Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 359


Chapter 359 Trading (middle)

Hearing the new title of the White Lion, Winters came at once Interest: "Isn't the white lion a self-proclaimed legislator? When did he become a king?"

"It has always been!" The strange arrow officer answered righteously.

Winters laughed: "What should I call you?"

"This is [Tuha], the messenger of the White Lion King." The strange archer first introduced another archer, Then he introduced himself: "As for me, Your Excellency Batu can call me [Skylark]."

Winters looked at the Skylark calmly: medium build, about fifty years old; white temples, sunken eye sockets; The skin is wrinkled because of the loss of elasticity, and the shriveled body can't support the wide Heard-style robe at all; It is swollen and twisted due to the high-intensity use of bows, knives and guns all year round.

This was the first time he saw the "Alliance" as the archer of the Chihe Department. He was curious and somewhat uncomfortable: "Listen to the accent, you are from Monta? You are a white lion. How long have you served?"

The old lark smiled: "I am the man of the White Lion King. Since the White Lion King accepted me, I have served him."

A look The other party's attitude, Winters knew that there was no valuable information, and simply didn't bother to ask any more.

He yawned and poured himself a bowl of mare's milk: "If the white lion's men are as smart as you, it will be troublesome to deal with."

" If the people of Palatu are as wise and friendly as Your Excellency Batu, it would be much easier for the Chihe Department to deal with Palatu." Yunque's response was neither humble nor arrogant: "Your Excellency, you might as well get back to business. The White Lion King's proposal, you should consider it. How?"

Lark got a casual reply: "Still considering."


Captives, trade and iron ore - Winters visit The three purposes of the Chihe Department. Among them, Winters cares about captives the most, and White Lion cares about trade the most.

On the surface, the Republic of Palatu imposed a severe blockade on the Heder tribes, resulting in the small and medium Heder tribes being so poor that they could not even use iron arrows.

However, the chaos witnessed by Winters alone is enough to prove that there has always been a covert exchange of goods between wasteland and Palato, and some people have made a fortune.

"Why did you let me go in the first place?" Winters never asked the White Lion.

He believed that the reason why the white lion didn't kill him at the beginning was more because he didn't want to hurt the feelings of Erlun and the little lion, rather than considering any long-term interests.

As for letting him go unconditionally, judging from the details revealed in the White Lion's words, Father Reid made a lot of effort.

But when I took control of Tiefeng County, the consideration of interests had to be put first.

The white lion wants Tiefeng County to become a window for the Chihe Department to exchange material with the external world, and he has even made preliminary preparations:
The little lion has traveled to and from the territory of the Chihe Department many times. With Tiefeng County, a route has already been established;
The return of the "slave" by the Chihe Department is an attempt. If the vehicle transporting the "slave" can pass, the same can be done with the fully loaded cargo in the future.

But even if the hard conditions are met, the white lion still needs to solve the problem of two "people".

First, the people of Teltown.

The territory of the Terdun Department spans between Tiefeng County and the Chihe Department. So if the White Lion and Winters want to do business, they have to be nodded first.

Do fire roasters be magnanimous?

I don't know because he died.

Telltown's problem solved...but not completely.

Although the tiger was dead, a flock of vultures was born from the tiger's carcass.

Vultures are out of control and eat everything. The Teltowns lost their recognized leader, as well as the bridle that bound them.

The sporadic envoys may be able to pass through secretly. However, once a fixed trade route is formed, sooner or later, a large number of hungry vultures will be attracted.

In addition to the hidden dangers of the Teltown people, the White Lion also needs to obtain the consent of another person - Winters · Palato champion · Iron Peak County tribune · Montagne.

At the end of the day, buying and selling is always least most of the time.

Tiefeng County needs capital, horses, and ironware buyers. It is reasonable to say that trading with the Chihe Department is a good thing of mutual benefit.

The reason why Winters has been dragging on a reply is because of the conditions put forward by the Red River Ministry.

The White Lion did not participate in the negotiations in person, but appointed several archers to negotiate with Winters.

As for Iron Peak County, because of the lack of "office officers" who are both knowledgeable and showy, Winters can only go into battle shirtless.

The archers of the Chihe Department offered only two general conditions:

First of all, the white lion only trades with "Badu", and Batu only trades with the white lion Make a deal;
Secondly, the white lion can send troops to protect the caravan from looting, and Iron Peak County needs to pay a part of the goods as tribute.

As long as Winters is elected, the Chihe Department will send the first caravan to Tiefeng County before the beginning of spring.


"The White Lion King specially ordered." Skylark stood respectfully at the Winters table: "The first batch of goods carried by the caravan, he does not want any equivalent , all as a thank-you gift for protecting the little lion prince and Erlun Princess in Qingqiu. Apart from this, the white lion king also selected a thousand good horses - also as a thank-you gift."

"oh?" Winters asked with interest: "If I don't agree, will the thank you be gone?"

"Of course not." The lark face doesn't change: "Whether it can be achieved or not? Consensus, the White Lion King will not take back his gift."

Winters gestured for the two archers to take their seats, said with a smile: "The Hurds swear that they respect 'the words spoken by the warriors are like arrows shot out'. ', never regret it, and seldom agree on items in great detail. We Veneta people, on the contrary, like to explain all the details in advance..."


[Rewind back to the night before Qingqiu's hunting]
"The first condition is easy to understand." Anna showed half of her face from behind the drawing board: "You can't bypass the white lion and sell directly to Chihe. In exchange, the white lion won't cross you to do business with the Iron Peaks merchants."

Winters sneaked a bit of a sore leg.

"To put it bluntly, the white lion wants to become a monopoly importer and exporter and monopolize the profits of the trade. In exchange, he also supports you to obtain the monopoly." Anna found Winters' little move and said angrily: "Don't move!"

"Like you provided me with valuable advice and I modeled for you?" Winters whispered, "But where do I get the money to eat the goods from the Chihe Department? ”

“It’s easy. If other people need it, you can sell it.”

Winters asked, “What if other people don’t need it?”

"Isn't it enough if you don't import it?" Anna replied with a smile.

Winters thought: The lion's goods, not just don't want it.

Anna's graphite bar rustled on the paper: "Monopoly means power, but the source of power is not to gain profits, but to distribute profits. Assuming you monopolize the supply, then you can demand all Buyers provide security deposits and even advance payment."

Winters looked thoughtful: "Distributing profits? Distributing spills of war? Monopoly also means power for White Lions."

Anna continued: "Mother always said that the reason why the Veneta people have a bad reputation outside is because the Veneta people always want to seize monopoly power, and for this reason, they spare no effort in bribery, violence, and malicious price reduction... "

Winters protested: "You too are Veneta."

"Only half." Anna blinked.

Winters asked: "Can you promise them the first clause?"

"It's not over yet." Anna put down the graphite strip: "The clause is too broad, and there are many details that need to be clarified. Whether the exclusive rights of the White Lions are limited to the Chihe Department or the entire Hed wasteland.

Ana walked up to Winters: "The first article also contains an invisible clause, if you promise to guarantee the White Lion's If you have a monopoly, you will also have to take on the responsibility of 'inspecting smuggling'. Tiefeng County merchants bypassed you and Bai Shi to secretly sell goods to the people of Chihe Department, what should you do? Have you considered? "

Winters was lost in thought.

"There is one more crucial question. Anna put her hands on Winters' shoulders: "Who can guarantee the coercive force of the treaty?" "


[timed back to the present]
Lark's cheeks twitched slightly when Winters said to "see the details in advance".

The more ambiguous the terms of the contract, the more beneficial it is for the stronger party. In the Chihe Department and Tiefeng County, the Chihe Department is obviously a stronger and more powerful existence.

The skylark does not move. He took a sip of the milk wine, ready to hear what the hairless brat in front of him could say.

Then... he saw the other party solemnly take out a full-length parchment from his arms. .


The heated debate continued from the afternoon to the late night, and it was only the first article of the agreement.

"Representative of the Chihe Department" Skylark and "Winters' representative" Winters fully exchanged opinions and reached a beneficial consensus on [delivery location], [bargaining method], [tax payment], etc.

There are some more critical points, such as the clear Therefore, the "monopoly trade" is limited to the area actually controlled by Winters.

Winters also reserves the right to sell goods to the Hed tribe outside the Chihe Department.

Finally, when the treaty was written, Winters said with a smile: "I believe it will be a mutually beneficial agreement. ”

The dry-mouthed and exhausted Skylark sipped the ice water and murmured.

There is no coercive force to ensure that both parties perform the contract, and whoever feels disadvantaged can directly overturn the table , of course mutually beneficial.

“Now, there is only one thing left unresolved. "Who's going to keep the route safe," Winters said lightly. "

Skylark can't hold it anymore, his eyelids are fighting, and he can't concentrate. He is over half a hundred years old, and his competition energy is really not as good as the opponent: "Your Excellency Batu. It's too late, how about we talk tomorrow? "

Winters poured a glass of wine for the lark and sincerely encouraged: "It's not too late, it's today before dawn." Don't leave today's issues for tomorrow. "

"That's good..." Skylark braced herself and prepared to pull back a round: "You know, according to the currently determined route, the chariots and horses will definitely pass through the pastures of the Teltown Department." Cunning as wolves and greedy as vultures, Teldons never let go of the flesh. "

Skylark cleared his throat: "So the only thing that can protect the safety of people and vehicles, is only martial power. The only person who can provide this kind of martial power is the White Lion King! "

After saying that, Skylark stared at Winters, for fear of missing any subtle changes in the other party's expression.

The threat of the Teltown people is real, and the Iron Peak County rebels are again Without the wind-like power of Hurd's light cavalry, even if he is determined to protect the trade route, he is unable to put it into practice.

The inability to ensure the safety of the trade route is the weakness of the rebels in Tiefeng County. Skylark firmly believes: To catch this is to catch the opponent's ball.

"In the end, it's the martial power that decides everything. If you don't pay tribute, you will bleed. Skylark thought to himself, he admired and looked at the youngster in front of him regretfully: "No matter how much profit you strive for in front of you, in the end, you can't escape the 'blood tribute'. "

Winters mused: "Tribute... it's a bit ugly." ”

“Remuneration, security deposit, both are acceptable. "Lark said generously: "If you don't mind, you can also call it a tax—a security tax. "

Winters: "What if I still can't guarantee safety after paying this fee?" "

Skylark: "Any caravan that pays the security tax is looted, the Chihe Department will be responsible for recovering it. If it can't be recovered, it will be compensated according to the price." "

Winters: "What about dead people?" "

Skylark: "The same compensation, we can agree on an amount in advance. How much is the loss of a person, how much is the loss of a horse, and how much is the loss of a cart. "

Skylark has already prepared detailed plans, including compensation plans, site selection for the inn, how to deter Telton people, etc. He patiently explained to Batu, trying his best to dispel the other party's doubts.

Winters listened and memorized, and asked some questions from time to time.

After listening to the other party's overall plan, Winters tapped his knees lightly: "Having said so much, how much goods are you going to collect? as a reward? "

Skylark cleared his throat, stretched out three fingers, and put down one: "one third." "

Winters' brows rose: "one third?" It's better not to have you! "

"If unprotected. "Lark Calm said: "I'm afraid not only one third, but half of the caravans could not return. "

Winters smiled kindly: "Are you threatening me?" "

"Just stating facts." "Skylark bowed slightly:" Batu. "

"Looks like you've got me, don't you?" "Winters sighed helplessly.

Lark showed no complacency: "Mutual benefit. "

"But there is a problem here. Holding his jaw, Winters asked calmly, "The white lion's men and horses not only protect my caravan, but also the caravan of the Chihe Department. Even if I don't pay the reward, the white lion will send troops. "

Skylark was already prepared.

I saw him frowning slightly, as if thinking hard. After a while, he asked tentatively, "Batu is right. So how about this - for the carriage between Tiefeng County and Chihe Department, each White Lion King will only receive a tribute of 1/4/2022. In the tribute, we will give you another 1/4/2022 dividend. what do you think? "

Winters smiled: "Mutual benefit? "

"Yes. "The lark bent down and bowed his head:" Mutual benefit. "

Winters rubbed his palms and laughed, as did the lark.

"Your proposal is good." Winters suddenly put away his smile, and took out a parchment from his arms: "But I have a more mutually beneficial proposal. ”

There is a map on the parchment, which depicts the Jinliu River, the Golden Peak mountain range, and the shaded mountain range in a few strokes. At the bottom of the map, next to the location of the Golden Peak mountain range.

Winters pointed at the map and swiped: "Jinliujiang and white lions are in charge, south of Jinliujiang, I'm in charge, everyone is in charge of half. . Let's speak frankly, Mr. Lark. Let the Chihe Department send troops to protect the trade route for five years, and the old land of the Terdun Department will probably belong to you. If the white lion really wants to grab the territory, he will send troops to fight. The plan to borrow the wind boat... I'm sorry I don't want to help for free. "

Skylark instantly felt the blood rush to the top of her head, and asked in a shrill voice, "South of the Ember River? Where do you get the ability to ensure the safety of the commercial road south of the Jinliu River? "

"This will not bother the White Lion King." Of course, Winters wouldn't tell Skylark about his secret agreement with Tai Chi, he put the notes he just transcribed on the table: "If there is any accident, we will compensate according to the price - according to the price you just set. . "

Tired and angry, the lark stood up suddenly, his eyes suddenly darkened, and before he fainted, he finally had a single thought: "Damn Veneta!" ”


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