Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 337


Chapter 337 Arrangements
Gervodin, Iron Peak.

Imperial Calendar Winter of 559, Iron Peak's campaign against Teltown, which has yet to be officially named.

But privately, the people of Iron Peak refer to the final battle as "Battle of Blood and Mire".

It is used a lot, and the "battle of bloody mud" has gradually become a synonym for all the battles on both sides of the Bighorn River in a broad sense.

No one can tell exactly how the name came about. A more credible statement is that because the two sides bleed so much that the battlefield was watered into mud from the frozen farmland, so it was named the battle of bloody mud.

In any case, on the afternoon of the day Budd returned to Gervoudan, Winters · Montagne stepped into the Gervoudan garrison for the first time after the battle of bloody mud.

The guards on duty watched the blood wolf come to him intently, and even forgot how to salute.

Similarly, for Winters, the second layer building in the station has become somewhat unfamiliar. There were many unseen faces among the people coming in and out, presumably newly hired clerks.

Winters recognizes the Guards - 2nd Founding, Little Rock native. But for some reason, he couldn't call out the guard's name.

But that's okay, because the guards recognize him too.

"Who's there?" Winters asked.

"Captain Bart Shilling." After the guard answered, he remembered to add: "Report!"

Winters nominated. The guard raised his hand in return, and Winters returned.

In the Iron Peak County Infantry Regiment, the fully formed company was sent to Manyun Valley, while the incomplete company stayed in the town of Saint Ke for rest. Currently, there is only the second unit stationed in Gervoudan. even.

Knowing that the Hundred-Men Commander had appeared, Bart Xialing did not wait for the summons and rushed to the garrison at the first time.

Nowadays, the Revodan Station - this small second layer masonry building - is the real heart and brain of Tiefeng County, not the county seat, nor the city hall.

The power concentrated in the new garrison is far from comparable to the old garrison in the "Ronald era". All military and political orders in Tiefeng County are now issued by the new garrison, and the original semi-autonomous system is invisible. suffered a severe impact.

Winters never worked in the garrison, so there was no dedicated office.

Bart Hilling knew this, so he climbed up to the second floor in three steps and two steps, pushed open the door of the Conference Hall slightly restless, and unsurprisingly saw the familiar team on the table. cane.

"Your Excellency!" Bart Shalling saluted immediately, his eyes turned slightly, and he saw another person: "Your Excellency Bard!"

"It's coming very quickly." Bud smiled and gestured for the second company commander to take his seat.

“Where is the Mason Tribunal?” Winters asked.

"Just out of town at noon." Bart Shilling was still standing: "I'll go back to Lord Mason?"

"No." Winters was writing something: "You too Sit down."

Bart Shalling sat down, but not too deeply, leaving a foot between his spine and the back of the chair.

Seeing the sitting position of the second company commander, Bud slightly shook the head.

"I'm going to call two scribes?" Bart Harling asked in a low voice.

Winters didn't look up: "Do not disclose the following to anyone below company level."


"I am going to Send each company to each town for the winter." Winters glanced at the second company commander: "Erlian will go to Hammer Castle."

Bart Xialing knows exactly what attitude he should take when. He put away his cautiously appearance and asked seriously: "Then the supplies are still provided by Gervodin?"

In order to give the second company commander, Winters never need to explain too much: "Conditions allow. Under the circumstances, do your best to raise your own."

"Raise on the spot?" Bart Shalling bluntly said, "I'm afraid it will not be a good look."

"It's not for you guys. Forced expropriation." Winters stopped writing: "Every company will be allocated a small denomination land coupon."

"Is that the 'small denomination' military merit certificate mentioned in the previous announcement?"


"ordinary person...will accept?"

"Of course they will, at least not too reluctantly." Literally: "As long as the county government allows anyone to 'cultivate the land first, then pay the coupons'."

The Conference Hall became quiet, and Bart Harling stood up and asked, "You mean, next year, Spring ploughing allows farmers to first demarcate land to open up wasteland? As for the process of replacing land with military merit certificates, can you make up for it later?"

"Yes, that's right."

"I'm afraid..."

"There will be countless encroachments, and the interests of the garrison will be damaged, right?"

Bart Shaling nodded.

"If the farmers in Iron Peak County can all think that they have taken advantage of it, then this will be a success." Winters said lightly: "It's okay to suffer a little loss, if you have to settle the account, it is probably still I earned it."

Bart Xialing thought hard to no avail: "Apart from collecting supplies on the spot, is there any other order? Your arrangement must have a deeper meaning, but your subordinates can't figure it out... "

"Yes, and there are many." Winters never quizzes with his subordinates: "The clerks of the county government will join you in the towns. Their task is to count the population and clear the land. You must cooperate and assist you." And protect them."

"The county government? Where did the county government come from?" Bart Xia Ling was puzzled. As everyone knows, the county government of Tiefeng County is an empty shell.

Bud, who has been silent for a while, replied: "It is tentatively planned to be hired by the accounting school, and some people will be dispatched from the farm to help."

"Measure the land... students from the accounting school. Can you do the job?" Bart Xia Ling was still skeptical: "I'm afraid there's not enough time."

Wouldn't it be more convenient to send clerks directly to the camp? Bart Xialing wanted to ask this question very much, but he was keen on Earth Grade, so he didn't point it out.

"It is precisely because the time is tight, so let them get familiar with and exercise as soon as possible." Bud explained patiently: "There are exercises in the army, and this winter's inspection area can also be regarded as an exercise."


The tribune's reason was very strong, but Bart Xia Ling couldn't find any reason to refute it, so he had to nodded it.

Winters rubbed a knife: "Including Revodan, there are seventeen towns in Tiefeng County. You and the county government personnel will be dispatched to [North Eight Towns] first. Go to Tiefeng County. The county's current state of detachment should be over. Beiba Town must be officially put under the jurisdiction of the county government, and at least next year will be able to raise taxes."

"Yes!" Bart Xialing, who just sat down He stood up all of a sudden: "It's long overdue!"

But he remembered something and asked with a little worry: "But... what about Shovel Harbor? I'm afraid Shovel Harbor won't accept us easily. The troops will be stationed."

"Shovel Harbor will not send people over for the time being, I have other arrangements."


"In addition to protecting and assisting the county Government, I have other tasks for you." Winters lowered his eyes and looked towards the file in front of him: "I have seen all your requests for additional troops. I don't plan to openly recruit troops in Gervoudan, it's too obvious - stationed in various places. The town is a good opportunity. Specific plans... Mason Tribunal will prepare for you."


"According to the current establishment, one company will be full of 100 members. Twenty people." Winters touched the table with his fingertips: "By next year, the number will become two hundred and forty."

Bart Xia Ling was startled at first, but after thinking about it, he replied excitedly: " Yes!"

"Also... a lot of peasants couldn't survive, they ran into the mountains and became robbers and bandits. [South Eight Towns], I took you to clean it up. As for [North Eight Towns] , at that time we were beyond our reach. But now it is different, since we have to collect taxes from Beiba Town, we must also be responsible to Beiba Town, do you understand what I mean?" He bared his teeth and said with a smile: "To be honest, I'm worried that there are too few bandits to kill."

Bud lightly coughed: "If you can kill as little as possible."


"The most difficult part of the gangs is not their battle strength, but their long legs—the ability to run. It is not difficult to deal with a peasant who is a thief for one bite, and it is difficult to deal with it. It's those habitual criminals and habitual bandits." Winters looked towards the map hanging on the wall: "I have prepared a place for them." His eyes fell on a town in the northeast of Tiefeng County - Shovel Harbor.

"What do you mean?" Bart Xialing bit his lip and asked tentatively, "Hunting?"

"The two administrative regions are the most likely places to breed bandits. If the bandits and robbers from Tiefeng County escape into Vaughn County or Baishan County, it will not be eradicated.” Winters’ eyebrows inadvertently grew a deep groove: “So don’t be tight on the outside and loose on the inside, Don't let any of the gangsters escape Iron Peak and drive them all to Shovel Harbor."


"I know what you're worried about, I've decided. "


"Do you know why you only came to the meeting?"

"...I'm stupid."

"You are the smartest and most capable of the twelve commanders." Winters put the draft memorandum in front of the second commander: "What I said to you will not be reflected in the announcement, so I will You go to Sanke Town and Manyun Valley in person to convey orders to the other company commanders."

Bart Harling stood up abruptly: "Yes!"

Winters had a moment at the moment. A sense of "must be done as soon as possible" that makes him unwittingly harsh. Looking at the sunken cheeks and wrists of the second company commander, he realized this.

"In terms of qualifications, among the first twelve company commanders, you are second only to Tamas. In terms of credit, Tamas is not as good as you. Since Tamas became the first acting battalion Commander, then the second acting battalion commander should be yours anyway. But until now you are still the second company commander. You feel wronged, or you should blame me.” Winters faced his most powerful subordinates, feeling guilty Says:

"Because I want you to go through the compliant process for promotion, not like Tamas - I'm direct appointment. I set a very bad precedent with Tamas , so I want to correct it on you. But the reason is not your responsibility, so I'm sorry."

Bart Xia Ling opened and closed his lips as if he wanted to say something, but in the end Still can't spit out any words. He raised his hand and saluted.

Winters returned the salute: "Let's go, get to Sanke Town and Manyun Valley as soon as possible. I have written the specific deployment in the memo, and the official announcement will be sent the day after tomorrow at the latest."


Bart Shalling nodded, turned and walked towards the door. He had just touched the doorknob when he was called again.

"There is one more thing." There are too many problems to be dealt with, and Winters' thinking is also a little confused. He smiled and told the second company commander: "Select ten people from your subordinates, it is best to They are literate, good at arithmetic, young, and smart, or they have made meritorious deeds and are of good quality."

Bart Shaling was stunned, and he replied with a bitter face: "Where can I give it to me? You're looking for ten young, literate, math-smart, and smart-minded warriors, and you have to... make good achievements and have good quality warriors?"

Winters also felt that it seemed too extravagant: "As much as possible, meet the requirements, Or you can pick out ten warriors that you think are the best."

There are only seven ten captains left in Bart Shalling's Second Company, and picking the ten best warriors is no different Yu took out half of the company's spine.

"Are you going to form a guard?" Bart Shalling gritted his teeth: "If I say anything, I'll find ten for you."

"That's not the case. No." Winters' eyes flashed with fire: "I'm planning to build a special military school... Let the other company commanders choose ten people according to this standard."

Bart Xialing's emotions complex.

Although his militia career was not long, Bart Schalling learned many nicknames for officers from the veterans of the standing army, such as: leather boots, big white goose, officer...

These nicknames satirize the officers' arrogance on the one hand, and adoration and jealousy on the other.

Bart Xialing is now reluctantly considered an "official", but he knows clearly in his heart: there are only four real officers in Tiefeng County, and as for which four, there is no need to one after another enumerate.

"Army...Military school?" Bart Shalling asked awkwardly: "What...when...starts..."

Winters sighed: "At least Two months later. As for the graduates, we tentatively let them serve as assistant officers for you. In the current situation, it is impossible to appoint them directly."

In two months, Bart Xialing keenly captured the key words . Thinking of Hundred-Men Commander's abnormal behavior today, Bart Xialing couldn't help but be suspicious.

He asked tentatively, "You haven't shown up before, and today you have arranged so many things at once..."

"My old injury has recurred and I need to go back to Wolf Town to recuperate." Winters Expressionless: "After today, I won't be able to appear in public for at least two months."

Bart Hilling fell into a huge panic, he rushed to the side of Hundred-Men Commander, anxious to the point of Stuttering: "Where is the injury? Isn't your leg injury okay? Is it..."

"This is the reason for the publicity."

"Then...then What's the actual reason?"

"I'm going a long way." Winters gritted his teeth and said angrily, "Being used as a knife—hmph, I admit it. But at least, I want to I saw the hand holding the knife with my own eyes. The Chihe Department invited me to be a guest, and it happened that I also wanted to visit Yaxin, the white lion."

Bard looked towards the window and sighed heavily.

Bart Schalling was dumbfounded. His sanity wanted to stop the Hundred-Men Commander, but what he said was so unimaginable that he didn't even know where to stop it.

"Don't worry, I still have value, and the white lion won't kill me." Winters glanced at Bart Xialing: "Also, it's time to dig out that lump of gold."

[This...this...this is last week]
[The transition chapter was very difficult to write, but it was finished in the end, Sahua]
[Thanks to the book friends收藏、阅读、订阅、推荐票、月票、打赏和评论,谢谢大家]

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