Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 262


Chapter 262 Prison
Visiting Ronald and the other Seniors was Winters' last thought.

Thinking about "Why do I(we) rule Iron Peak" makes Winters realize that none of these captured alumni will be on his side. If so, it must be with bad intentions.

Winters claimed to have "conquered" Ironpeak by defeating the old ruler with "martial power".

If he rebelled against Legion, the new reclaimed land, and sent a battle letter to all directions, maybe there would be one or two Paratus officers with wild ambitions to join him.

But if you do that, the Crusaders might come to visit next week—and General Bitter Winter can't stop it.

General Adams had many headaches, and Winters didn't want to be the one that bothered His Excellency the most.

So he showed his weakness as much as possible, and deliberately showed the attitude of staying in the corner. The Vigne field troops were swept away by Don Juan, but Winters did not send any formed troops over the line.

On the contrary, he sent a letter to Maplestone City explaining that he also paid a bag of gold coins as a token of the tax arrears. He still has the number plate of [Revodan Station] to this day.

This gentle attitude is also good internally: less pressure to rule, maximizing approval, and inheriting the authority of the old garrison.

Like Beibazhen, they don't really support Winters, and Winters doesn't have the energy to directly rule Beibazhen at the moment.

So Winters issued decrees in the name of the garrison. They could talk to each other in face, and Beiba Town pretended to be deaf and dumb.

Of course, there will always be a particularly "brave" guy who refuses to obey. Winters has been busy with autumn farming recently, and has no time to pay attention to the flies.

"Time to relax." Winters rubbed the hilt of his sword.

But this ambiguity also has obvious disadvantages. If the enemy looks down on Winters, the potential allies look down on Winters even more.

Not to mention that Legion, the new land, has an overwhelming advantage in every respect. In the eyes of many, it is uncertain whether the new Iron Peak government will survive until this time next year, and of course they will not bet easily.

Winters can only rely on his comrades, his old minions, and the warriors who are allotted the land. But even his old department and warrior would inevitably feel uneasy in his heart, and it was all maintained by his prestige.

So he simply gave up on recruiting captive alumni, obediently and honestly running his true roots.

Winters rode on horseback, feeling lost in his heart, because he gradually figured out why the aristocracy appeared: "To gain the support of the majority, you must benefit the majority, which is too difficult. It's as simple as benefiting only a small number of people, and then conquering the majority with martial power. Knight? Isn't Knight the 'soldier' with horses, attendants, and fiefs?"

Walking on, he came to a camp far from the village and farm in the north of Wolf Town.

The guard saw that Winters was coming, and immediately lowered the hanging door.

This camp is very interesting, its hanging door is not outward but inward, because it is a prison. The warriors who stayed in Wolf Town called it the [Wolf Forest Prison].

Since an unpleasant escape from the prison, officers and captives have all been moved to Wolftown. Samukin did not want officers to have contact with ordinary prisoners, so the prison was specially built for officers.

Major Ronald was writing a letter when he heard the sound of hooves outside and looked up to find Winters walking to the door.

"Why are you here?" Ronald put down the pen and paper and smiled.

"Winter is coming." Winters walked into the cell with a package, and replied with a smile, "Mrs. Zun asked me to bring you a coat and blanket."

He He took out a pipe and a large bag of cut tobacco leaves from his carrying bag, and apologized: "This is the best I can find. No one grows cigarettes this year. Please don't dislike it. There are also two tins of candy. In the bag."

"I'm welcome." Ronald took the tobacco leaves, dug out his pipe from the box beside him, and filled it up: "Haha, my stock is early. I'm done."

While Ronald filled the tobacco leaves, Winters naturally took the pipe and lit the senior.

“Your wife still lives in the official residence, as do other senior’s family members in Gervodin.” Winters handed the pipe back to the senior: “The salary is paid as before, and each family sends flour every week. Don't worry about the past with the non-staple food."

Winters's tone did not contain any alms and pity, as if chatting with senior at home.

Ronald took the pipe, took a sip, and slowly spit it out: "How is Changsheng?"

"Forget it." Winters got a headache when he mentioned Changsheng: "Changsheng drinks goat's milk, plays with dogs, shakes his head like a puppy all day, jumps around, and even wants to learn how to bark. It's a complete misunderstanding."

Ronald laughed. Tears, wiped away, he said with a slight smile: "If you can come to see me, it means you have won the battle."

Winters nods.

“How was the process?” Ronald asked curiously, “Can you tell me?”

Winters took the pen and paper, took out two pieces and sat down facing each other, Deduce it for senior. The two of you spoke, and I spoke, and the atmosphere was very warm.

That's all, Ronald couldn't help but admire: "Your battles are getting better and better."

"You won prizes."

"Your army has a sword and a dagger, and it's not surprising that your enemies are staring at your sword without noticing the dagger hidden behind you."

Winters remembers Don· Juan and Moritz, sorry: "I'm actually the dagger, and the one hidden behind me is the sword, the deadly sword."

"[Old saying] youth is a terrifying power." Ronald, a little sentimental, asked again, "How is Lieutenant Colonel Zeppel in Vigne?"

Winters was silent.

Ronald sighed, but instead comforted Winters: "[(Ancient) only the dead are not attacked by swords and soldiers], these are unavoidable, don't worry too much."

The two chatted for a while, but there was nothing to say.

Winters got up: "Do you have any letters that I need to bring back?"

"There are exactly three." Ronald carefully took out two pieces of letterhead and placed them on the table again. The third piece of letterhead was hurriedly written and handed to Winters together: "Please leave it to my wife."

Ronald handed it open to Winters, unpainted or folded.

Winters didn't even look at it, and carefully folded the letter for senior and put it in his arms: "It will be delivered. When I get back to Revodan, I will bring you some recreational things such as chessboards and books. ."

"It couldn't be better." Ronald nodded with a smile, and pointed to the next door lightly: "Where the lieutenants live, you'd better go and see. Second Lieutenant Adam... There's something wrong with my emotions, and you have to persuade me."

"I'll go right now." Winters turned and walked towards the cell door.

Ronald was silent until one of Winters' boots stepped outside the threshold, before he said softly, "Thank you."

What was Ronald thanking for? Thank you for taking care of his family? Thanks for showing respect to him? Thanks for not saying anything about trying to surrender?

Winters didn't know either. He nodded and left, the cell door closed again.

On the Lieutenant's captive side, the situation was different from Ronald. Ronald lived in a single cell, while the lieutenants lived in several large cells side by side.

Winters actually captured some lieutenants from White Mountain and Vigne, but he left those Seniors temporarily in Gervodin, not with the captives from Iron Peaks.

Eper and Asko, two men with suicidal thoughts, lived in one room, weaving baskets silently like skilled stencils.

Istvan and Adam live in one room. The former was sitting against the wall, looking out the window at the blue sky; the latter was lying on the straw mat and sleeping with his head covered. Both of them wore shackles on their hands and feet, a small souvenir of a failed escape.

Most of the other officer captives did the same—sitting listlessly, fiddling with straw and wicker. Except for Epel and Asco, no one is seriously making baskets.

The footsteps of "dong, dong, dong..." came from the corridor, and the officers and prisoners became alert in an instant, even Adam sat up straight, only Eper was still focusing on basket weaving. .

Because of the sound they were all too familiar with, the guards were wearing straw sandals, clogs, and leather-soled shoes, and in the corridor were obviously a pair of military boots with iron spikes.

Adam then saw some hateful Junior Brother appear before his eyes.

Without waiting for Winters to speak, Adam slammed into the cell door, and the wooden gates were trembling: "Winters! Kill or do it! Come on quickly! Don't insult people!"

"Hello squad leader!" Winters raised his hand to salute: "You should salute me first according to your rank, but you will always be my squad leader!"

"Don't do this! Adam shook the door frantically, the shackles oh la la: "You let me out, duel! I'll share life and death with you!" . No one responded to him, only Eper Senior nodded and continued to make baskets.

Winters silently placed paper packets of raisins and tobacco at the cell door, one for each cell door. He didn't say anything, he just gave something.

Adam stared at Winters, shouted furiously: "With this little favor! You want to bribe us?"

"You dream!" Adam fiercely kicked the paper bag .

The paper bag was kicked out of a huge gap, tumbled and hit the wooden fence across the corridor, and dark green raisins and tobacco leaves were scattered on the ground.

Rao is that Winters' threshold has been raised a lot, but he is still angry. He glared at Adam: "What are you doing?"

Adam was stunned at first, and then became more and more angry: "You deserve to ask me?!"

"The warrior who looks after you has no raisins to eat, and I have no raisins to eat." Winters picked up a raisin expressionlessly: "If you don't want it, go back. Don't waste anything."

Adam, already furious to the point of madness, began to hit the wooden fence again: "[Vicious swear words insulting the Veneta]!"

Winters blew the raisins off the raisins Dust, wipe, eat. Ignoring the mad cow-like Adam, he turned around and walked outside Eper's cell.

Istvan, who lives in the same cell with Adam and has shackles on his hands and feet, grabbed Adam and asked coldly, "Winters, what are you trying to do by locking us here? ?"

"Nothing." Winters answered honestly: "I'm locking you up because I can't let you go. Officers are a valuable war resource, and letting go of you is the same as capitalizing on the enemy. I can't let go. , and I don't want to kill, so I can only close it."

"What did you say?" Adam laughed wildly: "You said you didn't want to kill?"

Winters frowned slightly. , asked: "Squad leader, do you want me to kill you?"

"You come!" Adam roared like thunder: "Kill me! I will never make a sound! Open the door! Duel!"


"Enough!" Eper, who had not said a word for a long time, suddenly shouted.

Epel's voice seemed to have a miraculous effect, and although Adam stared, gasped, and blushed, he closed his mouth.

Among the lieutenant's captives, only Eper and Asko could earn a full portion of bread, while the other captives who were unwilling to work could only receive half. It was Epel who gave Adam the bread every time when Adam was dizzy and eyes blurred. So Epel spoke up, and Adam obediently obeyed even though he was angry.

"Don't be ashamed!" Eper scolded in a deep voice: "If you want to die, then commit suicide. If you really want to die, who can stop it? Sit down for me!"

Adam was trained so that the tip of his nose was sore and tears were rolling in his eyes. He walked back to the corner and sat down on the ground. The shackles collided, making a cold sound.

"Winters." Istvan leaned against the cell door and asked with a playful smile, "You don't expect to recruit us in this way, do you?"

"You said What? I never thought of using labor to reform you." Winters also laughed: "I can't use you because I don't trust you. You are the me you used to be, and everything about you is firmly tied to Plato. If I break Maplestone City one day, I may be qualified to ask you to help me. Now? Forget it. Let you work because my warriors have to work hard to farm the land. If you don't work, you will have food and drink, yes My warrior is so unfair."

"Okay." Istvan said with a smile: "If you break Maplestone, remember to come back to me."

Winters Also smile nodded.

Adam still couldn't hold back, and asked sarcastically, "Work? Then you'll let us weave baskets?"

"That's right."

" [Flustered and exasperated]!" Adam jumped to his feet: "You just want to humiliate us! Basket weaving! Basket weaving? Basket weaving is a woman's job!"

Winters raised his eyebrows and asked back : "Women's life? Have you ever seen a blacksmith?"

Adam subconsciously wanted to say "I have seen", but he flipped through his memory and found that he had never seen it. The desire to maintain dignity makes him want to insist on answering "I have seen", but the deeper self-esteem makes him reluctant to lie.

He fell silent, his imposing manner dwindling instantly.

"There are men and women, but it's mainly men who do it. Who says it's women's work?" Winters' imposing manner was slowly rising: "Let you weave baskets, because this is the most important thing. Simple and easy work, weave a basket a day to eat bread, and occasionally wine and meat, how can there be such good things outside? Go to the labor camp and see how many baskets the prisoners there must weave a day to fill their stomachs!”

"Come on!" Winters took a semifinished product and neatly made three layers. He made it up crookedly, but he did make it up: "I will never force you to do what I can't do! I can do it, why can't you do it?"

"That's what you say. , but you can give us some carpenter and blacksmith work, which is better than weaving baskets." Istvan still had a smile on his face.

"Carpenter work? Blacksmith work?" Winters sneered: "Give you an axe, will you chop on my warrior head? Senior, I'm telling you, I don't trust you. My Human life is more important in my eyes than your dignity, so you can only make baskets.

I also want to ask you a question that has troubled me for a long time - what else do you do other than kill and destroy What else can you do? What else do you want to do?"

The smile on Istvan's face gradually solidified. .

normally The more people think, the more strongly they respond to this question.

Adam didn't feel anything. He stabbed his neck and shouted, "I don't make baskets anyway!"

"You don't want to make baskets?" Winters asked coldly.

"No editing!"

"Okay! I'll give you another job!" Winters left.

Before leaving, he stopped briefly at the entrance of Eper Senior's cell: "Many archives in the towns of Iron Peak County are missing. You used to be in charge of the archives, and Bud wants to ask for your assistance. If Legion returns to Ironpeak, they will also need these files."

"You don't have to explain me." Epel lowered his head and weaved a basket: "Let Bud come over and talk to me in detail."

"Thank you." Winters left the prison without looking back.


Having visited the Wolfwood Prison, Winters is about to embark on a journey back to Revordan.

He came with a large team, and he returned with an even bigger team.

So Winters asked Samukin to take the captives slowly, while he himself took the Mitchells and the "accounting school prep students" one step ahead.

Bard selected 30 young people from each town farm according to the "honest, smart, and numeracy" Level 3 incremental standard, the youngest being less than sixteen years old and the oldest twenty-two years old. The best seedlings are both honest and arithmetic, the worst of aptitude is honesty. They will be part of the first batch of cadets at the accounting school, as Winters is also working hard to recruit students from Gévordan and family members of the military.

When Winters sent Mrs. Mitchell to the carriage, Carman came to the town square with a follower and a packhorse, as he had done when the Hundred Men Squad went out on an expedition.

"Don't ask!" Kaman said with anger in his eyes: "I'm not answering either."

Winters nodded expressionless.

What is the relationship between Kaman and Ellen Mitchell? Winters doesn't know yet, but he's sure it's not a relationship. Even just assuming that, Winters feels offended by two respectable people.

The two are very different in age! Mrs Mitchell was forty and a half. As for Karman? Winters' first impression of Kaman was young, no more than thirty years old.

Winters knows only one thing, but one thing he can confirm is that Kaman has been silently protecting the Mitchells. This "want to protect" feeling is strong, even to the point of dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety.

Winters sensed and took advantage of this, already making him feel guilty. For him, it was enough for Kaman to go to Gervodan, and he did not want to spy on Kaman's privacy. If Kaman is unwilling to say, he will never ask.

"Pierre and Scarlett are both in Gervoudan, and the Mitchell Manor has become a farm. There is no point in Mrs. Mitchell staying in Wolftown. Companion." Winters explained solemnly, "And I think Mrs. Mitchell prefers to live in the city, too."

Kaman sneered and said nothing.

Winters tidied up the harness and said casually, "Believing or not. Whether you go to Gervodin or not, I will not leave Mrs. Mitchell alone in Wolftown."


He was telling the truth, Scarlett missed her mother, and Ellen missed her children, so she should take Ellen to Gervodin for a temporary stay.

Kaman lightly snorted, stepped on the horse: "I won't let you know any secrets about the dive technique, give up as soon as possible."

"You can rest assured." Winters said Double meaning.

Winters recalled the great cause of Antoine Laurent, the father of the sorcerer, with an optimistic attitude as always: as long as Carmen is turned to Gervodin, other problems will be solved easily.

Kaman is reluctant to take the initiative to speak?
Don't dumb horses ride the same?

On the way back, Winters rode side by side with Kaman, he gently poked Kaman with a needle: "Isn't the dispatch of the Priest subject to the Pope's consent?"

Kaman was difficult Defence: "I didn't belong to the wolf protecting hall. The official priest of the wolf protecting hall is Father Anthony. My actions are relatively free."

"What about the believers in Wolf Town when you're gone? What to do?"

"I will write to the regional bishop and send a priest from Geroudin."

"Then you plan to accept the Geroudin cathedral?"

"I'm not going to be a bishop in Gervodin..."

Asked, Kaman began to pretend to be deaf. No matter how Winters poked him with the needle, he ignored it. In the end, Kaman didn't ride a horse at all, but hid in the student's carriage, completely avoiding Winters.

“Failed to experience the inhibitory dive technique.” Winters regretted recording it in his spell book, biting his feathers and writing: “The lethal dive technique . . . needs to be used Safer way to test.”

The situation over Samukin is also interesting.

In principle, prisoners in the Wolf Town Labor Camp have two destinations: to continue serving their sentences and to receive a pardon.

Remaining prisoners will be taken to Forge Township, where they will join the camp with more than a thousand prisoners.

The prisoners who accept the pardon can actually be divided into two categories, like [Ivan] and the former gendarmerie sergeant [Gurahi] these Revodans, they naturally want to return to Revodan and their families. around.

No, the two of them have made an appointment to go home together, and there is someone to take care of them on the way.

Many of the captives were from landless peasants. They were not from Revordan and did not know where their families were now.

"Take me with you, Chief Samukin." A prisoner named Riemann found Samukin and begged pitifully: "I have nowhere to go, and I don't know where to get it. Stuttering. It's almost winter, I really have nowhere to go... Please take me and let me continue to work with you."

Samukin was also a landless farmer, he Wu Yan looked at the faintly visible mark of the holy emblem under Riemann's burlap clothes.

"Montagne Tribunal always told me 'there will be a way out'." Samukin patted Riemann's shoulder: "I'm going to apply to Lord Tribune. Tell everyone - there is nowhere to go. Go, stay with me, as a free man.”


Winters left, Samukin also left, but the matter of Wolf Forest Prison is not over yet. .

On the second day of Winters' walk, former second lieutenant Adam was taken to cut down trees.

Qiu Fengshan It is cool and hard to cut down trees. Adam was still in shackles on his hands and feet, and his arms quickly swelled up high. On his first day as a lumberjack, he gritted his teeth.

Then the second day and the third day.

On the fourth day, Epel sent a message to Bud, asking Bud to transfer Adam back to make baskets.

Winters was back in Gervodin just as Adam started to learn basket weaving.

"How's it going?" Winters and Mason Senior had a face-to-face ceremony: "Did something happen?"

"What can happen?" Mason Senior replied with a smile : "It's all good. Two or three tons of ore have been dug out from the Iron Peak Mine. What are Carlos and Saosha busy with 'roasting'? It seems to be called this. Sean's brother's bricks are also burning smoothly. Ross insisted on waiting for you to come back before opening the furnace, and I'll do the next step for you."

Winters could not wait to kiss Mason Senior hard after hearing this.

He hugged Senior again, almost bursting into tears: "I knew only you could be reliable!"

Mason was strangled and coughed, helplessly said with a smile: "But there is one more thing that you have to deal with yourself - the Baishan County has sent messengers here."

[martial power conquest is a natural way to obtain the legal right to govern, and it should be considered the most The common way]
[Charles Matt (688-741) pioneered the Knight and fief system, from which the "European feudal system" as we know it today originated. Matt is the hammer, his name is Charlie, and the good ambassador Warhammer is nicknamed Hammer, so he can also be called Charlie the Hammer. From the perspective of the future, Charlie Matt was a visionary, but given the circumstances at the time, the purpose of his promotion of the fief system was to gain more troops and loyalty. In many cases of the fief system, the free peasants were also assigned to the "Knight" as serfs, tenants and subjects. Are farmers willing to agree? Certainly not willing. But they can't beat...]
[About Karman, you can see when the Wolf Town Militia set off, when the battle of Netherworld River was at the infirmary, and when Karman just returned from wasteland and returned to Mitchell Manor Time]
[The starting point has a search function that can search all cached chapters, which is really useful]
[Thanks to book friends for their collection, reading, subscription, recommendation ticket, monthly ticket, reward and comment ]

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