Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 311


Chapter 311 Sunny Day
As the morning light dawned, the warriors began to pray.

Anglu carefully scrubbed Redmane's back, and whispered the incantation passed down by the Dusa people from generation to generation:

"...There is an iron man on top of the iron pillar, and the iron man leans on a an iron rod, and commanded iron tools, steel knives, sharp swords, and all kinds of weapons: 'Go, go back to your mother earth, and avoid the servants of the Lord and my companions, and avoid my warhorses. Arrows. The rods go back to the forest, the feathers go back to the birds, the swim bladders go back to the fish'..."

The militiamen, who had suffered all night by the campfire, gathered around the accompanying priest to receive the final holy message. meal.

The chanting echoed low and wafted in the purple mist, and people's faces were a blur of blue light.


At the same time, on the other side of the Iron Peak, on the banks of the Dajiao River.

The dam, with some of its stakes removed, has become on the verge of collapse and could collapse at any time.

The masked Captain Morrow, the last man left at the dam, is laying out the explosives.

On the shore, naked men work with a common purpose, roaring and pushing huge triangular rafts down the river.

Other villagers pushed carts and methodically loaded the raft with rocks.

Out of everyone's sight, a team of fierce warriors riding Hedma were moving towards the dam.


The Golden Crow leaps above the horizon, the blurred outlines of the earth gradually becoming distinct in color.

Standing on the hills controlled by the Teltown people, the formation of the Tiefeng County Army was unobstructed.

"[Hede] Oh, if the leader of the two-legged man thinks that he can protect his wings, he can fight in the field." The fire roaster who climbed the mountain and watched the enemy dismissed: "[Hede] Then I think he is eating Carrion and madness."

The pierced Turdun nobles echoed, laughed unbridled.

Looking down from a height, the ant-like villain at the foot of the mountain posed a huge array of arrows.

The west side of the arrow cluster is the foothills of Tiefeng Mountain, which is full of conifers and shrubs; the east side of the arrow cluster is dense primitive forest.

The little people spread out on the road and the farmland on both sides, guarding the plains between the mountains and the forests.

The opponent's flanks seem to be safe, but in fact, neither the mountains nor the forests can completely prevent the cavalry from flanking.

The flat and empty farmland is even more safe to defend—except for the temporary trenches dug by the opponent in front of the position.

Terdun Khan Court moved quickly, and several capable hundred cavalry teams left the camp in silence, each finding their way around the rear of the array of arrows.

The old interpreter looked at the enemy formation at the foot of the mountain, brows tightly frowns.

From the striker's encounter to the confrontation between the Chinese army, the opponent obviously had plenty of time to occupy the hill where he was located - the terrain was higher and easier to defend.

However, the other party still chooses to form a formation on the flat ground. Why?
The old interpreter couldn't figure it out, but he didn't speak. He was a little tired, a feeling that had grown stronger since crossing the Big Horn.

From the point of view of the Terdun people, the formation of the Tiefeng County Army looks like a cluster of arrows; but from the perspective of the Tiefeng County Army, their formation is more like an upside-down letter T.

Winters arranged the front in battalion units. A total of twenty-seven battalions were divided into three parts: left, center and right.

Among them, the central army is the column with the strongest battle strength. The battalions are arranged in fish scales and cover each other. The position is retracted, and the two-line formation is formed - the young soldiers are in the front, and the mature soldiers are in the back.

In order to avoid being detoured by the enemy as much as possible, Winters carefully selected this place as the battlefield.

“To form a formation on the mountain is equivalent to letting the enemy surround our army. If the Teldun people choose to besiege instead of attacking, our army’s supplies will be difficult to maintain and will inevitably collapse.”

When explaining the formation to his subordinates, Winters explained why the formation was formed on the flat ground:
"The formation is formed on the ground, although the terrain is not favorable for our army, but the centaurs on the enemy's right flank were either defeated by our army or were defeated by our army. Trapped in Lower Tiefeng County. The enemy chiefs have limited forces, so it is difficult to launch a strong detour."

Looking around at his subordinates, either be eager to have a try, or dodging uneasy eyes, Winters inserted the dagger into the center of the map: " This narrow space between the mountains and the forest is the most suitable battlefield for dignified to rout the Teldons."


Mason stood at the cathedral bell of Gévordan At the top of the tower, try to look into the distance.

The siege of Gervodin has been lifted, and the streets and lanes are full of festive crowds.

The only bridge connecting the two sides of the strait was demolished by Mason at the beginning of the siege, but fortunately the wood was well preserved.

Mason built a makeshift pontoon over the river with boats, lumber, and surviving bridge piles, and horses, weapons, and militiamen were continuously passing through the pontoon to the south bank.

The artillery captain is always calm, but at this moment his anxiety is almost solidified.

"When will the remaining two teams arrive?!" Mason asked gnashing teeth.

The commander of the mounted infantry battallion swallowed: "It shouldn't be too long."

The Winters mounted infantry battallion numbered nearly five hundred, organized into four detachment.

Because the battle situation in Gervoudan was not in a hurry, the mounted infantry battallion did not come to Gervoudan for the first time, but went to clean up the small group of Teltown looters that had penetrated into Upper Iron Peak County. Mason is also supportive.

However, it is easy to disperse troops, but it is difficult to assemble them.

Suddenly, the church bell rang.

The bells are ringing one after another as the cultivators celebrate the victory of the siege.

Mason yelled at the commander of the mounted infantry battallion: "No more!"

"Yes!" the other yelled in reply.

The gendarmerie took to the streets to disperse the citizens, and Gervoudan quickly returned to the state of martial law. The militiamen defending the city regrouped in the square.

Mason blunt told everyone: "I need volunteers."

As Mason's eyes swept over, the Gervoudan militiamen bowed their heads. They finally managed to escape, and no one was willing to take risks again.

"Your Excellency, I can't ride a horse or carry a knife." Old Priskin dragged grandson to Mason: "Let him go with you."

"Count him in."

After a fierce ideological struggle, Ivan also raised his hand.


Horns blared, cavalry silhouettes danced at the edge of the field of vision—and the Turdons marched.

Like a shepherd separating a mixed flock, the nobles of Terdun led their men down the hillside and slowly approached the people of Tiefeng County.

Watching the barbarians covering the mountains and plains, the [Monkey] and [Doug] on the left flank of the front had dry mouth, cold hands and feet, blood vessels in their temples pulsing "peng peng".

The greed for cutting the head and receiving the reward was extinguished by a bucket of ice water poured over the head.

Monkey and Doug looked at each other, both seeing death in each other's eyes.

The Terdons stayed out of range of the artillery and spread out into wide horizontal formations.

A Turdtown light rider galloped forward with a lance and a helmet, signaling for negotiations.


In the middle of the battlefield.

"Pay tribute." The old interpreter repeated the conditions that were obviously not accepted by the other party: "Khan Paul doesn't die, so he will stop the army."

The fire-boiler did not show up. , a green feather came on his behalf.

Of course, the real purpose of negotiation is to explore the truth of the other side, and the actual leader is the unremarkable old interpreter.

The Firebender didn't expect his opponent to surrender. But if the opponent really agrees to pay tribute, it is better.

Looting is the concentration of spills of war from bottom to top, and tribute is the distribution of spills of war from top to bottom. Whenever possible, the leaders of the various ministries are more willing to receive tribute.

The old interpreter surveyed the strange combination in front of him: the tall, thin middle-aged man of refined in manner, and his two fully armed bodyguards.

The former looked nervous, and the left hand holding the reins was so hard that the joints turned white, but the right hand didn't know where to put it.

On the contrary, the posture of the two guards is more comfortable and relaxed.

The old interpreter noticed that the tall and thin man stole glances at the guards on the left from time to time, but he resisted and did not dare to make big moves.

He said a few words to Qing Lingyu, and Qing Lingyu immediately scolded loudly and pretended to be.

"Master Tuman asked you." The old interpreter observed carefully: "Since the negotiation, why not meet each other? Use the sneaky trick of a substitute?"

Tall and thin middle -aged man - Jacob Green heard this startled.

"Don't be honest, I'm afraid to scare you." Winters took off his helmet slowly. "Aren't you guys using the same trick? Mr. Interpreter."

Just listening Hearing the other party's voice, the old Tongyi felt a chill on his back for no reason. He looked at the other party's face under the helmet with a stiff expression.

When he completely confirmed the identity of the other party, he felt nothing and became numb.

Qing Lingyu on the side is not sure why: "[Hede] who is this person?"

"[Hede] that Platoon champion." The old interpreter replied simply.

Without further explanation, there is one and only one Palatine Champion for the people of Teltown.

Qing Ling Yu subconsciously took a breath, and the warhorse felt the panic of the rider and raised its front hooves to neigh.

"so that's how it is, so that's how it is!" For a moment, the old translator figured out the joints, and he laughed uncontrollably: "You think you can win?"

"No matter who wins." Winters remain unmoved, and replied coldly: "You die first."

The enemies meet, no need to say more.

Winters tugged at the reins and rode away.

Another bodyguard on a black horse pulled out a horrific head with only one ear from the saddlebag, threw it in front of the old interpreter horse, and followed Winters away.

The old interpreter didn't need to count his ears—he didn't even need to look—to know who the heads on the ground belonged to.

The red dog is dead, and the other party came here not because of Gervoudan, nor because of countermeasures.

The other party came here to end everything completely.


On the way back to the Central Army, another Armored Soldier riding a dark horse who participated in the negotiation asked Winters: "Can you see how many knives the barbarian has?"



"If you can see it, it should be around 4,000." Winters pondered then said: "There may still be people and horses hiding on the backslope."

"I think it's similar." The dark horse Armored Soldier Wearing a helmet, his voice was muffled: "15,000 infantry - half of them are peasants who have just taken up arms, and the remaining half have only fought with you - and at least 4,000 Herd barbarians have won a field battle. confidence?"

"Isn't there still you?" Winters asked rhetorically.

The dark horse Armored Soldier is snorted coldly.


The war did not break out immediately.

The Tordons stopped out of range of their cannons and didn't take any further—in fact, they were overthinking it, since Winters didn't have a single cannon.

Most of the people in Teltown were in a state of dismounting and resting, and many people even took off their saddles and faced off against the Iron Peak Army in this way.

If the fire-boilers overwhelmed the entire army in a fit of rage, this battle might end happily.

The Fireboiler's patience has clearly grown, but Winters is no longer the reckless Hundred-Men Commander he once was.

"The order goes on." Winters is not in a hurry: "The battalions take turns to move their companies to continue digging the trenches."

The monkey and Doug, who were sitting and resting, received the tools, Bewildered, he followed the company commander into the trench and resumed the work of digging the soil.

"What a fucking war!" The monkey's nervousness had long since disappeared, foul-mouthed swinging the pick: the savage barbarian, neither coming to fight nor leaving. Gentlemen too! If the barbarians don't come to beat us, let's go to beat the barbarians! Dig a hole! Dig a hole! Dig a hole! Endless digging! "

After a few tries, the monkey was too lazy to move. Doug, as always, didn't like to talk, he just worked hard.

The "strong-aged soldiers" around didn't bother to pay any attention to the full belly. The grumbling hairless brat, in the company of the prime soldiers, the two poor fellows who were stuffed in are complete outsiders.

No matter what the purpose of the fire roaster is, Winters' coping strategy can be used in one sentence Description: If you don't come to attack, I will continue to fortify the position.

The digging of the trenches by the Iron Peaks quickly triggered a chain reaction.

Hundreds of Turdun cavalry were close to each other. The arrows of the string broke out of the formation and rushed straight to the Central Army of Tiefeng County.

The Terdun people who were not dispatched also mounted their horses one after another. A loud noise, ready to deliver a fatal blow.

“Yellow flag. ” Winters ordered calmly.

A yellow pennant was quickly raised to the flagpole to warn the entire army.

The huge infantry formation was like a awakened giant, coming to life in an instant.

"Yellow flag! "The commanders of each battalion shouted with all their might: "Yellow flag! "

The militias looked at each other in blank dismay, but the Winters battalion and company commanders knew what to do.

"Take up arms!" "The commander of the first front waved the cane: "Hurry up! "

In the roaring and scolding, the young soldiers on the first front hurriedly stood up, ready to meet the enemy.

"Come on!" Here comes the barbarian! "The monkey in the trench threw away the pick and shouted and crawled out of the trench.

A dark shadow came on, and with a sound of "Pa", the monkey was forcibly beaten back to the trench by a cane whip .

The company with the vine whip shouted: "Continue digging trenches! No order, no tampering! Don't make a sound! "

The monkey rolled around in pain, blood, tears and snot running everywhere, screaming incessantly.

"Shut up!" The company commander was furious, and immediately drew out his saber: "want to die? shut up! ”

How could the monkey hear what the company commander was saying, and was still crying.

Seeing that the company commander’s eyes were obviously genuine, Doug grabbed one in a hurry. The soil stuffed into his friend's mouth, causing the monkey to cough violently.

Similar things are happening all over the battlefield.

It is all thanks to the execution of commanders at all levels, Tiefeng County The army did not fall into disorder and chaos.

Therefore, when the young soldiers of the first front entered the fighting state, the young soldiers of the second front were still sitting firmly on the ground and resting, even the digging trenches. The work didn't stop.

And every commander was repeating one word—quiet.

No battle cries, no cheers, no shouts, that's what The battle method of the Grand Army Array.

“Long spear! "Orders sounded all over the central army: "Let it go!" ”

Thousands of warriors are neatly laid flat and super long spear, with their spears pointed directly at the enemy, looking like wheat waves from a distance.

Telltown cavalry in the middle army The tip of the wedge-shaped formation was divided into two, like a stream of water spread out by a sharp blade.

They swept past the formation, exerting their horse-and-shooting skills, and galloped towards the left and right flanks of the Tiefeng County Army against the edge of the trench.

"Fire! "

The musketeers of the Iron Peak County Army responded, and one after another, the Turdun cavalry was shot down.

"Green flag!" Left and right wings! " Winters saw the enemy turn to the sides, ordered: "Let the light soldiers come out!" "

Not only did Winters have no guns, but not many muskets.

He prefers to use musketeers in a concentrated manner rather than a salt-sprinkling configuration, so only the central army has a complete musketeer company.

The flanks of melee troops were only able to rely on light soldiers using bows, javelins and slings for cover.

Facing the might of the Turdun cavalry charge, the young soldiers on both flanks were shaken. If not for a trench in front of them as a barrier, many of the militiamen might have thrown away their weapons and fled.

It was all under the control of company commanders and sergeants that the first front did not collapse on the spot.

The green square flag is raised on the flagpole and the snare drum is played.

Hundreds of light infantry rushed out of the channel of the trench ahead of the first front, struggling to throw javelins and stones at the Turdun cavalry.

Other adults who can handle longbows stay behind the trenches and shoot arrows with their bows.

The light soldiers specially selected 16-17-year-old semi-adults to serve. Although their strength has not yet grown, they are the bravest and most reckless age.

The daring light soldiers even wanted to drag the corpse of the Terdun directly, perhaps forgetting that only the head is needed in a hurry.

Entangled by the light soldiers, the Turdun cavalry could not remain calm and composed while handling pressing affairs to shoot down the militia behind the trench. Their troops are too few to dare to rush directly into the formation, so they can only test a little.

Looking at the completely motionless second front of the Tiefeng County Army, the old interpreter on the hill was expressionless.

Grit is easily blown away by the wind, but not even artillery shells in pockets.

The old interpreter looked far into the distance, the sun had already risen over the treetops - a really nice sunny day.

[This chapter needs a map, I'll draw it here]
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