Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 304


Chapter 304 Enemies
On the Big Horn River, a boat full of stones drifted down the river, moved towards the downstream The pontoon sails away.

Meanwhile, in the wilderness on the southern outskirts of Gervoudan, Dussak [Tulin], whose tail was bitten by the Terdun people, was galloping on his horse.

Turin kept looking back and saw that the barbarian Hurd was chasing after him, and his boot thorns stabbed Malri with extra force.

The warhorse [ink blue and black] was stimulated by severe pain, and exerted its strength like a madness, and its hooves made a "dong dong" sound on the ground.

Turin stepped on the stirrup to get up, trying to minimize the burden on the ink blue and black as much as possible.

The dark blue and black legs are slender and powerful, and the hoofs and wrists are flawless. It is the descendant of the Shield River steed brought from the north thirty years ago.

Normally, Turin cherishes the ink blue and black very much, and even the whip is rarely used.

But at this moment, the dark blue-black abdomen and ribs are already covered with sweat mixed with blood.

Telden's steeds are short and short, and they are by no means a match for inky blue and black in terms of speed.

But the war horses of the Hurds are as tenacious as their masters, they are chasing closely behind Mo Lanhei, but they will not give up.

The battlefield seemed to be shrouded in mist, and both armies dispatched a large number of scouts to look for traces of the enemy.

The Scout Cavalry Turin came across the Turin Sentinel by accident. Seeing the crowd of barbarians, Turin resolutely retreated, but the Terdun people followed.

The two sides crossed the wilderness, crossed the stream, and climbed one hill after another, chasing from the southern suburbs of Gervoudin to the town of Saint-Ke.

The Teldun wanted to capture Turin alive, and Turin was also leading the Teldun into the ambush circle.

Tulin galloped across a deserted farmland and across a country road surrounded by two rows of birch trees, and reinforcements finally arrived.

More than a dozen Iron Peak cavalrymen flanked the Teltown people from the left and right flanks, and the leader carried a reddish-brown steed, the pony Anglo.

"[Herde] is a bearded man!" Some people from Terdun could not help exclaiming when they saw Laiqi's appearance and the iconic saber.

With a beard, brow hair, and silver earrings, Dussac is instantly distinguishable from the average Platonic.

The long years of war made the Hurds extremely impressed by these two-legged people with superb riding skills and fierce fighting. The Hurds even gave Dusak a nickname that was mixed with hatred and awe— — "The Beard".

Telltown Hong Lingyu wanted to retreat, but seeing that there were not many cavalrymen surrounding her, she became a little bolder.

He whistled and beckoned his men to move closer to him.

The war horses galloped and the machete sou sou sounded, and Anglo led the Dussacks and the Terdun people to fight.

Not long after, the fire roaster and the old interpreter learned about the skirmish.

The fire roaster's eyes were bright, and he asked the red feather feather in front of him in a deep voice: "[Hede] The two-legged man's tent is in the southern town? You saw it with your own eyes."

"[Herde] is full of ruts and ruts, so I can't fake it." Hong Lingyu replied with deathly pale, contorts one's face in agony: "[Herde] also has a lot of beards!"

The small-scale cavalry battles compete with equestrian and Blade Technique, and Dussac is best at this. Hong Lingyu lost half of her ear, and if it wasn't for the iron sewn in her sleeve, her arm would have been chopped off.

The fire roaster rewarded Hong Feather with a gold medal, and promised to give the other two tent slaves.

After Hong Lingyu stepped back with gratitude, the fire roaster's face suddenly turned gloomy: "[Hede] has already reached the south? How could it be so fast?"

The old interpreter pulled his beard and frowned: "[Herde] Taichi's followers may have been thrown into ashes!"

"How could [Herde] cook?" The translator turned pale in fright: "[Herde] how many days has it been?"

"[Herde] otherwise would not be enough to explain why the other party's return was so quick." The wrinkles between the old translator's eyebrows grew come deeper and deeper.

The fire roaster slapped his thigh, and his eyes flashed fiercely: "[Herde] is coming! Just kill them all in one fell swoop. Then you and I will loot here!"

"[Herde] If the opponent stabs his tail on fire, then there will be a fight. The opponent has just fought Taichi's men, and they are tired and hungry, and they can easily run over them." The old interpreter paced inside the tent: "[Herde] stopped in a town in the south and was not in a hurry to come back. If you push a bull onto a cliff, the bull will also push you, so you can't fight recklessly."

"[Herde] What's the matter then?" asked the fire-boiler impatiently.

"[Hede] foxes hide in the burrows, and if they want their fur, they have to be forced out." The old interpreter stood still and said firmly: "[Hede] The biggest knot on the rope is this one. Small town. If the city on the south bank is in a hurry, the other party has to come if he doesn't want to."

The fire roaster stood up suddenly: "[Herde] I'll send my troops to attack the city!"

"[Herde] can't fight too hard, but he must build up his momentum; since the opponent's tent is in a small town in the south, then send a few hundred cavalry teams around the opponent's side and kill their minions. strengthen and burn their grain carts; they will also send troops to collect food and grass, and gather scattered members..." The old interpreter added slowly.

The fire roaster keeps nodded. Although he usually calls Laotong translated as Echige [father], but the two are still master-slave relationship after all.

However, in front of the old interpreter at this moment, the fire-boiler really looks like a son who has been taught by his father.

At the same time, Anglo also rushed to Winters' command post with Turin.

Winters' troops were assembled in the town of Sanke, where their headquarters was located in the church in the town of Sanke.

As soon as he entered the church, Turin anxiously reported: "Sir! Gervoudin has not fallen!"

Because of the echo structure of the church, Turin's voice sounded extraordinarily Ethereal, the content is no less than the gospel.

Other people in the headquarters were invigorated, and Winters, who was overlooking the map, suddenly lifted the head, schematic Lin said carefully.

Gevodan has been surrounded by Teltown people, and the South Bank is full of Teltown sentries.

The message transmission inside and outside the city was completely cut off, and the messengers passing through the north shore had not returned. Turin was the first scout under Winters to break through the blockade.

Tulin did not dare to betray him and take credit, he looked around the crowd, and spoke loudly without omission and in detail: "The barbarians are patrolling a lot, but their subordinates were not able to enter the city, they were just far away on the hillside to the west. I glanced at it from a distance. But I can guarantee that our blue army flag is still planted on the city wall, not a barbarian horsetail flag!"

Many of the clerks at the command post were citizens of Gervoudan. Their families are all in the city.

Hearing this, the clerks couldn't help cheering, and the haze that had accumulated over the past few days was swept away.

The sound spread outside the church, spreading the news that "Gevodan is still holding on".

The warriors and villagers who were building fortifications all around the town threw down their tools and shouted frantically, venting the pent-up emotions in their chests.

In the sea of frenzy, only one person remained calm and restrained.

Winters tapped lightly on the table with his fingertips and slowly asked Turin, "Is the city defense of Gervoudan still intact?"

"Complete!" Turin not even think He replied: "The city walls are all good. There is no fire in the city. I also saw carriage pedestrians walking on the bridge, as if carrying things!" Then he asked happily: "I heard that Gévordan is safe and sound? Senior really has the ability!"

"Safe and sound. Since Senior defends Gévordan, we have more choices." Winters is unconscious Rubbing a gridless knife, he fell into contemplation.

Seeing this, Bud signaled everyone to keep silent, and the church fell back into silence.

Winters pondered as he stood under the altar, his silhouette mottled by the sunlight streaming on him through the mosaic glass on the church wall.

The subordinates and clerks watched the scene reverently, and some prayed silently in the heart.

"Bud." Winters said word for word: "All people over the age of fifteen and under the age of sixty in Iron Peak County will be issued."


The green-flagged messengers ran all directions, carrying two orders.

In the first order, all men over the age of 15 and under the age of 60 in Middle Tiefeng County and Upper Tiefeng County were recruited as militiamen; all those who participated in the war were given Tian Yiqing, and the number of deaths was tripled. .

The second order had spread throughout the town of Sanke while it was being transcribed.

It doesn't have an official name, and everyone whispers its moniker with a tinge of fear and trembling -- the Beheading Order.

That is, there is no distinction between men and women, young and old, soldiers and civilians in Tiefeng County. Anyone who captures an enemy's head, and has a helmet and coat as a certificate, will be given to Tian Yiquan.

The land is the capital of Winters and the only capital of Winters. But when it comes time to use it, Winters doesn't skimp.


Mason also received a letter from Winters - the messenger who crossed the river through the town of Wangqiao finally arrived in Gervodin.

"What is written here?" Mason sighed and handed the letterhead to Moritz: "Is it a special way of spelling the Veneta?"

Scratchly created Passwords are too simple to carry a lot of information.

However, the risk of being intercepted cannot be ignored, so Winters' letter was written in cipher language.

Mason doesn't understand.

The listless Lieutenant Colonel Moritz took the letter, glanced at it, and simply handed it back: "No."

The lack of food led to no one to make wine, so since this time Moritz had a severe withdrawal reaction.

He was toying with a small silver jug that contained the last of Gévault's spirits.

Lieutenant Colonel concentrated attention completely to observe every detail of the jug, as if thirst can be quenched just by touching it.

Only Mason knew that the Lieutenant Colonel kept the last of the spirits for battle.

“What else did the tribune of Montagne say?” Mason asked the messenger helplessly.

"The tribune said." The courier replied: "Go to A and B."


generally speaking In the military, A refers to The character is Lieutenant Don Juan, and B is for Moritz.

Don Juan had been missing for some time, but Mason knew there was an A, and that lady A was in Gervodin at this very moment.

Ms. A——Ana Navarre took the letterhead, frowned slightly at the garbled letters.

Catherine also peeked from the elder sister's shoulder, but she was also at a loss.

"Write from Winters." Mason said sorry, "I think only you can understand."

Hearing the bad thing's name, Anna's eyebrows stretched, she was reserved With a hint of shyness, she replied, "Then I probably understand how to interpret it."

Afterwards, Anna briefly explained the reason, and the more she explained, the more red her cheeks became.

Because Winters' letters to Anna are always peeped, when Anna joked about it, Winters told Anna a steganographic method.

"In ancient times there was a commander who would move each letter of the order backwards a few places in order." Winters thought he was solving the problem: "In this way, the original sentence would into jumbled letters."

Catherine snorted gently.

Anna picked up the letterhead and became puzzled again: "But this letter is a bit strange, it doesn't look like the steganography of the sequence... Why is there only ten letters? I... oh! I understand... "

Mason and Catherine on the side don't know why.

Ana hurriedly explained: "It's another encryption method that I just mentioned casually to Mr. Montagne...not just ten letters, but one to ten. We need a book too. , did Mr. Montagne mention what book it was?"

Mason replied hurriedly: "He said to find A and B."

"It must be a book he has, and I have, At least a book that's not difficult to find. B? What is it?" Anna's peripheral vision swept across the shrine, and she instantly understood all the joints.

She pointed to the holy emblem with a smile: "It's the scriptures."

After borrowing the "folio" from the Gévoudan cathedral, the contents of the letter were quickly deciphered.

This is a complete military newsletter, Winters succinctly describes the process and results of the Battle of Pangtuo River, and calmly analyzes the current predicament of the army - shortage of supplies; Rest, teachers and veterans are tired.

Next, Winters told Mason Senior about his next campaign plan, and Gervoudan would not be supported for the time being.

The coldness of the iceberg only shattered a corner at the end of the letter, and Winters wrote the words "I'm sorry, sorry" with pain and restraint.

"What is there to be sorry for?" Mason spread his hands helplessly: "In a war, anything can happen..."

Mason's voice became weaker and quieter, and he quickly closed the door. live. Because he saw that Anna, who was translating the letter, had slightly reddened eyes.

Soon, Anna sorted out her emotions. She smiled with grace like Mrs. Mitchell: "Yes, anything can happen in a war."


At the same time, on the Big Horn.

Standing on the bow of the boat, Samukin could faintly see the glimpse of the pontoon.

The pontoon crossing the two banks is like a ribbon on the water, and it looks so fragile.

As an eyewitness to the Battle of the Great Wasteland, Samukin saw with his own eyes the Heards stormed the Netherworld River Bridge with driftwood and rafts and destroyed half of it.

The situation is now completely reversed, and it is Samukin's turn to lead the fleet against the Teltowners' pontoon.

"There's too little water." Samukin said in his heart.

It is now the dry season in winter, and the water volume of the Dajiao River is reduced and the flow rate is slowed down, not to mention the large reservoir of Shovel Lake behind the pontoon.

Can a boat loaded with stones destroy a pontoon? Samukin can't guarantee it.

Will the people of Teltown rebuild after destroying the pontoon bridge? Samukin didn't dare to think about it.

If it can be intercepted at the first time during the process of erecting the pontoon bridge by the barbarians in Teltown, the pontoon bridge will not be built.

Now the Terdun people occupy both sides of the strait at the same time, even if they destroy the pontoon, as long as they have craftsmen and materials, they can build it again.

Sumkin's heart filled with remorse and remorse, and the Montagne Hundred-Men Commander handed him the fleet and gave him great command right on the spot. However, he mistakenly concentrated all the ships in the battle of the Pangtuo River, and did not allocate a part of the ships to control the river.

Samukin thought that the Teltowners had run out of cards, but it was this thinking that led to the big mistake.

Winters didn't blame Samukin, Winters only blamed himself for not telling Samukin in advance, which made Samukkin even more painful and ashamed.

"The way to wash away the shame." Samukin looked at the approaching pontoon and ordered the drumming: "Only destroy it."

"Even with your life." I added the last sentence with gnashing teeth in my heart.

Telltown men defending the pontoon spotted the boats down the river, shouting, running, and running up the pontoon with long sticks with iron hooks—both sides learned a lot from the war.

In the camp near the river bank, the masked captain abruptly stood up and looked towards the river like a falcon. He ripped off the scarf and put his hands in his ears to listen.

The other captives are unknown, so looked at each other in blank dismay.

"It's the sound of a snare drum!" The captain's pupils dilated, and his thin body seemed to be injected with endless power: "Snare drum!"

The other prisoners were also surprised, and everyone Couldn't stop screaming.

"Snare drum?"

"Our people are coming?"


"It will come Save us?"

"Quiet!" The captain shouted, and the prisoners instantly became absolute silence.

The captain suddenly remembered something, and Fiercely punched him in the thigh: "It's broken!"

"What's wrong?" another captive asked.

Before the captain could explain, he stretched out his feet and ordered sharply: "Cut it off for me!"

A pair of iron shackles were tied to the captain's feet, and the prisoners clearly had Axe, but no one dared to use it. Because whoever helped the captain, the captain's fate is everyone's fate.

The furious captain ordered again: "Start!"

No one dared to move.


Finally, the other captive who struggled repeatedly stopped thinking, and shouted hysterically: "Fight! Are you willing to give Heard Are barbarians a slave for life?!"

On the other side, Samukin played the drums himself, the paddlers rowed hard, and the boat full of stones moved towards the pontoon and crashed rapidly.

The Terdon people don't seem to be well-prepared, just keep firing arrows on the riverbank. Samukin's fleet travels in the middle of the river, as far away from the banks as possible.

Suddenly, Samukin glanced at a group of ragged people running out of the north shore, waving, shouting, and jumping at him.

Drums rang through his ears, and Samukin couldn't hear what the people were shouting.

"Is it the captured brother?" Samukin thought bitterly: "But I don't have the energy to save you!"

The captives on the shore were only shouting one sentence Words - "Don't come here!"

However, the fleet on the river was rushing faster and faster.

The masked captain was so anxious that his eyes were blood red, he picked up the axe: "It's too late! Come with me!"

After saying that, he rushed to the shore to a special place. Altonian tent.

The other captives hesitated a bit, but soon picked up tools and even stones, and followed the masked lieutenant and rushed towards the Teltown people.

At the same time, with the sour winch turning, the oarsman of the leading boat saw a long snake jumping up from the water and blocking his way.

No, not a serpent! Samukin saw at a glance what it was—a thick cable spanning the two banks.

The ropes are in a state of natural sagging. The ropes on the near shore are suspended on the water surface, and the ropes on the far shore are half-submerged in the water.

The leading boat was caught off guard, the bow hit the line and spun uncontrollably.

During the spin, the rock-laden boat swung like leaves and capsized violently.

The temporary boats are all flat-bottomed boats. Although the draft is shallow, it is not shallow enough to float over the cable, not to mention that it is now fully loaded.

"Go to the shore!" Samukin shouted with all his strength: "Go to the river bank!"

Before he finished speaking, another boat hit the rope and capsized. The oarsmen of the other boats hurriedly turned and moved towards the banks of the river.

Cables hang from the water near shore, and boats carry axes and swords that can cut them.

However, the Turdun archers were also on the shore, and when they saw fleet approaching, they opened their bows and fired arrows.

The arrows were raining like rain for a while, and the arrow shield was not enough to cover it, and arrows from the paddlers kept falling into the water.

What happened next made Samukin even more desperate—a second and third cable was raised in the river.

Even if the cable isn't iron, three cables are enough to destroy the entire fleet.

"Retreat!" Samukin ordered through gritted teeth.

At this point, mutation occurs.

As if it suddenly lost its restraint, the first cable shrank suddenly, and then floated softly on the water.

The masked lieutenant who cut off the cable slashed to death the Terdun man who was charging, and nearly fell down himself.

He propped himself up and shouted at his subordinates who were still alive: "Next!"

Samukin saw the change in the West Bank and knew that someone was giving his life to help.

"Don't let them down!" Samukin beating the drums of war heavily: "Paddle! Go!"

The fleet returned to the original course, the oarsman shouted and waved his horn Arms, the stone-laden boat moved towards the pontoon and slammed onto it.

The people of Teltown were caught off guard, and the second and third ropes were also cut by the masked captain.

There was the sound of hooves behind him, but the captain ignored it. He watched the boat rush towards the pontoon he built with his own hands, contented.

Samukin on the boat noticed this strange man standing alone on the shore with his face covered and leaning on an axe.

Samukin stood up and raised his hands in salute from a distance.

A faint smile appeared under the scarf of the man covering his face, and he solemnly returned the salute.

More than a dozen boats broke through the barrage and resolutely crashed into the pontoon. Some Teltowners can still stick to their posts, and many more Teltowners throw away their long poles and turn around and run.

"[Herde] Your people are really clumsy..." On the river bank, a man watched the chaos of people fleeing, turned around and said helplessly to the others: "[Ancient language] Help them... ...Fortunately it's a dry season."

Amid the rumbling of the war drums, the paddlers jumped to survive, and the leading boat, fiercely, hit the pontoon.

The pontoon tensed instantly, trembling slightly like a giant in pain.

Several anchor cables securing the pontoon were torn off, the boat capsized along with it, and the pontoon rebounded sharply.

"Okay!!!" Samukin and the masked lieutenant shouted at the same time. Continue to hit, the pontoon can't bear it sooner or later.

However, at this moment, the quietly flowing Dajiao River made waves.

In the beginning, it was just a few ripples, and the ripples quickly increased into waves.

In the eyes of everyone on both sides of the strait, the waves naked eye can be seen becoming more and more turbulent, and the waves are getting higher and higher.

Flat-bottomed riverboats simply cannot withstand such large waves.

"Fuck! This is..." Samukin cursed in anger. Before he could finish speaking, the boat he was riding in was overturned by a man-high wave.

The pontoon bridge was also swayed by the "waves", slapped heavily on the water, and tore off more than a dozen anchor cables.

The river rolled people and shards of wood into the bottom, and the aftermath stretched far and far. The waves are gradually lowering, and the raging river is gradually returning to its former calm.

Telltown people witnessed these "Divine Vestige", and they fell to their knees and worshipped.

The masked captain didn't have time to think. He threw off his clothes and plunged headlong into the icy water.

Samukin can swim, but after choking twice, all he has left is the instinct to wave his arms wildly. Soon, he lost consciousness.

Just as Samukin was sinking deeper and deeper, a pair of iron arms wrapped around him from behind and dragged him to the surface.

The confused Samukin vaguely felt that someone was digging his mouth and throat with his fingers, and he felt the air urgently.

"Breathe!" the stranger said quickly.

Samukin instinctively took a deep breath, as if to burst his lungs. His body even curled up uncontrollably like a shrimp, and his consciousness became sober.

Then Samukin saw a face, a terrifying face with no nose, no ears, half-burnt.

"Who are you?" Samukin struggled to get up.

"Morrow." The disfigured man's voice was low: "Denzel Morrow, Captain."

"Bridge?" Samukin seemed to have found the anchor of consciousness , he stood up at once, looking eagerly towards the pontoon.

"The pontoon has some damage, but it can be repaired," said Captain Morrow coldly.

The captain was right, although the pontoon was damaged in many places, it was still lying across the river, as if mocking Samukin.

"Fuck!" Samukin was suddenly dizzy, his knees went weak, he fell to his knees weakly, and beat the sand with all his might: "Fuck! Fuck!"

"Save your strength." Captain Morrow just spoke, but did not extend his hand to stop him: "The search party of the Hurds is coming. If you don't leave, you will die." The boy suddenly burst into tears while hugging his knees.

"Why are you crying?" Captain Morrow couldn't feel Samukin's grief, he just sneered: "It was impossible to completely destroy the pontoon with your stupid method... I have a better way, Take me to see your superior."

Samukin raised his head sharply, like a drowning man clutching the last straw: "You still have a way to destroy the pontoon."

"Of course." Captain Morrow looked coldly at the pontoon bridge: "I built the pontoon bridge. I'm always thinking about how to destroy it."


On the one hand, Mason convened the city councilors of Gervoudan and representatives of public opinion at all levels to read out part of Winters' letter.

"The Montagne Tribunal has just fought hard and will need a few days to regroup." Captain Mason concluded, "So we have no reinforcements for this period of time and are on our own."

There was an uproar in the council hall. Although repelling an attack by the Terdun people had boosted the confidence of the citizens, the news of the lack of reinforcements still shook the will of the people.

“The tribune of Montagne agrees if necessary.” Mason paused for a moment: “Abandon the South City.”

Another grenade was thrown into the chicken coop, and the citizens of Gervoudan loudly agreed , public representatives of asylum seekers are worried, and some people are openly opposed.

"Quiet!" Old Mayor Priskin tapped hard on the table.

When the council hall was quiet again.

Mason explained carefully: "Even if you have to abandon Nancheng, you must have a strategy. Materials must be moved to the north, and old and young women and children must be placed in a place, and things that cannot be moved. Also find a way to destroy..."

Mason's voice was flat and gentle, but there was a power in his gentleness and calmness.

The chamber became quieter and quieter, and everyone listened carefully.

"You tell me what to do!" The first supporter of the Montagne tribunal, the blacksmith Shaosha, responded: "We all listen to you. When the enemy is in front of you, who doesn't listen! Clean him up!"

Old Priskin saw the chaos, and said simply, "Whoever agrees with what Commissioner Shaosha said, cheers for Mason Tribunal three times!"

Three cheers, each louder.

Old Priskin slammed the hammer: "Three calls!"

"Since you all listen to me." Mason stood up and said slightly sorry: "Then first Evacuate the women and children to the North Shore."

The evacuation is progressing quickly, as most of the women and children are already housed on the North Shore.

After the women and children are evacuated, it is time to move the supplies.

The men in the city of Gervoudin, regardless of whether they were citizens or refugees, were organized into militia units and came to the south bank to move things.

There was only one bridge over the river, which was blocked for a while.

Seeing this, Mason ordered to leave the necessary defensive manpower on the north bank, and other militiamen and city guards gathered on the south bank to carry the supplies in order.

After the bridge was cleared, Mason ordered the bridge to be demolished.

No dynamite--because gunpowder is precious;

Neither lamp oil--because fuel oil is precious;
Every piece of wood is carefully collected for Used again - thrifty housekeeping, very Masonian.

"I've decided." Mason stood in front of the people who lost one's head out of fear and announced with a smile: "Never give up Nancheng."

[I'm late, sorry, Orz...because it's a big chapter of 7,000 words]
[Redefine Saturday and noon...the next chapter is still Tuesday]
[Thanks to book lovers for their collection, reading, subscription, recommendation ticket, monthly ticket,打赏和评论,谢谢大家]

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