Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 225


Chapter 225 Encirclement
"Take it!"

Winters to Vashka, Samu King and another veteran, Tamas, each fired an arrow.

The arrow is engraved with a numerical designation.

These three were the ten commanders he had chosen.

Winters originally wanted to organize staff by country of origin, but he realized that doing so would outweigh the costs.

So he broke up all the soldiers into formation, and the veterans served as ten commanders.

The other three he trusted most: Pierre stayed by his side as aide-de-camp; Anglo and Charles also stayed by his side as messengers and gendarmerie.

"The arrow is your token, and it is not allowed to be broken. If it is broken, everyone will be whipped." Winters solemnly admonished the ten commanders: "Don't go away, if one soldier goes away, the rest of the soldiers will die. Everyone sits together! Including you!"

The three new ten-in-laws were heavily nodded.

At this moment, Winters, there is no normally gentle expression on his face, only a murderous-looking:
"Don't make a fuss in the march! Those who make noises will be whipped! Those who disturb the enemy will be beheaded!"

"There are enemies who will break through your siege, do not chase, just continue to surround and expel the rest of the enemies to the predetermined location."

"Try to live! Don't die!"

After declaring discipline, Winters pulls out four maps, three small and one large.

The small map was sent to the ten commanders, and the big map was spread out in front of everyone.

Winters took out three more horse-head chess pieces, matched with the map, and proceeded to explain the marching route to the ten captains.

As Lieutenant Colonel Jesska once explained the terrain to him.

Washika, Samukin, and Tamas stared, listened in a daze, desperately nodded.

Winters suddenly noticed something, he stared at the three of them and asked coldly: "You three...can you read a map?"

Washka habitually continued Nominate.

Winters raised his leg and gave him a kick: "You're a shit! You've got the map upside down!"

Washka didn't dare to dodge, and took a solid hit Boots, hastily flipped the map back upside down.

Seeing his partner being cleaned up, Anglo snickered while covering his mouth.

"Ryder cultivator taught you grammar and spelling rules." Winters looked towards Anglo: "How much do you remember?"

"Ah... ah?" Anglo "Almost forgot," Lu stammered back.

Winters let out a sigh from the deepest part of his chest. He was in pain. Ned Smith's pain was passed on to him through time and space forty years ago.

He slapped his forehead and thigh again: "After dinner, all come to me!"

"What do you want...for?" Pierre cautiously asked .



At dawn, the sun is about to come out

Washka led eleven soldiers in the Walking in the woods, they pulled into a loose line.

All carried hog spears and slapped tree trunks with their shafts as they walked.

The hog spear is less than two meters long and does not need to be used in formation. The tip of the spear has two side prongs, which can prevent it from being too deep to be pulled out at one time.

The wild beasts in the forest heard their noises from a distance and ran away.

In the distance, the same clapping can be vaguely heard.

Winters took Pierre and the others to guard the fence, and he was so angry: "Where are Samukin's team? Where are they going to die?!"

Pi El, Ciel, and Anglo didn't know either, and they waited anxiously.

The organization of Winters' troops is visibly degenerating from [farming militia] to [fishing and hunting tribes] with naked eye.

Mainly because he had nothing to eat, Ellen Mitchell helped him raise some food, but it was far from enough.

Winters can't wait to sit still, his troops must also be involved in production.

With the natural conditions of the newly cultivated land, the most immediate mode of production is "hunting and gathering".

So it's not that Winters wants to return to primordial society, it's really impossible.

Three months of living in Heard's tribes gave him a deeper understanding of different forms of social models.

As a branch of the Hed tribes, the Paratus gradually chose to farm for a living. Not because farming is easy, on the contrary, farming is much more difficult than herding sheep.

Winters can now only choose easier paths.

It's July, midsummer, not a particularly good hunting season.

And most of Winters' subordinates used to be farmers and had never managed a hunting business.

Fortunately, Winters and the veterans have accumulated some experience: During the battle of the Netherworld River, Winters led his troops to hunt wild beasts in the bridge forest.

If only the little hunter was around, he would save a lot of trouble.

But Winters thought about it, if Bell came back, he would definitely bring back the little fellow.

He's struggling to feed forty mouths now, and the little fellow's bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl can easily eat him up.

He has only forty people now, so he can't do big hunting, so he will do small hunting.

So Winters was careful when targeting, targeting a small herd of horned deer in the forest northeast of Wolftown.

The three groups entered the forest an hour before sunrise, gathered in three directions, frightened the herd, and drove the horned deer to the location of Winters.

The pits had been dug in advance, and were personally occupied by the most "ruthless" sorcerer officers in Palato.

As long as the herd is in place, nothing goes wrong.

Is this didn't expect or a setback - the Samukin gang is gone.

Winters was so angry that he didn't want to hide, shouted: "Anglo!"

"Yes!" The pony replied in a conditioned reflex.

"You go to Samukin! Tell him! Let the deer go away, and I will tie the whole team to a tree and beat him!"

"Yes!" Anglo Jump on the horse, moved towards the direction Samukin should appear and gallop away.

The once peaceful forest is now a mess.

Regardless of deer, deer, rabbit, or fox, wild beast fled in panic, screaming one after another.

Anglo couldn't bear it. He suddenly thought that before humans appeared in this forest, these animals may have lived here for hundreds of thousands of years.

Like these horned deer, they have settled here much longer than humans.

They were once free to forage, court, and reproduce.

But now that humans—including Anglo—are here, the deer herds are about to usher in their annihilation.

Angelo's heart surged with sadness.

"Is it the right thing to do?" he thought.



"Yes!" Anglo chewed on the roasted deer ribs, only a single thought in his heart: "It's really fragrant!"




Soldiers ate the inferior meat of deer, such as offal.

Like good meat such as deer legs and deer brisket, they are all exchanged for food with the villagers.

The villagers don't want ribs. They dislike the lack of meat and make Anglo cheaper.

The Samukin group looked at the others enviously. They only got half the meat of the other two groups, and they were all the worst meat.

Because they didn't arrive at the scheduled location on time, nearly half-horned deer escaped from the siege gap.

Samukin was unlucky too - they bumped into a black bear on the way.

So not only did they have half a portion of meat, but they also charged five whips on each of them.

A small campfire and a pot of broth boil, Winters and Pierre are wrapping up their "post-war".

“What about the deerskin?” Pierre took the small notebook and acted as a temporary scribe.

Only Pierre and Winters can read and write in this unit.

“Take it for food.” Winters took a sip of venison soup.

“Where’s the horn?”

“Let’s keep it for now and see if we can bring it to Gevaudin to sell.”

“Where’s the deer blood? "

"Feed the dog?" Winters suddenly remembered something and asked Pierre: "Didn't your dad have four of the best terriers? Where are they?"

"Running It’s wild, and I only go home occasionally.”

“Find a way to re-tether it, maybe it will work.”


Adhering to With the idea of not wasting anything, even deer bones Winters have found a place:

There is an old man in Nanxin Village who can make glue with bones, and he is willing to give two "Malter" rye in exchange for all the Deer bones - Malt is the old system, about 13.2kg for two Malt.

Winters happily agreed, and so was the old man.

Do the people of Wolf Town have food in their hands? The answer is "yes".

The people of Wolf Town, who had no food, had already nailed their doors and windows and fled.

But it can't be collected, or the cost of collection is too high.

Winters learned a story in a military academy history class: During the War of Sovereignty, the Mad King Richard IV ordered that peasants were strictly prohibited from feeding pigs with oats.

The madman Richard may think that in this way, the price of oats can be stabilized and more supplementary food can be purchased.

But farmers still feed their pigs with oats, secretly.

They would rather feed pigs than have grain taken away by the emperor's tax collectors.

History teachers believe: This incident said that the economy of the Ming Emperor country was on the verge of collapse at that time, and the lunatic Richard was doomed to fail.

After Winters Old God Bei had a stick, he had another perspective on this matter - the economy of the empire did not collapse, it was the mad emperor's treasury that collapsed.

The peasants had food, but the emperor could not levy it. The cost of compulsory collection is too high, and the gains outweigh the losses.

Farmers hid grain under pigsties and pyre, and the expropriation team rummaged through boxes and cabinets to find them. This is the current situation of newly cultivated land.

The peasants are not out of food, nor are they unwilling to provide food. What they want is an exchange, an equivalent exchange.

Perhaps not just farmers, but everyone—thinks Winters.

“I remember Mrs. Mitchell making sausages?” Winters asked Pierre, sipping venison soup.

Pierre was burying his head in the bookkeeping: "Yes, my mother can do it."

"Can deer intestines be made into sausages?" Winters asked curiously: "If you can, There's a place for all those deer offal. Sausages are worth more than pure meat, right? A pound of sausage for four pounds of wheat is no problem, right?"

"This...I don't know." Pierre Er scratched his head: "I'll go back and ask my mother."


Pierre asked again: "There are six live deer, what should I do? "

"Let's keep it first? Can we keep it?" This is Winters' knowledge blind spot.

"I don't know." Pierre was also stunned, he thought about it, and then asked, "Why didn't anyone raise it before?"

Winters mused: "He The Germans said that further west there is a tribe of Hed savages, who live by herding deer. They should be able to raise them, right? It’s a pity to kill and eat meat after finally catching live animals. It would be better if they could be kept in captivity.”

"I'll try someone out?"


Winters was drinking the venison soup when he suddenly smelled the aroma.

He jumped up and shouted at the other three campfires, "Who's roasting?"

"I..." Anglo got up not knowing what to do , holding a roasted deer rib in his hand.

"No roasting! Cook them all for me!" Winters grieved: "A pound of meat is left over seven taels after roasting! Cooking and eating, any soup, soup, and water will not be wasted! I eat it all Cooking chop suey, you dare to eat grilled meat in luxury! It's against you!"

The warriors have a big laughter.

Angelo ran over in a daze, bringing two roasted deer ribs: "You can also taste it, it's delicious with a little salt."



When Winters once again sent three arrows to the ten commanders, everyone knew it was going to strike.

Invisibly, this has become a customary rule. Before the "battle", the arrows are given to the ten commanders as tokens, and the arrows are taken away after the battle is over.

"Hundred-Men Commander, a group of people and a pot of people are too ugly." Wasika took the arrow and asked frivolously: "Is it better to change it?"

Winters took out the map board, eyebrows raised slightly: "What do you want to replace?"

"How about calling Arrow Man?"

Winters looked seriously Vashka: "Arrow Man, um, that's a good name."

"Is that so?" Vashka beamed with joy.

"It's a jerk!" Pierre gave Vasya a slap on the back of the head and suggested, "How about an arrow? A group of people and a pot of people really don't sound good."


Winters thought for a moment, an arrow sounded good too, and nodded.

"We're raising our flag now!" Seeing that the proposal was accepted, Vashka wanted to make persistent efforts: "Does it also deserve a loud name? It can scare people when I hear it. The kind?"

The crowd looked at each other in blank dismay, and they really don't have a name at the moment.

Strictly speaking, they are still called "Xinkendi Langtun Town Militia".

Washika stretched for a while, and triumphantly revealed the answer: "I suggest, it's called Blood Wolf Gang! Oh, no, Blood Wolf Gang! Is it very difficult to deal with?"


"Blood your uncle's wolf." Winters was furious with the clever everyday all, he fiercely kicked Vasya's ass with his boot: "You are expecting Gervodin to send troops to beat us, Isn't it?"

It's okay that no one mentions this, and I get angry when I hear the nickname Winters.

took a deep breath and calmed down, Winters explained to his subordinates: "We robbed the food team, and Gervoudan will not let it go. Otherwise, why do we pretend to be bandits? All you need is a false name. The more Gervodin doesn't notice us, the better. And we are the Langtun Town Militia, why should we change our name?"

Pierre looked thoughtful nodded, and others also Somewhat confused.

"Okay, let's look at the map." Winters spread the map on the table and reiterated his discipline:
"Don't make noise on the march! Violators will be whipped! Those who disturb the enemy will be beheaded!
There are enemies who break through your siege, don't chase after you, just continue to surround and surround the rest of the enemy."

Live! Don't die! "

Finally, he warned the three ten commanders in the most severe tone: "If there are still people who are overdue this time, I will never forgive them!" "


It's the same time -- dawn, and the sun shines a little.

Washka and eleven soldiers carry hunting pigs The spears, drawn in a loose straight line in the forest.

Only this time, instead of pounding on the trunk, they marched silently.

As far as they were supposed to, they lay in ambush

Washka waited patiently.

Suddenly, the shrill sound of bugles shattered the night.

The birds in the forest shuaa~ land Flying into the sky, the wild beast fled in terror.

The attack has been ordered.

“Kill! "Vashikati spear jumped up and shouted hoarsely: "Follow me!" "

Three arrows from all directions towards the bandit camp in the forest.

Washka charged ahead, overturning a tent with a spear.

The three gangsters in the tent were sleepy and didn't know what was going on.

Washka raised the lance and was about to stab down, but suddenly he remembered the Hundred-Men Commander's order "Live, don't die."

"You're lucky," thought Wasika.

A group of more than 20 gangsters was captured in their sleep.

The bandits who dared to resist were stabbed to death by the lance, and the bandits who were still alive were bound and held together like sheep.

Not a single bandit escaped.

"Hundred-Men Commander!" Anglo excitedly reported to Winters: "This is much easier than hunting!"

Yes, it's the invincible plus! What is archive? Something that doesn't exist!

(A total of 4 chapters have been added, currently 3/4).
[Thanks to book lovers for their collection, reading, subscription, recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, rewards and comments, thank you all]
[Now only small hunting activities can be played, large round hunting has disappeared. We can only glimpse the appearance of large-scale hunting from historical documents. The following content is from "Old Manchu Documents": If you see a wild beast coming out, don't chase it in the paddock. No matter who you run towards, you must shoot it from where you stand. The beast came out of the paddock, and then chased after it to intercept and shoot it. If you enter the paddock and intercept it, the hunters will come out of their own homes and all want to shoot wild beasts. Otherwise, what is the reason for this? Who doesn't want to hunt? If you don't do what you want, and wantonly enter the siege and intercept the shot, then the fast horse will intercept the wild beast and capture, while the poor horse and those who keep their own feet, what else will they hunt? Therefore, he was ordered to pay for it with the meat of the beast he shot. ]

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