Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 341


Chapter 341 old fogey and Dussack

Looking back on his childhood, old fogey considers himself lucky . Because his mother gave birth to eight children in total, he was the only one who survived to adulthood.

But unfortunately, Vogt also had a father who was a thief.

The occupational risk of thieves is very high. Once caught, they can be beaten or lose their right hand.

The income from theft is also not proportional to the risk. After all, Palato is not the prosperous and prosperous Veneta. In the country of galloping horses, there are almost no thieves who can only rely on stealing to support their families.

Therefore, Vogt's father's bread was mainly earned by doing odd jobs, and he had the opportunity to engage in side jobs when there were many occasions such as fairs, celebrations, worship and the others.

There are low and high seasons for odd jobs. During peak seasons—such as spring ploughing and autumn harvesting—Vogt’s father was always hired last, and employers had no choice but to take him in. In the off-season, Vogt's father is always the first to fire, because just by looking at his wooden prosthesis, people know what crime he has committed.

For Vogt's father, the loss of a hand meant he would never be accepted again by the public. Even passers-by would hold their purses and swords tightly when they saw him approaching.

So Vogt's family fell into an endless cycle of "stealing because of poverty, poverty because of stealing", and could never escape.

In old Vogt's memory, his childhood was when he followed his parents to and fro from town to town. He was busy with farming and went to rural farms to find work, and returned to town to do odd jobs in winter.

And, of course, stealing.

Born into such a family, being a thief is something as it should be by rights.

Vogt was sent by his father to steal at the age of eight - the little child was more nimble, less visible, and there were no serious consequences if caught.

Stealing until the age of sixteen, Vogt dared not continue. Because he has grown a beard and Adam's apple, he is already a young man.

It's not as simple as a lesson or a slap when an adult is caught stealing. Every time he saw his father's prosthetic right hand, the young Vogt felt scared from the bottom of his heart.

So one dead night, Vogt said goodbye to his mother, fled from his father's grasp, and ran to a town where no one knew him, wanting to start over.

It's interesting to say that Vogt has never been a thief since he was a thief. His ability is not comparable to that of his half-way monk. He is a third-rate thief who is very difficult to deal with, so powerful that he can live well by stealing alone.

Vogt, who intends to change his mind and be innocent, finds that he can't even make a living.

Because there is no skill, Vogt can only live by hard work.

Digging clay, burning kilns, working like cattle from morning till night, the wages earned can only be changed for food and clothing.

Just when Vogt felt he couldn't take it any longer, his life ushered in the first light - the potter who took in Vogt as a small worker invited him to his home , vaguely expressed that he wanted to recruit him as his son-in-law.

The reason for the bright side is that "after repeated investigations, it is determined that he is a reliable and honest young man".

The actual reason was that the potter's only daughter had long promised Vogt's heartfelt, and the old widower had to agree.

It is difficult to infer what kind of superior appearance he has in his early twenties through the appearance of old Vogt today. We can only tentatively think that Vogt in his youth was more in line with the aesthetics of the time.

In this way, Vogt got married, had a virtuous and lovely wife, had a father-in-law who treated him very well, and could inherit a small pottery workshop in the future. He believes that there is no luckier and happier person in the world than himself.

And then, war.

To this day, Vogt remembers it very clearly: that year was first with severe drought in spring and summer, then heavy snow in autumn and winter, and then "Que Yehan" led an unprecedented Barbarian Race army into Palatu.

People are saying in horror, "Heard barbarians come this time, I'm afraid they don't plan to go again".

The barbarians fought against the Platos, and the Palatians fought against the Palatists, and Vogt couldn't tell who was who.

At that time, he was in the throes of another incident - the war destroyed his father-in-law's pottery workshop, and his father-in-law went bankrupt and owed a deposit.

Vogt ran around trying to borrow money. His father-in-law owed a small deposit, but no one was willing to lend him. There is a war going on outside, and everyone is holding their wallets tightly and not letting go.

Vogt stood in the ruins of the pottery workshop all night, and decided to take a risk.



"And then?" Pierre asked, frowning, "You didn't steal? Are you caught?"

"It's done." old fogey lowered his head and fiddled with the campfire: "Although I hadn't done that for many years at the time, ability wasn't completely rusty."

"So? Pierre coughed: "Where is your pottery workshop?"

old fogey pretended to be relaxed: "No, even the land was sold by the debt collectors."

"Where are you?"

"I was caught."

"Didn't you say you stole it?"

"I was Got the money. But I got caught too."

Pierre was a little annoyed: "So what's the 'finished'?"

old fogey was silent for a while , explained: "I was arrested because someone in Xiaolu City accused me of stealing, and it has nothing to do with my 'work'."

"I don't understand." Pierre was completely confused.

"Because." old fogey lifts the head, flatly saying: "My life is done in Jackdaw Town."

Pierre at first failed to understand: "You mean they framed you?"

old fogey grinned. "It can't be 'framed' either, because I deserve it."

" What the hell is going on."

"It's nothing complicated. I went to Jackdaw Town and got a sum of money that could pay off the debt. I paid the money back to the creditor's second day, and someone found it. The mayor, said that the family was burglarized and lost a sum of money. The amount is not much, not much, just as much as the debt my family owes."

Pierre narrowed his eyes: "Black Eating black?"

"Who knows?" old fogey scooped another cup of hot soup and handed it to Pierre: "Drink some more... Anyway, the mayor asked me where the money to pay the debt came from, I can't tell."

Pierre took the cup and held it in his hand.

"It just so happened that another 'old acquaintance' exposed my identity. So, everybody knows - I'm the son of a thief. The son of a thief is a thief, and more than Is this something simpler?" old fogey smiled nonchalantly: "But he's right, I'm a thief."

"You didn't plead?"

" There was a war at that time, and the sentence was heavy. If you don't plead guilty to death, you don't have to die if you plead guilty."

"You pleaded guilty?"

"Yes, I did." old fogey again Repeated: "They are right, I am indeed a sinner."

The two around the campfire were silent for a while.

"You're not lying to me, are you?" Pierre suddenly laughed: "Where did you hear the story?"

Old fogey also laughed: "I wish I I'm lying to you."

There was another silence.

"And then what?" Pierre asked.

"Then?" old fogey stood up, patted the ash on his body: "Then I was sentenced to hard labor and conscripted into the army. At that time there was a war, and the army needed people to work."

" Have you ever been a soldier?"

"You haven't been armed, you're a civilian, cutting trees, driving cars, and moving things."

"Oh." Pierre was a little disappointed, he He picked up the cup and took a sip of hot soup, then asked casually: "What about your wife and your father-in-law?"

"They are all dead." old fogey exhales one breath saying: "Father-in-law committed suicide with a rope, My daughter-in-law died immediately afterward."

Pierre said in a hoarse voice, "If I were you, I would definitely kill all those who framed me."

"You are Dussack, you have the ability." Old fogey laughed bitterly and laughed at himself: "What about me? I'm just a commoner, at most a thief, and I don't have the ability to kill. And I'm a sinner, and I deserve it. ."

Pierre was lightly snorted.

"When I get home." Old fogey broke off branches one by one to add firewood to the campfire, and rambled: "I found that my home was gone, and my daughter was gone, so I started looking for him again. Daughter. After I find my daughter, the days go by day by day, and those who are muddheaded don't know why..."

"Wait." Pierre coughed violently: "You still have a daughter. ?"


"Where is she?"

"Where?" old man unfathomable mystery: "Where else could she be? "

Pierre had an epiphany: "Xiaolu City? Your daughter is in Xiaolu City? That's why you are in Xiaolu City?"




"Then what about you?" Pierre couldn't bear to ask the second half of the sentence - "Then why are you still sitting in the black jail for so long? Why didn't she come to redeem you?"

old fogey saw Pierre's doubts, and hooked the head: "My daughter is married, has a child, and is doing well. She doesn't know I'm still alive. What should I tell her? Let her take money to redeem me? Then What? Then there's a thief father? In fact, if I can stand by and take a look, I have nothing to be dissatisfied with..."

Pierre looked at the fire, long sighed. He didn't have a child yet, so he couldn't understand what it was like to be a father, but he remembered his father.

"That's what." old fogey scratched his hair: "Thank you for getting me out."

Pierre didn't look up: "If you didn't take care of me, I would have You died in prison."

"Just talking about me. We've been in the same nest for so long, I don't know why you were put in prison. I asked you before, If you don't say it, can you say it now?"

Pierre sipped the hot soup: "My affairs are not as twisty as yours."



The reason why Winters sent Pierre to find [Bérion], [Girard] and the others is because only Pierre can do it.

Others either lacked the ability to make individual decisions - such as Tamas, Bart Shalling and the others at that time;

Pierre thought so too.

Knowing that the Hurd raiders had invaded the territory of Palatu, the "overreacting" Palatu Army directly issued a mobilization order to all reserve Dussacs.

The temporarily recruited Dussacks were organized into a separate cavalry Legion, which was under the command of the Expeditionary Force Command.

After the bloody night in the King's Castle, the expeditionary force was transformed into a military government. The military government, which is in desperate need of battle strength, is of course impossible to let the Dussacs go home, and the [First Reserve Cavalry Legion] is logically included in the battle sequence of the Third Republic.

After the winter, the fighting was suspended. In order to reduce the logistical pressure, the Palatu military government divided its troops into various towns in the territory for food and winter.

This has another benefit: it can deter potential rebels and increase the junta's internal strength control.

Since there are advantages, there are also disadvantages. For example, dispersing for winter means dispersing troops. If the red rose suddenly comes over...

For another example: Jiangbei province has a large group full of complaints of Dussack veterans.

Veterans like to whine, and whining is the privilege of veterans. The veterans complained about the food, the weather, the stupid Hundred-Men Commander, and the boots that didn't fit, as if there was nothing in the world that would satisfy them.

And the Dussack veterans were especially grumbling.

Because of the special system of lifetime service, most of the temporarily recruited Dussacks are veterans who have served in active duty for seven years. Many of them already have a lot of beards, and some even have grandchildren.

When they were recruited, it was said that they wanted to fight the Hurd barbarians, and they could go home after killing the Harder barbarians.

So the Dussacks, regardless of age, willing or unwilling, rode on war horses and carried dry rations to the field camp to gather.

The result?
The barbarian Hurd was beaten away, and asked the Dussacks to deal with their own people? How to say good is different?
The Dussacks, loyal to the Republic of Palato, have not done dirty work for many years.

The younger generation born in Palato didn't even know the true meaning of [the emperor's whip], and only the older generation Dussac still had the memory of wielding a saber and slashing at the "peasant guy".

Seeing that it is winter, the military government has no sign of lifting the draft order. The Dussacks were grumbling, angry, feeling betrayed, and homesick.

The daring Dussac became a deserter, and the Dussacs who dared not be deserters had to drink alcohol every day to drown their sorrows.

The army did not supply alcohol, and the Dussacs used armbands, belts, and silver stirrups for merchants, and even robbed them.

The taverns, hotels, and crossroads in Jiangbei province are full of drunken Dussacs looking for someone to fight.

In this case, Pierre and Wasica's identities are almost seamless - because they are Dussacs.

After leaving Tiefeng County, Pierre and Wahika detoured from the no-man's land in the west, crossed the Jhinliu River with the assistance of the Chihe Department, crossed the river and then entered Jiangbei eastward province.

The area of Jiangbei province is similar to that of the newly reclaimed land province. Finding a small group of people on the land of more than 200,000 square kilometers is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

But Pierre had a way. Every time he went to a city or a village, Pierre always went to the tavern first to inquire about news. When encountering Dussac who is borrowing wine to relieve his worries, he invites him to have a drink.

Dussac is an outlier among the Palatians, their hairstyles, accessories, and clothing are all different from the latter.

When two Dussacs meet, there is a natural sense of intimacy. Coupled with the uninterrupted refills of spirits, the Dussacs who sat with Pierre soon began to wipe their tears, hug their shoulders, and call themselves brothers, eager to tell Pierre everything they knew.

While passing through Oakwood Town, he heard the rumor of "a hoof trimmer with exceptional cooking skills" from a Dussac, followed the rumors and learned from another Dussac. The home of the "hoof trimmer".

Although I only found out that the other party was not Berion, I accidentally learned that the hoof trimmer had worked with a blacksmith who was "a young but very difficult to deal with" before. The hoof trimmer's cook Art is also learned from the latter.

The hard work paid off, Pierre followed the vine to find one station after another, and finally succeeded in meeting with Berrian.

The task Winters gave Pierre was just "find someone and do the best you can", although Berian's supervision is not strict, but also not Pierre and Vashka can solve it of.

So after Pierre negotiated with Vashka, it was decided that Vashka would return to Tiefeng County to deliver the letter, and Pierre stayed in Jiangbei Province to wait for reinforcements.

Actually, Pierre has another idea - he wants to find Gerard Mitchell.

It was around this time that Pierre was caught and thrown into stone mountain prison.



old fogey chuckled: “I knew you were big.”

“So you Just take care of me, right?" Pierre faintly smiled.

"That's right." old fogey simply admitted: "The first time I saw you...I thought you might have been sent by the Lord to save me."

" Anyway, thank you."

Old fogey changed the subject: "How did you get caught? You haven't said it yet! Did someone set the card?"

Pierre coldly snorted: "Sheka? When I meet the patrolling military police, my companions and I can throw them away with a whip, and they can't catch up with them. I guess they all think it is. Two drunk Dussacs."


"Things went well...I ordered all the Dussacs in the tavern." Pierre's cheeks twitched: "I don't know why, more and more people are coming. They get drunk and start fighting, dancing, and drinking."

"And then?"

"Then someone suggested burning the tavern."


"The tavern boss was so frightened that they closed the door, and the gendarmerie arrested us all as soon as they arrived."

[Last week's account has been paid off]
[This chapter may have a bit of typos, because it's too late and my brain is not working well, sorry (covering face). If you can, please don't point out, change tomorrow.> (end of chapter)

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