Is this the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Ada thief!

Chapter 64: Unforgivable, Becas

Jounouchi! Honda! Throwing away the electroshock device he had snatched, Kaiba stood up. Before he could check on the condition of his long-missed brother, Kaiba Keihei, he heard the sound of a man and a woman coming from afar. sound.

Turning his head to look, what came into Kaiba's eyes was a bright starfish - I mean Yugi. He and Kyoko had just arrived here. They looked at Jonouchi and Honda who fell to the ground and shouted anxiously. It was too late to say hello to Kaiba. .

Yu, Yugi... Kyoko went to check on Honda. Yugi came to Jonouchi's side and helped him turn over. Looking at the game in front of him, Jonouchi endured the pain from all over his body, forced a smile, and said, Kuihei, you weren't taken away, were you?

Well, Kaiba-kun came here and rescued Keppei. Yugi said, looking at Kaiba aside, and showed a kind smile as a greeting. But Kaiba didn't appreciate it. He just glanced at Jonouchi and Yugi, muttered boring friendship, and walked towards Keppei.

Kaiba-kun, you ran too fast~ In the woods, Tapiro's long white hair was full of broken leaves and small branches. He ran out panting and looking embarrassed. He saw Yugi, Jonouchi and others. He was stunned for a moment, then greeted with a smile, Ah, Yugi-kun, Jonouchi-kun, I didn't expect you to be here~

Tairang? Yu Yu and the others were also surprised. They didn't expect that Tapiliang, whose presence in the class was comparable to that of the game, would actually come to the Duel Kingdom.

Kaiba checked Keppei's condition. Although there was a lot of movement around him, it seemed that the anesthetic drugs used by the two men in black were very effective. Even after being thrown to the ground for the second time, Keppei still slept soundly.

Kuihei, I won't let others hurt you anymore. Kaiba picked up Keihei and said distressedly as he looked at the small wounds all over his brother's body caused by falling to the ground and scratching against branches. His eyes gradually shifted to the two men in black lying on the ground. How dare you treat his brother Keihei like this, these two people are unforgivable!

Kyoko and Yugi each supported Honda and Jonouchi to rest against a nearby tree. However, what Kaiba, who had been looking at the two men in black, did not notice was that the fingers of the man in black who died with Honda, He moved slightly, and a golden eyeball pattern slowly appeared on his forehead that was close to the earth.

Damn, the road here is too difficult. Because he was so big, the forest couldn't bear it, and Hayato walked with difficulty in the jungle. After sorting out the cards, he followed the traces left by Kaiba and Tapiryo, Next time I will take the big road no matter what, if I take the small road again I will be a pig.

From a distance, he saw Yugi and Kyoko, who were concerned about Jonouchi and Honda, and Kaiba, who stood up with Keppei in his arms, through the gaps between the branches. Tairyo stood on the other side, arranging his long hair. Hayato opened his mouth and was about to say hello over there, but suddenly, a wave of power that Hayato was quite familiar with swept over him.

This power is! Hayato's head began to hurt before he could recognize the source of this power, and his body gradually became sluggish and unable to move. Hayato, who had once confronted this power, recognized it, It's Becas's [Millennium Eye]!

Curi~ [Rainbow Chestnut Ball] appeared in time, and the elf power protected Hayato. Although he could not move freely, it somewhat restored Hayato's gradually slowed down thinking. Immediately afterwards, the [Millennium Wheel of Wisdom] on Hayato's chest emitted a golden brilliance, and Hayato felt that his body had regained its ability to move under the light of this light.

Oh~ Hayato boy, I didn't expect you to actually get a [Millennium Item]~

Someone who can speak half-baked English and can unleash the power of the [Millennium Eye], who else but Becas? Hayato looked up and saw a man in black who had fallen on the ground slowly getting up, looking at Hayato with empty eyes and a strange smile. On the forehead of the man in black, a golden eyeball pattern shines.

You are, Becas, right. Although it was a question, Hayato's tone was very sure, I always thought that the organizer of Duel Kingdom would not come down to interfere with the progress of the game.

You're wrong, Hayato boy~ The man in black, or the puppet controlled by Becas, raised a finger and shook it, Kaiba boy and Keppei boy are not participants in the Duel Kingdom competition. , Strictly speaking, they are all those who disrupt the order of the game. As the organizer, I have full reasons and qualifications to deal with them.

Hayato smiled: The processing you are talking about, don't you mean using the power of the [Millennium Eye] to peel off the soul of one of the two brothers like the soul of Mr. Sugoroku, and then use it to Come to threaten another person?

How long are you going to play with people's hearts, Becas!

Oh~ Hayato boy, are you angry? Angry is not good for people's health. Facing Hayato, Bekas seemed quite calm, But you really understand me, I do have that plan. Come on. Brother kills each other, and then both fall into the abyss of defeat because of their feelings for each other. This is really the best drama in the world~

I won't agree to that kind of thing. Hayato swung out the hand hidden behind his back, and the [Dark Knight Gaia] card spun out like a ninja's darts, heading straight towards the person controlled by Becas. The man in black walked away. On top of the card, the figure of [Gaia] appeared, galloping on a war horse, and stabbed the spear in his hand along the position of the card.

The power of card spirits is divided into multiple stages. As the strongest card monster currently in Hayato's hands, although it has the restriction that it requires the use of its own card to attack, there is no doubt that today's [Gaia] can barely interfere with the entity.

The illusory spear came straight to the door, but the man in black stretched out his hand quite calmly, and the golden eyeball on his forehead - the Eye of Ugato, which symbolized punishment, shined brightly. Touching the insubstantial light, [Gaia]'s spear seemed to have hit something, and even the card of [Gaia]'s body was caught in the fingertips of [Bekas].

When we last met, Hayato boy, your [Gaia] hasn't reached this stage yet? It's growing so fast, it makes me feel old~ I glanced at the [Gaia] on my fingertips. , Bekas smiled and threw the card back, The duel monster card that has awakened the elf power must be kept well. Don't throw it away again, Hayato boy~

[Gaia] was so powerful when it launched the attack, and how powerful it was when it was thrown back by Bekas. With the dazzling golden light, Hayato caught the flying [Gaia] card, but his whole body was knocked directly into the trunk of the big tree behind him.

When Hayato raised his head, the man in black controlled by Becas and his companions had disappeared. Also disappearing was Keihei in Kaiba's arms.

What remained at the scene and allowed everyone who had escaped the power of the [Millennium Eye] to hear was Bekas's words: Yuyu Boy, Hayato Boy, and Kaiba Boy, you have to move a little faster~ Just now, the top eight players of First were born.

If you want to regain what you lost, come to my castle. I have been waiting for you~

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