Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 9 The invincible thunder struck down

Klein, who had just tried to directly attack Hayato with a card spirit, saw his own spirit that was hidden because the duel disk carrying the card entered duel mode, and frowned: Suddenly dueling while driving a motorcycle?

Is there anything wrong with driving and playing cards at the same time? Hayato looked at Klein, who was keeping a certain distance from him, and was not in a hurry to take the lead, Humph, I can't maintain balance while driving in a duel. If so, you will definitely not be able to keep up with me!

Hey, how dare a mere thief make such a big deal? Unlike those clown-like duelists who show off to the public on stage, I have not revealed my reputation just because I have been protecting important cultural relics of the country for a long time. (Due to caching reasons, please Users can directly access the COM website with their browser to watch the fastest chapter updates) However, the British royal family also granted me a knighthood and the power to arrest any criminals for my contribution.

Not only with the use of card spirits, but also with duel monsters, I am the strongest in the entire Public Security Bureau and even the whole of Britain. I will not lose to anyone! Even the so-called duel king will not be my knight's opponent. What's more, you are just a thief? Any crime will be brought to justice!

He sandwiched the five cards in his hand between the windshield and the dashboard to prevent them from being blown away. Like an ancient cavalryman charging on a war horse, Klein held the handle of the motorcycle with one hand to control the direction. The other hand draws the card from the top of the deck, as if the knight is drawing a weapon and about to attack!

I will take the lead, and I will lead the charge! Draw a card!

After looking at the card he had drawn, Klein played the card proudly and said: Look at it, Zayu, this is the power of the righteous sword knight blessed by God that you will never be able to match!

The magic card [Angel's Alms] is activated. After I draw three cards from the deck, I select two cards in my hand and discard them to the graveyard. After drawing three cards and placing them in front of me, I select two of them and discard them to the graveyard. Klein summoned a monster, At the cost of the sacrifice of justice, the conditions for the appearance of the superior swordsman have been met. I special summon this monster from my hand!

Come out, Saber with the power of a tiger! [XX-Swordsman-Gadstrike]!

Beside Klein, who was chasing Hayato on a motorcycle at high speed, a warrior with a round blade similar to a duel disk appeared on his wrist wearing a red cape, running at high speed to keep up with him. Hayato and Crane, but compared to the weapon that cannot be classified as a Saber no matter how you look at it, what is more eye-catching is the ferocious tiger head on its head.

[XX-Swordsman-Gadstrike] [5☆/land]

[Beast Warrior Clan/Effect]


Gardestrike, Garden Strike? What a weird name, it looks like a third-rate monster. Hayato complained, looking like he didn't recognize this card, but he was a little surprised to see the [X-Swordsman] active here. Monsters from early stories in the DT world.

[X-Swordsman] is a general term. It actually includes two fields: [X-Swordsman] who is good at single combat and [XX-Swordsman] who is good at joint combat. However, the former includes the latter. In the DT world In the early days, it was the same four major groups as [Kasumi Valley], [Fire Hell], and [Ice Barrier], but early on, it went with [Kasumi Valley] and [Fire Hell] to make soy sauce and lost its sense of existence, which was not as good as [Ice Barrier]. [Enchantment] can still show up in the later stages of the DT world where gods fight.

Even [Valley of Clouds] could show up in the later stages in the form of [Fumigated Wind] and [Spiritual Beast Envoy], but [Fire Hell] and [X-Swordsman] had the least sense of existence and disappeared without even realizing it. The Gem Knights have a strong sense of presence - but how many characters have a sense of presence that can beat the invincible White Crystal Captain?

Hmph, it seems like you don't even realize how powerful my [XX-Swordsman-Gadstrike] is, and you're just shouting about it. Even though it's a level 5☆ monster, as long as it's in my graveyard If there are two or more monsters with [X-Swordsman] in their names, and there are no monsters on my field, then [XX-Swordsman-Gadstrike] can be removed from my hand. The sacrifice land is specially summoned!

Seeing Klein's rather proud look, Hayato curled his lips and said, I don't feel as good as [Electronic Dragon].

Not only does it need to pile up graves, but it also has the restriction that there are no monsters on the field. The race is also a relatively weak beast warrior clan, and its appearance is not very good. On the other hand, [Electronic Dragon] does not have the limitation of pile up tombs, and it still has a noble light attribute. , the race is also a strong mechanical race, with the same attack but 200 points higher defense. The key is that even the appearance is [Electronic Dragon], which completely beats the former.

Hmph, I don't know what to say. Let my company of sword knights instill deep fear in you. Klein said, picking up another card and playing it, In attack position, normal summon [XX-Swordsman -Emersbred], so that the number of [X-Swordsman] monsters on my field is more than two!”

Immediately afterwards, he played a third card, On this occasion, come out surrounded by knights, Saber who has mastered the power of the sword of sight, [XX-Swordsman-Fortroll]!

Following the tiger-headed man, a standing locust swordsman appeared next to Klein. The bladed legs at the front of his body evolved into a shape similar to a swift sword, crossing in front of it to form a letter. X.

However, its appearance was just a preparation for the appearance of the next monster by Crane. As the thunder fell next to it, a man covered in thick red armor and holding a handle in his hand struck with a somewhat exaggerated A white-haired man with a single-edged giant sword appeared, dragged the giant sword and followed Klein's motorcycle at the same speed as the other two monsters.

[XX-Swordsman-Emersbred] [3☆/land]

【Insect family/effect】



[Warrior/Special Summon/Effect]


You see, this unparalleled power, this is the power of the knights of justice. With unity and cooperation, they can summon friends and summon a large number of powerful monsters in an instant! Klein said proudly, [XX-Swordsman-Fortroll] cannot be normally summoned, and can only be specially summoned when there are two or more [X-Swordsman] monsters on my field.

But it's not over yet, the effect of [XX-Swordsman-Fortroll] is activated! Once per turn, it can only be activated by targeting an [X-Swordsman] monster in my graveyard with a level of 4☆ or lower, and make that monster special Summon. Crane retrieved a monster card from the graveyard that was previously sent to the graveyard by [Angel's Alms], Resurrection, Saber with the holy name, [X-Swordsman-Galahad] ]!

In many knight novels or related works, most noble knights have handsome looks. Galahad, the noble knight who found the Holy Grail in the legend of King Arthur, is a very handsome character in most people's minds.

However, the Galahad who appeared next to Klein at this moment was actually a short stature, a tall hairline, old-fashioned armor, and most importantly, he looked like a lizard and even had his face painted. Ugly man, really shocking.

[X-Swordsman-Galahad] [4☆/land]



If this Galahad is a reptile or a fish, Hayato can still understand. Maybe in the aesthetics of other races, this Garahad will be a handsome guy, but he is a warrior?

Compared to Hayato, who was not concentrating on the duel at all but was paying attention to some things that were there and not there, Crane seemed to have successfully completed his development after specially summoning the [X-Swordsman-Galahad] in the cemetery. , said arrogantly: It's done. Is this unprecedented smoothness because I am chasing the evil thief as a knight of justice?

My invincible knights are united! Wherever the swords of these sword knights point, no enemy will survive. Be prepared to be annihilated, scum!

The arrogant Klein felt that he was invincible at this moment. He had never unfolded it as smoothly and smoothly as he did today. This was the best time he had unfolded, and the monster he summoned was naturally the most powerful. .

There is no doubt that he is invincible!

Put down two cards and my turn ends.

[Crane Yeager: 4000LP, 1 card in hand]


[XX-Swordsman-Emers Blade][ATK1300]



【Gate Card】X2

My turn, draw a card. Looking at the four monsters on Crane's field, although they are only about the same strength, they can summon four monsters in one turn in one turn, and only one of them is attacking. Hayato felt that Crane was actually a bit of a monster with a strength of less than 1,500 points.

But, not much.

Wow, what a powerful monster, but do you think I'm not afraid at all after seeing so many powerful monsters? If the opponent hasn't surrendered after you exploded in one round, you should be ready to surrender. Hayato As he spoke, he took out a card from his hand and hummed, Friend, I have a lightning strike and electric explosion bad beast, don't just attack first~

Launch an invincible [Lightning Strike] and destroy all the monsters on the opponent's field. The roast chicken will be gone!

As the card was inserted into the magic trap area, Hayato raised his hand and pointed upward. Klein couldn't help but look in the direction of his finger, and saw a huge thunder ball suddenly appearing above his field, brewing. Prepare to rain down thunder of destruction on his field.

[Lightning Strike]? Huh, it's just lightning. [X-Swordsman] is not only pretty, watch me cut it open! Klein said, pressing the button to activate Gaika, With In the name of the title granted by the royal family, I activate this invincible card! The Continuous Trap Card [The Royal Palace’s Order]!”


In Hayato's unexpected eyes, a shadow of a king holding a crown appeared behind Crane, and he quickly signed an order to take effect immediately, which should have destroyed all the monsters on Crane's field in one go. [Lightning Strike] was instantly neutralized, and the destructive thunder dissipated before it fell.

Invincible [Lightning Strike] Falling Power (Sad)!

As long as [Palace's Edict] exists face-up in the magic trap area, the effects of all magic cards on the field will be negated. Just one [Thunder Strike] is like defeating my knight? How stupid and evil! Klein said contemptuously, And the price is that I need to pay 700 basic points every time the two sides are in the preparation stage to maintain their existence, which is not worth mentioning at all.

Hayato originally thought that Crane just summoned a bunch of monsters like kitchen knives after a round of explosion. The opponent should be playing the type of frontal attack like Jonouchi, but what he never expected was that Crane's backcourt actually With such a disgusting [Palace's Order], he was deprived of the right to use magic cards.

Then how can he play Duel Monsters?

The answer is of course——

Although it is a pity that [Lightning Strike] was wasted like this, but if you want to invalidate the magic card, you can invalidate it, because the appearance of my next monster does not require any magic cards. Hayato sent two cards from his hand. Graveyard, The effect of [Lan Zhenglong - Dragon Racing] in my hand is activated by discarding it and a wind attribute monster from my hand to the graveyard, and adding a dragon type monster from my deck to my hand.

I added [Diamond Armed Dragon] from the deck to my hand, and due to the effect of the discarded [Armed Dragon Thunderbolt LV7], this card was sent to the graveyard in order to activate the effect of the dragon-type monster. , add another [Armed Dragon] card from the deck to my hand, I choose [Armed Dragon·Thunder LV3]

Then there is the effect of [Diamond Armed Dragon]. I send the wind attribute [Armed Dragon - Thunder LV3] just added to my hand from the card in my hand to the graveyard to activate it, and special summon it from my hand!

Use your drill to break through the blockade, [Threading Diamond Armed Dragon]! Hayato put the card on the duel plate and said with certainty, This time, I played the 'Pure [Armed Dragon]' deck!

Even though the use of magic cards was blocked, by simply relying on the chain use of the simple monster cards in his hand, Hayato quickly dispatched the [Armed Dragon] from the deck, which he carried but had not had a chance to appear for a long time. The monster, at the cost of reducing the number of cards in its hand to three, specially summoned the superior [Armed Dragon]!

[Threading Diamond Armed Dragon] [7☆/Wind]



What? A monster with an attack power of 2800 was summoned so easily!? Klein was surprised, but he said decisively, But I won't let such a powerful monster appear randomly! Open it Cover the card and counterattack the trap card [Sword's Hole]!

This can only be activated if there is an [X-Swordsman] monster on my field. The summon, reverse summon, and special summon of the monster are invalid and destroyed!

The noble three-speed counterattack trap was opened, and Hayato's mighty [Piercing Diamond Armed Dragon] on the field had just shown his face, when he found that a crack suddenly opened under him, and the passage to another dimension passed through [Piercing Through] in an instant. The strong body of Heart Diamond Armed Dragon directly destroyed it.

However, Hayato watched the [Threading Diamond Armed Dragon] being destroyed and disappeared without any surprise, with an expression that he had expected: Sure enough, there are still pitfalls, thanks to the [Threading Diamond Armed Dragon]'s help to step into the pit, thank you Such a necessary sacrifice.

If there is no Gaika in the backcourt, I can continue to expand with peace of mind. But before that, I have to use [Armed Dragon Thunderbolt] that was sent to the graveyard by the special summon of [Diamond Armed Dragon] LV3] effect.”

This card can only be activated when it is sent to the graveyard to activate the effect of a dragon-type monster. I draw a card from the deck.

After drawing a card, Hayato immediately summoned the drawn card on the field without looking at it: Come out, the future Dragon King with unlimited potential! [Half-Dragon Maid-Laundry Dragon Lady]!

I must summon Little Blue immediately!

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