token] on my field, special summon the [Brave Token] on my field and watch me continue my life until I clear the level!

The summoning ceremony started again, and a water column rose in this [Forest of Lost Flowers]. A [Brave Derivative] that looked exactly like Hayato jumped out of the water column in a Dio-like posture and landed on it. On the field.

【Brave Derivatives】【ATK2000】

Are you back again, hero? However, the hero who appeared this time is alone, and the attack power of the [ancient mechanical synthetic dragon] on my field has returned to its original value. Chronos looked at it. The [brave derivative] with bare hands didn’t take it seriously.

Grandma said that friendship is a bond that can never be severed. Even if we are far apart, our hearts are still connected. Even if we are alone for a while, the partners destined by fate will still come to the brave side again. Hayato raised his head. The Duel Disk said, The second effect of the Continuous Magic Card [Journey of Destiny] is activated. When the monster summons or special summon is successful, it is activated. Select an equipment spell with the derivative name of [Brave Derivative] from the deck. The card is added to the hand, and I choose [Holy Sword of Light - Denel] to be added to the hand.

“Then the first effect of [Journey of Destiny] is to add a monster card with the [Brave Derivative] derivative name description from my deck to my hand, and then choose one card from my hand to send to the graveyard. The monster I chose is this one, [Demon Mine Warrior of the Ruins], and then I send a card in my hand to the graveyard.

After taking out the retrieved card, Hayato sent a card in his hand to the graveyard, but a shadow made of light appeared in front of the [Brave Token] on the field that was clearly sent to the graveyard.

That's that? Chronos looked at the shadow in front of the [Brave Derivative]. That seemed to be a sword?

The Demonic Mine Warrior from the ore ruins, he seems to be rough and reckless, but he is actually an excellent blacksmith. He has long prepared a weapon for the brave to deal with the Demon King - [Holy Sword of Light - Denel]. This If a card is sent to the graveyard, equip this card to a [Brave Token] on my field. This effect can only be used once per turn.

The [Holy Sword of Light - Denel] retrieved by [Journey of Destiny] was sent to the cemetery by [Journey of Destiny]. Hayato, who made a costless transaction, said while playing the card in his hand, Then If there is a [Brave Token] on my field, [Demon Mine Warrior of the Ruins] is Special Summoned from my hand!

As Hayato specially summoned the [Demon Mine Warrior of the Ruins], the warrior wearing rock armor with flames burning in the gaps in the armor appeared, and the shadow of the sword of light in front of the [Brave Derivative] was immediately absorbed. The flame of magic emitted by it changed from nothingness to entity.


[The Brave Derivative] reached out and grasped the hilt of the sword, and pulled out the sword that was stuck on the rock in front of him. At the same time, [The Demonic Mine Warrior of the Ruins] shouted excitedly: Celebrate! Gather your friends in Destiny. This is the moment for the immortal warrior who possesses the power of his own body and transcends time and space to raise the holy sword that holds the hope of saving the world!

Whoever pulls out this sword will be the brave man who saves the world!

How about you play Legend of King Arthur? Hayato looked at the [Demon Mine Warrior of the Ruins] and complained, And not everyone can equip the [Holy Sword of Light - Denel]? Everyone is a savior, right?

Chronos, who couldn't see the elves, didn't know the celebration just now by [The Demonic Mine Warrior of the Ruins], but he saw that as the [Brave Derivative] raised the sword of light, the attack power of [The Brave Derivative] began to increase!

[Brave derivatives] (Holy Sword of Light-Denel) [ATK2000→2500]

The effect of [Holy Sword of Light - Denel], the attack power of the equipped monster increases by a value equal to 500 points of the type of monster described in the derivative name of [Brave Derivative] on my field. Hayato said, and played another card Card, Although the attack power of the [Ancient Mechanical Synthetic Dragon] is higher for the time being, there is more than one partner lending a helping hand to the brave.

The [Wandering Gryphon Knight] who has completed his training is back again!

Among the cards that Hayato drew from the deck with the effect of [Magic Wand] just now, there happened to be the [Wandering Griffin Knight] that had returned to the deck before. At this moment, it returned to the field with its own effect, supporting the brave. battle.

And with the appearance of [Wandering Griffin Knight], the light of [Holy Sword of Light - Denel] in the hands of [Brave Derivative] instantly increased, causing the attack power of [Brave Derivative] to increase again.

[Brave derivatives] (Holy Sword of Light-Denel) [ATK2500→3000]

The attack power is as high as 3000 points!? This is already comparable to the legendary [Blue Eyes White Dragon]! Chronos looked at the monsters on Hayato's field. The attack power of the [Demon Mine Warrior of the Ruins] is 2300 points. [Wandering Griffin Knight] with 2000 power points, plus [Brave Derivative] with 3000 attack power points, is enough to clear up your base points!

At this moment, Hayato still has two cards in his hand, and the two cover cards in the backcourt have not been opened until now.

At this moment, Hayato finally pressed the button to activate the cover card and opened a cover card.

When there is a [Brave Token] on my field, activate a trap on a monster on my field that is equipped with the equipment card with the [Brave Token]'s token name written on it - [Brave Token]. Card [Thunder Discharge]!

As Hayato activated Gaika, the [Brave Derivative] also raised his sword towards the sky, and the magic on his body turned into magic that communicated with other worlds, summoning a huge thunder demon behind him.

All monsters on the opponent's field with [Brave Token]'s attack power or less are destroyed, and after that, you can select one with the name of the [Brave Token] from my hand or graveyard. The equipment card gives me equipment for all the monsters on the field that I can equip.

Reaching out and pointing at the [ancient mechanical synthetic dragon], Hayato shouted: The brilliant power of heaven turns into divine thunder and draws it with the sword!

See the real thunder!

[Brave Derivative] suddenly swung his sword forward, and the summoned beast behind him, the Thunder Demon, also pushed forward with both hands, and unrivaled lightning was released, hitting the only one on the field of Chronos. 【Ancient Mechanical Synthetic Dragon】Body!

The resistance granted by [Ancient Mechanical Fortress] only lasts for one turn. At this moment, [Ancient Mechanical Synthetic Dragon] has no powerful attack power and effects for use in battle, but it is like a blank slate before a real thunderstorm. He had no ability to resist and was defeated instantly!

After the lightning summoned beast disappeared together with the [ancient mechanical synthetic dragon], Chronos saw the [brave derivative] on Hayato's field riding on the [riding dragon-carrying dragon] that had been sent to the cemetery.

Entering the combat stage, I use [Brave Derivatives] to directly attack the duelist! Hayato waved his hand and shouted.

With one heart and one mind! Now is the time to show our power! [The Demonic Mine Warrior of the Ruins] raised the ax in his hand and got ready.

The [Wandering Gryphon Knight] also pulled up the string of his crossbow and was ready to go: Open your eyes, this is the blow of our universe!

Secret meaning! Ship-cutting sword!

Yiqi sword flashes!


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