Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 222


Chapter 222 Prologue
The bandit leader "Pot Ring" Dixon has been very comfortable recently, because he has many A group of very fierce subordinates.

Because of heavy taxes, the newly cultivated land was originally an area hit hard by bandits.

Nowadays, Red Rose and Blue Rose are rampant, making it easier for the gang to expand their manpower.

As long as you have a bite to eat, some desperate people come to flee.

But that would have only brought in some clumsy farmers.

And the new batch of people under Guoquan's men are all ruthless characters.

Not only does he work neatly and has a quick hand and feet, but he also never asks about unrelated things.

The most important thing is that they all have a warhorse, and the saber make is also very good.

"The dreadlocks with cavalry, be good." Guoquan thought proudly: "Even in the entire new reclaimed land, is it the only one?"

With the newcomer Under his command, Guoquan easily swallowed another group of bandits nearby.

Now there are only the "Dixons" family left in this forest, and he has finally realized his career pursuit for a long time: monopoly.

The only fly in the ointment is that the new recruits only listen to one of the boys named "Pierre".

Even if it is his boss's order, it has to be conveyed twice by that kid.

"You have to find a way to get rid of that kid." Guoquan thought to himself: "To swallow this group of people completely."

"Boss! It's not good!"

One of his subordinates ran back and forth, shouting, "There's an awesome guy in front! It's really awesome!"

The pot ring went up and slapped his hand. turn.

"What the hell is he panicking?" Guoquan scolded fiercely: "Who the hell is not so powerful now that he dares to go outside?" The rampage brought commercial activity between towns to a near standstill.

There are no ordinary pedestrians on the road, and the caravans are almost extinct.

Travelers who dare to walk outside are either very daring or confident in their ability. Most people have both.

This has led to the bleak business of the pot ring.

But he wasn't too worried. He couldn't rob passers-by, and he could rob the farm.

Now that his gang has more powerful gangsters, he can recruit a few more people to deal with nothing difficult in a small village with dozens of households.

Hearing that his subordinates said it was very difficult to deal with , Guohuan rolled his eyes, thinking about it.

"Pierre?" Guoquan shouted in the camp to find: "Where is Pierre?"

No rider paid him any attention, everyone was busy.

This made Guohuan even more angry, and he shouted: "Pierre!"

A shaggy youngster climbed out of the tent, looking at Guohuan sleepily, sloppily. Response: "Here."

"There is a horseman in front." Guoquan instructed: "You go to the back road, don't let him run away. I will lead someone to block in front."


Pierre complied and stretched out his hand to get dressed.

The other riders seemed to have something to say, but Pierre shook the head lightly.

Guoquan watched enviously as Pierre stepped on his horse and ran towards the forest road with his saber in hand.

War horses are too expensive and too troublesome to keep.

Even the leader, Guohuan, did not have a tall horse to ride, only a short Hed horse.

Seeing Pierre leaving on horseback, Guohuan also hurriedly called for other men to follow.

On the side of the road, he saw the guy whose subordinates said "really amazing".

With just a glance, Guohuan saw that he was a dangerous person.

The other party was riding a horse and walking unhurriedly.

Appears young, well-proportioned, with an inconspicuous white mark on the forehead.

A horse's head cane is in the saddlebag, and a saber is in the saddlebag on the other side.

Intuition tells Guoquan that the other party is really dangerous, even more dangerous than Pierre's group of horses combined.

But for the pot ring, the more dangerous the other party, the better.

Guoquan watched as Pierre approached each other from behind, getting closer and closer, even if he died.

Something unexpected happened.

Like thunder blasting through the forest, a voice spread throughout the forest: "Pierre Girardnovich! You really have grown ability!"

Pot Ring Stunned to watch Pierre dismount from the saddle and embrace the dangerous stranger.

"Fuck, it's broken." The pot ring had only a single thought.

As the saying goes: What is the meaning of decapitation today? Entrepreneurship is difficult. Now go to Quantai to recruit the old troops, and kill Yama with one hundred thousand flags.

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