Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 368


Chapter 368 The Unbreakable Alliance

Winters did not return to Iron Peak County soon, but stepped into the mountains The country, although outside the original plan, was not on a whim.

In fact, Winters has been thinking about the probability of the trip to Steelcastle since visiting [Arpad Duyoom].

Up to now, the main way for the Tiefeng Army to obtain weapons is to seize them.

The weapons seized from the enemy are not only limited in number, but of uneven quality, and there is a serious shortage of muskets.

Tiefeng County can barely make simple weapons such as lance and thorn mallet. If you don't count the cost, maybe you can make a door gun.

But the more technical long-barreled musket or long sword is beyond the capabilities of local blacksmiths like [Goncharov three brothers].

It's not impossible to make...

If you can't make a long spear tube, you can make a short one, and then splicing the short barrel into a long spear tube. A musket made in this way looks decent just by looking at it - it's just unusable.

There is a natural hidden danger in splicing the barrel, and no one knows whether there is internal injury inside the splicing, let alone whether the internal injury will cause the chamber to explode in the next shot.

After the bloody mud battle, officers and sergeants in each musket detachment reported similar timid behavior: some musketeers always loaded as little gunpowder as possible, and even deliberately poured gunpowder in paper bags on the Outside the muzzle, the lead bullets have insufficient formidable power, and when hitting the barbarian armored soldiers, only a muffled sound is heard, but no blood is seen.

The actual investigation of Winters found that most of the "cowardly" musketeers used spliced muskets, and they had generally witnessed the tragic state of being severely injured when their comrades used spliced muskets, causing them to dare not install enough. gunpowder.

How can a warrior be expected to fight if he is afraid of the weapon in his hand?

That's why Winters traveled all the way to Fort Steel - his army needed weapons, and Fort Steel was the Republic's largest weapons production center.

As for how to ship it back...remember the pass issued by Arpad?

The traditional route of steel castle ironware exporting to Palatu is water transportation, which goes straight down the Rose River to the Ember River, and then sells to all parts of Palatu.

It's just that this trade route doesn't work now, because the lower reaches of the Rose River is a military government-controlled area.

Of course, the military government will not allow the ironware of the steel castle to flow into the "pseudo-government" territory, so the merchant ships on the Rose River can only unload in Jiangbei Province, and cannot go any further.

But... the Merchant ship of the Iron Peak Rebels may be left a way out.

The so-called enemy of the enemy is a friend. For the military government, the Second Republic is the enemy, and the newly reclaimed Legion is the enemy at both ends.

The Iron Peak Rebels, who are hostile to Red Rose and Legion, look a lot cuter than the hideous-looking first two.

In addition, the military government has now substantially allied with Veneta, and the attitude of the military government towards the rebels in Iron Peak County - especially Winters · Montagne - has also become very ambiguous.

Winters tested the junta's bottom line, and even made some excessive demands of Lieutenant Colonel Elek (such as asking to take away all his former subordinates).

As a lieutenant colonel of engineers, Elek was not really qualified to license Winters.

But Winters' demands were finally satisfied by one after another, and there were no ramifications. Even with Arpad's acquiescence in advance, it is unbelievable that it can be done so smoothly.

This shows that not only Arpad, but other military government high-level personnel also choose to turn a blind eye.

Winters speculates from this: the military government is likely to have the idea of winning the Tiefeng County Army, and it is more likely that there is a plan to use the Tiefeng County Army to contain the newly reclaimed Legion.

Therefore, Winters sent a letter to Lieutenant Colonel Elek while transiting Jiangbei province to the Republic of Monta.

In addition to sincere greetings and some information from the Heard ministries, Winters also encloses the letter with thirty gold bars and a simple message:

"Can you allow the Chamber of Iron Peaks? Commerce bought some farming tools in Steel Castle...for spring farming?"

Winters has not received a reply, but according to the situation described by Ed Old Mister, it is still "Steel Castle" rather than "junior government not allowed to buy" The problem of not selling” is even more imminent.


"Steel Castle is going to impose a trade embargo on Prato?" Winters felt a little bit of black humor: "Isn't that just blocking the military government? Anyway, Mongolian The route from the tower to the Ember River is all under the control of the military government, and the castles of the kings would not have access to the armor of the steel castle."

Eddard Old Mister's smile was somewhat mocking: "The State Resolution The meeting would say 'for peace'."

"Has the Country of the Mountains chosen a side?" Winters took a sip of ice water.

"I'd rather say." Ed Mister casually corrected: "The position of the Monta Republic has never changed."

Winters holds the iron cup, sighed - history Leftovers, no one can do anything about it.


Unlike the Provinces, Veneta, and Palato who won their independence in blood and fire, the sovereignty of Monta and Vine was not earned by themselves of.

No one knows what conditions Marshal Ned offered to Richard IV under Jade City, but everyone can see the result: the mad king retreated, most of the Monta kings and Vine The duchy was included in the territory of the province, and the flag of the Imperial Family was no longer flying south of the shaded mountain range.

However, as soon as the Imperial Army was withdrawn, the Union Provinces, Veneta, and Palato were almost torn apart by the [New Territory Disposal Plan].

The union province lion's big mouth thinks that the Montal and Vine territories should be merged into the union province, and there are good reasons:

The union province has the smallest land area; The cost of war is the highest; leaving the shaded mountain range under the jurisdiction of the provinces is more conducive to the overall planning of the defense of the empire.

Pallatu firmly opposed the proposal of the Union Province, and proposed that the Warn Territory could be merged into the Union Province, provided that the Monta Territory must be merged into the Union Province.

Veneta borders neither Monta nor Vine, so either of the two options above is unacceptable to the Republic of Veneta.

Finally, at the appeal of Marshal Ned, the three parties compromised: Monta and Vahn joined the alliance as independent republics. The country does not have a veto power over Union affairs.

On the surface, the final solution is an outcome acceptable to all countries.

However, the delegates who signed the agreement had no idea that in the end, the federal province won all.

In the years after the Empire's retreat, the Union Provinces succeeded in turning the Union government into a glove and a microphone for the Jade City by infiltrating and controlling key parts of the Union.

This kind of gameplay eventually led to Plato and Venetta angrily leaving the field, and the Alliance government has since In name only.

However, by controlling the coalition government, the federal province also deeply intervened in the political ecological construction of Monta and Vine, spreading its influence to every blood vessel and every pore of the two new republics .

In this political game, in the end, the more shameless people win everything, and the more moral ones lose everything.

But the real loser was the "Permanent Alliance of the Free Republics"

After the vision of the Great Alliance collapsed, Marshal Ned died a few years later.

And then until today.


Winters lived in military school for nine years and honed for three years in the archipelago, wasteland, and Palatine. Although he has not had much exposure to politics, he still has a basic understanding of the alliance. understanding.

At least when I was still studying in the Army Academy, the decision to have no desire to improve when [Plato and Veneta quit the alliance government] was a decision that would be done every other day. Internal discussions were pulled out for criticism, and often led to heated arguments.

The reins of Monta's government are in the hands of the Federal Republic, so [the Land of the Mountains intervenes in the Palatine Civil War] is a matter of time in Winters' view.

The Palatine military government and the kings fortresses can still fight arm-to-arms, but if the United Provinces and Monta send troops at the same time, the military government has absolutely no hope of surviving under the three-sided strangulation.

The future of Tiefeng County Army depends not only on its own struggle, but also by the games of the republics.

[A person who does not focus on the overall situation cannot hold even a corner of the chessboard].

It is precisely because of this sentence that Winters will venture into the country of the mountains, not only to buy weapons, but also to find out what is going on in the Monta Republic - if they can send people to send them back regularly. Information is better.

So the crux of the Monta question is—

“How far is the Monta State Council ready to intervene?” Winters asked Ed. Sir: "Trade embargo? Political condemnation? Military confrontation?"

Old Mister shook his head lightly: "I don't know... Your Excellency Montagne, may I ask a question."

" Please speak."

Mr. Ed asked slowly: "Among the mountains, between the sky and the earth, is there a man named the Republic of Monta?"

Winters understood what Old Mister was trying to say, and replied with a smile: "Of course it doesn't exist, the country is a collective of thousands of people."

"Yeah, like a Chamber of Commerce, partners don't always have the same interests." Mr. Ed stared at Winters: "For example, some people think that you are a rare commodity, some people think that you must clear the line as soon as possible, and some people never say anything... The important person."

"What do you think?" Winters asked politely.

"Me?" Ed Old Mister looked towards Anna, and said kindly, "I'm just doing a little favor for my dear little lady."

Anna gratefully nodded, lightly. Holding Winters' hand lightly: "Mr. Ed is a close friend of my maternal grandfather and a partner who moved with my grandfather from Rhode Island to Veneta."

"Time flies." Ed Old Mister Missing and smiling regretfully: "Let's go back to Monta. The interests of the United Provinces and the interests of the Monta people are not exactly the same, and the interests of the Monta State Council and the interests of the Steel Castle are not exactly the same. The trade embargo alone is not exactly the same. policy, the Monta states are quite divided.”

“You mean there is still a turnaround?”

“I mean there is no collegiality, no one knows. What will be the final result." Mr. Ed pointed finger towards the mountains: "The customs of Monta and Veneta are very different, as you have seen when you came, the Republic of Monta is essentially a small settlement divided by mountains. That's why the tiny republic of Monta has twenty-six states, and each state still retains a considerable degree of autonomy, and this organizational structure cannot be changed even by the federal people..."

Winters After listening patiently, he asked a simple and rude question in turn: "According to the current power structure of the Monta Republic, to whom does the command of the seventh [mountain] Legion and the eighth [iron wall] belong to?"

Mr. Ed, startled, answered hesitantly, "It should be the Army Commission."

Winters asked again, "Who does the Army Commission listen to?"

Old Mister thought for a moment. , smiled helplessly: "I can't figure out the inside story of the army. Mr. [Bolso da Este] should give it better than me. You can ask Bai Ying when the time comes."

Winters exhales one breath saying: "If even you can't figure it out, I probably know what's going on. It must be an issue left over from history... On the surface, it listens to the State Council, but in fact it doesn't matter. I don't listen."

Ed Old Mister didn't quite understand it, and the other two were full of doubts, and Winters still sighed: "Why can't the people of the Union teach something good?"

Mr. Ed coughed lightly and drew the attention of the others: "At present, if we want to find a channel for purchasing farm tools, we can only start from the differences of interests between Steel Castle and the Monta State Council."

Winters takes the unspoken implication: "You mean we have a chance to get around the embargo restrictions."

Old Mister said at a moderate pace: "If the Steelcastle Blacksmiths Guild is willing to trade, there are 10,000 ways to get around the embargo; if the Steelcastle Blacksmiths Guild is unwilling to trade, even one Thousands of ways to get around the embargo don't make sense. "

"If you do not purchase the finished product directly. " Winters asked word by word: "Is it possible to exchange recipes, customize machinery, hire craftsmen...? ”

Weapons are consumables. As long as they are used, they will break down sooner or later. Buying alone is not a long-term solution. In addition to buying weapons, Winters also has a higher priority - buying technology.

Ed Old Mister was surprised at first, then laughed heartily, with three points of admiration and seven points of regret.

He shook the head and persuaded earnestly: "Your Excellency Montagne, what do you think? Longer than many, which is rare at your age. But I still recommend that you focus on the supplies you need most, preferably without mentioning other requirements. "

"Excuse me...why?" "

Mr. Ed did not say anything, but replied with a smile: "You will know when the time comes." ”

[Currently owes two chapters] (The previous part is calculated separately)
[The ten standing Legion numbers of the alliance]
[The 1st 'Victory Goddess' Legion, United Province]
[Part II 'River River' Legion, Union Province]
[Part III 'Large Veneta' Legion, Veneta]
[Part IV 'Emerald' Legion, Veneta]
[The Ⅴ 'The Galloping Horse' Legion, Palatu]
[The Ⅵ 'Kings' Legion, Palatu]
[The VII 'The Mountains' Legion, Monta]
[The first VIII 'Iron Wall' Legion, Monta]
[IX 'Legion' Legion, Varn]
[X 'Talia' Legion, Varn]
[Standing Legion is also a product of political compromise , In order to be fair in name, each republic is only allowed to keep two standing Legions ]
[But in practice, those who have no money (Wan) can’t wait to cut the budget of the standing army, and those who have money and want to expand their army (United Provinces) will Additional settings "National Legion [The equipment configuration of the standing armies of various countries is also very different, especially the artillery and cavalry do not occupy the establishment, it is easiest to widen the actual battle strength gap of each Legion]
[The back of the province Relying on the victory arsenal, the Union Province Army has the largest artillery unit]
[Platoon is the best cavalry among the republics, with fifty platoon standing cavalry and tens of thousands of cavalry reserves (can ride, raise Reservists who can afford horses, militia, Dussack) are simply unimaginable for other allies ]
[Vinetta's army is quite satisfactory, and there are not many cavalry, because the most military expenditure is actually the Veneta Navy...]

(end of chapter)

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