Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 268


Chapter 268 Autumn
"The fire roaster is coming."

In one sentence The air in the house was as cold as ice.

"Monkey butt face?" Winters' eyes were as dangerous as a beast: "He knew I was in Tiefeng County?"

"He?" The little lion fiddled with the knife spike slowly: "He shouldn't know."

"Don't know?"

"Don't know."

"Then what is he doing?"

"What else can I do?" The little lion shrugged: "Robbery."

The thing about the fire roaster had to start two months ago.

The autumn is high and the horses are fat. September and October are the traditional looting and fighting seasons of the Hed people.

As early as the early spring, when the Palatine standing army was defeated and returned, the leaders of the various divisions were thinking about grabbing one in autumn.

By June, there was new news - the Palatine infighting! The leaders of the various ministries were even more overjoyed, and they were all ready to fight for a big vote.

The [Grey Eyes] in the east of the sea and the [Health Eaters] in the Suzi Department have each organized their own raiding chapters.

To the Hurds, "looting" and "war" are the same word. The amount of spoils of war is related to the prestige of the leader, and the distribution of spoils of war is directly linked to status.

On the one hand, the Chihe Department had just fought a battle with the Main Children's Department, and the meat they ate had not yet been digested; the white lion stated in advance that he would not participate in the autumn raid, but he agreed to lend it to other tribes ;
On the other hand, the Fireboiler desperately needs a lucrative raid to regain his prestige; but his appeal is not as strong as before, so he pragmatically joins the Food Eaters Chapter and joins forces with the Suz.

At the end of August, the two major groups have been assembled.

At the beginning of September, the war horses were fed up with the last round of grass seeds and wild beans, and the two war regiments attacked the east at the same time.

Because the most fertile land in Palatu is on both sides of the Jinliu River, the two major groups are also one in the south and the other in the north. Grey Eyes go to the North Shore, and Fire Roasters and Health Eaters go to the South Shore.

The two sides verbally agreed that "the bow and horse will cross the river", so as to avoid unpleasant meeting.

The robbery was demarcated, and the Hurds happily broke into the Palatu, and then...then got a head-on.

Facts have proved that dozens of mediations and mediations by the coalition government are no different from farts, and they are not as useful as a horseshoe from the Hurds.

Not waiting for the vanguard of Heard's raiding group to cross the boundary river, the red and blue roses who were still alive and dead for a second have tacitly turned their guns.

At a river crossing in Jiangbei Province, the Grey Eyes Chapter was cut in the middle by Arpad and cut through the middle army.

The gray eyes are very aware of current affairs and flee for their lives.

Alpad led his hussars to chase 30 kilometers out of the Boundary River, and did not return to the division until he had a blast.

Instead, it took longer and more energy to clean up the scattered small groups of Heard Marauders after the war.

In the south of the Ember River, the Health Eaters and Fire Boilers were also ambushed and repelled by the [New Reclaimed Land-Red Rose] coalition forces in Jinghu County - New Reclaimed Land Legion by General Adams Commander, the commander of the Red Rose Force is unknown.

Because of the early exposure of the ambush circle, the Palatu coalition failed to kill a large number of Heard barbarians; coupled with the lack of cavalry, the Palatu coalition could not effectively expand the results.

So the fire roaster and the healthy eater just touched the nose and fled back to wasteland.

The Paratus coalition did not dare to pursue it lightly—the Paratus people suffered too many losses in the past.

Perhaps it was the aggressiveness of the barbarians that made both sides of the civil war feel a sense of hatred. After the two battles, the red and blue roses lived in peace for the time being.

Without a new round of war, the land of Palatu quietly ushered in winter.

Pallato is temporarily suspended, but wasteland is not.

I didn't eat the meat, and my teeth were broken. I don't know how much annexation and strife will be triggered by this incident. But no one was affected, because everyone was already in the game.

"My brother has received some very interesting news." The little lion said lightly, "The Teltown Division is regrouping again."

"And then?"

"If the fire roaster hadn't been kicked stupidly by the horse, he wouldn't have fought the tribes at this time. His men and horses are not enough to go to Jinghu County again to meet force with force. My brother thinks he may I wanted to try one's luck nearby, so let me remind you."

"How did the White Lion know about the Turtletown Department?" Winters seemed to ask casually.

"You love believing or not." The little lion sneered: "The Chihe Department has its own sources."

Winters solemnly salutes the little lion: "Thank you."

"No need to thank you. My brother said that if you can block the Teltown department, it's okay to give you credit; if you can't even beat the Teltown department, then it's good to make friends, and it's fine to do business. Hey."

The little lion hugged Winters' neck affectionately and teased: "This year, there are a lot of chores, and I didn't play the Qiuwei, so the Dongwei will be bigger. My brother invites you to play the Weiwei, Someone wanted to see you."

Winters' scalp tingled, neither refused nor agreed.

Winters understands the meaning of the white lion:
The offensive and defensive relationship between Palatu and the Heard tribes has been reversed. I can't get out of it;

Looking at the Hurd tribes, they are always thinking about the "good day" of threshing grass in the valley every autumn;
The big robbery in September this year is just the beginning, as long as the offensive and defensive situation does not occur Change, more raiding chapters will come to Palatu in the future;

The agreement of the "100-kilometer buffer zone" has also become a dead letter, and no Hed tribe will continue to abide by the lack of martial power Endorsement agreement;

If this time Iron Peak County can't stop Teltown, the next time the firebenders will come with more looters.

“War is coming,” Winters thought.



Early in the morning, the preparation orders have been delivered to the military villages.

Peter [Short] Bunir from the first village ran to the company commander and asked with a sad face, "Company commander? Why do we have to fight again?"

The first company commander [tower] Mas] had already packed his bags and was wrapping his legs, and he gave the dwarf a slight glance: "You can do whatever you want. If you dare to yell again, I will withdraw your sergeant!"

Because the Hammer Castle The battle has performed well, and Peter the Short has been promoted to sergeant.

Hearing the company commander's threat, he was very happy: "Aiya! You can withdraw now? Since I became a sergeant, wherever I go, it seems that someone is staring at our back, covering my body. I'm not comfortable. You lift me up, and I'll remember you for the rest of my life. But I'm a peasant, and I really don't have the ability to be a sergeant!" Rattan whip.

Peter the Short wanted to run, but he didn't dare. He closed his eyes and shrank, subconsciously leaning in the opposite direction, waiting for the captain's whip to come down.

The vines dried in the shade are tough and tough. During the Battle of Hammer Castle, the shorty was injured by the cane, and now it is not easy to get rid of.

Shorty closed his eyes and waited anxiously for a long time, but did not hear the crack of the whip.

Tamas's arms were raised in midair, and when he saw the timid appearance of his dwarf subordinates, he fell down.

He threw away the vine whip and continued to use the leggings, his tone still as cold as ice and frost: "How old are you? If you say promotion, you will be promoted, and if you say demotion, then you will be demoted. Will you be the company commander? Why don't you just make the military tribune officer for you?"

The dwarf didn't dare to speak any more, and shook his head vigorously.

"This is the army, you can't rise or fall! Not used to it? After a few fights, you'll get used to it!" Tamas put on his leggings and scolded: "Tell you, not only You can’t go up and down, even life and death! Three hundred acres of land are given to you for nothing? When you are a soldier, if you can meet an officer who takes your life as a human life, you should be lucky!”

Shorty He tilted his head and thought for a while, then hesitantly asked: "Company commander... are you talking about yourself?"

Tamas said nothing and picked up the vine whip again. .

Shorty Peter huddled again in fright.

Tamas leg raised kicked his subordinate: "I'm talking about Montagne Military Tribunal Lord! I'm talking about Blood Wolf!"

The dwarf was kicked down, quickly I got up and thought: "How do I know what Mr. Montagne is like? I have seen you."

"Go back and prepare." Tamas fiercely said: "If you dare to be late, please eat Whip!"

"But I still have a lot of land that I haven't turned or planted!" The dwarf pleaded pitifully: "Company commander, can I have a two-day grace period? I can plant it in two days. Go! One day will do."

"Don't worry about the remaining tail, I'll leave it to the girls and the old fogeys to plant."

The dwarf said sadly: "My family... There are no girls and no old fogey, just me..."

"I'm not a bachelor too? What else can I do? Abandoned!" Tamas rarely showed a trace of melancholy: "No Don't worry! If we can come back alive, the land we planted now will be enough for us to eat. How much can we eat with just one mouth? Don't be greedy for petty cheapness, packing is the most important thing."

Short Peter Wearing the corner of his clothes, he bowed his head and said "Oh" in dejection.

"Why are you standing still?" Tamas' eyes widened again: "Go and get ready!"

Being kicked out of the company commander's house, Shorty Peter returned to his own Family. Anyone who sees his home will laugh at it.

What kind of "home" is this?

A dilapidated prefab house with air leaks from all sides; a large piece of the roof of the straw-paved roof collapsed, like an old grandmother's teeth.

Fortunately, it is autumn and there is less rain. If it's summer, hey, just wait and see the waterfall!
The willow branches that are swaying to and fro surround the yard before and after the board house, and many of the branches still have traces of cattle and sheep gnawing.

A piece of wood engraved with [Iron Peak County Regiment | Peter Bunir] was nailed to the gate of the courtyard, proudly proclaiming to passers-by that even if it was a shack, it was a shack. There is also a master!

This prefab house was originally the place where the long-term workers lived in the Zisu Manor. The materials and workmanship of the house where the long-term workers live are very poor, and they are run down after a few months of no maintenance.

The good houses are given priority to the soldiers with small families, so the bad prefab house falls on the head of the bachelor Peter Bunir.

The new owner of the house is so focused on the land that he has no time to renovate it.

So everything in the house and yard is old, but the cowshed is new.

In the barn was a very thin six-year-old bull, with protruding ribs and a shriveled belly. Working day and night tires people out, and exhausts cows too.

The lean cow will vomit out the concentrate in the stomach a little bit, and taste it carefully.

Shorty Peter remained silent on the bed.

Is this courtyard in ruins?

But there is no better, more beautiful, more lovely house and small courtyard in the world for Peter the Shorty!
Because it belongs to him, it really belongs to Peter Bunir. This is the first time he has owned his own land and house since he left his mother's womb.

He always felt like he was in a dream and didn't dare to wake up, but the wooden token nailed on the courtyard door firmly told him: This is yours.

Short Peter surveyed his shabby, amiable room. Everything's fine - just a bit of a pussy, a little bit of life.

It is inevitable to live a very casual life by living alone as a gentleman.

Short Peter did this, and so did his company commander, Tamas - when he got back from the field, he lay down on the bed, didn't eat if he was too lazy to move, and wore sour clothes.

If there is a girl in the family, it will be different: the clothes are washed, the food and drink are prepared, and the house and courtyard are kept clean.

Every time he saw the wives of other soldiers go to the fields to bring food and drink to their husbands, and saw the husband and wife snuggling up on the edge of the field, Peter the Short was so jealous that his eyes were about to bleed.

Short Peter sat silently by the head of the bed, hoping to marry a wife one day. But then, he remembered the assembly order again.

Three hundred acres of land is very good, and the house is also very good... He got things he never had, but these were all in exchange for his life.

Short Peter didn't want to fight, he was afraid of death, very afraid of death.

Everything in front of him is very good, he hasn't patched the roof, hasn't put the fence in properly yet. The crops have just been planted and have to be weeded and watered.

He can't bear it, he really can't bear it.

But also because he couldn't bear everything in front of him, he had to go to war.

Without going to war, these things don't belong to him anymore. He could still dream of the godless eyes of the hanged deserters.

Peter the dwarf sighed, took the ox hooves off the wall, walked slowly to the shed, and hoisted the lean cows.

"Good man, work hard again." Peter the Shorty rubbed the top of the thin cow's head and couldn't help crying: "I can't bear to part with you."

Peter the Shorty He picked up the plow and led the lean cow out of the house. When he thought that there was still a lot of land left unfinished, his heart was as uncomfortable as a cat scratching.

In the end, the small peasant thought prevailed, and the company commander's instructions were left behind.

"No matter how hard I try, I should be able to finish the rest of the work before I leave." Shorty Peter calculated: "As for the packing, it's not too late to prepare."

Shorty Peter felt very happy about going to plough his own land.

To live or to die? That's not a problem at all, because Peter Bunnier has given up thinking about these things.

He saw many comrades in arms with the same thoughts, and also led their farm animals from home to farmland.


The First Army Village is one scene, and the Second Army Village is another.

Bart Xia Ling is giving a lesson to the second company's field soldiers.

The warriors stood in a straight line, with girls, wives and old people standing not far away to watch. They whispered and whispered, creating a commotion in the small square.

"Enough!" Bart Shalling frowned scolded the onlookers: "You gangsters! Just watch, don't chirp chirp twitter twitter! Whoever dares to speak out, I'll take a whip Pump your husband and son! Try it!"

The crowd immediately quieted down, and the warriors burst into laughter.

Bart Harling has become more and more handy when it comes to "speaking in public". He no longer trembled in his lower legs as before, and dared to let go of his throat, his face was not red, and his heart was not panicking.

To settle the military family, Bart Shalling addressed the warriors:
"The assembly order is down, you all know. But do you know what it is? Know why everyone should leave the farm work and pick Do you have a lance and a musket?"

"I tell you! The barbarians are coming!"

"The barbarians are coming to rob your livestock, kill your children, Let your wives die!"

"Which of you would like your wives to die." Bart Shalling roared rudely: "Then donate your wives and let everyone die again, and you won't have to go to war. It's over!"

There was absolute silence in the square, and many warriors were angry. Even if they were willing to go to war, they didn't want to suffer such insults.

Bart Xia Ling is self-taught and has learned to consciously arouse the emotions of the audience. Seeing that the desired effect has been achieved, he changed his words:
"Listen! Lao Tzu said something ugly, but the truth is Damn this!"

"Where does the barbarian Hurd live? He lives in the big west! It takes ten days and ten nights from there to here!"

"The barbarian is fucking Are they here to give you gifts? Are they here as guests? Are they your second cousin who can't open the pot, can they be sent away with two bags of flour?"

"They're here to get rich! Get rich from you! They're going to rob, burn, and kill!"

"Snatch you! Burn you! Kill you!"

"Don't believe it?!" Bart Shilling tore off his shirt, revealing the scars on his chest that were terrible to see: "These are all reserved for me by the barbarians!"

Not only was the warrior frightened, but there were also several exclamations from the onlookers.

"Let's stop talking nonsense!" Bud Xialing slowly tied his buttons and disbanded the queue coldly, "Go back and pack your bags! Prepare two weeks of dry food! I'm going to kill the barbarians, gather early the day after tomorrow!"

The warriors raised their hands to salute silently, and the queue disintegrated silently.


At the same time, a soldier in his thirties hurried home in the Third Army Village.

"Mother!" The soldier shouted as soon as he entered the door: "Get me some 'son food'!"

"Ouch? What's the matter?" The soldier's mother trembled. She ran out tremblingly and asked in horror, "Is there going to be another war?"

The soldier's mother was a very thin Old Lady, the wrinkles on his face and arms were as dense as cobwebs, and the arduous Life had aged her prematurely.

"Don't worry about it!" The soldier took off his saber from the wall and strode into the bedroom.

The son's voice came into mother's ears through the thin board wall: "Go and prepare my son's food."

Dussac went out to serve, before leaving mother Stuff dry food in a rucksack - this is "son food".

This word, only Dussack can say.

But the able-bodied Dussacks have been recruited, and all that remain are... deserters.

In order not to go to war, the Dussack, who was in his early thirties, took his mother and left his homeland incognito. However, destiny plays with people, and after wandering here, he still has to continue to eat his son's food.

The old mother was in tears and went to meet.


There are many similar and different stories happening in the twelve military villages.

There's only one reason - there's going to be a war.


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