Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 364


Chapter 364 Another Hunt (4)
[Central Hunting]
Siegfried De was approaching his limit, and every muscle in him felt a tearing pain, and every breath seemed to break through his chest.

The bull didn't show any signs of fatigue, as if he had endless stamina.

Its neck ridge is protected by high tendons and thick fur, making it impenetrable.

And this beast is extremely good at using its large, sharp horns. I saw it turn left and right, bow its head like a retreat for the first half second, and raise upwards fiercely in the second half.

The tip of the spear had just pierced the thick hide of the bull, and the bull's horns had already been re-aligned with humans, giving humans no chance.

As a result, Siegfried could only leave one shallow wound after another on the side of the bull's neck, unable to complete the fatal blow.

Some people gradually saw some eyebrows: Although the bison that Harlan count was fighting was slightly smaller than the little Hernan's, the latter was not worthy of mention on equal to the former compared to the ferocity and danger. terms .

How can this be a wild beast without wisdom? This is clearly a powerful gladiator with dual daggers and a weight of half a ton.

After a brief and intense fight, Siegfried seized the opportunity to pull the distance, and a man and a beast faced off quietly again.

The Castilian nobles cheered and applauded, but the lords' auditorium was filled with inescapable doubts: "How dare the Castilians choose such an ominous beast to end?! is it possible that they Want to kill Your Majesty's favorite in public?"


The blond Knight in the middle of the game didn't know what the others were thinking, and he didn't care.

While many nobles had already observed silence in advance or taken pleasure in other people's misfortune, Siegfried entered a state of extreme excitement.

The pain of the body and the toughness of the opponent aroused Siegfried's desire to win thousands of times, and even allowed him to think beyond his own limitations.

High-intensity combat consumes energy and energy much faster than aerobic exercise.

Siegfried sternly assessed his state: if he had another fight, he might not even have the strength to get rid of the pursuit, and the bison in front of him could fight for at least ten more rounds.

But ten turns are no different from one, because Siegfried has seen through the opponent's attack range and action pattern.

He only needs one chance, a chance to sever his opponent's arteries and trachea with one blow.

This time, Siegfried arched and charged.

He stretched out the tip of his spear and tapped the ground lightly, and the bull rushed up immediately.

As if a spring that had been compressed to its limit had been unconstrained, Siegfried let out a lightning strike to the left - he was left-handed, and then stabbed the lance with lightning speed.

The power was transmitted from Siegfried's lower limbs, waist and abdomen, pectoral muscles, arms to the point of the spear, and the lance stabbed the bull's neck accurately and fiercely along an absolute straight line.

This time he didn't pull back and stabbed the lance without life.

The lance sinks into the bull's neck like butter, until the blade disappears completely.

But at the next moment, the bull's huge body twisted around and hit the spear shaft with a fierce force.

The force passed back to Siegfried's end, and the spear broke out of Siegfried's hands, fiercely hitting Siegfried in the chest.

A thick hickory spear snapped, the first half burst out of the cow's neck wound, and the second half remained in Siegfried's arms.

The confrontation happens in the blink of an eye and ends in the blink of an eye.

Most of the nobles didn't see what was going on at all, only to see the blond "beauty" being thrown away as soon as the giant bull twisted his head.

The crowd gathered around the hunting oval shouted in unison, and there was a scream from the Imperial Family stand.

The severe pain drove the buffalo into a frenzy as it lowered its horns and plowed at the human lying on the ground.

Seeing that the emperor's favorite could not even leave a complete body, the body in the middle of the hunting ground moved - Siegfried was not dead, and he tenaciously tried to block the horn with the second half of the spear.

However, the bison raised its head, and the blond "beauty" was thrown out again like a bag of flour.

This time, even the only half of the spear handle left.

Siegfried hits the ground hard, and time seems to slow down in this brief moment: the alcoholic father, the crying mother, the Imperial Family manor that houses the orphans, the crescent eyes of Elizabeth's full of smiles, the death bed The battlefield, Fanan picked from the dead, the red cavalry charging on the snowy land...

In the end, there is only a little regret and a lot of apology.

Siegfried sighed lightly, probably for the first time in his life, and closed his eyes.




The sound of hitting a shield? Anyone else shouting?

It was followed by the sound of horses' hooves. Accompanied by the sound of horses' hooves is a series of crisp and pleasant bells.

The spectators outside the fence only saw the wild buffalo, who for some reason suddenly left Harlan Count and turned to head straight for the fence. The dozen or so nobles who faced the bison were caught off guard and ran away in fright.

At this moment, a silver-gray steed leaped into the hunting ground. Knight on horseback was dressed in full costume, carrying his lance upside down, and the small pennant attached to the tip of the spear rattled.

The bison immediately turned and charged towards the silver horse Knight.

Seeing that he had successfully attracted the attention of the bison, the silver horse Knight led the bison to the other end of the paddock without haste.

Only by virtue of Knight's heroic appearance as he rides a horse and controls a beast, the Castilian nobles present will not mistake him for his identity - little Hernan, the best gladiator in the Castile Peninsula.

The audience burst into cheers again, and the younger generation Castilian nobles even shouted to cheer for little Hernan.

For a while, not many people paid attention to Harlan Count, who didn't know whether to live or die.

With little Hernan attracting buffalo and spectators, Farnan ran across the fence with something wrapped in red silk towards Siegfried.

A black robe man with a lance followed Fanan into the paddock, but was left far behind by Fanan.

Farnan didn't say a word of nonsense. He arrived at Siegfried's side and immediately checked Siegfried's injury.

"Why are you here?" Siegfried asked, coughing violently, trying to laugh.

"I'll bring you weapons." Farnan glanced at Siegfried reproachfully, and quickly cut off the latter's shirt: "Your lance is broken. I'm your assistant, give You don't violate the established rules by sending a spare weapon."

When he was talking, the black robe man with lance followed.

Black robe is a man in his early thirties, round face, chubby, and panting heavily from running a few steps.

As soon as he came up, he reported his identity: "Count Harlan, I'm Luke cultivator of the Michaelist order."

"Michaelagh?" Seeger Fred sounded familiar.

"No serious trauma." Farnan explained Siegfried's injury simply and clearly: "No fractures have been found."

"No fractures? You are lucky , Lord watch over you, Harlan count..." Luke cultivator muttered as he removed a delicate silver box from his neck, dipped his fingers in the holy oil of the silver box, and smeared it on Siegfried's forehead, chest and abdomen.

He placed the holy emblem on Siegfried's forehead, pressed his hand on the holy emblem, looked solemn, and recited: "[...Those who take refuge in you, may they rejoice and rejoice always, because you protect protect them. May those who love your name rejoice in you. For you will bless the righteous, and you will guard him with grace like a shield on all sides...]"

accompanying Luke cultivator chanting, Siegfried clearly felt that the pain in his body gradually subsided, and his strength recovered a little.

"Hernan Jr. will take over." Farnan looked at his friend: "The best strategy for you right now is to just walk away."

Siegfried Without saying a word, he gritted his teeth and tried to get up with his hands on the ground.

Farnan sighed, untied the red silk, and a one-handed rapier appeared in front of Siegfried.

This sword is shorter than the small sword used in the honor guard, the whole body is flat, and the sword body has no width gradient. The most special thing is that the sword is not straight, and the front end of the sword is slightly curved.

"Little Hernan gave it to you." Farnan said calmly: "He said this is your only chance."


[ The clock goes back a little]
"...blood vessels in the neck and trachea, it's a weakness, yes. But the wild beast also knows it's a weakness, and they will try their best to protect their necks." Little Hernan turned to Farnan with great interest Teaching experience: "So, it seems that Harlan count is right to aim at the neck of the bison, but it is very wrong..."

Fannan said politely and firmly: "Your Excellency Little Hernan, please A brief explanation."

"Okay, in short, Harlan Count wants to bring down that big guy." Little Hernan took out a special one-handed rapier: "You can only use this. "

"This?" Farnan took the rapier - less than 1/4/2022 of Lance.

"That's it." Little Hernan nodded desperately.

"How to use it."

"Uh." Little Hernan cleared his throat: "It's very simple, when you rush over, you jump up and throw this The sword is inserted into the back of the cow, and the curvature of the blade is enough to bypass the ribs and spine, and pierce the heart..."

"Your Excellency Little Hernan." Farnan stared at Little Hernan: "You mean, Harlan count should hold this short sword and insert this sword into the cow's back when the cow rushes in front of him, and accurately pierce it into the heart."

Little Hernan tried desperately to nodded, as if afraid that Fran wouldn't believe it, he hurriedly patched: "If the stab is not accurate, pierce the lung. If the lung is stabbed, the bison won't last long - but in that case, the scene It will be ugly. If you stab the liver or intestines a little further..."

Farnan interrupted Little Hernan directly: "Have you tried it yourself?"

"Of course! How else would I use it for Harlan's count?" Little Hernan exclaimed, and added in a somewhat sorry voice:

"But the few times I tried... ...The biggest bison is only 300kg, which is smaller than the one that Harlan count can deal with... er, a little bit smaller. But I promise, the position of the heart is the same. Alas, I have spent a lot of time on this sword, The first public appearance is cheap for Harlan Count. To be honest, I still feel a little distressed..."

"Not to mention the feasibility." Farnan's expression was serious: "Harlan Count has never practiced this. Do you expect him to be successful in the first practice?"

Little Hernan also put away his smile: "It's not that I expect him to be successful in the first time, but Harlan counts if he wants to. Dignified is fighting the bison, there is only this way."

Little Hernan kicked Lance leaning against the fence with the toe of his boot: "This thing, deal with little fellow, deal with big man It's useless at all. Harlan Count is not a beast on horseback, it's a beast on foot! I admire his courage, but I can tell you that without the help of a warhorse, Harlan Count's strength alone cannot inflict mortal wounds to the bison ."

Farnan acquiesced to what little Hernan said.

"So, if you want to strike a certain kill on foot, you must use the power of wild beast to deal with wild beast." Little Hernan took back the dagger and waved it a few times: "Otherwise you think With just the strength of a human arm, can this sword be sent into the heart of a bison?"

In the hunting ground, a man and a beast are facing each other, and there is not much time left for Fanan to judge.

"Of course, there is another way." Little Hernan said in a relaxed tone: "Let Harlan count off, and I'll take over this bison... That's what my father ordered."

Flange did not answer.


[time back to the present]
"Little Hernan and his people will help you control the bison and create opportunities for you to shoot." Farnan Briefly explain the situation, and carefully explain the use of the dagger.

Siegfried didn't ask a question, and simply took the dagger: "It's dangerous here, you go."

"There's something else, little El. Nan asked me to tell you." Fanan handed the burqa he just picked up from the ground to his friend: "He said that the bison prefers to attack moving objects. If you want to deal with the bison, you must not move around and use the burqa to attract the bison to attack. That's fine. Believe him or not, you judge."

"Do you believe him?" Siegfried asked.

Fannan frowned and replied: "I believe."

Siegfried said without the slightest hesitation: "Then I believe him too. It's dangerous here, you all go away. ”

Luke cultivator looked tired and didn’t want to stay for a moment, he urged Fanan repeatedly.

Farnan nodded towards Siegfried and got up to leave.

"I'm sorry." Siegfried whispered to Fanan's back.

Farnan's movements stopped for a while, because this was the first time he heard Siegfried apologize, and he didn't know that he actually missed Siegfried's first sigh.

Fannan smiled and shook the head to Siegfried, nodded again, and walked away quickly with Luke cultivator.


[Imperial Family Stand]
"...Stop them, please, father." Elizabeth Princess could no longer hide her pain, she Holding the emperor's left hand, weeping and begging: "Don't continue."

The emperor gently wiped away her daughter's tears and calmly asked a question beyond Princess' expectations: "Ella, are you now Do you still think hunting is boring?"

Elizabeth was stunned.

The emperor did not continue to speak, quietly waiting for his daughter's answer.

Tears welled up in Elizabeth's eyes again: "That's because...that's because..."

The emperor lightly said, "I'm not asking why."

Elizabeth Princess could no longer answer.

The emperor looked at Little Hernan and Siegfried in the hunting ground: "The most ferocious wild beast can make the greatest fighter. Little Hernan's skills are beyond doubt, but it is because of his The skill is so great that the viewer ignores his displayed skills, forgets the danger he faces, and sees little Hernan's downing of the buffalo as a slow slaughter."

" Little Hernan's performance will soon be forgotten, and the battle of the Harlan Count will be remembered." The emperor paused: "Perhaps forever."

Elizabeth Princess's emotions were almost out of control: "But Siegfried will die! He will die!"

The emperor looked indifferent: "So you have to look at him even more, don't miss a moment.

Ignore the maid Stopped by the guards, Elizabeth Princess cried and ran off the Imperial Family stand.

[Tomorrow, another hunt (final), for sure]
[I feel... this kind of unit plot should be written in full Finished, release it at one time (covering your face)]
[But I have to adjust my work and rest, I am not a Yin Sector person, so I will write it tomorrow]
[Good night everyone]
[Thank you for your collection, Thank you for reading, subscribing, recommending, monthly, rewarding and commenting, everyone]
[And: the emperor's lines are deleted, deleted, modified, I always feel almost something]
[(It's all because the author has never been an emperor.jpg) (If the author becomes the emperor, I must find someone to type on the keyboard for the author, so that the author can only be responsible for licking the cat and talking about it)]
[Furthermore: But from the historical data, the real emperor is actually very far from the wise and divine martial arts.大一段距离(捂脸),特别是并非开创之君的那些(都是草台班子)]

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