Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 329


Chapter 329 Reformed Order
"Most of the people of Iron Peak regard you as one of my people , whether it's true or not, am I right?"

"So your actions represent not only yours, but also my attitude, can you understand?"

"Just experienced a It's been a tough battle, and the last thing Iron Peak County needs right now is internal strife. I can't go to war with the Catholic Church, and you should know that."

Aside from the head start when entering the door, Winters did not have any excesses. behavior.

He laid out the facts and reasoned with Kaman calmly, without any reproach in his tone.

"Father Edmond just gave me an ultimatum." Winters sighed heavily: "You should come and discuss things like this with me first. In a very passive position."

Kaman's cheeks were red to purple. He stood up stiffly, bent down reluctantly, and his voice was as small as the flapping of a butterfly's wings: "I'm sorry."

Winters actually had a little bit of a tease with Kaman, after all Kaman normally doesn't care. He always ignores it.

But seeing Kaman bow and apologize because of his guilt, Winters didn't feel any sense of pride, but rather uncomfortable.

"Hmph, I'm really not used to such a good attitude!" Winters hurriedly pressed Kaman back to his seat, jokingly said: "You didn't really cause any trouble, did you?"


Kaman heard this and stood up again.

Winters smells a tinge of danger.

"Mr. Karman." Winters asked, holding Karman's shoulders, "Are we friends?"

Karman first startled, then glared at Winters angrily.

"We've been through so much together, and we're very close, if not friends. I'll never betray you, and I'm sure you won't betray me." Winters said earnestly: "But I am now I don't know what was involved, I think you should give me some explanation."

Kaman hesitated, he struggled for a long time, and finally gave up: "I once stood in front of the true holy emblem. Under the oath of secrecy..."

It's good that Kaman didn't mention it. When he mentioned the "oath of secrecy", Winters was aroused instead - because the last time Kaman mentioned the oath of secrecy, it was still in the When talking about the dive technique.

Winters immediately left the room, ordering Ciel to stay outside the door and not allow anyone to approach.

After closing the door, Winters poured Kaman a glass of water: "The oath of secrecy? Can the oath be said? Is it rigorous? I can find loopholes."

Kaman disdain He sneered and didn't answer.

"How about this? I'll ask the question, you just answer 'yes' and 'no'."

Kamanshook the head: "No."

Winters proposed several more solutions, all of which were rejected by Kaman.

"Well, I get it. Any response you make would break your oath." Winters became more interested: "It's pretty serious."

"This matter It won't involve you too long." Kaman said with difficulty: "I just need to buy some time."

"Suppose there is another country in the East, suppose there is another pagan church in that country, suppose that That pagan church in the country also has another oath of secrecy..." Winters interrupted Kaman, who paced around the room: "We're talking fiction, can we get around the oath?"

"You can fool others, but you can't fool yourself." Kaman shook his head: "Even if you can fool yourself, you can't fool the Lord."

Winters didn't seem to hear Kaman's words. He stopped and came up with the final plan: "There is no other way, that's it - I'll make a statement, you don't have to answer, you don't have to make a statement, you just listen to me."

Kaman is a little annoyed: "Why don't you understand? If I tolerate you talking about this topic, I may have broken my oath."

"Maybe?" Winters caught the loophole in Kaman's words. : "You said 'maybe', right? Since there is probability, it means that there is still room for flexibility in the oath."

Kaman closed his mouth angrily.

"I'm a little curious, so how do you guys who take the oath of secrecy communicate? is it possible that the oath restricts you to 'only talk to another person who takes the oath of secrecy'? Winters, as if catching the opponent's omissions in the sword comparison, continued to attack: "Then I also make an oath, can you tell me?"

Kaman's shoulders and hands were full. trembling.

"Forget it, I won't talk about that today." Winters rationally decided not to continue to stimulate Kaman, he poured himself a glass of water, and whether Kaman wanted to listen or not, each minding their own business He said: "Major Ronald mentioned in his letter that he rescued an old slave in the hands of the Hurds. The slave claimed to be Father Saul, and other information is unknown..."

Kaman sat blankly.

Winters watched Kaman's expression carefully. For him, Kaman did not get up and leave means victory.

A vow? No matter how rigorous the oath is, it is people who carry out the oath—people are the biggest loophole.

"...the old slave who called himself Father Saul came to Zhongtiefeng County, you were the first to see him..." Winters paused for a moment and said word by word: "And you hid him Get up."

Kaman stared at the water glass and didn't respond, but his emotions betrayed him.

Winters' tone was flat, as if he was chatting: "You want to act secretly, but there is no airtight wall in the world. The cultivators in the monastery in Gervoudan learned about this, and the reaction was more intense than you expected. Helpless. Under the circumstances, you borrowed my name - or, you want to use my reputation to scare them, buy you time..."

Kaman stared at the water in the glass, as if there was something in the water. Appearance of the Holy Mother.

Winters sat back in his chair with a bit of reproach in his tone: "Why are you so innocent?"

Kaman lifted the head sharply, staring at Winters.

"Since you borrowed my name, you can't hide it from me! Look, didn't Edmond come to me directly?"

Anger at Kaman Turning a blind eye, Winters remained calm and composed while handling pressing affairs, commenting:
"I thought you had a special status in the church. What happened? Even a few country priests couldn't hold back! That's how the church treats the diving technique favorably. Users? I'm really curious, how does the church balance power and divide technique? You don't rebel?"

"Enough! You treat us as you?" The status is equal, and there is no distinction between high and low by God!"

"Equality? What is the holy order?" Winters asked in return: "Why are some people bishops, some are priests, and some are so poor and hungry? Death?"

"Holy orders are a sacrament, a mission and a duty! When reaching out and knocking on the gates of heaven, all are equal!"

"Mission? Responsibility Do you believe it yourself?" Winters cocked his chin.

Kaman rolled up his sleeves: "[A vulgar language that is violent but weak in lethality]!"

"Okay, okay." The fatal dive technique, Winters quickly stopped: "I didn't come to debate with you, didn't the big debate end 30 years ago?"

"I only ask you one thing. "In an instant, Winters' expression turned grim, and Kaman was completely unprepared at the speed of his emotional transformation.

Winters asked coldly, "Where are the captives?"


A quarter of an hour later, the officer's quarters in Gervoudan.

After turning around, Winters actually returned to his place.

Winters figured it out—why did Father Edmond bribe him in shame? Why doesn't the monastery of Revodan simply kill first and then report?

Kaman hides people in the blood wolf's lair, who dares to reach out?

“You hid people here?” Winters asked Kaman in surprise.

Kaman was a little sorry, but still had a cold face: "Stay here for a while."

"I mean." Winters pointed to the kitchen door, a little disbelieving: "No matter what. After all, people are also priests, so you put them in the kitchen."

Kaman was even more ashamed: "This is what Saul cultivator asked for himself."

Push away Door, the kitchen is warm. The fire was burning vigorously, and the pot was "gudugudu" cooking.

A gray-bearded old man is hunched over the stove, peeling beets.

Winters could never have imagined that the "heresy" that the Tiefeng County Church had to clear up no matter what, turned out to be such a dying old man.

The old man was not surprised by the arrival of Winters and Kaman, as if he had expected such a moment.

He narrowed his eyes to see who was coming, nodded greeted him, and continued to lower his head to peel the beetroot in his hand.

Winters walked over to the pot and looked at the thick soup that was simmering.

"So this morning's soup is your craft." Winters smiled helplessly: "No wonder it has some prairie flavor - I thought I was thinking too much."

"It's just random cooking."

Winters couldn't help laughing: "Isn't the Hurd people's soup just boiling?"

The old man also showed a knowing smile. , only Kaman stood awkwardly.

“Old man, I want to ask something. But he won’t tell me.” Winters pointed to Kaman: “Then I can only ask you.”

“ Please." The old man picked up another beetroot and continued peeling: "If you will listen."

Winters sat on the ground, and because he was taller than the old man, their eyes were on eye level: " Haven't you taken any oath of secrecy?"


"Can you say you have taken an oath of secrecy?"

"Yes. ."

"Saul cultivator!" Kaman said anxiously.

"Kaman cultivator." The old man known as Saul slowly peeled the beet: "I have been excommunicated."

Kaman was speechless, he Angrily pushed the door and left.

"He doesn't want to listen, so he's gone." Winters got up and filled two cups of hot soup and sat back down: "Alright, we can talk slowly."

The old man indifferent expressions.

Interrogations usually start with name, age, and origin, but Winters doesn't care about that. So he went straight to the point at first: "Why does the Church of Gervoudan have to kill you?"

The old man was silent for a moment: "Because I belong to the [Renovation Order]."

Once the thread ends are found, the next step is easy.

"Renovation Order." Winters continued to ask along the key words: "What is it?"

"Renovation Order is..." The old man's hand stopped, Winters Incomprehensible complex emotions surfaced in his dry-like eyes, but only for a moment.

The old man continued peeling the beets: "A bunch of dead people."

"It's okay." Winters took a sip of the hot soup: "I have time."



What is human nature?
The pursuit of rationality? Or unstoppable blindness?

The form of dualism is clearly ineffective, but even the most pessimistic philosophers of human nature have to admit that there are times when the pursuit of reason prevails.

Because it is human's instinct to explore the laws of all things, even in the face of "God", human beings will want an explanation.

So we can see the following wonder: the foundation of orthodox scholastic theology is rigorous logic, and given its premises, scholastic theology can be logically self-consistent .

The same is true for the divine technique.

From the very beginning of the Catholic faith—not the church—the dive technique was seen as Divine Vestige, the grace of the Lord, the gospel of the Lord through the hands of the clergy.

The ancient empire originally revered the old polytheistic religion, and extremely rejected the "heretic" who believed in Catholicism. Massacres and persecutions were not uncommon.

The original Catholicism was a religion belonging to the poor. "It is harder for the rich to go to heaven than for a camel to pierce the eye of a needle", so it was powerless to face the butcher knives from the ruling class.

There is only one way for the Catholic Church to survive: to destroy its opponents and replace them.

As a result, the Catholic Church, which was originally spread among the poor, began to take the initiative to get close to the powerful, and even transformed itself to cater to the ruling class.

The catholic church—a tight, centralized organization—also took shape in this first stage.

In the end, Catholicism was officially accepted as the sole state religion by the Great Emperor of Constantine.

From then on, the Catholic Church took advantage of the power of the regime to systematically eliminate the old religious system and despised it as "paganism".

In the battle between the Catholic Church and the old religion for the upper echelons, the unique and unmatched divide technique has contributed greatly.

As the position of the Catholic Church becomes more and more stable, and when it cannot be shaken, the priests of the Catholic Church finally have the time to think about a question:
What is the divine technique?
The divine technique is of course the grace of God, but how is it realized? Is it logically justifiable?

Is the divine technique a complete Divine Vestige? Or does the caster also get involved to a certain extent?
If it is the former, it means that the dive technique can be stripped; if it is the latter, what is the ratio of the two?

Once the fire of doubt is ignited, it will spread out of control.

More and more discussions, the point of view of giving tit for tat began to appear, and the Eastern Church and the Western Church of the empire even faced serious opposition because of this, which is called "the first dispute" in history.

For the church, this is a debate about truth. But for the ruling clique, it was an imperial hemorrhage.

The emperor at the time was Dalek II, who had no interest in theology and did not want to read theological debates at all.

The emperor wants peace, obediently and honestly.

So Dalek II finally promulgated the [Edict of Mia], which forcibly quelled the first controversy by saying "you are all right, but no further discussion is allowed".

If the apostles who fought hard against pagan beliefs and laid the foundation of catholicism a hundred years ago heard the content of the first argument, the apostles would probably slap the table and curse on the spot: "I see that you are all full. I can hold on!"

But there is no way, once people get rid of the crisis of existence, they will start to think about the meaning of existence.

The Edict of Mia temporarily quelled the debate, but did not address the underlying problem.

The clergy who were forced to shut up turned their heads and began to search the texts, hoping to find evidence to support their side from the historical archives.

However, the original documentation of the dive technique is not found in the paper—completely blank.

Instead someone found something else - a description of pagan magic.

Although most of the text about pagan beliefs has been erased by the victors, there are still a few words that prove that paganism also has the ability to "achieve extraordinary things", but its value to the powerful Far less than the Catholic Divine technique.

This discovery caused an uproar, and if paganism also had a "divine technique", then... that would mean that Catholic faith had become a castle in the air.

The Catholic Church was immediately divided into two factions.

One group shouted hoarsely "Don't explore any further! The divide technique is the grace of God, it's the Divine Vestige. Pagan sorcery is the devil's black magic, an unholy power."

The other faction firmly believes that "must find out, otherwise the teachings of catholicism will always have logical loopholes and will never be perfect. ".

In the end, it was the emperor who took action to quell the dispute.

At this time, Dalek II no longer had trouble with the muddy mud. They were brutally purged.

The Probes were branded heretics, and most of the Probe clerics were arrested, tried, and burned at the stake.

Alive clergy went underground , fleeing to the edge of the world—to the Barbarian Desolate Land, which the emperor and the Catholic Church cannot reach.

The history is called "the first big break".

The exploration of the dive technique has since been It has become a taboo in the Catholic Church, and relevant content is not allowed to be viewed, discussed or even mentioned.


"Dalek II, and the clergy of that era. People, they probably thought that was the end of it. " Old man Saul turned his back to Winters and reached out to the hearth to bake the fire: "But do you know what the most terrifying thing is? The reverberations of the first Great Rupture have not dissipated to this day. "

Winters was fascinated, sipping the hot soup, unaware that the glass was empty.

"As Dalek II had expected, the argument subsided, It's been that way for a long, long time. The ancient empire was destroyed, and new empires were built on his corpse. The Catholic Church sometimes declined, sometimes flourished, but generally flourished. All the warm lands had been converted, so the Catholic Church began to send priests to the north in a planned way. " Old man Saul thought for a moment: "That was probably five centuries ago. "

Winters was in a trance for a moment.

"Then, the cultivators who went to the North to preach found out." "Saul's shadow rises and falls under the fire of the fire: "The 'Demi-Gods' of the Barbarian Race in the North have mastered the Divine technique unique to the Catholic Church...and are capable of even more amazing miracles." ”



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