Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 286


Chapter 286 Width
The fire started, and the peasant house with wooden walls and grass roof was suddenly covered with The flames engulfed.

While [Middle Tiefeng County] and [Upper Tiefeng County] have the last shreds of peace, that's not the case elsewhere.

Vugnie County, Mace, Oak Village.

The unarmed men and women, bound in strings with twine and relentlessly whipped on their backs, stumbled away from their homes, crying all the way.

There is not a single old man among the hundreds of people who were captured in Palatine, because the old man who was unable to work was either left in the house to be swallowed by the fire sea, or directly killed.

In addition to the captives on the way, there were carriages with food and utensils, slave horses with clothes and goods, and Teltown people...happy laughter and cheerful voices.

Going further, past the grove in front of them, these Palatians will be completely on the Road of No Return.

Suddenly, a young Platonic man broke free. He hid a small knife on his body and quietly cut the rope when the barbarian was unprepared.

The young man wanted to untie the woman behind him for the first time, but the woman pushed him down the road in tears.

The sound of hoofs and whistles came from behind, and the young man staggered toward the woods, also in tears.

But where two legs can run faster than four legs, the sound of hoofs is getting closer.

Fear took over the young man's mind, and he instinctively turned his head to see a dark shadow coming towards him.

Amid the mother's screams, the young man was knocked down by a bone dart.

It was a Hurd about his age who brought down the young Palatine man.

At the urging of the other Hurds, the young Hurd dismounted. He pulled the bowstring tremblingly, pointed at the hearts of the people on the ground, turned his back to the riders, closed his eyes and let go.

With a "zheng" from the horn bow, the other Hurd people cheered and cheered.

The young Hurd opened his eyes and found that the arrow was a little off and stuck on the ground. He didn't make a sound, silently retrieved the arrow cluster, stepped on the saddle, and followed the other Hurds.

This young Hed is the son of [Yuanguang], the young leader of forty families, and [Yuanguang] is the friend and vassal of Qingling Yu Nayan [Red Moon].

Qinglingyu [Red Moon] has 600 families, and it can be regarded as a small and powerful foreign tribe in the Teltown Department.

According to the tradition of the Heards marching to fight, the Fireboilers divided the Terdun division into the left and right flanks.

The left wing is mostly the unreliable foreign faction Nayan, with a total of more than ten thousand cavalry;
The right wing is dominated by Nayan, the direct relative of the Jinren clan, with nearly 8,000 people, and is personally commanded by the fire-boiler.

According to the route agreed upon before the war, Turdun's flanks will spread out like birds and plunder the newly reclaimed provinces.

The left flank crosses the river from the lower reaches, roughly from [Vigne] and [Maplestone] into the new reclaimed land.

The right wing crosses the river upstream, roughly from [Iron Peak County] into the new reclamation.

Another wing of men feigned to attack Jinghu County, involving the power of the Paratus.

On the surface, the upper reaches are barren, the land is vast and sparsely populated, while the lower reaches are fertile and densely populated. It is a blessing to let Nayan from the outer department go to the lower reaches to loot.

Actually just the opposite, according to the fire roaster's assumption: although the lower reaches are fatter, it is also more difficult to cross the river, and the main battle strength of the Paratus is deployed in the lower reaches.

In the mid-September robbery, not even the coalition forces of the Heard tribes on the south bank were able to get a good deal in Jinghu County.

Let Nayan of the foreign faction go downstream to involve the Paratus people, and lead the direct line of men to raid the upstream, and then wait for the opportunity to go north, east or retreat according to the battle situation - this is the original plan of the fire roaster plan.

The Terdun people docilely accepted this strategy of favoring one over the other, and even Yan Yan did not find it strange. There is a difference between closeness and distance. Is the fat not for relatives to eat, but for outsiders to eat?

However, things don't always go as planned.

When Iron Peak County showed a very tenacious will, stubbornly held the right flank of Teltown out of the Bighorn. On the contrary, the left flank of Teltown caused severe damage in [Vogne County], even threatening the Maplestone precinct.

Because he knew his battle strength was not good and he didn't have a big leader to take the lead, the left wing Zhu Nayan simply gave up the idea of "fighting a battle".

Before entering the new field, the left wing of Turdtown dispersed. The large and small Nayan and Kota acted separately, each relying on their ability to cross the river, whoever grabs it counts.

Some of that Yan even quietly drove the herd to turn around, smeared oil on the soles of her feet, and went home without a sound.

On the other hand, the Vigne military commander did not do what the rebel leader Montagne suggested - evacuate the village, reduce the force, and focus on the fortification.

He deployed his troops on a river bank more than 200 kilometers wide. The overall structure was like an egg, "hard on the outside, soft on the inside", and a hussar platoon inside was responsible for sweeping and breaking up the enemy.

It's hard to say that his decisions were bad, and Winters' decisions were good.

Because Winters is making judgments on the premise of [Vogne County is empty].

A lack of troops would make it impossible to defend against the river effectively, so Winters suggested that Vigne give up its banks, evacuated the countryside, and guarded the fortresses and towns to minimize losses.

But the reality is that [seven infantry battallions are secretly gathering in Vigne for the next year's crusade against the rebels] - of course Winters doesn't know that.

If it is arranged properly, maybe Vigne County can also keep the Terdun barbarians out of the river like the Middle Iron Peak County.

However, the Teltown people arrived much faster than the Wargne Military Commander expected. Before the Vigne troops were in place, the leading troops on the left wing of Teltown had already crossed the river.

As soon as the Terdon people broke into Vigne, they scattered like mercury pouring down the ground.

Vogne County defenders, who lacked cavalry, fell into a passive situation of "beating, but not being able to catch up".

If they are set up and dignified to fight righteously, even if they are inferior in strength, the Palatine Army will have the confidence to fight against the Teltuns.

But the Hurds have always "run away without shame". Wherever they resist stubbornly, they will avoid it. When reinforcements come from this place, they will go to other places.

There were only a dozen or so hussars in Vigne, but there were fourteen Tuurus (centurions) and more than a thousand cavalry in the first group of Terdun barbarians who invaded Vigne.

A platoon's hussars are simply powerless to deal with so many cavalry, and even a little careless will be eaten in turn.

The Vigne commander, hard-hearted, did not call in any reinforcements from the defensive line along the river, instead urging the troops to rush to their deployment positions.

As for the Terdun people who have entered the Vigne County, the Vigne County commander's response strategy is [to intercept and kill the enemy when they cross the Glorious River to the west and withdraw from the Vigne County].

This may be the most reasonable decision for a military chief who is at risk of a county. For as long as the riparian defenses collapse, there will be more, more, more barbarians pouring into Vaughnshire.

But for the villages that lacked protection and failed to evacuate in time, this was nothing short of a catastrophe. They are like eggs without shells, and the people of Teltown eat what they want.

This is how the tragedy of Oak Village happened.

When the Hammer Castle cavalry arrived at Oak Village, the village had been wiped off the map, leaving only charred ruins and a flickering fire.

As the gateway to Ironpeak, Winters maintains a squad of troops at Hammer.

Seeing the thick smoke rising into the sky from the north, the commander of Hammer Castle immediately led the cavalry to help, but it was still a step too late.

Smell the scorching stench of death, and the warhorses snorted anxiously.

Commander Hammer is a somber man with a red birthmark covering half of his face.

"Search." He ordered cherish words like gold succinctly.

The scouts dispersed, looking for survivors and clues.

"Some corpses were found, but they were all burnt to shame. There are no living people." Some older sergeants reported, and the old sergeants were so angry that blue veins burst out on their foreheads: "None of them were spared, either killed or Kidnapped."

The man with the red birthmark turned gloomy.

"There are fresh ruts and hoof prints on the road to the west of the village!" Another scout reported: "The barbarian should be heading west!"

"How much?" the man asked .

"I can't see it." The detective shook his head: "The tracks of people and animals are mixed together, at least a hundred people ride."

"Chase!" The man with the birthmark ordered.

"Sir, no! Wait!" The old sergeant hurriedly stopped in front of the birthmarked man's horse: "We are too few, we only have 18 riders in total, so it's useless to catch up!"


The birthmarked man did not speak, but stared at the old sergeant.

The old sergeant was born in Dussack and had the most seniority among the 18 cavalrymen present. Even he was stared at by the birthmarked man.

He brace oneself discouraged: "If the barbarians of Heard have a centurion size, then it is not something we can deal with. If barbarians can appear here, they can enter Iron Peak County by land. The top priority should be Report to Gervodin.

Besides, this is Vigne, and we shouldn't be here. If anyone sees it, they can't put the shit on us!"

"This man is not dead!" Another scout shouted from a distance.

The birthmarked man and the old sergeant immediately urged the horse to move closer.

I saw a young man with blood on his face lying in the farmland. If it weren't for his chest still rising and falling, he could hardly see any difference from the corpse.

The old sergeant dismounted with great effort, touched the neck of the young man for a while, and looked up towards the birthmarked man: "Alive."

"Take it away." The birthmarked man pulled the reins : "Withdraw."



Tiefeng County, Niusho Valley.

In accordance with the orders of the Montagne tribune, nearly a hundred "chopping stakes" were erected in the town square, filling the square.

The so-called chopping pile is a solid log, half of which is driven into the soil and the other half is exposed on the ground.

Whether it is a military noble or an ordinary soldier, the first lesson of learning sword technique is to chop wood and practice strength.

That's what the proverb says, "If you split a stake for three days, a fool can go to war." This is what it means.

The word "power" sounds easy, but it's hard to do. It's just such a small thing as [keeping the blade and swinging track] that actually requires constant practice.

The posture of the sword body is wrong, that is, using the sword face to shoot people, not only cannot exert formidable power, but also easily cause the sword to break.

It's better to just use a stick - a mallet doesn't know any angles.

So Winters improved the chopping stake, adding a crossbar to the otherwise bare stake.

"Many of you didn't touch a weapon." Winters stood on the high platform with a mallet in his hand, his voice clearly reaching everyone's ears: "This is very Good."

Among the adult men in the Oxhoof Valley, all those who can ride horses, shoot arrows, and muskets have been picked away, and the rest are these "clubs that can't do anything" in the square .

These people were also issued with the literal "club" weapon - the thorn mallet.

"People who have learned how to use weapons often believe oneself infallible and refuse to accept new knowledge, so they are not as good as you people with a blank sheet of paper." Winters glanced at the square solemnly: "Listen, war. You don't need a lot of fighting, just one move is enough."

Winters first demonstrated how to hold the weapon: "The right hand is held at the tail, and the left hand is held in the middle."

Then He walked to the chopping pile and demonstrated his steps.

The final demonstration of how to use it: first one move—deflect the crossbar, and then take a step forward.

"Just those two moves, let's do it." Winters let go of his hands, the thorn mallet stabbed deep into the stake, the tail trembling.

The civilians in the Oxhoof Valley on the square did not know what to do at first, and then practiced rigidly under the scolding of the sergeant.

As Winters stepped off the platform, Samukin ran over and asked, "Is it too late? Hundred-Men Commander?"

"It wasn't too late, so I only had them practice two moves. ." Winters swung his wrists and asked back, "believing or not, if they really want to play, they will forget even two moves. In the end, they will beat with a club."

"The letter ." Samukin smiled: "When I was in the first battle, I used the long spear to shoot people hard, but in the end I didn't realize that the long spear was sharp. Since it's too late, is it useful for them to practice these?"

"Is it useful? It may be useful a little, or it may not be useful. But if you practice, it will be more useful than no practice."

Samukin nodded, and asked: "How many are there? The people of Oxhoof Valley came to me and told me that they would shoot and want to go to the Musket. What do you mean?"

"No." Winters looked cold: "What are you doing early? gone?"


"Has the scout across the river come back?" Winters asked for the fifth time.

"Not yet." Samukin asked tentatively, "If you don't come back, do you want to send again?"

"Send." Winters said firmly: "Continue sending. More. I'll do it myself!"

Turdtown's exploratory attacks became more frequent.

Three times on the first day, six times on the second day, twelve times on the third day, and sixteen times on the fourth and fifth days. Every time, at least 30 or 40 people are dispatched, and as many as hundreds of people are dispatched.

Time is not limited to dawn, sometimes morning, sometimes afternoon, sometimes late night.

The distance between the attack sites is also getting wider and wider, to the south to the confluence of the Pangtuo River and to the north to Forge Township.

The people of Teltown don't just measure water depths. When the time is right, they will also smuggle a small group of people ashore to spy on the reality of Central Tiefeng County.

In just the first three days, the four companies garrisoned at Niusho Valley and the two companies garrisoned at Forge Township were already exhausted.

Winters knew exactly what the fire roaster was thinking.

Telltown's tactics are like bullfighting, waving red flags all around the field to lure the bulls to chase, run, and then attack when the bulls are exhausted.

The enemy has many soldiers, and they are all on horseback; Winters have few soldiers, mainly infantry.

The battlefield is so vast - Central Tiefeng County alone has an 80-kilometer river bank - with the mobility of the Teltown Department, if you don't make a fuss about the width of the battlefield, it will be a strange thing .

In response, Winters deployed more and more troops on the banks of the river. Including the use of the 9th and 10th companies stationed in the town of Sanke, and the expansion of the army on the spot.

Under the emergency powers granted to garrison officers under the Told Accords, all males over the age of fifteen in Oxhoof Valley were drafted into the temporary militia.

Brave, energetic, but immature youths and youths were given bows, arrows and slings, and they were organized as auxiliary units and assigned to the main infantry companies.

Among the remaining adult males, those who have practiced weapons, can ride horses or can shoot guns are singled out and led by several gentlemen who have been soldiers, known as "adult soldiers"— —Because these people from the Chang Family are relatively wealthy and a little older.

Other grown men, those who were practicing how to use the mallet, were assigned sergeants by Winters to lead them, known as "old men".

If it's just this low-level fight, Winters can continue with the Teltowners.

The Fireboilers want to kill the Iron Peaks, and the Winters are the Fireboilers' time.

The longer you drag on, the longer you drag on, the better for Iron Peak.

The situation seems to be moving towards a good direction, but there is a small black spot on the smooth white paper: where did the Terdun people who can only shave grass roots without eating hay come from Continue to drain the confidence?
Winters cares about this.

The frequent exploratory attacks also involved a lot of energy of the Teltown people, resulting in loopholes in the defense of the Teltown people on the river bank.

According to the records of the watchtowers along the coast, the patrol frequency of the Turtletown light cavalry has been decreasing significantly in the past three days.

So Winters began to send scouts across the river to scout, at any cost.

“It’s back!” Ciel shouted as he galloped: “The man is back!”

“Where?” Winters asked.

"At the infirmary, Father Kaman."

At the Cowhoof Valley Church, temporarily requisitioned as a medical infirmary, Winters saw the heroic scouts returning from wounds.

"Hundred-Men Commander!" The scout didn't speak until he saw Winters with his own eyes: "Empty! The Teltown camp is empty! The main force of the barbarians is already not on the other side of the river! Where they are going!"


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