Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 265


Chapter 265 Forge
There are seven forge in Forge Township. It hasn't changed in years.

The "seven forges" are not only the literal seven forges, but also the seven workshops.

Since [Bortin Mejri] moved his furnace to Revodan 20 years ago, [Peter Goncharov] has become the richest man in Forge Township.

Old Goncharov has three sons who have grown to adulthood, all of whom are good at work, and Goncharov is also able to accumulate family business.

The four father and son went into battle together, making the workshop prosperous.

Ten years ago, the old Goncharov even spared a lot of money. He invited craftsmen from Steel Castle to build the first hydraulic forging hammer in Forge Township.

Since then, the sound of "dong dong dang dang" has never stopped in his workshop, and the other workshops are even worse than his.

Old Goncharov passed away peacefully in his sleep the previous year, and his eldest son is currently taking care of the forge.

In addition to the three brothers, the Goncharov family has nine assistants and apprentices, and is recognized as the number one workshop in Forge Township.

The smallest workshop in Forge Township is the house of [Vinicius].

When he was young, Paul Vinicius was also a great blacksmith, even better than Boltain.

At the time of iron smelting, it was Boltain, Vinicius and Goncharov who jointly built the first smelting furnace.

Later Boltain moved to Gervodin, and Paul Vinicius began to drink heavily.

Old Vinicius was devoured physically and mentally shattered. He died five years ago, and everyone said he drank to death.

Now the Vinicius family is left with little Vinicius and two underage apprentices, barely supporting the workshop.


Knowing that the three tribunes visited Forge Township, the owners of the seven workshops hurried to the town hall to greet them. Including the three brothers of Goncharov, and little Vinicius.

The workshop owners were surprised to find that old Mr. Boltain was here too.

It's been almost ten years since the old Boltain was seen, many people said he was dead, but no one attended his funeral.

Goncharov three brothers, little Vinicius and other new generation [forge masters] came to say hello to old Boltain.

Bortain is getting old, and so are his comrades, too old to work anymore.

Some people passed on their forges to their sons and sons-in-law, and some people's forges were sold.

The masters of the forge have all been replaced, and now all the second and third generations are in charge.

Winters accompanies the old blacksmith Boltain, watching the workshop masters, especially the three Goncharov brothers.

The seven workshop owners in Forge Township all belong to one [Trade Guild], the Iron Peak County Blacksmiths Guild.

Not only them, but other lower-level village blacksmiths—such as the wolf town blacksmith Lao Misha—are also members of this guild.

The first head of the Blacksmiths Guild was of course the old Boltain, and now the nominal head is Shaosha.

But Shaosha doesn't have the high prestige of his father-in-law, and his forge is not in Forge Township, so the blacksmiths in Forge Township are all looking forward to the Goncharov family.

Winters looked at Goncharov's three brothers calmly: the second and the third seem to be impatient, but the big brother is very stable.

As for little Vinicius...he looked tired, with his shoulders and back slumped, and was quiet and didn't impress Winters very much.

Winters didn't have much business to do in Forge Town, just stopped by to take a look.

After all, Forge Township was the only place in the county that could manufacture large-scale ironware, so he was quite curious.

He also plans to go to the nearby Juntun Village to see the autumn ploughing.

"Your Excellency, how is your furnace going?" Dagangcha smiled complimentably and took the initiative to greet the tribune.

Goncharov's eldest son is tall and has strong arms, but his eyes are a little small, and he can't see when he smiles.

Hearing Dagangcha's question, other workshop owners pricked up their ears and waited for an answer.

"I guess it's going to fail." Winters lightly said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere suddenly became cold.

On the contrary, Winters' tone was relaxed: "It's not a big problem, just come again."

Dagangcha flattered: "My father always said, the more failure, the closer you are to success. Nearly. The iron is cheaper, which is a great thing for us blacksmiths. We are all waiting for your good news."

"Thank you for your blessing." Winters laughed reservedly.

The workshop owners also laughed along, and the small town hall was filled with laughter.

Andre stood beside Winters, coldly snorted.

The relationship between the [workshop owner group] in Forge Township and the new regime can be summed up in two words: hot outside and cold inside, and official business.

Seven forge is obviously too much for the Forge Township, which has only two villages under its jurisdiction.

Therefore, the iron wares produced in Forge Township must be digested by other villages and towns. Forge Furnace Township also mainly produces large-scale iron wares that are inconvenient for small blacksmith shops.

Forge Township wants to sell ironware, and Winters wants to buy ironware;
Forge Township is afraid of "rebels" killing people, and Winters doesn't want to see "Forge" go out.

The two sides thus formed a silent tacit understanding of "everyone minds their own business".

After a brief chat, Winters proposed to visit the workshops.

Although Dagangcha was reluctant, he still agreed. Since he agreed, no other workshop owners objected.

The blacksmith's workshop is similar, even the largest Goncharov workshop and the small shop of Old Misha in Wolf Town are not fundamentally different - they are all men with tight cheeks working around the hot metal.

The workshop is filled with just a few things: forges, anvils, templates, and various specialized gadgets.

The only interesting thing is the hydraulic hammer.

Ten years ago, when Lao Gangcha paid a lot of money to invite the Steel Castle craftsmen to build the first hydraulic forging hammer, hydraulic forging hammers have bloomed everywhere in the forge town.

Because the principle and mechanism of this thing are not complicated, you can understand it at a glance.

The biggest problem is cost. It costs money to build and maintain, and a one-person shop like Lao Misha in Wolf Town can't work.

Before entering town, Winters saw the waterwheels by the river, so he volunteered to visit the workshop.

"Look, Your Excellency. This is the forging hammer that my father hired a famous craftsman from Steel Castle to make. It has been ten years, but it is still the best forging hammer in Forge Town." Proud to introduce a forging hammer.

Winters looked inside and out: "This hammer is quite heavy, right?"

"Of course, a three-hundred-kg hammer."

"Hey, 300kg, it's amazing!" Winters blinked and asked curiously, "Can you make it move? It must be even more amazing, right?"

As promised, he led a few apprentices to do some work, and the waterwheel with a diameter of three meters outside the workshop began to rotate slowly.

The enormous force is transmitted through iron shafts, reduction gears, and a series of cranks and connecting rods.

Eventually, the heavy hammer was awakened and slammed into the anvil one by one in an unstoppable imposing manner.

An apprentice placed a hot, bright steel block under the hammer head, and with the muffled sound of the knock, the bar was first thickened and then flattened a little bit.

"That's how plowshares are made," explained Da Guncha. "The next bending, drilling, and cutting are done manually."

Winters kept his hands behind his back. Nodding, clicking one's tongue in wonder.

In fact, he was clocking his pulse behind him. His pulse beat seventy beats—about one minute, and the hammer head repeated a hundred and four up and down movements.

"The strength is strong enough!" Winters asked casually, "How to adjust the strength."

"Uh..." Dagangchahan smiled: "Adjust the amount of water."

"Your family only makes coulters?" Winters visited Goncharov's workshop and found no coulters, only coulters.

"It's too troublesome to build heavy plow wagons, so each of our seven workshops builds a part." Da Gangcha carefully explained: "My forging hammer is better, and it specializes in steel plowshares. There are also special wheels. , frame workshop."

"What about small things like axes and sickles?"

"Those are all made individually."

After visiting the seven workshops, Winters did not stop there.

This is the first time he meets the workshop owners of Forge Township, and both sides have a good impression of each other.

At about the same time, the old blacksmith Bortain was a little tired and planned to return to Gervodin. Winters took Andre and Mason Senior, ready to go to the nearby Juntun Village to take a look.

The three parties have done so.

The Winters group had just left Forge Township on horseback, and Andre's face sank immediately.

"These bastards all laugh without laughing." Andre gritted his teeth: "I don't think they know how good they are."

Mason Senior was also sighed.

"It's normal." Winters understands the owner's mentality. He is rarely a little lonely: "We are now 'Conqueror', who will not swear to us immediately. Even more how, they come from the heart. Don't think we'll be around for long.

If that big Goncharov plopped down on his knees and swore, either he's crazy or there's a saber around his neck."

"Then put it on the fucking shelf!" Andre laughed heartily: "Let's turn around and go back, I'll keep that grandson on his knees weeping bitter tears, he will say whatever you want to hear."

"It's okay to go, but it's boring." Winters squeezed the horse's rib lightly and called the accompanying riders: "Go! Go to Juntun Village!"

And in Forge Township, The workshop owners who had just sent off the uninvited guests also gathered together.

"I used to think that the leader of the rebel army had to be thirty or forty years old." A workshop owner is still surprised: "It's actually a hairless brat? Is it twenty years old? Mao Changqi Is it?"

"Be careful with your mouth." Dagangcha coldly said: "I want to call the tribune."

"Hi! What tribune? Follow him It’s the same as my mother’s family.” The workshop owner jokingly retorted: “If I make a sign and engrave the Duke of Gervodin, then I am also the Duke of Gervodin?”

How many people followed the impudent There was a roar of laughter, but Ogoncha looked serious, didn't speak, didn't laugh.

Another workshop owner couldn't help sighing: "Seriously, when the rebels are wiped out, our good days will come to an end!"

, other workshop owners feel the same way.

Since the "rebels" invaded Revodan, the business of Forge Township has been prospering day by day.

The workshops no longer need to worry about sales, as much iron as they can produce, the "rebels" need as much iron.

What is even more rare is that the rebels are fair in their transactions, and they will always settle the money and goods on the spot, and never default.

The workshop owners sighed every time they thought that such a good day might not last long.

"Don't think too much, and don't say things like that." Dagangcha said in a deep voice, "Be careful that when the anti-rebel army in Maplestone City arrives, they will all be hanged as rebels!"


The atmosphere turned cold again, and the workshop owners chatted a few words and then dispersed.

Mr. Vinicius Jr. remained on the sidelines and did not participate in the conversation.

The workshop owners in Forge Township are all from the "Da Gangcha gang", and since the father of Vinicius, his family and the Goncharov family have not dealt with each other.

Seeing the others leave, little Vinicius also followed out of the town hall. Before taking a few steps, he was stopped by Dagoncha from behind.

"Chengfu!" Da Gangcha took the initiative to greet: "Mr. Vinicius!"

Little Vinicius reluctantly laughed: "Chengfu."

"What do you think?" Dagangcha asked politely: "It's the thing I discussed with you before."

Little Vinicius seemed to be stabbed by a needle and became angry. From the eyes, "Don't even think about it! As long as I'm still alive, you don't want to buy my forge!"

"Why? Your family still owes a lot of money outside. Money? If you don’t sell the forge, how are you going to pay off your debts? Even if you sell the forge, you can still work as a hired worker at my house. With your craftsmanship, I guarantee you will earn no less than you are now.” Oka Observe good words and persuasion.

"Goncharov! You father and son have hugged enough! Why are you staring at my forge?" Little Vinicius was furious: "I tell you, you are insatiable, I'm going to spit it out sooner or later!"

"I don't want to buy your forge either. I have three brothers, but I only have one forge. I have to buy some business for the younger brother, right?" Da Gangcha laughed , squinting, with a three-point threat in his tone: "If you don't sell it, I have a way to buy it. It's just that by then, it won't be at the current price."

"Fuck You! "Little Vinicius spat on the ground and left angrily.

Da Gangcha smiled contemptuously, but he had no choice but to hook the head, and also paced away.

The town hall changed back to its deserted appearance, and could only vaguely hear the sound of forging and beating in the distance: "dong, dong, dong..."


After coming to Juntun Village, Winters felt much more comfortable than when he was in Forge Township. He even felt like he was coming home.

As soon as you enter the village, someone leads the horses to feed them. When they learned that the "people's security officials" were visiting, men, women and children in the village left their farm work and came to say hello.

Women especially liked the handsome--compared to rough-hearted Captain Montagne, of course-, twisting his waist, holding a square plate and squeezing hard in front of Winters, vying to offer salt and bread.

Winters are wrapped in a pile of women, impossible to move even a little bit.

According to the welcome etiquette, he must taste the salted bread. However, as soon as he extended the hand, someone touched the back of his hand.

The hot woman's hand tugged Winters' body suddenly. Immediately afterwards, another hand touched his thigh from behind, and it went too far.

If it weren't for the public, he would probably be eaten on the spot.

Where did the pure Mr. Montagne experience such a thing, and almost stress into the state of spell casting.

It was still Captain Tamas who rushed into the crowd and rescued Winters.

Winters burst into tears: "What's this for?"

"I can't stand it." Tamas grabbed a piece of bread and said, "Get out! Hundred-Men Commander !"

Getting rid of the overly enthusiastic greeter, Winters and Andre followed Tamas to the farmland outside the first village - Mason Senior was unfortunately left behind.

Because no one is good at naming names, the military villages are simply and rudely named [First Village], [Second Village]...

Tamas is gone He ran away, and soon came back with two cloth bags, which kept dripping water, leaving two wet marks on the ridge.

"Yogurt slag!" Tamas held the cloth bag high and shouted happily from a distance: "I brought you yogurt slag."

So The three sat on the ridge, picking yogurt residue from their pockets to eat and chatting.

The wheat seedlings in the farmland in front of them present an interesting gradient.

To the west is the first wheat field, where the wheat seedlings have burrowed out of the soil two feet high, a lush and green.

From west to east, the height of the wheat seedlings decreased in turn as the planting time got later and later.

All the way to the far east, where the seed has just been sown, so the field presents a lifeless black.

“How about autumn farming?” Winters asked.

"Everything that can be turned has been turned over." Tamas swallowed the milk residue with all his might, with a respectful attitude: "I don't know how much it can grow. Some fields are planted too late for fear of not being able to survive the winter. "

Winters chewed the milk residue: "Just do your best, I won't give you specific plots this year, I just want you to cultivate as many varieties as possible." "

Sugar is very expensive, so farmers don't put much sugar on the milk residue, so sour makes people tremble.

"Is there anything strange in Forge Township?" ' Winters seemed to ask casually.

"No. "Tamas replied seriously: "Those workshop owners are still honest, and they didn't find that they dumped weapons in Beiba Town. "

"Has anyone been suspicious recently." "

"No, don't worry, you're all watching." ”

Why are the refugees placed as far away from the enemy as possible, while the army is placed in Forge?
Winters has many layers of consideration:

First of all, Forge Township is located south of the St. George River. Relying on the river as a natural barrier, it can block many peeps;
Secondly, Forge Township is very close to Revodan. It can be assembled quickly;
Third, there are only two natural villages in Forge Township, and other farmland is occupied by manor, which is very convenient to buy; , Monitor Forge Township.

Forge Township is an "important town" for ironware manufacturing in the county, and it is impossible to hold it firmly.

Twelve Juntun Villages are now strata The layer wraps the Forge Township and Tiefeng Mine, forming a "human" barrier.

Whether it is smuggling iron tools or spying in disguise, it must be hidden from the eyes of the military.


The two bags of yogurt residue were quickly eaten up. Winters got up and stretched his waist, and the sound of "clicking" came from the joints of his whole body.

"OK. . Seeing that it was getting late, Winters yawned and said to the company commander, "I'll be staying with you tonight." Go to other villages tomorrow and have a look. "

"Good! "Tamas was very happy: "I'll go to arrange accommodation." What would you like to eat at night? "

"It depends on what you have." "

Later in the day, Winters met Mason Senior, who was disheveled.

Even later, Carlos had bad news and good news.

Bad news, Carlos' blast furnace failed as expected.

Good news, Carlos successfully made iron.

[Thanks to book friends for collecting, reading, Subscriptions, recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, rewards and comments]
[Sorry for being late today]
[This chapter involves the important organizational form of "guild", which will be expanded later]
[The following introduction is pasted from Baidu Encyclopedia]
[Guild: A guild organization in a European feudal city. A feudal group established by handicraftsmen or merchants in the same industry to protect the interests of the industry .The guild has strict and meticulous articles of association, guarantees equal rights and obligations of members internally, and implements monopoly externally. The guild usually referred to mainly refers to the handicraft guild.

The guild in Western Europe was born in 12~ The 13th century city commune uprising. In the 13th century, there were about 100 guilds in Paris, and by the middle of the 14th century, the number of guilds increased to about 350. At that time, the most common and developed guilds in Western Europe were in some 10,000-plus guilds.人口的中等城市,而在只有一二千人口的小城市,以及对外贸易发达的口岸大城市,行会则不普遍。]

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