Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 393


Chapter 393 Storm (6)

The swift sword from behind was fast, poisonous, and vicious Bite into Ciel's armpit.

In a fleeting moment, the sword edge accurately captures the gap left by the shoulder armor of the right arm to clamp the lance, and the sword technique is superb.

Ciel couldn't dodge in time, hit the sword, his body suddenly curled up in pain, and he fell forward.

However, the blade only sunk into the armour an inch, and stopped at the lock page under the armpit of the armor, and could not go any further.

Probably the skilled swordsman didn't expect someone to go to great lengths to prepare a full set of heavy armor - not a battle.

Failed to hit a single blow, the swordsman strode forward, chasing down Armored Soldier's crotch.

He was greeted by a dark muzzle.

The broken lantern, the fallen Armored Soldier, the silent swordsman, the stunned militia, time seems to freeze in this brief moment.

Charle clenched his teeth and endured the excruciating pain until the short gun was firmly aimed at the assassin before pulling the trigger.

There is a crisp sound of "click", the spring wheel rotates, the flames and gunpowder shoot out, and time resumes its flow.

The lead bullet penetrates the flesh and smashes the lungs and hearts.

The swordsman stumbled under his feet, his head lost his alignment, and the swift sword was pushed by the heavy torso and inserted into Ciel's left leg.

Charle used the gun as a hammer and smashed assassin's head violently: "[Broken swear words]!"

The two sled dogs barked wildly, lingered, and followed Two militiamen startled into the basement, one reaching for the assassin, the other scrambling to draw his sword.

There was another dull gunshot, this time, gunpowder was spewing from the inside of the secret door.

Immediately after, a dark iron ball flew out of the secret door, and the gunpowder on the shell of the iron ball made a sound of "si si".

At the front line of life and death, Ciel burst out with astonishing power. He picked up the iron ball and smashed it back to the secret door, and at the same time pulled the assassin, who didn't know whether to live or die, to block him in front of him.



Two bodies were dragged out of the yard. White-headed Roger looked at them one by one, and the "black-faced man" in his mouth was not among them.

Charle sits against the wall and has been treated by Kaman.

There were two bloodstains extending from his temples, and his hair and eyebrows were covered with dust, as if they were covered with a layer of perfume. There are dark red spots in the middle of the large white, which is mud mixed with blood and dust.

A militiaman lay quietly on the side of the road, his upper body covered with clothes.

Another militiaman, staring blankly, slumped over his neighbor's body, still not recovering from the shock.

The place where the corpse was placed became a temporary assembly area, and men with weapons continued to rush to meet.

Several reservists in sashes ran down the street holding torches to maintain order.

Some women who lived nearby wrapped their shawls and walked out of the house. They stood more than ten meters away from the corpse, whispering and exchanging messages.

A barefoot young woman recklessly ran across the militia line, squeezed past the crowd of onlookers, and ran to the militia's body.

The young woman shivered as she opened her clothes, and the last glimmer of hope was dashed. She fell to her knees weakly, and Wu Wu burst into tears.

A moment later, another limping Old Lady walked over to the corpse with the help of a servant.

Old Lady looked sad, but did not cry in public, but silently re-covered the deceased's clothes, carefully tucked the corners of her clothes, held the cold hand of the deceased, and chanted in a low voice.

Inside the courtyard walls, Winters had just interrogated the old doctor and his wife, and was leading someone to check the secret room that Shire found.

The secret room, along with the basement, was sealed off by order of Winters, and the militiamen and unrelated persons were not allowed to enter.

When there were only his own people around, Winters asked Kaman: "You can tell the truth of what I say, why can't you tell if the old fogey is lying?"

Kaman followed behind and replied in a muffled voice: "He's too scared, even if he tells the truth, it's like he's telling a lie."

The terrified royalist old couple poured water on them. All that can be said is said.

The problem is that, aside from knowing that they are "working for Your Majesty," they are exposed to very little.

The old doctor has been "working for Your Majesty" for 16 years, and what he has done the most in the past 16 years is actually record his own experiences - write a diary, and then regularly send the diary to North Monta relatives.

Four years ago, "Your Majesty's Servant" disguised as the old doctor's coachman and dug a secret room under his house. Since then, the old doctor has dismissed all live-in servants.

According to the old doctor, the secret room has been idle since its completion, and only moved in and out of some cages two years ago. "Your Majesty's Servant" neither told him what was stored nor allowed him to inquire. Occasionally, under the cover of a medical visit, stored items are transported.

He doesn't know where else is "Your Majesty's Servant", his upline is a Mr. Blackface from [John H. Sherlock Trading Company] - and Roger the Whitehead's upline should be same person. But the John H. Sherlock Trading Company is in the Bay Area—the Old Town—and Winters is temporarily out of reach.

In Winters' view, the Chamber of Secrets was never idle. The background is reliable, the location is hidden, the owner is a doctor... the back room of this house is a perfect emergency shelter.

As for the old doctor's so-called "never told me what was stored", he was just trying to shirk his responsibility.

Winters sighed: "Two decades later, there are still royalists."

"Why?" Kaman asked coldly.

The secret room is lower than the original basement of the house and is connected to the basement by a short corridor.

Stepping out of the corridor, in front of you is a basement about the size of a bedroom. No household utensils can be seen indoors, and a large wooden box is surrounded by several small wooden boxes as tables and chairs.

A lampstand lay on the ground, and dozens of dirty playing cards were scattered all around the wooden box.

Except for the passage and a small space for people to rest, the rest of the chamber was filled with crates.

Winters surveyed the interior, a secluded cellar that was more of a "fox's storeroom" than a "fox's den."

"Pry it open." Winters was disappointed, and folded his arms and ordered, "Look what's going to hide in this kind of place?"

The first crate, empty of.

The second crate is also empty.

The third crate, still empty.

The guard carrying the box became impatient, and his movements became increasingly rough.

The fourth crate opened, not empty, and contained some sealed glass bottles, carefully separated by wooden strips and straw.

"Wine?" The guard was puzzled.

Winters took out one of the glass bottles, removed the sealant, removed the cork, sniffed lightly, and turned around abruptly to snuff out the candle in Kaman's hand.

"What's the matter?" Kaman asked in a stern voice.

Winters unfastened the copper buckle of his belt, the dark green rays of light filled the chamber again, and the liquid in the glass bottle grew darker.

Winters tightly corked the glass bottle: "Liquid fire."

Karman took some time to digest the information, staring at the box of liquid fire, and said, "The charr's Good luck."

Winters touched the lampstand and scattered cards on the ground with the toe of his boot, and simulated the airflow when the grenade exploded in his mind: "It's good luck."

Most of the crates that were opened next were empty, and the non-empty crates were filled with ordnance: liquid fire, grenades, guns, gunpowders... The secret room could no longer be placed, and the wooden crates were moved to the adjacent basement.

The guard carrying the crate couldn't hide his smile: "The Empire's arsenal is cheaper for us! Hundred-Men Commander."

Winters didn't want an arsenal, he browsed tightly frowns, pacing the basement.

Another guard came down the ladder: "My lord, Mr. Schmid and the North City Sheriff have come and are waiting outside."

Kaman and the man carrying the crate The guards all looked towards Winters.

"According to the old man." Winters tapped the hilt of his sword lightly: "The two assassins in the secret room were hiding here in the morning?"

"Yes. "

"Then they didn't flee here to hide after we defeated Esther Manor." Winters gave a high five: "They are protecting this secret room"

The guard carrying the crate was puzzled: "Shouldn't the arsenal be guarded?"

"Then why was it unguarded before? Now most of the crates are empty. Isn't there more ordnance stored in the past?" Winters spoke quickly and quickly: "It doesn't matter whether you keep someone to guard this kind of dark place."

The guard scratched the back of his head.

Winters remembered the oil lamp: "Once exposed, the assassin guarding the arsenal has no time to remove the rest of the ordnance. All he can do is destroy...or perish together."

The two guards heard this, looked towards FCL of liquid fire and gunpowder, Adam's apple involuntarily flipped.

"Roger the Whitehead saw Green Eyes carriage half a block away, if this is just an armory, why would Green Eyes venture here?" Winters stared at Carman: "You are Green Eyes, What's your reason for taking the risk?"

"I'm not a messenger, how do I know what an messenger thinks?"

"What is a messenger?"

card Mann stopped talking.

"Think! Think!" Winters grabbed Kaman's shoulders: "Think about those assassins, they don't have anything to identify them - including that green eye! We know they're back The swearer's jackal, but there's no evidence. What does that mean? That's how they behave."

Kaman clenched his fists and loosened them.

"If I had green eyes, what would I do the night before I destroyed Steel Castle?" Winters asked himself: "I would destroy all documents, kill all witnesses, and erase all footprints. , to erase all trace of me in it. Let the riots in Steelcastle tonight feel like a spontaneous disaster. Like..." Like another fire,"

Kaman understood, but he didn't want to answer.

The guard who moved the box asked hesitantly, "You mean the Imperials hid their 'traces' here?"

"No." Winters replied without hesitation : "Things that can be destroyed must have been destroyed."

He changed the subject again: "But are there some things that 'can't be easily destroyed', 'no need to be transported away' and 'must be kept well' Things? If I had green eyes, I would put those things in the safest place tonight, and send someone to watch them at all times. If all goes well, they can be easily retrieved afterwards; if anything happens, they will be destroyed immediately.”

tone barely fell , Winters had already walked to the secret room: "Move out all the crates and check one by one!"

The four of them worked together, which was extremely efficient.

The remaining crates were quickly moved into the basement and checked out.


The two guards stared awkwardly at the toes of their boots, afraid to speak.

Winters drew his sword, looked around the walls of the chamber, and suddenly stabbed at the empty cardboard box.

The long sword penetrated the crate and went straight into the ground, but it made a sound of gold and iron that penetrated the soil.

“Decomposition Spell!”

The crate was torn apart and sawdust scattered.


After digging less than an inch, the things buried in the soil were exposed.

It's a fist-sized linen bag filled with hard stuff. They are neatly stacked on top of each other, lying quietly in the dirt.

Winters cut one open, and the contents of the bag flowed with a seductive sheen under the firelight.

is Silver Coin.

Kaman glanced at Winters: "It's really something that 'can't be wiped away', 'doesn't have to be shipped' and 'must be kept'."

Winters one Without saying a word, he pulled out a linen bag, checked, and the next.

Kaman shouted the head and reached out. The two guards came back to his senses and hurried forward to help.

There were more than one hundred bags of gold and silver in linen cloth pockets, all of which were quickly removed.

When the last burlap bag was lifted up, a guard screamed in surprise and took out another square iron box from the bottom of the pit.

This time, even Kaman's brows were raised, revealing a three-pointed surprise.

The tin box was locked, and Winters pulled the cover aside, looked at the keyhole, and remembered the small string of keys found on the green-eyed corpse.

He took the set of keys out of his carrying bag and tried them one by one.

No, no, no, right...

The fourth key slipped smoothly into the keyhole, and Winters and Karman looked at each other and twisted the key firmly.

As if responding to his call, there was a "click" sound inside the iron box, and the lid of the box popped up lightly.

All eyes turned to the box: a wasteland-style knife, a pair of glasses, a handkerchief, a portrait of a woman, an iron ring with the coat of arms of the sun, a string of small numbers engraved on it. The key...

Winters took out the woman's portrait. In the frame, a quiet and elegant young woman smiled shallowly.

Winters silently put the portrait back into the iron box, and let out a faint sigh: "It seems to be his personal item."

Kaman took out the iron ring and fixed it. After a long time: "This... this is the messenger's token, that guy is really the messenger."

"Really?" Winters took the iron ring and asked: "What's special?"


Kaman shook his head slightly: "I don't know."

"It doesn't seem difficult to fake it."

"They have their verification method."

While speaking, the sound of ladders came from the basement.

Because Winters had ordered the basement to be sealed off, a guard immediately asked, "Who?"

"It's me." Ciel spoke seven points louder than usual: "Shi Mead, old fogey, is waiting outside and is dying!"

Winters put away the tin box and picked up two bags of gold coins: "Go!"

The four of them filed in. Down the corridor, the small secret room returned to darkness and silence.

But only a few seconds later, Winters turned back. He rushed into the secret room and frantically rummaged through the mound.

Kaman followed back like an enemy, saw Winters turning the soil, and asked with gnashing teeth: "What are you looking for?"

"Damn green eyes , is cheating and tricking all the time. It's gold and silver, a portrait, and a ring. But he buried something so deep, how can he destroy it!? The guy with green eyes must put the most important things. In the easiest place to destroy."

"Found it!" Winters stood up abruptly, a dirty card carefully held in his hand.

Kaman is in the dark.

Winters checked carefully for a moment, carefully picking up a corner of the card, and as he slowly exerted force, he forcibly peeled off the layer of pattern and numbers on the surface of the card, revealing the pale-yellow cardboard base. .

Kaman looked at the still-empty deck: "Still nothing?"

"Not nothing." Winters was silent for a moment, exhales one mouthful of impure air, his eyes dimmed and said, "It's steganography."

He put the bottom of the card by the candle and heated it, brownish, no Regular letters are revealed.


Old Schmidt finally waited until "Captain Bern" walked out of the yard with two bags.

Before old fogey could speak, Captain Bern's voice had reached his ears: "How many people did you find?"

The sheriff hurriedly replied: "Recently The nine blocks of free people from here have all arrived, plus yours, there is almost a battallion. There are more people coming."

Old Schmid answered eagerly. : "But the old city seems to be getting worse and worse, Your Excellency, what should I do next?"

Winters glanced at the city in the dark, and the assassin who escaped from the Esther Manor had not yet been found. Imperial spies must have other secret hideouts in the North City.

Continue the search, and there may be a chance to pull up by the roots of the spy network the Oathbreakers have planted in Steelcastle.

But there are more important things at the moment - the direction of the old town, the fire is red in the sky.

He put the two bags of gold coins in his hands into the sheriff's arms: "You guard this place yourself, don't let anyone in or out. Trespassers can be killed on the spot. Two bags of gold, one for The family of the militiaman who was killed just now. The other bag is distributed to the injured militiaman and the family of those whose property was damaged during the search."

The sheriff's eyes widened, first nodded, and then raised his hand to salute.

"Follow me." Winters looked towards Old Schmid, who quickly recalled the map and traffic arteries of Fort Steel: "Go to Constitution Street. I'm going to set up the first line of defense on Constitution Street. Pick two reliable people to give orders, and let the free men who arrive behind go directly to Constitution Street to assemble."

"I told my son to go!" Old Schmid hurriedly walked to the queue.

Winters jumped on his horse and rode through the streets where armed citizens lined up, roaring: "Stand up!"

The loose, whispering "free men" They subconsciously obeyed the orders, and the street became chillingly quiet for a moment.

Thanks to winter military training year after year, even Monta men who have never been in the military can use weapons, march in formation and obey orders.

Winters has a few compliments in his heart. It is worthy of being a recruiting ground for the Imperial Family. In terms of military literacy per capita, it is not known how much higher than the new land.

"I am Captain Ike Berne, Solingen State's highest military commander has appointed me to take over the defense of the North City, and the North City will be under curfew immediately." Winters' cold and powerful voice echoed on the long street: "From From now on, you are under my command; from now on, you are subject to military law; from now on, I give orders, and you obey. In exchange, I will defend your property! Defend your family! Defend your city!"

Winters gave the militia no time to question, and waved his hand: "All - turn right!"

"Target - Constitution Street!"

"There will be our first line of defense!
"Prepare - go! "

After a brief delay and some small-scale chaos, the militia's formation moved slowly. Once the formation moved, it was impossible for people to think, only inertial obedience.

Winters Immediately after rushing to the crossroads, according to his request, the militiamen with horses were organized into a separate team.

Beijing City is the wealthiest city in Steel Castle, and people who can ride horses and can afford horses Not a few.

Winters glanced over and saw that the militiamen on horseback approached a platoon and stretched to the next intersection.

He immediately pointed out a square mounted militia and handed it over to the The sheriff went to enforce a curfew to prevent the imperial assassin from fishing in troubled waters in the rear.

After arranging things in the front and rear, he called the remaining hundred or so "cavalry" to one place.

"You will be under my own command. Winters rarely showed a smile tonight: "It doesn't matter if you don't know how to fight, just follow me." "

With that, Winters pulled the reins and Changfeng raised his front hooves high, neighing excitedly.

"Gentlemen, there is a city waiting for you to defend." ! Set off! ”


(End of this chapter)

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