Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 291


Chapter 291 Flourishing
There is no ceremony to go to war.

The sound of horns and snare drums echoed on both sides of the Punta River, and the Turdun cavalry charged into the shallows, killing the Iron Peaks militia on the north bank.

Bud took a deep breath, pulled out a flat-headed arrow, and put it on the bow.

He lowered his shoulders, straightened his left arm, half-rotated his elbows, put his weight on his left leg while sticking out his upper body, pulled the bowstring in a slightly awkward position, and pulled it all the way to his ear. .

In order to steer this 140-pound bow, Bud's arms, back, waist and abdomen were nowhere to be found.

I saw his back muscles bulging high, his waist and abdomen tight, his arms swelled with blood vessels, and his left hand holding the bow was even more red.

The process of archery was long and short, the bowstring and bow body made a crunching sound due to the stress, and Bud's body trembled slightly.

Strictly speaking, he's not aiming because his line of sight is not in line with the arrow.

His target is not a fixed target, but a speeding enemy on horseback.

He wasn't even holding the bow, it was closer to using the tiger's mouth against the bow's body and using his fingers to assist.

At a certain moment, as if the heart suddenly stopped, and as if there was a cold wind blowing through the spine, Bud followed his intuition and relaxed his right hand.

The bow string played like a violin string, and the arrow was pushed away from the bow in an instant.

The arrow swept across the water in an incredible flight, hitting the Turdun cavalry, who was shooting on horseback ten meters away.

With only a brief delay, the flat, sharp arrow pierced through robes, skin, and flesh, piercing deep into the lungs from under the left rib cage until the energy was exhausted.

Air rushed into the chest cavity, blood and alveoli poured back into the trachea, and the Terdon man lost his strength at once. He fell from the saddle clutching his throat and plunged knee-deep into the river.

The prelude to the battle was opened by this arrow, and the militiamen who saw the enemy fell from their horses cheered with excitement.

Bud didn't see this scene, because he didn't care what the outcome was.

Only the first-time militiamen will release an arrow first, staring at the trail of the arrow's feathers, cheering when they hit, and annoyed when they miss.

While the hitter was still sitting on the horse, Bud had drawn another arrow and opened the bow again.

If the militia's arrow technique can have half of Bard's ability, it should not be difficult to repel the more than 100 Teltown cavalry.

Unfortunately, most militias do not.

So soon after the battle, the Tiefeng County militia, which was four times as large as the enemy, was faintly suppressed by the Teldun people.

If it wasn't for the fact that Bard had filled the river bank with fences and refused horses in advance, his men would have been destroyed by a charge of the Turdun cavalry.

The archery method of the militia archers is similar to that of Budd: three fingers buckle the string, lean forward, and put bundles of arrows at the feet, and shoot one to take one.

The Terdun cavalry is a completely different way of shooting: step up and stand up, hold the bow and arrow in the left hand at the same time, and the thumb is on the string; Shoots several arrows and leaves with one hit.

The hail of arrows came with the sound of thunderous hooves—a terrifying sound of horseback shooting.

If it weren't for the strict military law in the refugee camps and the escort of supervising teams, many militiamen would have fled long ago.

"You bastard! What are you afraid of?!" Ish, who was carrying a cane whip, shouted as he walked among the militiamen.

He lashed out and whipped the cowardly militiamen shiver coldly hiding behind the shields: "Think of your wives, children! Don't hide! Cowardices are strangled!"

Under the urging, coercion and even intimidation of the sergeants at all levels, the timid militiamen also stood up and fought back against the Teltown people tremblingly.

For the militiamen, bows and arrows are also luxury goods, and half of the militiamen have only simple slings.

The sling has a little benefit too - there's no shortage of ammo, and the beach is full of rocks.

From time to time, militiamen were hit by stray arrows, screaming for help, and someone immediately carried him to the rear of the front line to avoid affecting morale.

From time to time there are people in Teltown who fall, and their fate is much more tragic. Not only will there be no one to rescue, but the cavalry will even be trampled by the cavalry who can't dodge.

"Full of bows! Don't fucking waste arrows!" Seeing some militiamen fluttering arrows out, Ish's anger was about to burst above his head: "Don't aim at people! Shoot barbarians' horses! Shoot from the positions of the two horses in front of the barbarians!"

The shoal that the two armies are fighting for has no official name, and the people of Tiefeng County just call it "Zhushechang" or "Pangtuohe Tushechang" ".

Once upon a time, Ivan Horseshoe's gang ambushed the Wolftown convoy here.

Now it's Bard's turn to lead the troops here against the Teltowns.

It is no coincidence that this place is repeatedly stained with blood.

As a tributary, although the water volume of the Pantuo River is not as good as that of the Dajiao River, there are not many places suitable for crossing the river because of the dense mountains and forests along the bank.

For a long time, there are only two ways to take the Pangtuo River:

Or via Xiaoshi Town, where the terrain is flat, the river is narrow, and there are bridges across the river; The shoal between the town of Black Liquid and the Valley of the Cow's Hoof - the "Wedding Field".

From the topographical point of view, Zushechang is the gate of Zhongtiefeng County. The people of Teltown are going to attack, and the people of Iron Peak are going to defend, so the brutal competition around this shoal is inevitable.

Gritting their teeth through the first few rounds of arrow exchanges, the numerical advantage of the Tiefeng County militia gradually came into play.

In order to pursue the speed of fire, Terdun people have limited accuracy and strength when riding a horse.

The accuracy and strength of Tiefeng County people's throwing stones and foot shots are not very good, but there are many militiamen.

When the battle goes on in a casualty exchange situation, that's when the Scales of Victory slides to the side of Ironpeak.

The leader of the Turdun cavalry team, Turukota [chew the corpse], was stationed on the south bank of the horse to watch the battle. The situation was obvious at a glance: the two-legged man can only defend by relying on the refusal of the horse and the fence , knife to knife, gun to gun to fight, the two-legged man will be defeated immediately.

Seeing that the "repelling beasts" tactics did not work, Chew Corpse summoned his cronies, Hong Lingyu, to whisper a few words, and the latter immediately led a dozen armored cavalry from the right hand side to the edge of the shoal.

As soon as the Turdun armored cavalry came into battle, it attracted bursts of exclamations from the Tiefeng County militiamen.

Because these armored riders don't wear the common Zhajia, but a whole set of black three-quarter plate armor.

Accompanied by the sound of the horn from the south bank, the Tordun light cavalry shrank their formation and focused their arrows in the direction of Armored Soldier's attack, suppressing the Paratus.

Thirdun Armor dismounted at thirty paces and approached the river bank with shield and rope.

They stayed out of the attack range of halberds, spears and other long-handled weapons, tethered horses and fences like oxen, and then used the power of war horses to drag the stakes away by the roots.

The stones thrown by the militiamen and the arrows shot by the militia are hard to hurt the Armored Soldier.

Telltown Armored Soldier is sturdy with plate armor, but also does not evade arrows and stones, attacking the psychological defense line of the militia with an unstoppable attitude.

The fence built by Budd has no horizontal beams, and looks like an erected horse-rejecting stake, one for the other. The disadvantage is that it is easy to be pulled down, and the advantage is that it will not be pulled down in rows.

Bud sighed softly in the bottom of his heart. The last time he saw these black three-quarter armors, they were still worn by Custer's pistol cavalry.

"Blow the trumpet, the second quarter." Bud lowered his bow and instructed the trumpeter beside him.

As if echoing the sound of the horn, the sharp bugle sound also sounded on the north shore, and even suppressed the dull horn sound.

The formation of the Tiefeng County militia changed, and the skilled longbowmen who were formed into a separate team were changed to the left flank and began to suppress the Turdun archers.

A Tortown Armored Soldier recklessly tore down fences and rejected horses, ignoring the sound of bugles. He wore the best armor of a two-legged man, and unless Tengri did not bless him, the bow and arrow would never hurt him.

There is no need for a big gap, as long as three horses can be accommodated in parallel, the cavalry can rush into the two-legged man. At that time, the first credit for reaching the enemy's line is his.

Suddenly, the sound of wind and thunder rang in my ears, and a huge force came from above my head. Even through the helmet, this enormous force still cracked Tordun's Armored Soldier's skull and bleeds from his seven orifices.

Telltown Armored Soldier fell into the river slowly as his eyes darkened. The bludgeoning didn't kill him on the spot, and he eventually died of choking in a coma.

The Armored Soldier didn't know what killed him until he died, but the chewing corpse watching the battle could see clearly.

The two-legged man on the other side raised wooden poles as long as those used in ceremony hanging meat, like swatting flies, and slapped several of his elite Armored Soldiers to death.

[Note: about six meters]
Chewing Corpse finally understood why the opposite fence should not be added with crossbeams - with crossbeams, long poles cannot slap through the gaps in the fence.

The few Armored Soldiers who were still alive fled the river bank in confusion. The attack range of the long pole is also limited, as long as the distance is widened, it is safe.

As soon as the Armored Soldiers retreated, the battle reverted to throwing rocks and arrows at each other.

"Retreat for now! Kota! Taichi asked you and me to find out the water situation, not for you and me to fight!" Hong Lingyu, who was following the corpse chewing, persuaded him: "And then Procrastinate, and the children of this clan will all be smashed!"

chew the corpse and shock the head.

Telden's light cavalry in the wading field is like a swarm of bees, seemingly running wildly, but in fact it contains a certain order. At the sound of the horn, they regrouped again.

It's just that this time they didn't break through from the right flank, but instead concentrated on attacking the left flank.

The field is about a hundred paces wide.

Bard also adjusted his formation, switching the best longbowmen to his right flank (corresponding to the left flank of the Teltons).

The Terdun people formed three lines, and suddenly rushed towards the anti-horse stakes like a mountain and a sea, and actually vaguely had several points of the imposing manner of the charge of the Palatine cavalry group.

At least half of the Paratus believed that the Tertuns wanted to use their lives to fight the horses, and the rest of the Paratus—mostly veterans—thought the Terdens wanted to commit suicide .

But this astonishing charge in imposing manner ended up only drawing an arc in front of the refusal, and the Turdun cavalry turned a corner and ran back to the south bank.

Meanwhile, while the attention of the Platoons was caught by a massive charge from the left. Several Turdtown riders galloped silently to the right flank, dragging away the body of the knocked-out Armored Soldier.

Thus the Teltown people retreated to the banks and disappeared into the woods, as if they had never been there.

The militiamen looked at each other in blank dismay, standing blankly, speechless for a long time.

"Fuck!" Ish slapped his leg and cursed: "The barbarian is so reluctant to bear those sets of plate armor!"

Beside Ish, a middle-aged man The farmer asked timidly: "Master Ish, we... did we win?"

"Old father, we won!" Ish laughed and put his arms around the middle-aged farmer's shoulders: "Laughter Ah! Sing! Cheers!"

Ish wanted the militiamen to shout the battle cry that once made the Hurds become terror-stricken at the news: "Uu! Uu!—khai!! !"

He waved his arms, stirring up the emotions of the crowd, shouting in a broken voice: "Come on! Follow along!"

The battle cry of the Paratus celebrating the victory Unlike charging, there is only one [Uukhai] when charging, while the battle cry of victory is two [Uu] and one [khai] echoing back and forth.

Ish climbed up the arrow tower and shouted to guide the crowd: "Uu! Uu!--khai!!!"

The victory was too unreal, many people realized this By the time they had just won the First Stage victory in their lives.

No one spoke at first, gradually everyone began to chant in a low voice. The cheers grew louder and more tidy as the militiamen opened their throats.

"Uu! Uu!" This is Ish's guidance.

The militiamen raised their weapons and responded with tears in their eyes: "khai!!!"

"Uu! Uu!"

"khai!!! ”

The roar was deafening and piercing the clouds, and the river and forest trembled with it. A large flock of birds in the distance was frightened and flew into the sky.

The retreating Corpse Chew and his men also heard the post-war celebration of victory. The expression of chewing the corpse gradually became gloomy, while the eyes of his followers were a little gloomy.

With the battle cry resounding through the sky, Anglo galloped to Bard and took out a letter from his arms: "Lieutenant, a letter to you from Montagne Hundred-Men Commander."

Bud took the letter, peeled off the lacquer, and scanned it quickly.

Anglo looked at the people all around cheering excitedly, and said with some emotion: "It always feels like... a little bit of an army."

"One more win. Fight." Bud put away the letterhead, sighed: "They can go to the battlefield."

This was the first attack of the Teltown Department on the Pangtuo River defense line, which started with a sudden onslaught, It ended in an absurd way, leaving behind three dozen corpses and twice that number of wounded.

The militias defending the field may think they can breathe a sigh of relief, or even think they have won.

But that night, the Teltowners launched a second raid.

[Thanks to book friends for their collection, reading, subscription, recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, rewards and comments, thank you all]
[The tactic of shooting down with a pole (covering your face), I still feel Perfect for these farmers who are just picking up arms - kind of like threshing. However, there is no bamboo in Tiefeng County, so the poles only have an oak core, linen wrapped around the outside, and poured asphalt.而且因为木材没有烘干,所以很重、很不方便使用]

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