Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 357


Chapter 357
It's all over.

Horned deer, antelopes, bison, gray wolves... Countless carcasses of prey were brought to the Qingqiu Mountainside for inspection by special personnel.

Once properly inspected, the catch is skinned, deboned, distributed, and pickled on the spot.

The blood flowed along the terrain and gathered all the way, watering the wasteland below the mountain into a blood swamp.

No one can get around the blood swamp, and those who want to go to Qingqiu can only continue on the dirt and mud.

In the end, on the hillside, countless dark red hoof prints and footprints were left.

In this scene, although the Chihe Department is only counting the hunting results, the actual process is no different from cleaning the battlefield.

As for the other hunt, complete or incomplete human remains, have long since been collected.

The Heard tribes don't usually use burials, but there are no ominous beast raptors around the Green Hills that can digest so much flesh. So the unclaimed bodies were thrown into the Fire Pit and buried.


To many people's surprise, the first thing that the white lions who returned to Qingqiu did was not to suppress the rebellion, but to send troops and horses to encircle them on all sides.

The [Naiman] of the Chihe tribe were divided into more than a hundred [Turu] like mercury pouring down the ground, pulling up a huge net that was sparse and not leaking, and most of the prey that escaped from Qingqiu was separated from the tribes. Back to the hunting ground.

The attitude of the white lion is well conveyed - no matter what happens, the hunt will continue.

At the same time, it was also conveyed to the leaders of the various divisions that the Chihe Division had just achieved a great victory - the white lion set up an ambush at the mouth of the Hantuo River, defeated the allied forces of the Suzi Division and the Haidong Division, which were attacking Baili, and cut the green feathers. Twelve, seize the flag sixty-four, kill the enemy without counting.


So the felt walls were repaired, the bodies were removed, the wild beasts that escaped were captured, and the hunters who escaped returned.

The stage is set up again, but this time when the white lion is shooting, no one dares to whisper.

Everything follows the old ritual: the white lion shoots the first arrow, followed by the Qingling Yu and the various tribes [Nayan] of the Chihe Department, and the Red Lingyu and the various [Kota] of the Chihe Department again Of.

When the noble warriors got tired of hunting and went to Qingqiu to rest and feast, it was the turn of the white hunters to enter.

In an air of unease, anticipation, and blood, the hunt screeched to the finish line.

Because everyone is waiting for the next ceremony that may decide the fate of the tribes:
"Separation of meat".

[Qingqiu Mountainside, Inquiry Field]
A stag with huge antlers was lifted onto the chopping board.

This beautiful big animal has two arrows in its body, one in its hind legs and one in its ribs.

"[Hede] Twelve forks." The old man in the Chihe Department in charge of the investigation muttered a few words, put the last bunch of hay between the teeth of the dead animal, and then started to check the two arrows Injury:
If the arrow in the ribs goes deeper, it can pierce the lungs of the prey, but unfortunately the arrow is stuck between the ribs, but it is only a flesh wound;

The arrow on the right hind leg of the prey injures the fur under the prey covered with dried blood.

Pulling out the arrow, the old man nodded it imperceptibly, and it turned out to be a crescent arrow.

After re-examination of the wound, the large blood vessels could not be touched, it should have been cut off by the crescent arrow. The same is true for tendons.

The old man from Chihebe briefly explained a few words, and then picked up the crescent arrow and made a ruling: "[Hede] This arrow is the first shot."

Before taking the deer carcass Of the two hunters who came to investigate, the middle-aged one had a happy expression on his face, while the younger one couldn't hide his disappointment, but he didn't argue, and took the arrow and left.

The old man checked the marks of other arrow clusters in the middle-aged hunter's quiver—the same marks as the crescent arrows.

Therefore, the attribution of the prey is thus determined.

The stag was quickly dismantled:

The antlers, fur, and tendons were given to middle-aged hunters as a "first shot";
Venison smoked, roasted and marinated, Wait for equal distribution;
The bones are returned to the public and used to boil the glue.

Not only is there nothing wasted from the beginning to the end of the hunt, but even the recovered arrow clusters must be returned to their original owners. Once the possession is discovered, they will face severe punishment.

For the Hurds, the distribution of spills of war is a major event, even more important than raiding and hunting itself.

Distributing spills of war means power, and how many spills of war can be divided indicates status.

According to the traditions of various tribes - the first shot is rewarded, the flesh and blood are divided equally, the white lions fairly distribute the hunting catches, there is no favoritism towards the Chihe tribes, and there is no discrimination against those who oppress other tribes. hunter.

No matter what the leaders of the various divisions think, the white Hurd hunters are all convinced.

Headman may not care about that insignificant catch, because they already have herds of slaves and cattle and sheep.

But the average hunter is very concerned about how much meat they get, because that is the reward for their hard work.


The hunting lasts a full day and a half. While the hunters are chasing the wild beast in the paddock, the leaders of the tribes gather on the green hill to watch, feast and rest.

Until there were not many live prey left in the hunting ground, the leader of the Bad Earth Division and the grandfather of Koshhaqi [Taya] left his seat and went to the golden tent solemnly.

The dancing slave girl quietly left, the wrestling wrestler turned around and left, and the ponytail and tambourine no longer played. The originally bustling Qingqiu was instantly silent.

Nayan Chihe, who was still drinking and laughing just a moment ago, and the leaders of the various ministries unconsciously became serious and solemn.

Everyone has a vague sense that something big is coming.

Old [Ta Ya] led eight old men with white hair and beard, and walked into the golden tent in the most humble and humble manner.

To live old in wasteland is a difficult thing to do, and nine is the "big number" of the Hurds.

The nine Heard elders first prayed for the white lion, and then toasted the white lion.

The white lion took the golden cup and drank the milk wine: "[Herde] said, old man, you can ask for anything. Whatever you ask for, I will promise."

"[Hede] a wise white lion, a benevolent white lion, and a powerful white lion." Ta Ya bent down deeply: "[Hede] please forgive the living spirits in the paddock and let them Go to a place with water and grass to breed, so that the next big hunt can still harvest wild beasts full of mountains and valleys, and let your beautiful voice of wisdom and kindness spread throughout the grassland."

The white lion nodded agreed.

The dull sound of the horn resounded through the hunting grounds, a call for forgiveness, a signal to end the killing.

The hunter, still chasing prey, reined in his horse and dared not pull the bowstring again, even if he had not had enough fun. The felt wall was wide open, and the prey that survived escaped alive and returned to wasteland's embrace.

It is not surprising that it is a tradition among the Heards to let go of the last prey in the paddock.

What really made the heads of the various ministries sweat on the backs of the leaders were the following words of the old [Taya]: "[Hedd] the wise white lion, the benevolent white lion, the powerful white lion. Forgive the beasts. , animal spirits can multiply. Indulge wildfires, wildfires will only spread. Those who disobey you, please destroy them like ashes, and let every pasture and every river know your strength!"

No need for the white lion to signal, the palace guards of the Chihe Department have already brought a group of prisoners bound with five flowers to the golden tent.

The prisoners included both the noble warriors from the east of the sea and the Suzi department, and the leaders of the vassal tribes of the Chihe department who were rebelled.

Some captives struggled desperately with anger in their eyes; some captives were weak in knees, nodded begging; some captives were like walking corpse, already mentally broken.

While the hunters of the tribes were busy hunting, the troops of the Chihe tribe were also covering the mountains and plains to hunt down the fleeing enemy.

This time, the white lion did not directly answer Lao Taya. He took the silver pot and poured half a glass of wine with his own hands.

The chief guard understood, held the horn cup in both hands, and walked slowly to the prisoner on the far left.

"[Herde] would like to drink this wine?!" Chief Guard asked loudly.

The palace guard removed the stick from the captive's mouth.

The captive took a deep breath and scolded him with his eyes wide open. However, he just made a sharp sound, and another palace guard behind him has already cut off his head with a knife.

The unsupported head fell to the ground, and there was a clear "gulong". The corpse was slowly dumped, and blood stained the gorgeous embroidered carpet.

None of the leaders of the various ministries under the tent had no blood on their hands, but for some reason, everyone felt a chill in their necks when they saw the ruthless slashing by the palace guards of the Chihe Department just now.

Chief Guard Su walked up to the second captive. This time, Gong Guard, who was escorting the captive, was smart enough not to remove the stick from the captive's mouth at all, so the captive could only shake his head and answer nodded.

The second prisoner was the warrior of Suzi's department. His eyes were struggling, but he finally slowly shook the head.

The palace guard pierced the captive's heart from behind, leaving a whole body.

It's the third captive's turn, so don't ask at all. The third captive was nodded with such force that one feared that he would break his neck bone.

Captain Su gave the third captive a sip of wine—and others.

"[Hede] has drank the wine in the glass, and you are my guest." The voice of the white lion came out of the golden tent: "[Hede] Your life is my gift; you The felt tents, slaves, and livestock must be taken out and given to the children of the dead and injured as your gifts."

The white lion was not asking, but directly handed down the judgment.

The prisoner who had just recovered his life had not had time to be happy, and he couldn't help but feel sad when he heard that all his property had been taken away. But this guy's mind is fast - if he is killed, his property will still not be preserved, and he will save his life in vain.

The third captive slammed to the ground, crying out in tears for the mercy of the white lion.

The chief guard lowered his eyes slightly, and the palace guard took the third prisoner away.

Most of the leaders of the tribes were overjoyed. In the previous turmoil, many tribes suffered losses, and it would be best to have some compensation.

There are only a few sharp headmen who are slightly frowned - according to the way the meat is divided today, even if there is compensation, I am afraid it is not the headman.

The prisoners were questioned one by one, and they were all disposed of before long. The living and the dead were taken away, except for a few pools of blood on the carpet.

The leader of a small tribe under the tent started, and all the leaders brought wine and praised the kindness of the white lion.

Benevolence is a relative concept, and the reason why the Chihe Division can expand rapidly has a lot to do with the fact that the white lion rarely uses cruel means of excluding dissidents.

In the process of the merger of the various Heard ministries, wheel slashing is a very common procedure - the men above the wheel are all killed, the children who do not remember are adopted, and the women are redistributed as resources . There is no other reason, only the family can trust it, and only when you are raised from a young age can you be assured.

Most of the time, the Chihe tribe will accept the adult males of the defeated tribe. The white lion only defeated the Zhuerqin tribe last year. This year, the Zhuerqin people have become members of the Chihe tribe. Even the quivers in the palace tent now have silhouettes of the masters.

Because of the reputation of the "fairness" of the white lion, the lower class members yearn for the Chihe Department. However, the heads of the tribes and nobles were willing to attach themselves to the Chihe tribe because of the reputation of the "kindness" of the white lion.

At this moment, all the leaders of the various departments sitting inside and outside the golden tent of the Chihe Department have already convinced themselves:

"Whatever the white lion wants, let him go."

"Whether it conforms to customs, rules, or breaks the contract, just let him go."

"Let him be the master, if he wins, he will share the spoils of war, and if he loses, he will recover. As it is."

As for the leader who didn't convince him...the one who was taken away just now.

The leaders of all the ministries are waiting for the old Taya to say that sentence, waiting for the white lion nodded, waiting for the opportunity to agree loudly.

"[Hede] the greatest and greatest white lion!" Lao Taya stood still for a moment, then fell to his knees, crying with tears on his face:

"[ Hedde] I would like to make you a khan of all the tribes!

You are the king of khan!

When hunting cunning beasts, I would like to hunt for you!

All enemies are in the front, I am willing to lead the way for you!
I will bring back the ladies and women!

I will bring back the palace tents and treasures to you!

I will bring back the women and wealth of the alien race to you!

If you disobey your orders, you can separate my wife and concubines, take away my property, and throw my head on the ground!

If you violate your resolution, you can kill my children and grandchildren, burn my felt tent, and leave me in a place where no grass grows..."

Old Taya knelt down Down, all the Hurd people inside and outside the palace tent knelt down.

Old Taya swore an oath, and the leader, Nayan, Kota, Gongwei, and Quiver swore an oath.

The voice spread beyond Qingqiu, regardless of whether the Chihe tribe or the tribes next to it, all the Hed people bowed down to the golden tent and bowed their heads.

On Nuoda's hunting ground, only one person is still sitting - the white lion.

The white lion looked at everyone's bowed heads. At this moment, no one dared to look directly at him.

For many heroes, they reach the Peak of a lifetime at a similar moment, and they shudder from body to soul, but the White Lion doesn't seem to care.

He quietly listened to Old Taya's oath, and even took a sip of milk wine to moisten his throat.

"[Hede] I..." The white lion's voice was steady and with a bit of a smile: "[Hede] once swore that he would not be a sweat in this life, or he would die by a thousand arrows. Get down."

Old Taya's body trembled obviously, the leaders of the various departments buried their heads even lower, and no one dared to move.

If the Rhett cultivator was present, he had to say something weird; even Winters, who had only learned one point of Rhett's cultivator's wit, was present, and he would probably have to make a few sharp comments.

"[Hede] White Lion!" Old Taya spoke again, his voice a little pleading: "[Hede] If you are not the sweat of the tribes! No one can be the sweat of the tribes Ah!"

"[Hede] you are the king of Khan!

When hunting cunning beasts, I would like to chase you!

Everyone inside and outside the palace tent recited the oath with Lao Taya again.

"[Hede] I am not a Jin Ren." The white lion refused again: "Red Cloud Khan has sworn an oath with the tribes that non-Jin people descendants will not be Khan. I am not qualified to be a Khan."

"[Hede] King Khan!" Lao Taya panicked, and his voice was already crying: "[Hede] The river will be diverted! The stones will be smoothed! The weeds grow and wither, and wither again. Growth! The children of all tribes have changed their faces every year! The vows will have to be broken one day!"

"[Herde] I would like to break the vows for you!

You I'm the king of Khan!

When I'm hunting cunning beasts, I'd like to chase them away for you!

This time, Old Taya didn't have a chance to finish his oath, Bai The lion's commanding command interrupted him.

"[Herde] Shut up!" The white lion smashed the desk and stood up proudly: "[Herde] lifts the head! Look at me!"

No one Dare to look up.

"[Herde] are all looking at me!"

The heads of the divisions raised their heads slightly, their chests still on the ground.

"[Herde] The river will be diverted! The stones will be smoothed! The weeds will come back to life! The children of the tribes have changed their faces!" The white lion's voice pierced through the clouds and cracked the stones, resounding through Qingqiu: " [Herde] But the oath of the Hurd is stronger than a mountain! Longer than a river! More precious than gold!"

"[Herde] Once I swear, I will never break it Since my ancestors swore an oath, I will never violate it! You should do the same! Whoever violates the oath will be punished by heaven and man! If you break your oath, you will die under ten thousand horses and ten thousand arrows!”

"[Hedde] may..." Old Taya kowtowed desperately, blood dripping from his forehead: "[Hede] If you are not the sweat of the various tribes! No one can be the sweat of the various tribes!"

The leaders of the various tribes echoed like worms , followed the old Taya and continued to kowtow.

"[Hede] shut up!"

The white lion was angry roar, and Qingqiu was silent for a moment.

"[Herde] I don't want to be the sweat of the tribes! I don't want to be the sweat of the tribes! I don't want to be the sweat of the tribes!"

He glanced under the tent, enjoying it quietly. At this moment, he really reached the peak of his life: "[Hede] wait for me to obey my laws! Respect my rules! Take my oath! Then I don't need to be your sweat!
"[Hede] observe I testify! Respect my rules! Take my oath! I, for all the ministries..." The curtain slid down, revealing a golden tablet inscribed with fine words:
"[Hedde] legislator! ! ! "



"[Herde] First, the great code of the legislator's white lion is unquestionable;"

"[Hedde] Second, the great law of the legislator White Lion cannot be changed;"

"[Hedde] Third...

The palace guard of the Chihe Department Winters was not present when the Codex was read to the chiefs, the Kotas, and the crowd.

He was lying in an ox cart, slowly approaching the valley where the gold was buried.

One day in the future, Winters may regret that he missed the most exciting part of the events in Qingqiu——the children of the Heard tribes covering the mountains and plains swear to break the arrow together , swearing to honor the law of the golden tablet forever.

While the Hurds show how to efficiently destroy arrows, Winters is figuring out how to coax Kaman to rub his legs, which are incredibly sore.

He lay upright on the hard deck, every inch of his skin and every inch of muscle aching so badly that he didn't even have the strength to hook his little finger.

"...didn't expect..." Winters sighed intermittently: "...white lions don't even need white lions..."

This sentence seems ambiguous. In fact, the two "white lions" refer to different objects. The former is naturally the one who is worshipped in Qingqiu.

And the latter -- a white lion named little fellow -- was sleeping in the cart behind Winters at the moment. In the same car with little fellow was Bell, and two dogs that looked like wolves.

"Return to the white lion? Let's take care of yourself first!" Father Kaman sat leaning beside Winters, holding a small silver pot to feed Winters hot milk, half taking pleasure in other people's misfortune, Half-heartedly scolding: "I really don't understand, how did you make yourself look like this? Normal people fainted or lost their strength long before they became like you. How on earth did you do it? Not faint or dead?"

Lieutenant Colonel Moritz, sitting on the other side of the bullock cart, sipped a little wine and said leisurely, "The power of love."

Kaman sneered coldly: "I really entered a field that I don't understand."

"I... want to talk" Winters squeezed out the words with amazing perseverance: "...perish together..."

"Okay." Kaman continued to drip milk into the corner of Winters' mouth: "Come on."

Winters' eyes gradually became wet: "That old man... The wine I...drink...has a problem!"


"...the first part of the Hurd culture as we know it today. A written law, "The Golden Stele Law", is also the origin of the Hurd script..."

——"History·Seventh Grade (Part 1)"[New Hailan Education Press]
[The moment of high light is often the moment of death of the society]
[There are a lot of things today, I wrote a part at noon, and I have a little free time before I get off work. Sorry for being late]
[About Taya's oath to support the White Lion, rewritten from the oath of Qiyan's families to support Temujin in "The Secret History of Mongolia". This should be the earliest, written record of the nomadic oath to hold a khan.]
[There is a very interesting detail in the original oath, that is, the first sentence "We will make you a khan". We make you a khan. This sentence shows that the authority of the khan throne actually comes from the collective grant of the nobility. It's not a gift from God, and it's not all inherited or earned. In the early days of the Mongolian regime, the change of the khan throne had to hold a "conference", which indirectly proved this point]
[(The following is the content of this book) In addition, although the white lion's methods are relatively mild, the background of the internal conflict in the Hart society is still Very bloody and cruel. If you say kill the whole family, kill the whole family without mercy]
[It is precisely because of the high level of internal friction that the expansion of Heard's tribes is very difficult. The clan and the clan are killed too hard. The expansion of the clan is all on its own. I don’t know when it will be born.]
[So, it is not the Platonic people who kill the most Hurds, but the Hurds People]
[The white lion can become bigger and stronger in a generation, part of the reason is that he rarely "wasted manpower" and rarely kills indiscriminately]
[But then again, only outside the Hurd people Some people will call the Hed people "Hed people". For people living in wasteland in the northwest, people from other tribes are not family with themselves. It is natural for you to kill me and I to kill you. It does not exist.同胞之情可言]

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