Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 326


Chapter 326 Fastest way to level 3 in a row

"Iron Peak County gets flour, Veneta Army Get the horses, and the Platoons get money and weapons." With Antonio's final answer, Winters blunt questioned Leo: "As a middleman, what do you want?"

"Stable raw materials Supply." Leo, who had already had a draft, added calmly: "And stable trade channels."

Winters frowned, Leo's diplomatic rhetoric had bored him.

No matter what question he asks, the fat Navarre Trading Company partner can prevaricate with infallible nonsense. Every time he threw a punch, it seemed to fall into the air.

Staring at Leo's submissive smile, Winters realizes annoyed -- he's not good at these kinds of scenes.

A restrained statesman might have the patience to slowly get his hands on Leo, while Winters is eager to flip the table and punch fiercely at the smiling face in front of him.

The familiar rage surged from the deepest part of my chest, and was quickly suppressed again.

After a deep breath, Winters spoke again: "Mr. Leo."

Leo nodded lightly.

“If it was a year ago, you would have been in the dungeon and tortured by now.” Winters said sadly and sincerely: “That would be a good time.”

“ Yes." Leo smiled reverently: "The old days are always good."

"You think I'm threatening you?" Winters continued.

"What I think doesn't matter." Leo replied humbly, "How you think matters."

"This is the far reaches of the Palato, the alliance's The corner, or even the edge of the civilized world. In Hailan, talking around the corner is regarded as a language art. But in Iron Peak, that language art has no meaning." Winters' eyes moved back to Leo from the window: "I just wanted to tell you this."

Leo tilted his head slightly, waiting for the complicated youngster in front of him to continue.

"Just say what you want and what you can offer, and I will answer you directly." Winters' mood gradually turned cold: "Don't waste time on meaningless things. ”

Leo maintained his smile, and shrugged the head gently in his heart. Negotiations are always in a hurry and suffer from losses. Setting a deadline is also a strategy, but it is not suitable for use now.

But after asking himself, Leo also felt that the other party had some truth in what he said - this is not Hailan, this is not a negotiation, even more how he is not here to embarrass the other party.

"Please believe, we are on your side." Leo leaned forward, spread his palms, and explained: "Tiefeng County urgently needs food, and the army urgently needs war horses. I want to solve the problem as soon as possible. , you need a third party to provide turnover."

Leo's strategy is simple and simple.

He sees the local government of Parato as a "reservoir".

One end of the pool is connected to Iron Peak County and the other end is connected to Veneta. One end enters the water, and the other end simultaneously exits the water.

Iron Peak County delivered horses and funds to the Paratus, and Veneta also delivered weapons and food to the Paratus.

Plateau dispatched food to Iron Peak County and horses to the Veneta Army.

"Very bold." After listening to Leo's [big plan], Winters said with a blank expression: "It's also very imaginative."

"Very bold, It's taking a great risk." Leo immediately read Winters' overtones, said with a smile: "It's very imaginative, it's impossible to realize." snorted.

Leo's plan sounds simple, but it's actually like a fantasy story.

From Tiefeng County to Veneta, it has to traverse three provinces, passing through many counties and towns.

A caravan may be disguised as a Palatine caravan and operate unobtrusively. However, such a big move as Leo said, how many military and political personnel are involved?
"I believe you can bribe one Platonic, and I also believe you can bribe ten." Winters asks with some unfathomable mystery: "But can you bribe all of the Platonics?"

Mr. Leo smiled and shrugged: "You don't have to worry about that."

Winters' eyebrows tightened a little and his expression became serious, he looked at Leo's sternly. Eyes, he asked in a deep voice: "You wouldn't...really buy all the Platoons?"

"If you trust me." Leo stood up and bent down slightly. Bowing: "I would like to speak on your behalf with the Palatine people involved in the program."

"What do I have to offer?" Winters asked.

"War horse, money." Leo replied: "And sincerity."


Leo explained calmly : "As for Palato, it will take some time to confirm the supplies and open up the joints."

"You mean." Winters is no longer asking, but sneering: "I will hand over the things first, Do you want to see the faces of the Paratus people after the food comes in?"

"No no no, after the Paratus side receives the baggage provided by the army, it will be delivered to you immediately. It is just necessary Two-phase confirmation, the courier will also delay time."

"That's not the same thing!" Winters also stood up suddenly: "How do I know they won't renege on a debt?"

"If you're really worried." Mr. Leo's fat face shone with sincerity: "The Trading Company is willing to provide a guarantee."

Winters wanted to retort, But there was a vague sense of strangeness. He sat down slowly, and Mr. Leo's eyes followed him.

After a moment of thought, Winters lifts the head: "No."

"What..." Leo asked with interest: "No?"

"You're not trying to convince the Palatine." Winters looked at Leo: "You're here to convince me!"

Mr. Leo was still smiling, indifferent expression.

Winters collected his thoughts and said slowly: "Although I don't know where you got so much energy from you, I have a vague feeling that you've bought the Platoons. I just can't figure it out, since that's the case. , why do you need to convince me? Is it difficult to let the caravan go around Tiefeng County? What do you want?"

Leo casually bypassed the trap and replied seriously: "Actually, It's not as complicated as you might think, and the Trading Company - or the Veneta Woollens Association - after all, just wants wool."

"You still didn't answer. My question." Winters stuck to the point: "Why me?"

Mr. Leo was about to say the usual diplomatic rhetoric, but after a pause, he smiled again: "Because it's you, so it's you."

Winters' first reaction was that Leo was putting him off, but Leo's expression was sincere, and his instinct told him that the other party wasn't lying.

I'm afraid I won't be able to ask anything, unless torture. There's no point in continuing to struggle.

"This matter...I can't answer you right now." Winters stood up and said goodbye to Leo: "I need to consult with others before I can give you an answer."

tone barely fell , Winters saw a moment in Leo's face...strange, surprised, interested.

And just for a moment, so brief that Winters couldn't help but suspect it was an illusion. Keep in mind that during the entire conversation, Winters did not see Leo showing any "defense" emotions.

"No problem." Leo smiled and bowed slightly, "Waiting for the good news."

Winters wanted to talk to Leo about Anna, but the atmosphere of the conversation was already Changed, he has no interest in talking about private matters. So he also bowed his head and left.

A little later, Winters brought a reply.

Provisional Resolutions - Winters, Bud and Mason voted 2 to 1 to approve the following: "Warhorse, one issue, two platoons, can be delivered first. But currency won't work, iron There is no silver penny in the vault of Feng County now."

"No problem, the supplies provided by Veneta are enough to make the water flow." Leo responded with a sigh. Then he suddenly smiled brightly: "As for the question of money...there may be a way."



Leo said How to do it, I won't mention it here for the time being.

The hour hand moves forward to return to the farewell meeting.

Winters and Leo give Andre a general explanation of the "displacement trade" of Ironpeak, Plato, and Veneta.

Andre was very unhappy when he heard that the war horse was handed over to the Palatine.

" much should I give?" Andre asked Winters with a sad face.

Winters didn't want to mention the secret in front of Leo, so he reassured Lieutenant Cellini: "Go back and let Mason Senior talk to you carefully."

Andre wanted to ask , but seeing Leo's presence, he also understood what Winters meant.

Feeling aggrieved in his heart, Andre pointed his finger at Leo: "This is none of your business?"

"Me?" Mr. Leo pointed to himself, looking like pretty shocked.

"Even if it's business." Andre asked fiercely, "Why are you talking on our behalf?"

Leo had already made a statement before Winters could speak. Answering, he explained with a submissive expression: "Please rest assured, I definitely did not sell out the interests of several Your Excellencies. I went to negotiate because only if I go, there is room for relaxation."

"Oh ?" Andrei disagreed.

"If your Excellency you go to negotiate." Leo looked towards Winters again, said with a smile: "Or Lord Montagne to meet. Once the negotiation breaks down, there will be no chance. And I, the insignificant People come out first, and even if the conversation collapses, several Your Excellencies can save the situation. You say, isn't that the case?"

Andre smacked his lips: "It seems to make sense."


Winters took a sip of the fermented water—the occasion was not right, I can fool it for now, and I will explain it to Andre later.

Mr. Leo understood Andre's hostility, so he didn't plan to talk any more, he found a reason and left.

This small circle of conversations was again left with Winters and Andre.

After drinking a small bucket of fermented water, Andre loosened his red satin belt with loose gold embroidery and said solemnly, "No, I have to go to the toilet."

After all, he turned to leave.

"Wait, aren't you trying to run away?" Winters grabbed Andre.

"How could I be that kind of person." Andrei suddenly became anxious: "I really want to go to the toilet!"

Winters let go of his hand suspiciously, Andre strode away, leaving Winters alone in the banquet hall.

The two were drinking and chatting, and the difference was not obvious.

Wait until Winters is the only Veneta left in the ocean of Platonic dialects, a sense of loneliness rises in the mind for a moment.

Looking around all around, the officers from Palato's native place were laughing, singing and drinking, while the gentlemen of Gervodan formed a group, each in a circle.

“Is Anna still waiting for me?” Winters thought. He wanted to leave, but couldn't.

Someone was approaching, Winters instinctively looked towards the source of the sound: a bald, scarred-faced man and a thin man pulled another tall soldier over.

The first two are the military chief of Baishan County "Colonel Geisa" and the former Tiefeng County military chief "Major Ronald".

The people who followed, Winters didn't know, were obviously not in a low position.

Gesar and Ronald were both colonels, and as captains, Winters saluted first.

Gaisa startled, also returned the salute.

Since Winters offered to return the 1,000 horses, Geisa's attitude toward him has softened considerably.

The bald Colonel was happy and agreed to Winters' request to return the captives - Winters and three arrows were imprisoned in Gaisa's prison.

While the stranger soldiers looked at Winters, Winters watched each other.

The visitor was tall, with sunken eye sockets and a gloomy expression.

"This is the garrison officer of Leiqun County, Colonel Skool." Gisa took the initiative to introduce Winters, as if worried that Winters would not understand, Gisa additionally explained: "The hussars I brought, most of them They're all from Thundergroup."

Winters listened and gave a salute to Colonel Skool alone.

Colonel Skool didn't return the salute. He looked at Winters with a complicated look: "What issue are you in?"

"21 issue." Winters replied.

"It's already the 21st issue." Colonel Scull sighed, and suddenly asked Winters straight to the point: "You killed Zeppel?"

Zeppel? Winters stabbed, but he couldn't remember who it was. He kept searching in his memory, and soon realized that this was the name of the garrison officer in Vigne.

As expected, this kind of thing is inevitable.

"Although I didn't kill Colonel Zeppel myself. But as the supreme commander of the other side, Colonel Zeppel did die in my hands."

Hurry up Well, if you want to insult and seek revenge, have a good time.


At the same time, on the balcony on the second floor of the banquet hall, Lieutenant Colonel Moritz was passing a bottle of spirits with a wine friend who he met by chance.

“When we meet on the battlefield, that is the enemy, clearly and perfectly clear.” Moritz leaned against the wall, propped up his legs, and said dully: “Now that we have become cousins, things just happened. It's incessant, untidy, and inseparable..."

Captain Morrow stood against the wall and said nothing.


Colonel Skool's nose widened, and the words were about to blurt out, but he held back.

The two stood face to face like this, and neither of them spoke.

"Don't be too embarrassing for the little child." Ronald put his hand on Scholl's shoulder: "If Zeppel has a chance...the same."

Ro Nader was speaking for Winters, but his words stinged Winters like a soldering iron.

"Don't 'excuse' me in this way, and please don't do it." Winters stood up straight, he had a lot to say, but in the end he only filtered out a short sentence: "Kill The actions of the dead Colonel Zeppel followed my subjective wishes. It was not forced by the situation, forced to be helpless."

Colonel Scull's body suddenly tensed, and his cheeks were twitching.

If Skull were a reckless, innocent, one-gut-through [excretory cavity] guy, he would yell, yell, scold, and even raise his fist to teach the hairless brat.

But Skull is not, on the contrary, since he entered the Luyuan, he has been known for his deep thinking and excellent eloquence.

It was just a short conversation, and Skool had realized that torture, censure and questioning could not shake the person in front of him.

In the end, a thousand words came together into a powerless phrase: "Is it worth it? Do you really think it's worth it?"

Winters also fell silent.

Which way to go, Winters doesn't know. He didn't know what the end point was like. Even what he wanted in the first place was a little vague.

However, just groping and taking a step, blood filled the footprints under his feet.

The battlefield of corpses everywhere across the field in the morning light is so horrific that it makes anyone doubt himself.

"Whether it's worth it, I don't know...I'm afraid it will take many years to know." Winters whispered, "I don't say this to rationalize behavior or to self-esteem. I'm just sure of one thing, let the status quo continue, and sooner or later there will be a bigger disaster. "

Colonel Geisa and Major Ronald didn't quite understand Winters' 'crazy talk', but Colonel Skool did.

"Don't talk about these metaphysical things." "Skull's eyes glowed: "I want to ask you a more realistic question - do you want to continue fighting?" "

School asked overbearingly: "Can you continue to fight?" ”

Winters suddenly realized that his conversation with Colonel Skool could omit a lot of middle ground and get right to the point.

And Skool was definitely not trying to test him determination.

“So what? ' Winters asked.



Two hours later.

“So what? "Andre couldn't wait to ask.

Bard and Mason also waited with concentrated attention completely. Except for Mr. A and Mr. B, all the decision-makers of Iron Peak County were already sitting at this small table.

"They're going to recruit us. ” said Winters.

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(end of this chapter)

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