Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 250


Chapter 250
As soon as they crossed the river, Winters immediately commanded the troops to go straight to Iris Castle.

He walks the road, sings triumphant songs, and has everything in hand, marching with dignity, without the slightest thought of hiding.

Andre's cavalry came to join him. There are steps and horses in the team, and the momentum is even greater.

However, the situation was not as rosy as Winters' smile.

The sword is still hanging overhead, ready to fall at any moment.

The battlefield is now shrouded in fog, and the more you can see, the closer you are to victory.

Winters' scout cavalry has been deployed, and Andre's cavalry team has also dispatched most of it.

Because of the continuous capture of military horses and concentrated use, Winters has the advantage of cavalry instead of garrisoning troops in new reclaimed land.

Except for the three cavalry to explore the way forward, the rest of the cavalry were closely monitoring the movements of the garrisoned troops in Baishan County.

According to Winters' calculations, if the enemy returns to help, he can win at least a two-day time difference.

First of all, it will take a day for the Baishan County garrison to return to Manyun Valley.

Second, they don't have bridges.

It is easier to destroy a bridge than to build a bridge. Repairing a bridge is more troublesome than building it, at least it can be delayed for another day or two.

This is a risky move, as no one can guarantee exactly how the enemy commander will decide.

War is the art of gaming, and Winters has made his move, now it's the opponent's turn.

How the opponent responds is the opponent's business, he cannot control it.

However, the battle situation is as dangerous as eggs, and it is impossible to win without risk.

"Turn around to help?" Winters wrote and drew on the map board, thinking in his heart: "Or bite the bullet and kill Geraldine?"

With too little information, He has very limited knowledge of the situation in Baishan County.

Major Ronald couldn't get a word out. The major did not speak at all, refusing to communicate with the rebels of any kind.

Winters can only obtain intelligence from public sources.

He knew that the resident officer of Baishan County was a colonel named [Gaisa Adonis], that was all.

As for the opponent's temperament, combat style, and seniority, he had no idea.

I heard that Colonel Geisa likes money very much and is very good at accumulating money.

"Gaiza Adonis." Winters read his opponent's name silently, pondering: "Adonis? It means [handsome] in the ancient language. Seems to be a handsome man?"

My mind was distracted, my hand was too hard, and the graphite bar "clicked" and snapped.

Winters is accustomed to this. He put away the broken one and took out a new one.

Drawing and shorthand with graphite strips are far more convenient than quills, but there is one downside—graphite is too brittle and will break if you are a little careless.

Winters straightened his back, took note of the terrain all around, and continued to write on the map board.

The saddle was bumpy, and the lines he drew were crooked.

Conditions are limited on the marching road, and detailed drawings will be redrawn at night.

After the occupation of Gervodin, the Montagne draftsmen finally don't have to worry about graphite anymore.

He swept away the graphite on the shelves of Revodan, and he could paint whatever he wanted.

So now, wherever possible, Winters will record the surrounding terrain as much as possible.

The atlas of Lieutenant Colonel has not been updated for a long time, and he is trying to fill in the gaps of John Jessica for twelve years.

Ciel ran back out of breath to report: "Brother! Antlers Town is in front!"

Winters sighed, put away the map board: "Is there any news later? "

"Uh." Charles scratched his head: "Not yet."


"What about Antlers?" Ciel asked excitedly, "Are you fighting?"

"Bullshit." Winters smiled and pulled out his cane, and tapped Ciel on the head: "It's all here, so there's no reason not to eat meat? ”


The newly reclaimed land province is an underdeveloped area as a whole, and Tiefeng County belongs to the underdeveloped area of the underdeveloped area, which is a comparative level of “underdeveloped”.

As for Wolf Town, she is "underdeveloped" at the highest level.

Belonging to the same border province, Baishan County is much richer than Tiefeng County. She is a small family in a better situation among the poor family.

The most obvious place is the road.

Entering Baishan County, Winters immediately felt that the "road" was much better.

Tiefeng County is mainly a rammed earth road, and some places don't even have a rammed earth road.

And Baishan County actually has a hard-surfaced solid road, at first glance it is the handwriting of the army.

didn't expect The enemy's commander -- Colonel Geisa, whom he had never met -- was actually a good garrison officer who was diligent and caring for the people, much to Winters' shame.

After all, Montagne's stationed officer (self-led) has mostly lip service to the people of Tiefeng County, and has not done anything practical.

Winters secretly competed in his heart: When he can breathe a sigh of relief, he will also pave the way for Tiefeng County.

Although he respects Colonel "Handsome", it does not prevent Winters from looting the villages and towns under his control.

Tiefeng County's finances are currently a little tight, so it's always good to be able to subsidize some households by the way.

So Winters blew open the gates of Antlers Town without any psychological burden.

The city wall is the second point that Baishan County is different from Tiefeng County.

Compared with the "bachelor" towns under Winters' rule, Baishan County City not only has a larger population, but many towns have built city walls.

Andre's cavalry can't help a town with a city wall.

But after joining forces with Winters, let alone a town with walls, even Iris Castle can knock them out.

Winters has 20 "Broken City Bells" on hand, specially brought to smash tortoise shells.

The town of Antlers raised funds to build a wooden wall to guard against bandits and robbers, and never imagined that one day it would face an army.

As soon as the alarm bell rang, and the militiamen were still running and gathering, the city gate was blown open with a sound of "hong".

A team of cavalry roared into Antlers Town, and the townspeople were frightened and fled.

The militiamen in Antlers rummaged through boxes and found their weapons with great difficulty.

They walked out of the house, only to find that the town had already run away completely, and there were strange soldiers everywhere.

So they turned around and went back to the house without a word, moving furniture and blocking the door.

Lieutenant Andrea Cellini already knows a lot about the "raid, rob, and leave" process.

Breaking the Will is more useful as a cavalry than slashing with a knife.

Thirty cavalry can drive hundreds of civilians to flee;

Andre's cavalry went to seal up the baggage warehouse first, and then occupied the town hall and security post.

By the time Winters came to town, the job was done.

It's still the same, the cargo warehouse is empty, not even mice.

As soon as Winters and Andre discussed it, they felt that something was wrong, and the enemy was probably already prepared.

"He is delusional if he wants to drag us down." Andrei sneered: "Can people still starve to death?"

In addition to weapons, ammunition and seven-day dry food , the troops that invaded Baishan County did not bring anything.

The situation of this unit in Winters' hands is similar to that of Ronald's raid on Wolftown, which also trades baggage for speed.

But Baishan County is far more fertile than Tiefeng County, and it is much easier to recruit food on the spot.

Winters was also a little strange. He once again sent three cavalry in the direction of Manyun Valley to scout the enemy.

Charle ran over with a sad face, holding a few papers.

"No new ones were found, the latest was last quarter," said Shire.

Dibao, also known as [Jiwen], is the official notification of the newly reclaimed Legion to the units under its jurisdiction. Normally a quarterly issue, and additional issues will be added when there is an urgent major event.

Winters first learned of the new Legion's access to this information when he first met Mason Senior.

He is hungry for information, and the Dibao is the best source of public intelligence.

But Dibao couldn't buy it, so he had to go to the new land of Legion to grab it.

Winters took the mansion newspaper and read it at a glance: "It doesn't matter, take it all with you. The old mansion newspaper is also useful. Take as many as you want."

Charle raised his hand. Salute, turn to go.

"Wait." Winters stopped Ciel: "I asked you to find all the businessmen in Antlers Town, why don't you see anyone?"

Ciel said with a sullen face: "The people in the town are mixed together, and you can't tell who is a businessman."

"This is not simple? Go with the torch, call people together, and ask shop after shop. Got it? "


"Make it clear to them beforehand, just ask two questions, it won't kill them. Remember to convince people with reason."



"Yes." Ciel nodded hard and left.

Winters found a well-lit place and continued to read the newspaper.

"Aren't they all old?" Andre's right hand was in his arms: "Is it still useful?"

"It is useful." Winters replied without looking up .

"What's the use?"

"The content of the news is mainly about policies, wars, debates in the House of Representatives, civil and criminal cases, and some religious celebration news." Winters translated After a page: "At present, the newly reclaimed Legion is still nominally loyal to the kings and castles. Because the name of the kings and castles in the newspaper is still 'Supreme's Republic'."

"Adams, the top of the wall. Grass-like things, I just want to see the wind and make a bet." Andre hummed disdainfully, and asked, "But isn't this all from last season?"

Winters as it should be by rights: "If Legion breaks with the castles, there should be a supplement?"

Andre laughed heartily.

"We should also run a mansion newspaper." Winters said as he watched, "It's still quite useful."

"Okay, I'll do it when I go back."

Winters sighed: "If we can hold Gervodin."

"Interesting!" Two farmers in Nanshan Town steal fodder for the military horse farm and were sentenced to hard labor by the military court."

Andre's ears also perked up: "The military horse farm?!"

"Nanshan Town." Winters chewed on the name and took out the atlas: "That's right in Baishan County."

"It's really in Baishan County!" After looking for it, Andre suddenly shouted in ecstasy: "It's just south!"

Winters took the map: "The map is not marked. There is a horse farm in Baishan County, so the enemy should have some cavalry."

"All the horses have been requisitioned! And this map is too old, so it's normal that it's not marked." Andre slapped his thigh. , happy from the bottom of his heart: "We have to pay a visit. There may be no military horses of the right age, but foals and stallions are also good things!"

"Okay." Infected with joy, he smiled and said, "Go and visit. But it seems that no one in Tiefeng County has ever controlled the military horse farm, and the staff of the military horse farm must also be taken away."

Andre disagreed: " Didn't Mason Senior ever raise pigs and manage labor farms? Let him do it."

Looking at each other, the two laughed uncontrollably, the more they laughed, the happier they became.

Charle was holding the merchants in Antlers Town, and from a distance he could see Captain Montagne and Lieutenant Cellini squatting face to face, not knowing what to do.

"Captain! I brought people here!" he reminded loudly.

Winters and Andre hurriedly got up and groomed.

Fortunately, the merchants in Antlers Town were frightened to death, and no one noticed their lost self-control.

"Gentlemen." Winters coughed lightly and said kindly to the trembling with fear merchants: "The merchants are well-informed. I called you here because I have something to ask. As long as you answer honestly, I will Guarantee the safety of your life and property."

The merchants in Antler Town nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

"You start." Winters pointed his cane at the oldest businessman present.

The other party is unclear so: " haven't said what you want to ask?"

"Don't worry about what I want to ask." Winters speaks at a moderate pace: " Just talk, and if you hear what I want to ask, you will naturally be let go."

The old businessman was speechless, and after a while he dared to ask again, "Where did you start? "

"Let's start with the most recent and biggest thing."

The old businessman opened and closed his lips, and it took a lot of effort to open his mouth. The moment he opened his mouth, Winters and Ender were shocked. Lie: "Herd Barbarian is here again."

"Go on." Winters looked at Andre calmly.

From Andre's tense cheeks and suspicious eyes, he saw the same emotion as himself.

The old businessman rambled on:

In mid-September—about the time when Bard and Mason Hundred Men Squad "destroyed", Hurd raided the army East again.

Obviously, the Hed tribe who attacked Palatu at the beginning of the year grabbed a lot of money, which made other tribes jealous.

"The barbarians came from both sides of the Jinliu River at the same time, and I can't count them!" The more the old businessman spoke, the more interested he became.

"en." Winters calmly nodded: "Let's talk."

What is "killing from both sides of the strait at the same time"?
What "can't count"?
There is no one out there who knows the inside story of Heard's ministries better than Winters.

It is clearly two groups of Heard raiding chapters, each entering Palatu from the south and north banks of the Jade River.

Because the Hurd tribes were also attacking and killing each other, the two groups of robbers simply acted separately to avoid bloody clashes.

And how could it be "uncountable"?
I don't know how many family property Winters there are in the three major divisions, but from the scale of the Chihe division, he can guess.

Which tribe dares to go out in full force? Aren't you afraid of being stolen by the enemy?

However, this information is still very valuable.

The old businessman talked more and more, and continued to talk about the news that he was also anecdotal and did not know how many hands he had committed:
The barbarians on the north bank entered the Jiangbei province, and I heard that they had fought against the "rebels" Let's face it;
The barbarians on the south bank entered Jinghu County and were defeated by the wise General Adams and the reinforcements sent by the Kings Castle.

[Jinghu County is affiliated to the newly reclaimed land, located at the northernmost end of the province, adjacent to Jinghu Lake, with superior geographical conditions and convenient transportation. It is the most prosperous and densely populated county in the newly reclaimed land]
Winters Rubbing his chin, this half true half false news becomes more and more valuable.

Hard's tribes invaded and looted the east, not only did not induce a new round of war on the red and blue roses, but eased the situation.

Nothing unites the Platoons more than a "common enemy."

The most interesting is the "reinforcements sent by the castles of the kings", which is simply Red Rose's troops marching into the new reclaimed land.

"It seems like Adams' head hurts a little more." Winters thought it was a little funny, and his face was nodded: "Go on."

Instead of other businessmen, he said a few scattered things.

Anything like "A general was assassinated in the castles of the kings", "I heard it was for a woman", and "Blood Night" were told with nose and eyes, and the narrator seemed to follow assassin through the whole process.

The merchants in the tobacco, pottery, and wool business suffered a lot, and the cash crops of the newly cultivated land could not be shipped out, and it was all in their hands.

Businessmen doing import business complained that the outside could not get in, and their business was extremely bleak.

The more they talked, the more excited they became.

Newly cultivated land has always lived by selling crops and buying things that cannot be produced, and both lifelines are now blocked by war.

Winters took a small notebook, listening and taking notes.

The drum-like sound of hooves came, and the scout sergeant rushed to Winters, got off the saddle, and reported to Winters.

Staghorn merchants witness the mood change of the rebel commander, from calm indifference to laughter.

The cavalry sergeant said only one word: "They're here."

Winters' answer was only one word: "Okay!"

Baishan County Stationed The army turned around and returned to help, which is a great good thing.

If that Colonel Geisa is hot-headed, moved towards Gevordan Pig Rush.

Then Winters can only give up Gerardin, and then copy Fort Iris to see if they can make up for the loss.

Revodan has few soldiers, unbalanced people, city defense unable to withstand a single blow, and extremely lack of armaments.

The entire new regiment used short spears, because they couldn't find a long, straight shaft and didn't have enough steel.

Only cadre soldiers are issued sword helmets.

Dozens of muskets were captured from Ronald, but with the quality of the newly formed infantry regiments, they could not exert their formidable power at all.

Recruits have a natural fear of muskets, a weapon that will explode at some point.

They prefer to use a volleyball gun, rather than a matchlock gun that needs to be aimed at the cheek.

Fewer crossbows can be counted on one hand.

Hundreds of single bows were copied from the arsenal, but Ronald didn't use them, and Winters used them more impossible.

For soldiers from landless peasants, it is better to let them shoot with matchlock guns instead of letting them shoot arrows.

The Tiefeng County Infantry Regiment can only fight with the wind right now.

That is, all relying on the number of people, when the bugle sounded, they shouted and rushed forward.

Among them, the overwhelming majority have no desire to fight, they just run around.

If the situation is favorable, everyone is brave; if the momentum is not right, it can be defeated in the blink of an eye.

In Gervodan's situation, if they were surrounded by two armies, even if the old marshal came to command, they would surely die.

It should be said that the old marshal would never fight this kind of battle.

If you want to win, you can only contain one way and concentrate your forces to fight all the way.

If one way is destroyed, the other way will not dare to come again.

From the very beginning, Winters' plan was to contain White Mountain County and attack Vigne County head on.

But if he fails to contain the Baishan County garrisoned army, the other party chooses to ignore it and rush to Gervodin.

Then Winters can only take a backup plan:
Let's get out of Revodan, withdraw to the south of the St. George River, withdraw to Wolf Town, and even withdraw to Great Wasteland.

Anyway, he didn't have a lot of bottles and jars in Revodan, and it would not be a pity to throw them away or smash them.

The warehouses in Gervodan have long since been emptied. Most of the food was taken away by Bud. The money, Winters spent thoroughly.

As long as the enemy dares to go to Revodan, he will dare to fight the Iris Castle.

Stab each other to see who bleeds more and who hurts more—whatever Winters does, it's White Mountain that hurts more.

Anna refused to leave early, so Winters left the little lion in Gervodin.

If the situation deteriorated, he asked the little lion to take the female relatives directly into the no-man's land and take shelter in the Chihe Department.

The little lion was accidentally entrusted by Winters to his family, his nose was a little sore, and it was rare to give Winters a bear hug.

Fortunately none of the above happened.

It seems that Winters is willing to give up his family property in Gervodin, and Colonel Geisa is not willing to give up the bottles and jars of Iris Castle.

"Okay! Gather the troops and prepare to move out." Winters rubbed his palms and laughed, and said to Andre and his subordinates, "The rest depends on the abilities of Mr. A and Mr. B. Let's find a way, See if you can take this 'handsome' colonel for a walk again."


The news that the Baishan County troops turned back to help spread to all directions.

Staying in Tiefeng County, Dussack, who was monitoring the garrisoned army in Baishan County, sent the information back to Revodan as soon as possible.

Winters also sent a scout across the river in a boat to bring news to Gervodin.

As for the troops of the White Mountains, Colonel Geisa also sent a messenger to deliver a letter to Colonel Zipper, the garrison officer of Vigne County.

In the letter, Colonel Geisa explained his plan: "The key is not in Gervodin, the rebels have legs and can leave the city at any time. The key is to annihilate the opponent's main force, or attack the enemy. Kill the rebel leader Winters Montagne".

"Destroy either of the two, and the rebels will be defeated."

So Colonel Gaisa urged Colonel Zeppel to "temporarily withdraw from Iron Peak", Continue to "contain most of the rebels" on the border of the two counties and wait for news from Baishan County.

"Success or failure is not at the same time. If our unit annihilates the main force of the enemy, then Gervoudan can be assured. If our unit fails to annihilate the main force of the enemy, it will not be too late to make a two-way encirclement."


Gesar dispatched a messenger, and immediately commanded the troops to march toward the Manyun Valley.

Because of the inevitable delay in information delivery.

When Winters learned that the enemy team was returning to help, the second pontoon bridge of the Baishan County troops was close to breaking through.

At the same time, the cavalry of Colonel Geisa also arrived at the garrison camp in Vigne.

Colonel Zeppel was distraught when he saw the messengers.

The uninhabited forests and hills between Vugnie and Ironhorn are perfect for an ambush.

Colonel Zeppel therefore marched cautiously, for fear of falling into the trap of the rebels.

The result was a wink to blind, and the rebels didn't make any arrangements.

The rebels' tactics were simple and straightforward, and they chose to stick to Hammer.

According to the information, Hammer Fort is a small wooden fort in disrepair, low and old.

But the "Hammer Castle" in front of Zebbel was not at all what the intelligence said.

Although the Hammer Fort blocking him is not large in size, deep trenches, sloping walls, and bastions are all available, just like a pocket version of the star-shaped fortress - someone must have leveled the old Hammer Fort and built it again.

Build a new one.

What's even worse is that the rebels have cannons.

The cannons on the Hammer Castle fired two rounds of crossed cannonballs, and the Vigne recruits were crushed.

According to Zipper's analysis, the cannon in the opponent's hand should be a wooden cannon.

But the wooden cannon is not something that recruits can handle.

So Colonel Zeppel is seriously considering whether to bypass this hard bone and go straight to Revodan.

"Why did the bald man ask you to come?" Colonel Zipper asked the messenger angrily: "Where has he been? According to the time, I should see him, not you!"

The messenger replied with some embarrassment: "Colonel Geisa, he...he has returned to Baishan County."

"What?" Zipper was furious.

The messenger hurriedly handed the letter to Colonel Zeppel: "The colonel said his instructions were in the letter."

Instructions? Colonel Zeppel was furious.

But he didn't want to bother with a little messenger.

He tore open the envelope and scanned the contents at a glance.

The letter paper is real, and the pattern on it is made by special craftsmanship and can't be faked;
The secret code hidden at the end of the first paragraph of the sentence is also correct;

And Zipper Recognize Geisa's handwriting.

Confirmation that the letter was not fake sent Colonel Zeppel furious. He slapped the table and roared, "He's a colonel, and I'm a colonel too! What qualifications does Gaisa Adonis have to order me?!"

So did the other officers in the tent, and no one dared to touch Colonel Zeppel's bad luck.

"What else did the bald man say?" Colonel Zipper roared.

"The colonel said...that if he killed Montagne, the leader of the gang, Gervoudan wouldn't have to fight."

"Wow! Wow!" Zeppel was extremely angry He laughed instead: "He takes the credit, and I do the hard work, right? Isn't it?"

"The order! The first battallion continues to besiege Hammer Castle!" Zipper shouted: "The second, third, fourth battallion, follow me to Gervodin."

Wo The Hundred-Men Commander of Nirvana turned pale in fright.

“No way!” Captain Sarai—the Chief Hundred-Men Commander of Vigne—in a panic, directly contradicted the commander: “Absolutely not!”

“Why not? ' Colonel Zeppel clenched his fists tightly and asked with a sneer.

Captain Sarai knew that he annoyed the garrison officer, but he had to stop the other's foolish plan: "Sir, splitting troops before the battle is a taboo, and the strength of our four battallions alone is not enough to fight the rebels. An overwhelming advantage. Please think again!"

Colonel Zipper's fist slammed against the table board, as if hitting everyone's heart.

"The main force of the rebels has been taken away by the bandit leader Montagne." Zipper asked gnashing teeth: "You mean, I can't deal with a pile of crooked melons and cracked dates left. You are Is that what you mean?"

"This is definitely not what your subordinates mean!" Captain Sarai was so anxious that he was about to cry: "If we leave a battallion to besiege Hammer Fort. It means that the rebels spend one-sixth Even one-eighth of our troops will contain our troops on 1/4/2022. In this case, we will have no military advantage at all! It is more secure to follow Colonel Geisa's plan."

Colonel Zeppel suddenly drew his saber and fiercely slashed towards the marching table.

The blade sank so deeply into the tabletop that the brackets under the tabletop couldn't hold it up and broke into pieces.

"God damn bald!" Zipper's chest heaved violently and he cursed.

The tent was as silent as death, and the others didn't even dare to breathe, only the heavy breathing of the colonel could be heard.

It took a while for Colonel Zeppel to calm down.

"Withdraw!" he ordered fiercely: "Back to Mace!"

Several lieutenants in the tent sighed in relief.

"Yes, I'll inform everyone right away." Captain Sarai raised his hand to salute happily and turned to leave.

Colonel Zeppel took out the purse and threw it to Geisa's messengers without a single click.

"Go away." Colonel Zipper slumped back into his chair, his shoulders and spine slumped.

He saw Geisa's messengers open the purse and appear to be counting the coins.

Colonel Zeppel's hands were shaking with anger. He was both angry and sad.

But he still couldn't hold his face to embarrass a soldier.

So he closed his eyes and rested, what the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve over.

In the next second, the Silver Coin in the hand of the messenger flashed and flew to Colonel Zipper's forehead.

The Silver Coin, traveling at nearly 250 meters per second, easily cut through the skin and collided with Zebble's skull.

The hard skull was knocked open, and the Silver Coin burrowed into it, tumbling in the soft brain tissue, forming an instantaneous huge cavity.

It finally hits the other side of the skull and bounces back.

Zibel froze and fell back sharply.

The other officers in the tent didn't yet understand what was going on, and were called out by Gold Coin and Silver Coin in a few breaths.

The messenger bowed his head, mourning the dead officers.

After a brief moment of silence, the messenger removed the saber from the corpse—he had no weapons and was found clean when he entered the camp—and placed the oil lamp next to the tent.

The fire spread very fast, and the large tent of the Chinese army was quickly engulfed by flames.

The messenger left the tent with his saber, and the rolling sound swept all directions: "The garrison officer is dead! Surrender and don't kill!"

The chilling bugle sound came from all directions came in response to this sonic boom.

"Lieutenant Colonel succeeded!" Don Juan's facial muscles twitched with excitement, he spat out the stick and jumped up: "Attack!"

"Kill !" The soldiers of the Tiefeng County Infantry Regiment shouted and dashed towards the enemy's barracks.

[Actually, the [Dibao] in the text should be called [Daily News], but the Dibao is more pleasing to the ear, anyway, the functions of the two are similar]
[Thanks to the book friends for suggesting that I keep it Some archives.一口气写完就一口气发出来,比较痛快,情绪也连贯]

(end of chapter)

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