Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 12 The literal translation of Magdalen Street Station is not pleasant.

[Special props detected, limited side mission started]

[Task name: Return]

[Task description: You robbed from the museum, I mean you picked up an artifact said to be four thousand years ago from a broken glass cabinet? If no one wants it, then it’s yours. But what’s more strange is, after picking it up, did you hear someone calling it in the distance? So, should you keep it as your own and put it back in the glass cabinet that was broken by someone, or should you go and see it in a distant place? 】

[Task requirement: Determine the ownership of the special prop Golden Shawl (0/1)]

[Task reward: 1000DP]

This was the system prompt Hayato saw after picking up Molde's golden shawl. It was also because of this prompt that he changed his original mind. [.\\nCOM Situ’s updated chapters are the most complete and comprehensive, and the error-free content is repaired in the most timely manner. Due to caching reasons, browser access is recommended.\\nCOM official website] And as described in the mission, he really was picking up the golden shawl. , hear the sound in it.

Come and find me

Although it was a bit supernatural, Hayato did hear a voice coming from the golden shawl. If it weren't for the fact that the voice was not a female voice but a rather weak-sounding man's voice, he almost thought he was playing The Legend of Seoda too much.

The reward of the mission is second. A mere 1000 DP can be earned in just two duels. However, there are not many special props that can trigger the mission. Hayato is still very interested in this mission and has the motivation to complete it, but he doesn't wait until he goes. After carefully studying the secret of Molde's golden cape, he was discovered by Crane Yeager, and began this mounted duel that appeared decades in advance.

It has to be said that you still have to ride a bike to play cards, but without the D-wheel's automatic driving system and a dedicated riding track, the duel experience is still a bit uninteresting, not to mention that your opponent is too weak and doesn't wait at all. If you take it seriously, you will win.

However, although Hayato let the [Psychic Ectoplasm] drive his motorcycle and go out to duel and play cards by himself, in the final analysis, the [Psychic Ectoplasm] is not much different from a stand-in and the like. He can also share the field of vision. He was distracted and controlled the road conditions. He was not blind like a certain Western swordsman. He decided the route of the motorcycle.

Nearly an hour passed after the brief duel with Crane ended, and he drove about a hundred kilometers from London until the motorcycle Hayato picked up ran out of gas. He arrived. Bristol, southwest England.

It's only 2001 now. Even with the help of a genius like Kaiba who is ahead of his time, Doushino City has not been able to complete comprehensive monitoring. Moreover, due to the widespread phenomenon of public officials fishing in the UK and even Europe, and finally, there is Hayato also has the [Quantum Cube] that can make him invisible, so when Hayato pushed his motorcycle that ran out of gas to the door of the police station and left with a swaggering golden shawl, no one noticed his presence.

Ever since he got the golden shawl, he had felt that the person or something else calling for the golden shawl was in this direction. However, even though he had come to Bristol from London, he found that there was still a certain existence calling for the golden shawl. It's quite a long distance. Although it doesn't require crossing the ocean, it's probably as far as London to Bristol.

But this time, Hayato's choice of transportation was no longer a random motorcycle found on the side of the road, but an open ticket and a ride on a bus from Bristol. He didn't quite know where his destination was, so he just chose a bus whose route map would pass roughly where he felt it was.

This 376 bus departs from the Bristol bus station and passes through more than 60 stops along the way. If he feels that he has veered off course, Hayato can get off halfway. The key is that the round-trip ticket is only three pounds, so he can get on. A public restroom costs five pounds. In order not to pay for the restroom, Hayato even drove the [Quantum Cube] to evade the fare.

The time came to noon unknowingly, and when Hayato was on the bus eating the sandwich he bought at the store before departure for lunch, the motorcycle he was riding was damaged due to the duel with Hayato, and he had to return on foot. Crane in London finally returned to the British Museum. But as soon as he arrived at the British Museum, which was closed due to a terrorist attack, he learned from other colleagues in the Public Security Bureau about the notice issued to him by his superiors.

The theft of the golden shawl was caused by my absence from duty, so Her Majesty the Queen wants to remove me from my position and deprive me of my title? Are you kidding me, bastard! To the director of the Public Security Bureau on the other end of the phone, Ke Lain said angrily, The security personnel of the British Museum and the police who blocked the area are all like blind men. Why should I be solely responsible!?

You said that other people are like blind people? But the reality is that neither the surveillance nor other witnesses have seen any of the so-called ones you mentioned. 'You can't see the face and features clearly, you can only feel the aura of an evil person. 'The thief, have you read too many novels like The Color of the Stars and At the Mountains of Madness, Sir Crane?

On the phone, the voice of Klein's immediate boss, who is also the director of the Public Security Bureau, came. Because of Klein's outstanding performance and his long-term unwillingness to flatter and take credit for his work, and his lack of tact, he was very concerned about his subordinate who had been treated by the Queen. The excellent employee who was awarded the award has been jealous for a long time, and I have long wanted to give him some shoes, but I have never had the chance.

But now, the opportunity has come. Important cultural relics were looted under Klein's nose, and he failed to recover the stolen cultural relics. Is there any better opportunity than this? With such dereliction of duty, he will never again become a threat to his position as director.

MI6 is responsible for international and royal affairs. The London Police Department, like other police departments, can only handle civilian matters. As an organization between the two, the Public Security Bureau has great power.

No witnesses? Impossible! I saw him walk out of the museum in front of hundreds of people. And before robbing the golden shawl, he destroyed other cultural relics to trigger the alarm. It's impossible that no one noticed him!

But that's what happened, no one saw each other.

As mentioned above, the Public Security Bureau has great power. After learning that a security guard was injured due to the thief's behavior, the director immediately went to confirm whether they knew the identity or appearance of the thief. And at the same time, he used power and profit to silence them, in order to put the blame on Klein, the guy he disliked the most, and suppress him as much as possible.

Everyone only saw that our Sir Klein left his position guarding precious cultural relics without permission and went to queue up to buy breakfast a block away. He disappeared from his post for nearly half of the time. Within hours, he also snatched two police motorcycles and fled the museum in the name of arresting invisible criminals, as if he was eager to take away the cultural relics he had guarded and stolen.

I only borrowed one motorcycle, and the other one was done by that thief! And if I wanted to steal cultural relics, I wouldn't have to make such a big fuss and be discovered by others! Klein argued, never expecting that he He obviously left to catch up with the thief, so why was he suddenly suspected of stealing cultural relics?

On the phone, the director's tone suddenly became gentle: Of course, Klein, I trust you very much. After all, you are the most preferred member of our Public Security Bureau. You have helped us solve countless difficult cases for a long time. For this case, you even received a commendation from the Queen, right? If you were the thief, wouldn't you be slapping Her Majesty the Queen in the face?

But no, I believe you are useless. You have to come up with evidence. It is best if you personally lead someone to arrest the thief, so that the suspicion on you can be cleared. The director continued to persuade, Don't worry, I I will fully assist you, not only for your innocence, but also for the honor of our British Empire, and I can authorize you to use all the resources of the Public Security Bureau.

After hearing the director's words, Klein, who originally thought that this old guy who should have exploded the gold coins long ago, had been targeting him, easily believed that the other party trusted him. However, before he could say anything moved, he heard again. The director said: But Klein, I need a guarantee that you can definitely bring back the thieves and stolen cultural relics. Otherwise, I won't be able to explain to the Queen. Are we going to be like those useless doctors in the emergency room? So, tell the Queen, 'We tried our best'?

No, we must not! Klein said excitedly. He was absolutely loyal to Her Majesty the Queen. I am here to promise you and Her Majesty the Queen that I will never let down the trust in me and will definitely put that trust in my heart. Brought back by the damn thief!”

After hanging up the phone, the director showed a contemptuous smile: Idiot, you actually accepted my 'help'? I am not the only person in the bureau who is dissatisfied with you. No one likes you, a strict guy, let alone this guy. Even a lowly commoner with only a primary school education and a background in the circus.”

It's useless to have the ability. You have to consider your identity and background to get around. Just a little brat waiting to be beaten to death by me.

If you really can catch the thief without other people's hindrance, then you will be considered powerful. After all, with your guarantee, other people will never contribute even a little bit, and they will not be blamed anyway. But even if you really You brought back the golden shawl. With my spies by your side, can’t I ‘capture the traitor and his accomplices’ in time? Hehehehehe.”

Hayato, who was sitting on the bus, didn't know what kind of ripples his behavior of taking away the golden shawl caused, but even if he knew, he wouldn't care too much. After sitting on the bus for more than an hour, he arrived at a station with a rather interesting name called Magdale, which sounded better than the free or transliterated Magdalen Street station.

Master, I feel very close. The aura that resonates with this shawl should be very close. Next to Hayato, [Summoner-Aleister] appeared and sat in the empty seat next to Hayato. superior.

But, it's very strange. It's a cultural relic unearthed in Wales, so why does it smell like it's in England?

God knows, maybe there is academic fraud in this thing? Hayato said nonchalantly, And the Dinghai Shenzhen was left behind by Dayu, wouldn't it be better to listen to Sun Wukong's words?

That's right. Alai nodded, waiting for the vehicle to stop with Hayato, getting up from his seat and getting off.

It is the much-loved Easter holiday. The three-week long holiday is basically equivalent to the Spring Festival for British students. Many children are taken by their parents to travel to the beach or neighboring countries. However, Glastonbury, where Magdalene Street Station is located, is not a well-known village and is obviously not a suitable place for children to play.

On the bus that Hayato took, there were only two people who got off at this stop. The other person besides Hayato was a guy with blond hair. He was quite outstanding in height compared to the others, about one meter taller. Compared to the 95-year-old Hayato, his head was only half lower, and from the fact that he didn't have an umbrella in his hand, it was obvious that he was definitely a foreigner.


Sure enough, as soon as I got out of the car, the weather that was not sunny, but at least cloudy, suddenly changed its face, and it began to rain not heavily but continuously. The humid air made people feel uncomfortable. This was even after Hayato had already anticipated this weather feature in England and opened his umbrella in time.

The blond foreigner without an umbrella could only cover his head with his hands in a panic and look for a place to hide from the rain. The long white windbreaker that looked exquisitely made was about to get wet. wet.

Hayato thought for a while and said in English: Sir over there, if you don't mind, please use the same umbrella as me.

Grazie-assai! Because there was no one else around the station, the blond man was very happy to know that Hayato was talking to him. He subconsciously thanked Hayato in his native language and came under the umbrella held by Hayato. I mean, very Thank you for your help Naonie~”

It’s Italian, and the terminology sounds like it’s from Sicily? Hayato, who knew a little bit of Italian, thought like this and stretched out his umbrella a little, but not too much. He wasn't going to pretend to be a gentleman and wet himself just for a man. If it were Yin Xisi, it would be about the same.

“In order to come here to visit the ruins, I obviously chose a weather that felt okay, but then it suddenly rained. It’s such an annoying country~”

After hiding under Hayato's umbrella, the blond man put down the hand covering his head and showed what he thought was a warm smile to Hayato, Thanks to your help, sir, otherwise I would have been soaked in the water and miserable. It’s so embarrassing to be so pissed off.”

However, after seeing the other person's face clearly, Hayato was frightened and exclaimed: ? [Pot of Desire]!?

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