Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 335


Chapter 335 Head Tickets

Iron Peak, Gervoudan.

Would you like to sell the head ticket? This question plagued almost every Tiefeng County militiaman.

The more entangled the militia with the greater the credit, Ivan is among them.

"Sell it." Aksinya hugged her youngest son and begged her husband: "Sell at least one?"

Ivan didn't speak, just stared at him Holding five head coupons lined up on the table.

Aside from the assigned value, the head ticket is actually an ordinary parchment with a decree and a number printed on it. The only special place is probably the lacquer seal and signature of the tribune of Montagne.

The more Ivan looked at it, the more incredible it became: such an ordinary piece of paper could actually represent such a large amount of wealth.

"But to whom?" Ivan said hesitantly, "How many gold coins will you sell?"

Aksinya sat with her sleeping child in her arms. Opposite her husband, her voice trembled: "I just feel scared."

What is Aksinya afraid of? Are you afraid of someone with bad intentions? Or are you simply afraid of wealth? She couldn't say it either.

"I want to exchange these head coupons for real land when things settle down." Ivan bit his nails and told his wife the truth: "We can go to the countryside and become a rich peasant. , no more staying in the city for a day and a day - I don't want to swing my sword anymore."

"But when will it settle down?"

"I don't know either."

"I'm scared."

"Then... I'll go out and ask tomorrow." Ivan put away the five head tickets and carefully hid them in the Behind the shrine: "Ask who is willing to buy it?"


Similar to the conversation between Ivan and his wife, which happened in Gervoudan and even in the whole Iron Peak County. In individual cases, the conversation even turned into arguments and violence.

While the Ivans slept with unease and anxiety, Winters was leading Mr. Leo around the printing workshop, with little Priskin there.

The printing workshop of the county government uses a classic Gutenberg printing press. In order to meet the special needs of printing announcements, a set of oversized movable type is specially cast.

Winters picked up a copy of the just-printed bulletin, checked it out, and handed it to Mr. Leo with a smile: "Tomorrow, this bulletin will be posted. You're leaving Iron Peak. So please take a look."

"Thank goodness." Leo took the announcement: "It's done."

"It's all your credit." Winters told Leo Thank you sir.

"It's just tinkering." Leo's face didn't show any pride, he bowed his head slightly: "What's the credit."

Little Priskin Suppressing his inner curiosity, he secretly glanced at the newly printed announcement.

The entire announcement is about one thing - the poll.


When the first-level power system was first introduced, Winters didn’t think much about it, just using it as a temporary incentive.

After all, the Tyrtown barbarians who invaded Iron Peak County are full of more than 10,000 heads, and it is not at worst if they are all sent to land.

However, after the introduction of the two policies of "free trading" and "changing the head as a certificate", the nature of the head ticket has changed.

It turned into a cistern and gunpowder library, making it tricky for Winters.

Aside from the Iron Peaks speculators, there is another person who is interested in poll tickets - Philip Leo.

Leo watched Winters' decision with great interest, and after knowing enough, he approached Winters and had an in-depth conversation.

Leo asked straight to the point, asking straight to the point, "I want to know, why did you replace the physical head with a paper certificate? Paper certificates are much easier to forge than human heads. "

"There's no reason." Winters laughed. "The militiamen are selling their heads so cheap that I can't see them, so I want to raise the price of the heads."

"So it is." Leo showed no emotion.

"That's how it was at the time." Winters decided to tell Leo the truth: "Now that I have some new ideas, I think .

"How to raise money?"

"As far as I can see, most people who buy poll tickets don't really plan to exchange poll tickets for land." Winters is a little sorry Express his naive thoughts: "They see it as a commodity that can add value."

Business is an area that Winters doesn't understand at all, and he longs for guidance from a seasoned businessman: "If If possible, I would like to use all the unsold land in Iron Peak County as collateral to issue bonds - just like Marshal Ned used to do."

Leo listened carefully and asked, "Why are you issuing bonds? ?"

"Because there is no money." Winters spread his hands: "Ironfeng County needs money everywhere, but there is nothing in the vault."

Leo was not polite at all. : "If you want the value of the head ticket to be tied to the price of the land. Then I can tell you right now - you're playing with fire."


" Land is not gold, its value will fluctuate. The current land price in Tiefeng County is stable, that is because the newly reclaimed land Legion sets the price rigidly. Moreover, the supply is strictly controlled to artificially raise the price of land.” Leo pointed to his feet and asked : "What do you think a head ticket is?"

Winters replied following Leo's train of thought: "Land?"

"That's right." Leo dissection the head ticket a little bit. Deep logic: "The head ticket is not a piece of paper, but a hundred acres of land. Every transaction is equivalent to a hundred acres of land changing hands."

Leo's fat face was a little red: "You Linking head coupons to land in a disguised form reduces the difficulty of land buying and selling, resulting in increased land circulation.

Before this, all land buying and selling had to go through the newly reclaimed Legion. Now? Land buying and selling has changed. It has become 'one-handed payment, one-handed coupons', and no longer set by Legion.

even more how There are thousands of head coupons on the market all of a sudden, which means you can take out a few in one go. 100,000 mu of land has been put into the market. I am not alarming. When the people of Tiefeng County come to their senses, the price of land in Tiefeng County will collapse by a thousand miles, and all the landowners in Tiefeng County will become your enemies.”

Winters frowned when he first listened, because Leo was talking about issues he hadn't considered.

But when he heard Leo solemnly admonish "you're going to crash the land price in Iron Peak", Winters' brows widened.

“Wait.” Winters asked with a smile: “You mean, if the head coupons continue to be implemented, will land prices fall? Make land sales easier?”

“ Of course!" Leo didn't know why, but he explained patiently: "It's like a cloth merchant suddenly takes out hundreds of thousands of pieces of wool, and the price of wool on the market will naturally drop."

Winters, looking Lighten up: "Then I'll be a little more at ease."

Leo couldn't make any sense with the self-taught boar-type Economics: "Lord Montagne - all the landowners in Iron Peak will look down on you. For the enemy."

"I know." Winters considers the gain and loss: "But it is less than the resistance that the direct allocation of the land provokes. The manor will be dissatisfied, but more people will become me So I'm not very afraid."

Leo was speechless, and asked again: "Have you ever thought about it, assuming that the landowners buy the poll tickets in large numbers, you want to give land to the poor, but the land In the end, it falls into the hands of the landlord again?"

Winters was asked, silent for a long time, he grabbed Mr. Leo's hand: "Then you have to help me find a way to avoid this. This situation happened."


On the second day, Ivan got up very early, and he planned to find a sheriff who he knew well to ask who was buying the poll tickets.

Leaving the house, he wrapped his clothes tightly and walked to the other end of the city.

Walking through the square, he saw a lot of people gathered in front of the bulletin board. At this time, it was just dawn, and it was reasonable that there would not be so many people going out.

Inspired by the curiosity trend, Ivan heads to the square.

The crowd around the notice board is mostly illiterate, but that's okay, the city clerk is screaming.

Ivan stood outside the crowd and listened for a long time, and basically understood two things:
First, the county government will start clearing the land, and after next year's Saint Physique festival, it will give anyone who wants to cash the head coupon.

Secondly, the county government will issue smaller denominations of head vouchers to gradually replace the current head vouchers.

Hearing this, Ivan stomped, ready to go home. He doesn't plan to sell his head ticket for the time being, because the current head ticket is one hundred acres, and Ivan will feel distressed whichever one he sells.

He is not in a hurry to use the money, so he plans to change to a smaller denomination head coupon and then sell it as needed.


Tiefeng County, Manyun Valley.

The Mayor of Manyun Valley originally thought that Tamas' horse team was all the "bridge builders".

It wasn't until he found out that Tamas had circled a huge camp that could hold thousands of people, and he didn't realize he was dead wrong.

As Palatu stepped into the deep winter step by step, there were almost no pedestrians on the road. However, the avenue between Revodan and Manyun Valley presents an unnatural busyness.

Since the cavalry arrived in Manyun Valley, armed escort convoys have been coming from Gervodan for several days.

From morning to night, the townspeople can hear the screeching screeching of the heavily loaded carriage.

Tamas kept his promise, and immediately after the fort was completed, he led people to fell trees and erect a pontoon bridge.

Fear lingered in the mayor of Manyungu. He secretly speculated: "With so much baggage, is there going to be another war?"

The smart guy of Manyungu Not only the mayor, the news of the war spread like wildfire. For a time people were alarmed, and many wealthy households even went out to escape the disaster overnight and went to their relatives.

"What's this called?" Tamas didn't know whether to cry or laugh: "Should you call the big guys and explain?"

"Explain what?" Morrow put down the graphite bar and said impatiently: "The more you explain, the more they don't believe it. They are all idle at home in winter and have nothing to do. When they encounter a little bit of tongue-in-cheek stuff, they talk endlessly... War? How do they know about war? What..."

While talking, Morrow realized that he was talking too much, so he suddenly stopped and continued to bury his head in drawing.

"You can't blame them. First, it was for grain, then for Ding, and it was with Baishan County, and it was with the Hurd people. It didn't stop." Tamas said with some emotion: "If I I am also afraid of the common people in Manyun Valley."

Morro continued to draw pictures, ignoring Tamas. After a while, he said coldly: "You are no longer a commoner... When will the people from Baishan County arrive?"


"Let you Don't be lazy, get the pontoon bridge quickly."

The next day, the army of Baishan County arrived on the other side of the river, causing panic in Manyun Valley.

Tamas had to come forward to explain the situation and appease everyone, with little success.

The actions of the Baeksan County army were surprisingly consistent with those of Iron Peak County: a fort was built on the river bank, and then the bridge was set up.

The pontoon bridge, facing east to west, was completed earlier than planned.


The Chief-In-Charge on the White Mountains side is a engineer lieutenant named [Woods], short, soft-spoken, no tama The kind of faintly discernable arrogance that St.

"Tamas." Woods really didn't know how to address the other party. After thinking about it, he chose the right one: "Sir."

Tamas nodded, Show body language that he is listening.

"About the thousand horses you agreed to return..."

"Please rest assured, there are not many horses."

"I believe the number It's definitely fine." Woods looked at the horses, frowning tightly: "It's just that you kidnapped the Palatuma, and these horses—if I read it correctly—are Heds?"

In front of the two, the foraging horses were generally one to two punches shorter than Woods' mount.

And the horse's condition is not very good, the belly is deflated, and the ribs are protruding one by one.

Tamas was a little ashamed, he scratched his head: "You don't know, the warhorses you got from your county died of exhaustion, died of illness, there are really not a few left. We only have these now. The captured Hedma, you see, I'm not riding a Hedma too?"

Said, Tamas patted the neck of the mount.

"Then why those war horses as cargo..." Woods pointed to another group of horses in the distance.

The group of horses in the distance was significantly larger than the Hedma in front of them.

Tamas rushes to speak: "We must give the best war horses to you as cargo first, otherwise you will suffer losses? Return or return, transaction is transaction. Two different things. Don't mix them up, and don't mix the two horses together."

Woods bent his whip and asked, "Does Colonel Geisa know about this?"

"Of course he does." Tamas patted his chest and assured: "Lord Montagne has obtained Colonel Gisa's forgiveness."

Woods' expression became more and more strange: "When Captain Montagne obtained the Colonel's forgiveness... is the Colonel conscious? ?"

"This...I don't know about this."

After Woods repeatedly confirmed that Colonel Geisa knew about the matter, he reluctantly sighed: "That's it. Think about it from another angle. , no matter how much you spit out, we all make money."

"You have confirmed the warhorse." Tamas put away his smile: "Where are our people?"

"It's on the other side, and I'll bring it to you in a while. It's delicious and delicious, and I haven't lost a tooth." Woods took out the notebook from his arms: "Now, we can talk about other business."


The civilians of Manyungu were shocked to find that the "rebels" and the Baishan County army not only did not fight, but seemed to have a tacit understanding, each stationed at the bridgehead, and no one Do not cross the Anya River.

Townspeople with relatives on the opposite bank tried to apply for a pontoon pass from the army, and the answer was "Anyone can use the pontoon as long as they don't carry weapons."

The panic gradually subsided, and traffic between the two counties, which had been cut off since Winters · Montagne conquered Gévordan, was finally restored.

Fortresses at both ends of the pontoon serve as delivery points, with grain and salt to the west and horses, tobacco and sesame oil to the east.

[I don’t know anything about Economics (covering my face), and the more I write, the more I realize my lack of knowledge and writing skills]
[Assuming that this thing really exists, there will definitely be people who will lose money ——There is no world where no one is injured]
[Or, only the world where little Priskin is injured has been achieved (Winters’ kind smile)]
[So the part about the head ticket should be better Think about it, or find a way to "dig it up"]
[The transitional plot has been a bit long recently, I try to be concise and run to the next volume]
[Thank you for your company, I am very grateful]
[I'm so sorry for the bad writing of the recent story. I want to focus on Winters, but there are always other things to explain]
[Practice has proved that my ability is still not enough to control the bigger story (covering my face)]
[But please rest assured, I will continue to write down ]
[Can book lovers recommend some writing theory books?万分感谢]

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