Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 300


Chapter 300 Dagger Now
The west wind engulfed the earth with hot poisonous smoke, and a terrifying explosion sounded one after another bang.

A raging fire spread from the river bank inland, roaring and burning dead leaves, shrubs, and cypresses before converging into a sea of flames that floated above the tree canopy.

No matter what the Teltown people had planned, they did not choose to break out of the siege at the first time.

Winters also didn't launch a rash attack, and the battlefield fell into a disturbing silence.

What broke the silence was a fire, a fire from the water surface - Samukin's fleet landed under the cover of darkness, set fire to the forest, and set fire to several coastal woodlands in one fell swoop.

Most of the trees along the coast were burnt in the process of clearing the walls, except for the woodland at the confluence of the two rivers, just to wait for the miraculous effect of the general attack.

The fire took advantage of the wind, and the wind helped the fire. The scattered fire fields were quickly connected into a line, and the banks of the Shili River were blood-red by the firelight.

Tai Chi's camp is a mess, and the fire hasn't gotten here yet, but the gusty winds have already brought scorching heat.

Frightened birds and beasts fled in droves, even rushing into the crowd regardless.

A slave near the woodland heard the sound of hoofs coming from behind, and was knocked over by an adult stag before he could see what it was.

The stag broke his neck and died on the spot; the unarmored slave was also pierced by twelve forked antlers, and soon lost his breath as the blood gurgled out.

But at this juncture, no one cares about the life and death of a stag and a slave.

Telltown people in the camp were cursing, shouting, running around, trying to save their belongings and their lives.

"Get your saddle ready! Get your saddle ready!"

"Bring everything on!"

"fuck off!"

"Can't wait! Catch the horse! Catch the horse!"

People lose one's head out of fear, and the horse is even more restless. Horses have far sharper senses than humans, and they smell the strange smell in the wind early on.

A warhorse threw off its rider without warning, kicked and kicked, and all around Terdun people rolled and dodged.

"Hang it! Hook it!"

"Yeah! That bastard!"

"Get out of the way!" In the confusion, there was Turtle The Dunman shouted: "The horse is startled!"

Another frightened warhorse rushed forward, and the slave who had avoided too late was hit by a strong, spitting blood and flew out.

The startling horse also received a lot of recoil, and it roared and raised its front hooves high.

At this juncture, two nooses, one after the other, were caught by a startled horse and stopped.

A brawny man of hair grey-white, tall and strong swooped up, wrapping his arms around Jingma's neck and tucked under his armpits.

The brawny man exerted all his strength, while pressing down the scary horse's head, while pushing the scary horse from the side.

The joint structure causes the horse to have vertical force and no horizontal force, so the wrestling between man and beast only lasts for less than a few breaths.

With a thunderous shout, the horse was forcibly "fallen" by the brawny man of Teltown.

The frightened warhorse fell to the ground screaming, kicking and kicking incessantly.

The brawny man firmly pressed the neck of the frightened horse, neither letting the horse get up nor giving the horse a chance to bite.

The rest of the Teltown people swarmed up, tied the four legs of the frightened horse with all their hands and feet, and controlled the crazy beast.

The crowd cheered when they found out who the brawny man was with his horse riding skills. It wasn't someone else, it was Tai Chi.

Tai Chi put his hands on the ground, struggling to support his cumbersome body, as if to say silently: "What is this? I was not much stronger than this when I was young."

Tai Chi's bodyguard—the one who just threw the rope to startle the horse—ran over to help him, and said in a gruff voice, "That Yan Divine Force is the same as it used to be."

Tai Chi Fiercely spit out a mouthful of saliva: "If you don't grow hair, will you send someone to find other leaders to come back?"

The guard shook his head.

"Father! Zhukota--will not meet!" Tai Chi's son shouted and rushed over: "Go away! Father!"

Although Teltown The people's camp is on a higher terrain, but it is difficult for them to observe the fire directly due to the shelter of the forest.

But the night sky has been burned red, and the choking smoke is getting thicker and thicker, obviously the while speaking fire is approaching fast.

And Tai Chi's troops are still running to collect, or to rescue goods, or to collect war horses.

"It's too late to meet." Tai Chi gritted his teeth and ordered: "Just bring the bow and arrow armor and eat Hah! All the people next to me are abandoned! Quickly follow me to avoid the fire."

The Terdun people camped out in family units, and for a while, Taichi was the only one who could control his direct subordinates.

Tai Chi's son was stunned for a moment, then roared and rushed into the camp, beating the minions who had collected the goods: "All gone!"


A hill behind the third line of defense, Winters and the rest of the command are watching the fire.

The fire was better than he had expected, and it seemed that Samukin's mission was done beautifully.

The fire sea is like a translucent red mist floating on the canopy of trees.

A thunderous deflagration sound came one after another, mixed with the screams of those who were burned alive.

The hellish scene made the faces of the commoner background clerks in the headquarters look unbearable.

Winters has experienced several fire attacks, and he knows that only a small part of the fire is killed, most of the dead are killed by poisonous smoke - running and running, falling headfirst, and never standing again does not raise.

His command had just undergone a round of expansion, adding a group of administrative staff who originally belonged to Bard.

These clerks who can read and write and understand arithmetic have liberated Winters from part of the mechanical manual labor. At least he no longer needs to write every order, every memo, and only need to dictate. Can.

It also allows Winters to focus on more critical matters.

Bard looked at the burning forest with a worried look on his face, and muttered to himself: "We're driving the Teltown people to a dead end. They're going to die."

Winters pursed his lips and said nothing.

According to the original battle plan, the fire will be the signal of the general attack, at least until the third line of defense and even the 4th line of defense is completely completed before starting.

By that time, even if the Terdun people want either the fish dies or the net splits, Iron Peak's troops can rely on fortifications and fortresses to stop the enemy layer by layer until the latter runs out of energy.

If you have the conditions, you should delay the time with the Teltown people as much as possible until the latter is exhausted.

And now that the cage has not been fastened, the beast has been alerted. What awaits the people of Tiefeng County is bound to be a bloody battle, and it may even fall short.

"If my guess is correct." Winters clenched his fists tightly, holding a statue of Goddess with a shield in his palm: "The Teltown people's counterattack will not be as strong as previously expected. —I hope I'm wrong."

"Don't think about being wrong or right." Bud said to Winters: "It's a risk that needs to be taken in order to avoid a bigger risk."

Winters' steed hung its head, snorted, and kept digging with its front hooves. Maybe it was because the horse smelled the pungent smoke, or maybe it was because it felt the restlessness of its owner.

Ryubard was in command, and Winters led Shire and Heinrich out of the hills and ran along the front.

In the original battle plan, the third line of defense was more than just a "wall".

Walls and trenches are the foundation of all fortifications, upon which bastions, arrow towers, and parapets can be built. With each day's preparation, this line of defense gets stronger, and Winters has a greater grasp.

"Ready?" Winters asked himself, and he didn't know either.

But he could not express this emotion, because the warriors, militiamen, and even the women who guarded the valleys, narrow passages, and passes of every place had placed all their hopes on him.

Seeing that the mighty Hart barbarians were besieged step by step in a land of this size, the people of Iron Peak gradually developed a fanatical reverence for Winters.

And because few people have seen Winters with their own eyes, the object of fanatical worship has shifted to his red flag.

Winters rode along the battle lines, men and women cheering at the sight of the red flag across the night, as if seeing the flag meant victory.

It's a kind of detrimental feeling -- Winters coolly realizes it, and he's kind of uneasy about it.

But not only could he not suppress this fanaticism, on the contrary, he had to work hard to maintain it.

The battle is not only about armour and physical strength, but also courage and will.

If an army believes that they will win, it means they can take more casualties, endure more pain, and hold out longer, which means they can really win.

Winters never learned how to be a general. Will the old marshal be as confused as he is when facing the Shanhu of a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses? he does not know.

Faced with the same fanaticism, the famous generals shining in the history books accept it calmly, and even think that he is the chosen one?
Or will you feel uneasy about this, always reminding yourself that "everyone is mortal"?
Through childhood, Winters' role model was his adoptive father. He looked at Antonio Seretti's back, groping for this step without guidance.

But when he was about to touch his adoptive father's back, he realized that he knew nothing about his adoptive father's inner world.

Has Antonio never lost his mind? Or is he just not showing it? Unbeknownst to Winters, he never talked to his adoptive father about these things.

He is eager to get Antonio's guidance, but the two are thousands of miles apart, so he can only imitate Antonio's appearance:
Retain his emotions, accept cheers and salutes in silence, and return salutes in silence , nothing is revealed.


The fire did not burn out until dawn, when the Terdon attacked.

The whole line was in a hurry for a while, and the messengers who asked for help came like hail, as if every company and every line of defense was being attacked by the elites of the sweat tent of the Teltown Department.

This is obviously the housekeeping skill of the Hurd divisions: first feign attack or simply divide the troops, involving the defender's strength; once the defender reveals the weakness, the scattered Hurd cavalry will rely on mobility to re-attack. Gather, gouge with all your might.

This time, there are no more Teltown people who are not working hard, they have been driven to a dead end;

The people of Iron Peak also know that the victory or defeat is only at this time, and Little Rock Town Everyone in Wagyu Hoof Valley is mobilized, and even women and children carry earth and rocks, collect arrows, and even handle weapons on the battlefield.

The Terdon people, with soot in their beards, carry out their humble siege ladders, battering rams, and large shields - just because they didn't break out doesn't mean they're idle.

It's just that there are not many siege weapons built in a hurry, and more than half of them were destroyed by the fire.

Therefore, most Terdun people still use the old tactics: Armored Soldier scrambles with shields, archers dismount for cover, the rest wait to dig trenches, demolish walls, and small cavalry smuggle around from difficult and dangerous places .

The main road, where the 1st Company and the Twelfth Company were stationed, bore the brunt of it, with at least four Twelfth Centurions taking turns.

The Hurds may be savage, but they are far from instinctive beasts.

The Terdun people, who had been frustrated in attacking the second line of defense before, had specially built a siege ladder for the weakness of the horse-blocking wall-the low wall.

A dozen Tordun Armored Soldiers set up a shield formation and worked together to carry a large shield that could resist arrows, slowly approaching the trench.

The bow and arrow cannot shoot through the wooden shield, and even lead bullets will get stuck in the wood. The horse-blocking wall lacking the bastion structure makes it difficult to cast side shots. The warrior who guards the wall has to watch the shield array approaching the trench. .

After advancing to within five paces of the trench, the side of the shield formation unfolded, and the two teams of Tordun Armored Soldier carried the siege ladder and rushed to the barrier wall shouting.

Other Terdun, using large shields as cover, fired bows and arrows at the defenders.

The height of the horse-blocking wall is only two meters, and the siege ladder can easily be placed on the top of the wall, and even the ditch can be crossed together.

The warrior defending the horse-blocking wall is holding a sharp axe and a putter, trying his best to cut down and overthrow the siege ladder.

At the moment when the shield array was deployed, Tamas, who was in command with a wounded arm and a high fever, shouted and ordered: "Throw!"

The grenadiers who had been waiting for a long time ignited the medicine first. , and then put the other end of the medicine twist into the grenade, moved towards the shield of the Telton people fiercely smashed out.

In the past, Winters used grenades to "insert the drug first, then ignite", which may not be a problem for elites who have received a lot of training.

However, when the grenades were distributed to the militia, the tactical action of [insert the drug and then ignite] caused a series of accidents.

Some militiamen even threw the unlit grenade directly out in a panic, which was picked up by the Teltown people and threw it on the head of the Iron Peak people.

After paying the bloody lessons, the grenadier's throwing process has been completely changed to "fire first, then insert the medicine".

Si si grenades flew towards the shield formation.

A grenade hit the shield, gu lu gu lu rolled into the trench;
A lucky grenade flew into the crowd from the shield gap;
No more grenades Fly directly to the shield, but to the newly deployed and unprotected flank of the shield array.

The Terdun people didn't hesitate, either by stepping on it with their feet or slashing with a knife, efficiently extinguishing the medicine.

Two-legged firearms are powerful - the people of Teltown have a clear understanding of this.

Especially the "Black Thunder" that was just thrown over, when it exploded like a thunderbolt, "all men and horses were shattered", they had suffered a lot when they attacked the second line of defense.

While the people of Tiefeng County paid their tuition fees with blood, the people of Teldun were also learning at the cost of their lives. Both sides were forced by the war, and they grew up advanced by leaps and bounds in the skill of killing each other.

Tamas could see clearly, some people in Teltown even carried water bags, and when they saw the grenade flying, they immediately poured a bag of water on it, and the grenade immediately misfired.

Tamas was so angry that he smashed his thighs, and roared and ordered: "Cut the medicine in half! Listen to my command and throw it again!"

At this moment, the shield burst out. In a strange move, the Terdun people jumped out of the shield formation one after another, fleeing for their lives.

The lucky grenade that flew into the shield array could not escape the fate of flameout. A black-faced Tordun Armored Soldier quickly took out his knife and slashed at the gunpowder.

However, the shield formation was too crowded, and the spike of the knife was accidentally scratched by someone else's belt.

The black-faced Armored Soldier yanked down his knife sharply, but the gunpowder was about to burn out in the blink of an eye, and it was too late.

The black-faced Thorden Armored Soldier dodged back in horror, shouting: "[Hedde] Black Thunder! Black Thunder!"

Other Terdun Armored Soldiers let out wild beast-like screams when they heard the word, shrank their necks, dropped their shields, and fled into the distance regardless.

The black-faced Tordun Armored Soldier watched in despair as the gunpowder burned into the "Black Thunder", and after a moment's delay, the Black Thunder exploded under his watch.

A large shield was overturned by the air wave, and the position of the grenade explosion was the center of the circle, and the flesh and blood were messed up within two meters.

The black-faced Tordun Armored Soldier had his legs blown off, and several depressions appeared on his breastplate. He coughed blood, and he couldn't even make a sound, just humming intermittently.

A few more "black thunders" were thrown in, and the black-faced Armored Soldier closed his eyes as he recalled the faces of his mother and his son.

Of course Tamas wouldn't let this opportunity pass, he shouted in a hoarse voice: "Fire! Fire arrows! Hit me fiercely!"

more Grenades, lead, and arrows flew into the shield through the gap, stirring up the flesh and blood.

The first attack of the Teldons was repelled, and then their commander sent another centurion with more shields and siege ladders for a second attack .

After being stubbornly pushed back again, the Teltowns switched to a third Centurion, then a fourth.

For the fifth attack, the Teltowns had all their men on board.

In the previous four attacks, they had already climbed over the barrier, turning the battle into hand-to-hand combat.

Finally, Tamas opened the secret door, led the cavalry to rush out of the barrier wall, swept away the enemy from the flank and intercepted the enemy outside the wall, and then repulsed his Teltown people.

Facing the fifth attack, Tamas was ready to retreat to the next line of defense.

However, the Teltowns retreated.

At the same time, three kilometers north of the fortress of Tamas, there is another valley where the army can pass.

Tai Chi's son, whose armor is covered in blood, is tearing down the horse barrier at the headquarters.

The Terdun people advanced three times and retreated three times. Before the fourth attack, the Palatine people defending this place gave up their positions and retreated along the valley.

Tai Chi is getting older and fatter.

He inspected the corpses of the Palatines on the ground one by one, and found none of them mortally wounded in the back.

"[Herde] is such a hard bone." Tai Chi called his son, half admiring, half dignified: "[Herde] is such a hard bone."

"[Herde] I broke two of my keers." Tai Chi's son spat out a mouthful of blood: "[Herde] The fire roaster is a gelding pig! The children will all be wiped out! I think he has this idea at first!"

"[Hede] shut up!" Tai Chi scolded: "[Hede] he is your Khan King, or your uncle brother, you You have to look after him."

After a bloody battle, Tai Chi's son's anger grew stronger and stronger: "[Herde] What a khan king who doesn't eat pigs and dogs! You are the grandfather's youngest son. , according to the rules, you should inherit the khan throne!"

Tai Chi immediately raised his short riding whip, and fiercely gave his son a note. But looking at the only son's face full of gunpowder smoke and blood, he couldn't do it anymore.

"[Hede] don't have to mention this again, otherwise I won't be able to keep you!" Tai Chi reprimanded with a cold face.

Find the stake first, then tether and drag it down with several horses.

As soon as the stake fell, the baskets and soil fixed on the stake also fell.

Using this method, Taichi's followers demolished a large wall of horses, making the valley open to the passage of large troops again.

At the same time, the Teltown troops who had attacked the remaining positions also came to gather.

To break through the siege to the death, Teltown did not pretend to attack, all of them were the main attack.

And now they have nothing but warhorses, weapons, and food and drink with them.

This is the time when the Hurds have the strongest battle strength, because at this moment they are not dragged down by any wealth, and they are dedicated to living.

After all the Kotas had almost arrived, Tai Chi did not wait for the last few people, and led a group of Terdun troops to advance.

Breaking out of this blockade, the Terdun cavalry will be able to gallop freely on the ground of Zhongtiefeng County, unstoppable and unstoppable.

But the further he went, the more uneasy Tae-chi felt.

The valley was silent, not even the chirping of birds. The wind is full of chills, the mountains on both sides are getting steeper, and the murderous intention is everywhere.

Tai Chi hurriedly summoned the leader of the front-drive light cavalry, but before Nakota came, a cannon rang out on both sides of the hillside.

A red flag is raised at the top of the valley.

Then came the battle cry familiar to the Hurds, the soul flew away and scattered: "Uukhai!!!"

Dozens of flaming Fireballs rolled down the hillside , rolled faster and faster, and finally crashed into the queue of the Teltown people at a speed that could not be dodged.

These "Fireballs" are spherical cages made of twigs, filled with hay, resin and lamp oil, which cannot explode and have limited lethality. However, it was effective in cutting off the Teltown troops.

Telltown marches down the ravine in the shape of a serpent. The Fireball roared down, and the Terdon people were instantly split into pieces.

The leader of Teltown, who was lagging behind, saw that the situation was far from good, and without hesitation he turned around and ran away.

"[Herde] rotten meat! The back road has been blocked!" Tai Chi yelled angrily, he waved the whip frantically, and shouted to the followers of lose one's head out of fear: "[Hedde] Go forward! Go forward! Kill! Heavenly God is watching you and me!"

"[Hedde] Fire Bull!" Armored Soldier of Terdun suddenly shouted in horror: " [Herde] Fire cows!"

Tai Chi followed his reputation and saw that the second group of people rushed down the hillside were actually hundreds of mad cows on fire.

The formidable power of the fiery bull is no less than that of a war horse, and even more ferocious than a war horse, because a mad bull will never stop in front of lance.

The Terdun had the courage to fight the Palatine to the death, but no one dared to stand before the mad bull.

The cattle trampled the ground, the hooves thumped, and the Terdun fled.

Tai Chi wanted to fight for his life, but he couldn't find an opponent to fight with.

Winters stared grimly at the tragic situation in the valley, waiting for the fighter plane - now in a hurry, it is easy to be accidentally injured by the mad cow.

The military book said to encircle three sides and let go of one side to prevent the enemy from fighting to the death.

While Winters chose to use this maxim in reverse, in Winters' view, rather than deploying limited troops on the front like salt, it is better to take the initiative to give the Teltown people a way to go, and then use the terrain to head on. Beat the latter.

speaking of which uses fire bulls, fire horses, or tactics he learned from the Hurds.

In addition to the Hurd people, who would be willing to treat precious horses and cattle as disposable items?
He didn't use this tactic before because it was too unstable.

The Terdun people used to use fire horses to charge into the formation, but the fire horses were of no use in the face of a well-ordered, large phalanx equipped with a large number of muskets.

Frightened livestock can't be judged by common sense, and no one knows whether the next moment's crazy fire cow will turn around and recoil.

But in the terrain of "two mountains and one ditch", you don't need to worry about this problem when using the Fire Bull to dash, because the Fire Bull instinctively rushes down the hillside.

And the more the target runs, the more the ox will catch up. Lose one's head out of fear and the Teltown people who are running away are the number one target of the fire ox.

Seeing that the Terdun people have been swept away, Winters nods, and Charles will take off his bugle.

The sharp charge reverberated in the valley, the red flag pressed down, and the militiamen waiting on the reverse slope shouted in unison, took up the lance and stabbed the hammer and rushed down the hillside.

The main force was deployed all over the line of defense. The main force of this ambush was the "senior soldiers" and "adult soldiers" in the militia—that is, the part with the strongest battle strength in the militia.

These militiamen are not enough to fight hard battles, and they are reluctant to fight melee battles. They are best at chasing and killing fleeing enemies.

"[Hede] moved towards that red flag!" Tai Chi pulled out his machete and called out to his guards and Armored Soldier hoarsely: "[Hede] kill me!"

Until this moment, Tai Chi still did not give up the idea of the last fight. The opponent's entire army is overwhelmed, which means that the opponent's coach's defense is empty.

A warhorse has difficulty developing momentum on uphill terrain, but four legs are always faster than two.

Beheading the generals and capturing the flag, in Tai Chi's view, this is his only chance to turn defeat into victory

The desperate Terdun people are also inspired to be fierce, Armored Soldier They ripped off their armors and cut off their saddles to lighten the load on the war horses.

The nobles, the guards, the Nake'er... all the Terdun people who dared to fight gathered together, and under the leadership of Tai Chi, they went upstream and made a decisive assault on the position of Chiqi.

Winters also noticed this small group of Teltown people.

"You go first." Winters drew his saber and turned to Bud.

Bard sighed, also drew his saber.

Tai Chi hugged the horse's neck tightly to reduce the horse's resistance. Foaming, his knees trembling, the warhorse climbed with all his might to the halfway up the mountain.

Taichi suddenly heard his son shouting from behind.

It turned out that the leader who turned around and fled was desperately waving the ponytail flag, and the meaning was clear: the back road was not cut off.

Without Taichi's order, the other Turdon nobles turned their horses and ran away, and their guards and companions fled with their masters.

The bloody bravery of the decisive death dissipated most of the time, and Tai Chi suddenly understood the viciousness of the opponent:

He could see clearly that most of the enemies were without helmets and armors , There is no sword, only a "slave" with a wooden stick;
If the children of Terdun are surrounded by all sides, there may be a chance to turn defeat into victory;
But once there is a way to escape , the Terdun children just wanted to escape;

The valley is narrow, how many people can escape? Those who escaped throw away their weapons, armor, and even their saddles. Even if they escape, how can they fight again?

Tai Chi wailed three times in pain, yanked the reins, and fled with his son.

Winters drew his sword and sheathed it, winning the battle without a doubt, but his expression became more and more solemn.

So did Bud.

Often the more you worry about something, the more it will happen - the "Elites of the Sweat Horde" of the Telltown Department have far fewer troops than they should have...


That night, the Terdun people, who had retreated to the blockade line in embarrassment, asked to surrender for the second time.

This time is very sincere: Tai Chi brought the other two Qingling Yu and personally asked to surrender.

They finally met each other's coach, a stern man who was much younger than they had imagined.

Even so, the three prominent Turdun nobles still dare not look at each other - they have been beaten to the point of losing their courage.

"[Hede]'s children are separated, and I would like to ask the general to give him a few days." Tai Chi licked his lips, bowed his knees, and no longer had the prestige of the past: "[Hede] let me take in the children, Terr. Tobu is willing to hand over his weapons and join the general."

Worrying that the other party didn't have a slave who understood Hedly, the three of them also brought an interpreter.

“Do you know who I am?” Winters asked, glancing at the three of them with scrutiny.

"[Herde] doesn't dare...don't know." After listening to the translator's translation, Tai Chi replied with a stoop.

"I don't know who you are either." Winters narrowed his eyes coldly: "But I know the monkey butt face... hum, that is your chief, the fire roaster."

The interpreter was stunned and didn't know what to do. Under the urging of the eyes of the people in Tai Chi, he faithfully translated the word "monkey butt face" into Hede.

Tai Chi subconsciously lifts the head, but stares directly at each other.

For a moment, Tai Chi seemed to be seen through from head to toe, with cold hair tied up all over his body, and cold sweat pouring out of his back.

Another Qing Lingyu suddenly realized, face deathly pale, pointed at Winters in disbelief, and exclaimed: "[Herde] are..."

The third green feather is at a loss, ignorant.

until he heard his companion spit out the name "[Hedde] you're a bald pallatuba!!!"

his knees went weak, his eyes blacked out, and he straightened up. Then fell over.

"Wait for the time and wait for the fire-boiler to save you?" Winters kicked over the blood-soaked wooden box beside him, and asked sharply, "Think I don't know what you're thinking?"

Tai Chi couldn't understand what the other party was saying, but he could still feel the thunderous anger in the other party's tone, and he shivered subconsciously.

"Isn't it any wonder why the Fireboiler went? Come on!" Winters sneered, "Meet your warchief."

Winters kicked again From the wooden box, a head that was no longer human-like rolled out.

Rolling out with the head, there is also an azure horsetail flag that has been entangled with blood and brains - a token of the Khan.

The Qing Lingyu who recognized Winters saw the azure horsetail flag, his eyes went black, and he collapsed limply.

Tai Chi thumped and knelt on the ground, holding his head.

This head seemed to have been torn apart by a beast, and it seemed to explode from the inside, with its nose and eyes drooping outside, as if it had experienced the most painful torture in the world.

But that azure nine-horsetail flag can't be faked.

Tai Chi grieved and cried.

Winters quietly looked at the heartbroken Teltown native, Uncle, the fireboiler's pro-Uncle, and suddenly burst into laughter: "Don't pretend, they really believe it, I don't think you have. Interpreter, Translate it to him!"

The interpreter has been stunned by the repeated upheaval, and he translated the words tre

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