Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 375


Chapter 375 vortex (1)

A plain signet ring lay quietly on the windowsill.

Seeing the ring, Winters straightened up without hesitation and gave a meticulous salute.

The shank of the ring is seriously deformed, and the ring face seems to be forcibly split by brute force, leaving only a horrible to see fracture.

But Winters knew what was originally engraved on the face of the ring, because he should have had one too.

It was the "Ring of the Great Alliance", a gift from the Union Army Academy to graduates, both as a congratulations and as a reminder to the latter to remember the original intention of Marshal Ned to establish the Army Academy.

The middle-aged man raised his hand and touched his eyebrows, which was considered a salutation: "Relax, kid, don't be tight."

When returning the salutation, the middle-aged man changed the wine glass to left hand. Winters catches a glimpse of the middle-aged man's left hand without a pinky and ring finger - the ring suffers such a terrifying fate that the man who wears it will only suffer more.

“The twenty-first issue.” Winters answered truthfully.

"Twenty-one? Oh, time is such a bitch. Twenty-one, twenty-one..." The middle-aged man rubbed the mouth of his cup, looking thoughtful. As the wrinkles between his eyebrows deepened a little bit, his eyes gradually became sharper.

When he spoke again, the middle-aged man's tone was already three-pointed with suspicion. He asked badly: "The twenty-first period? So you graduated the year before?"


"I heard that all the Platonic graduates from the previous year were dispatched overseas?" The middle-aged man looked at Winters, his eyes seemed to split the latter: "When did you come back? ?"

Winters responded fluently: "I only returned to Palatu last May."

The middle-aged man paid attention to Winters' tiniest changes in expression, intuition and experience told He, the little fellow in front of him wasn't lying - Winters didn't lie either.

"It's pretty fast." The middle-aged man muttered, and drank the spirits from the glass with his neck up. He picked up the bottle and poured it again and asked, "Have you suffered?"

"Eat a little."

"There must be more than a little. But it's good luck to come back alive, and a little hardship can't be considered anything bad." The middle-aged man poured himself half A glass of wine to pour for Winters.

Seeing that there was not a drop of liquid in the Winters cup, the middle-aged man said with a smile: "Drink it, it's not poisonous. Everything in the Esther family mansion is stained with money. Smelly, the cleanest thing is wine."

Winters took a sip, the pungent smell making him want to cough.

“Not drinking?” The middle-aged man poured Winters another drink.

"I don't drink often."

"Hmph, sooner or later." The middle-aged man sneered, his tone changed from questioning to asking: "Why come to Steel Castle?"

Winters answered happily: "Ordnance."

"Who sent you?"

"Sorry, sir. I can't tell you."

"The cards have been revealed, so what are you doing with your hands?" The middle-aged man laughed dumbly, feigned anger, and rebuked: "The Republic of Monta is next to the military government of Palatu. Territory, who can you guys be? Do you still want to pretend to be the messengers of the castles."

The other party obviously knew some information, but he obviously didn't know all the information.

So Winters gave a veiled smile, neither admitting nor denying it.

"You're the only one here?" the middle-aged man asked again.

Winters realizes that the other party may not have investigated him beforehand, so he decides to test it: "Sorry, I can't reveal it. How do you find out who I am?"

"Just as you're stuck there like a stake and you're at a loss, anyone with a discerning eye can see what you're up to. You've been wearing a uniform for too many years, putting on a dress, and you don't know where to put your hands - it's you. ."

"So obvious?" Winters touched the tip of his nose guiltily.

"Otherwise why are you here?" the middle-aged man asked, looking at Winters: "And no matter how good your demeanor is, once you speak, you're going to reveal it sooner or later. Accent can't be hidden. You, especially a fresh graduate like you. So I'm wondering, are all those guys in Alpad's hands dizzy? Send you here? Or are you just a front-runner?"

"Me too..." Winters weighed the words: "involuntarily."

"Who can be absolutely free?" After a long exhalation, he asked casually: "You came to Steel Castle, who helped you build the line?"

Without waiting for Winters to answer, the middle-aged man sarcastically said, "I know, too. Can't say, right?"

Confirming that the other party didn't intend to embarrass him, Winters nodded apologetically: "Actually, I don't know much right now."

middle-aged man Self-drinking and ignoring Winters.

Winters stood silently for a while, and when the atmosphere started to get a little awkward, he asked cautiously, "And then, sir."

"And then?" middle- The aged man glanced at Winters.

"That's it?" Winters continued, emboldened.

"Then what else do you want?" The middle-aged man raised his eyebrows and asked, "Wait until I catch you and torture you?"

Winters understood, and he immediately raised the eyebrows. Hand salute: "You are magnanimous, I am grateful."

"If Monta and Plato are not at war, you are not in my sphere of responsibility. Be disciplined and don't cause trouble." middle -aged man waved his hand, signaling Winters to leave.

Across a wall, the lobby is warm and the corridors are cold and cheerless. Winters took a few steps away and turned back.

Facing the unhappy eyes of the middle-aged man, Winters explained with a wry smile: "I'm more comfortable staying in a place with fewer people. Would you mind having one more person to drink with you?"

The middle-aged man pushed the glass, which slid over the marble ledge and stopped in front of Winters.

Winters made up his mind not to ask the other party for help, nor to ask the other party's identity unless the other party told them to.

Because there is no need to ask, there are only so many officers from Luyuan, and only fewer can appear in Steel Fort. Combined with age and physical characteristics, you can ask Carlo Ed after the incident. Know who the other person is.

The middle-aged man asked poignantly: "The matchmaker has worked hard to get you tickets to the Ester family reception, so you don't go to the sellers to get along and get acquainted with each other. ?"

"Actually I don't know who to do business with right now," Winters answered honestly.

The middle-aged man glanced at Winters: "Then do you know where this place is?"

"Bolso da Este's mansion."

"Just know this?"

"...Please clarify."

"Who is Esther?" asked the middle-aged man lightly.

Winters gives a cautious answer: "The Veneta."

The middle-aged man sneers.

"Uh..." Winters tentatively replied, "Mayor Wupper's friend?"

"Wrong, 'ally'," the middle-aged man corrected, he Continue to ask: "Who is Paul Wupper?"

"Mayor of Steelcastle, the Wupper Canal is named after his family."

"Wrong, yes 'The outgoing mayor'. The next guild chief's position is still in his turn, no one knows."

The middle-aged man leaned against the windowsill, looking towards the side of the corridor wall. On the other side of the wall, out of sight of Winters and middle-aged men, the most powerful and wealthy men of Steelcastle were shoving cups and laughing.

"So." middle-aged man looked towards Winters: "What did the White Eagle invite these people to do?"

The sudden trade ban, the extinguished steel forge Furnace, upcoming guild elections... A plethora of information rolls up in Winters' mind, and he comes to the conclusion with little effort: "Canvassing."

"Shit." middle-aged man scorns Yi Gu: "It's vote bribery!"

Winters was silent.

"Look! This is how the Union Provinces and Veneta corrupt us!" the middle-aged man cynically commented: "Your Plato is corrupting and our Monta is corrupting Corrupted for many years. The tentacles of the province and Veneta stretch out like this, spreading and growing in every shadow under the mountains. They tore each other for Monta's control, but no one cares about Monta The life and death of man. The free republic is forever united? Oh, are tyrants and slaves also worthy of talking about freedom and union?" There was only half of the liquid left in the bottle.

The republics of Monta and Vine have been included since their inception - under "supervision" to put it mildly, and under "control" to be honest. Unsurprisingly, Plato, who was torn in half, will usher in a similar fate and will no longer be able to exist in the alliance as an independent political entity.

Winters guessed that the other party thought of himself as a Platonic soldier, so there was some sympathy for this conversation.

Winters held the wine glass and asked boldly and calmly: "Then, please, sir, what is the attitude of the seniors of the Monta Army?"

The middle-aged man instantly He became alert, the drunkenness in his eyes was disappeared, and his eyes condensed into a needle-like entity again: "What attitude?"

"Attitude about war." Ask, will you take sides? Will you declare war or even send troops?"

"Why, are you scared?" the middle-aged man asked with a smile.

"Yes." Winters replied calmly: "The Third Republic may still have the strength to fight against the puppet governments of the castles alone. But if it is besieged by the castles, the provinces and Monta on three sides , the failure is only a matter of time. Even if the Monta Republic does not send troops directly, but only deploys a Legion on the border as a check, the Third Republic cannot afford it. So I want to know the attitude of Monta's army decision makers."

"So what if you know?" the middle-aged man asked casually, sipping his strong drink, "Surrender early?"

Winters thought for a moment: "I don't know what to do, I just take a step and watch One step."

The middle-aged man glanced at Winters slightly unexpectedly, smack his lips and sigh: "When I was your age, if someone asked me the same question, I would blushing and swearing. Swear 'I'd rather die than surrender.' It's good that you're not talking nonsense. It's hard to die, and no one knows whether they're a warrior or a coward until the last minute."

No Winters Accept the thumbs up, so no action.

"Listen, boy, none of the Montans want to fight the Paratus. We've shed so much blood that we don't want to be buried farther from home. But sometimes... ..." The middle-aged man looked out the window, borrowing Winters' words: "We're 'involuntarily' too. Do you understand?"

Winters denomination: "Got it."

"You know shit!" The middle-aged man slapped Winters on the forehead, waving his hands in disgust to drive him away: "Come on, go and clink glasses with the gentlemen in the hall. Beg them to sell you some more armaments so you can get away with it. The Latu people bleed more."

Winters took the bottle, poured half a glass of wine for the middle-aged man, and poured a little more for himself: "But I really don't know anyone in there. It's easier here, sir."

The middle-aged man glanced at the empty bottle, drank the last of the spirits in it, and wiped his hands with the curtains nonchalantly: "Come on, I'll take you to see the carrion wrapped in Steel Castle's glossy coat."

After saying that, he put down his glass and walked to the banquet hall.

Winters froze for a moment, then quickly followed.


At the same time, in another mansion in the northern city.

An agent of the Imperial Security Council, a black-faced man from Lacey's brother Trading Company, is reporting to another man in an iron mask.

The black-faced man stood at the table respectfully, not daring to slack off.

The man in the iron mask asked in a dull voice, "Da Granasi?"

"Yes." The black-faced man heavily nodded: "I got the registration. Book, confirm it's this surname."

"It seems to be a surname in the mountains." The masked man pondered: "Is it an exiled family?"

The black-faced man looked embarrassed : "This... I'm sorry my subordinates don't know."

After the Sovereign War, a large number of provincial nobles fled to the Empire and Veneta to avoid the purge.

The provincial nobles who were exiled to the empire, some scattered among the people, and the other were rescued, selected, and appointed by the emperor, becoming [court nobles] with empty titles, no actual Fiefdom, and completely dependent on the imperial power.

With the help of the power of the exiled nobles, the emperor gradually gathered his power and suppressed the old real power princes of the empire. In the process, the "southern exiles" also became a political force within the empire that could not be ignored.

" seems to be a family name in the piedmont." The masked man repeatedly chewed on the unfamiliar surname and asked, "What coat of arms does Lord Baron use?"


"Golden Shield Lion." The black-faced man hurriedly took out a piece of white paper folded in half from his arms, offered it with both hands, and said as if taking credit: "My subordinate went to the Nancheng District on purpose, and followed the instructions of Granasi. Baron's carriage is copied as it is."

The masked man unfolded the white paper and commented: "'s quite plain, kite-shaped shield, no crown. Two-winged lion? It might be an exile. What's on this side? Whip? Sawtooth?"

"It seems to be ears of wheat." The black-faced man replied cautiously.

The masked man sneered and put down the white paper with the coat of arms: "What is the symbol of the wheat ears drawn into the coat of arms? It's getting more and more messy."

The black-faced man wiped the sweat from his forehead: "Yeah, who knows what those adults are thinking."

The evolution of the coat of arms is definitely the best footnote to the imperial luxury.

In the early years, when the nobles of all sizes were very poor, the coat of arms and shield emblem had no obvious demarcation, but only a sign to distinguish the enemy from the enemy, so the structure was very simple and clear. Three circles and a cross can be used as badges.

Nowadays, the wealth of the imperial aristocracy is becoming more and more abundant, and the coat of arms has also become a comparison thing. The coat of arms of each Great Family is becoming more and more complicated and luxurious, and everyone can't wait to put all the symbols that can elevate their status into the coat of arms.

Not only nobles, but even merchants, guilds, and cities have begun to make exclusive coats of arms, and the call for "standardization of coat of arms" is getting louder and louder.

So the masked man and the black-faced man don't know whether "wheat ear" is a new popular element recently.

After a moment of contemplation, the masked man asked, "Did Granasi Baron come with his wife?"

"Yes." The black-faced man replied, "How many other Du The Sark escort, I confirmed with my own eyes, is undoubtedly Dusak."

"The purpose of their coming to Steel Castle?"

"I don't know." The black-faced man asked tentatively : "Are you going to visit them, my lord?"

The masked man waved his hand: "A little Baron, what are you doing to visit them? Just keep paying attention to them, your priority is to keep an eye on them now. White Eagle, White Eagle is the key. As for the Baron couple...remind them to leave the Steel Castle when necessary. As for their lives, don't worry too much."

"This is where I worry too." Hei The face man cleared his throat and said carefully, "As far as I know, the Baron couple went to the White Eagle's mansion tonight." Down, can't see the change: "What to do?"

"No...don't know..." The black-faced man suddenly felt a chill down his spine, and he bent down hard: "My subordinate will go to find out."

The masked man slightly nodded, and the black-faced man turned around and left in a hurry.

After the black-faced man left, the masked man took off his mask, got up and pushed open the secret door behind him.

It turned out that there was a spacious compartment behind the masked man's seat. All the conversations between the masked man and the black-faced man can be clearly heard in the compartment.

In the compartment, a man with blond hair and green eyes is reclining on a chaise longue.

The black-faced man thought the masked man was the legendary "Messenger", but the masked man stood in front of the real messenger in a blink of an eye.

"Granache Baron went to meet the White Eagle?" The blond green-eyed man fiddled with a prairie-style knife and smiled: "Interesting."

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