Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 193


Chapter 193 A Spell and a Half
It was not yet bright, and the vanguard had already set off.

Two standing army battallions and another militia battallion go in front, Jesska battallion serving as both baggage and rear guard, and a platoon's hussars to support - this is the full strength of the vanguard.

Their responsibilities are to confirm the route, build the camp, clean up possible enemies, and prepare in advance for the arrival of the subsequent large troops.

The sun didn't rise, so it was cold, so cold that one's chest was involuntarily shaking.

Skilled soldiers sewed themselves helmet-like hats with only one pair of eyes exposed.

Soldiers who couldn't sew could only be frozen, their noses, mouths, and ears turned red from the cold, and the white mist from their breathing covered their eye hair with frost.

There are also soldiers who cut the robes of the Hurds into segments and make do with them as scarves, or randomly found some corner fabrics as triangle scarves.

Jesska battallion's camp is now extremely deserted, all the things that should be taken away are loaded on the carriage and carried on the shoulders, and there is only a pile of black ash on the ground.

Before it was time for the guards to set off, the militiamen lined up to stand by, rubbing their hands, stomping their feet, and gossiping in low voices.

Winters walks among the queues for one last check before leaving.

The militiamen along the road saluted when they saw the Hundred-Men Commander approaching, and Winters returned the salute earnestly.

Many militiamen are wrapped in Heard robes, for no other reason, Heard robes are really warm.

If it wasn't for worrying about the impact, Winters would want to get a robe over the outside - after all, in this horrible weather, there's not too much clothes on.

[Samukin] in Wolf Town shrugged his shoulders and shrugged his back. When he saw Hundred-Men Commander approaching, he hurriedly asked, "When can you leave? My lord."

Winters estimated the time a little and replied, "Don't worry, it should be soon."

"Okay...that's fine." Samukin sniffled and said shiveringly, "Get up. It's good, it's warm to walk, it's too cold to stand."

Seeing that Samukin only had the jacket he brought when he left home, Winters was very surprised: "Why didn't you get a robe? Come to wear?"

Samukin's voice was as small as a mosquito: "Wear the clothes of the dead, ominous. My lord, I'm fine, I'll be warm when I walk."

" Do you want the dead man's gold?" Winters was literally hate iron for not becoming steel, he pointed to Samukin's scabbard and asked, "Is this knife given to you by the Hed people on a plate? Dead man You want the saber, and you wear the armor of the dead. Tell me, what is the difference between the robes of the dead?"

Samukin was powerless to refute, he lowered his head and muttered, "That's still different."

Winters was both angry and funny: "I don't know the goods, do you know how expensive Heard robes are? If a Heard woman has three sets of robes in her dowry, it is not an ordinary family. There are businessmen who specialize in buying them. Heard fur robe, and you don't want it for nothing?"

"Ah?" Samukin was dumbfounded: "I don't know about this...then it's too late..."


"Give you five minutes, go back and find Second Lieutenant Bud to get one." Winters urged: "Go! Go for a run!"

Samukin ran away in a hurry.

"Wear robes sparingly, and be careful not to be eaten by moths." Winters said to others around him: "It's a little difficult to wear it for a lifetime, but it's fine to wear it for half a lifetime."

Visit under his command Of the two Hundred Men Squad, Winters walks into the carriage of the old man.

When he opened the car door, he happened to meet the little lion.

Seeing who was coming, the little lion buried his head in his arms again and continued to sleep.

“Go away.” Winters slapped the lion cub and pushed it sideways.

The little lion made a gu lu gu lu noise and hummed to make way for Winters to sit.

Rid cultivator smiled a little: "This little fellow has very good ears. I can hear your footsteps from a long distance."

"This little fellow? "Winters was worried when he saw the little lion: "It's almost 80 pounds, right?"

"What's wrong with 80 pounds?" Reid cultivator didn't care: "It's too early to be an adult."

Although the little lion is still called the little lion, this is only because Winters does not allow Bell to name the little lion.

Actually, the lion cub is already bigger and heavier than any domestic dog Winters has ever seen, and every day all is getting bigger and heavier, and eating more and more.

Fortunately, Winters doesn't have to worry about where to find meat these days, a horse carcass is enough to feed a lion cub for a long time.

Winters touched the fluff on the little lion's back and said helplessly, "That's why I'm anxious. You haven't seen it mother... Well, I'm thinking about whether it's right here or not. Let it go back to wasteland here."

"Cough." Reid put his feet on the little lion to keep warm, and asked Winters: "How to put it? This little fellow will not even catch a rabbit. You put it Don't let it starve to death if you put it in the wild?"

"The Hurd people will chase after him immediately, and they should capture it."

"The leader of the Hurd people is called Bai Bai. Lion, when you give the white lion to Yasin, isn't it the same as giving the auspicious auspiciousness to Yasin? To increase his authority?"

Winters also collapsed: "I never thought that Yasin's father would give him this. Name!"

"The names of the Hurds are all given by their own shaman." Rhett cultivator corrected with a smile.

"It's not important!"

Reid lightly coughed, with a stronger smile on his face: "Don't be afraid, bring it back to Palatu with peace of mind. You can't afford it, I can Arrange for the Catholic Church to take over. [From the wilderness, like a lion's call], hahahaha!"

Winters' head hurt even more.

The image of the lion has a special meaning in both the Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church.

First of all, the lion is the symbol of [King David] and one of the twelve national emblems of the descendants of [God Wrestler]. There are a lot of lion metaphors and images in the scriptures.

The winged lion is the emblem of Saint San Marco, the patron saint of sea blue, and this image is painted on the flag of Veneta.

Another saint, Jerome, is more closely associated with the lion. Legend has it that he plucked the thorns from the claws of a lion, and from then on the lion was by his side and was considered to be Divine Vestige.

There are also two saints who are said to be accompanied by lions.

It is precisely because of St. Jerome's precedent that the fact that there is a lion beside the alms-cultivator Reid was accepted by the overwhelming majority without any difficulty.

"The little lion is... is..." Winters was at a loss for words, and after thinking for a long time, he couldn't find a word to describe what the little lion was.

He simply had no desire to improve: "It's not Divine Vestige anyway, I'd rather raise it myself than give it to the Catholic Church."

"Actually, you already have the answer." The old cultivator said at a moderate pace: "Would you be willing to separate the two little fellows? Would you be willing to be the little fellow yourself? Flowers and grass have feelings, even more how is this kind of Spirit Beast? Raise first. , and no one will let you raise it. Don't worry, you can wait until it is an adult and then train it to return to the forest."

Winters thought about it, and there was no better way.

Release into the wild?

Not secure.

Sold to the church or some other great character?

The most important question, breaking up Bell and the little lion?

He couldn't bear it.

The little hunter and the lion cub are so close, and although the lion cub is still young, Winters' nerves are still on edge with his occasional display of wildness and strength.

Only with Bell, no matter how frolic and play, one person and one lion have never had any accidents.

Winters vaguely felt that in the eyes of the little lion, he and the old magician were still [humans], while Bell had been regarded as a [similar] by the little lion.

Perhaps only the old magician's solution is left: make sure the little lion can stand on his own, and then let him return to the forest.

"A lion raised by humans?" Winters hesitated: "Can you still learn to hunt?"

Of course, the old man said firmly: "You don't understand? Looking at the cats raised by princes and nobles, you don’t have to worry about eating and drinking. You can see that they will catch mice, which is called instinct. tsk tsk tsk ...youngster, I have short knowledge and need to learn a lot.”

Winters Speechless, judging from his life experience: Great General ignores mice when he sees them, but Little General does occasionally go home with a mouse in his mouth, and every time it leads to screaming.

The problem of the little lion is temporarily suspended, and Winters casually told the old magician about "Samukin would rather be frozen than wear dead people's clothes" just now, right as an anecdote.

didn't expect Rhett cultivator came interested.

He stroked his beard and pretended to be serious: "I think there should be more than one person who has this doubt. It may affect the army's battle strength. After all, once the fingers are frostbitten, the soldiers will not be able to fight."

Winters also became worried when he heard this: "What should I do?"

"I have a solution, when I can solve it very well."

"What? The way?"

"Simple." Reid said with a smile: "At the next mass, I will consecrate Heard's robe with some holy water, and it will be fine."

Winters was silent for a long time, half-complimenting, half-sarcastically asking the old man: "If...I mean, if you and your fanatics say cow dung is delicious, will they eat it?"



The old god stick Reid has gradually evolved from [Jesska battallion's saint] to [Plato's whole army of saints].

Even high-level officers such as Sackler and Arpad did not dare to neglect the old God. They repeatedly invited the old God to live in the Chinese army with better conditions, but the Old God Bei repeatedly refused.

As a result, Winters watched as the attitude of the generals and officers changed from "dare to neglect" to "respect and respect".

Old God stick preaching, and other battallion people, regardless of Protestants, Catholics, officers and soldiers, came to listen to the preaching.

The old god stick distributes cookies, and those who receive the sacrament can line up from the west wall of the camp to the east wall.

The existence of the little lion not only did not weaken the sense of sanctity of the old god stick, but was regarded as a Divine Vestige by the believers.

Seeing a real lion lying at the feet of the old god stick as well-behaved as a puppy, many believers shed tears and even more regarded the old man as a living Saint.

Second Lieutenant Varga, another devout believer, was furious when he heard that someone "canonized themselves".

Dazzled by religious fervor, Lieutenant Vargar storms into the Jaskar camp with his sword, vowing to slay the heretics.

After learning the news, Winters didn't even have time to put on his jacket and boots, so he grabbed a steel nail and ran to save the old man.

By the time he arrived at the scene, shirtless and barefoot, it was already too late... Vargar was kissing the corner of the old god's shirt.

Second Lieutenant Varga, who walked out of Jieska's camp, has been [Secondly Inspired] and has become the most ardent supporter of the old magician.


After hearing Winters' [cow dung] question, Rhett cultivator wasn't angry at all.

The Rhett cultivator looked Winters in the eyes.

He said to Winters earnestly, with bright eyes and serious expression: "They are just religious, not mentally retarded. Even if the Pope says cow dung is delicious, no one will eat it. All around, except you cultivators, are all believers. You should have a little respect, at least not show contempt. If you continue like this, one day your contempt will be hidden and unable to hide. Until then, How do you get along with this religious society?"

Winters lightly snorted.

The words just now were too impudent, and he knew that he was justified.

And the sudden righteousness of the old god stick made him at a loss like a urchin who was caught in the courtroom.

Speak frankly, Winters was taken aback: Rhett's cultivator's eyes seemed to look him to the end.

The carriage became quiet except for the snoring of the little lion.

"Cough, but it's okay." The old man showed a sly smile: "If I told them that cow dung can cure diseases, they should try it."

"Boom !"

The door was kicked open.

Winters stormed off in anger.

The little lion in his sleep was startled by the sound of the door kicking. He instantly bounced from the seat, his mane exploded, his four palms were sharp claw exposed, and he looked all around alertly.

"It's all right." Reid gently comforted the little lion: "Are you also fried?"


The first three battallions have left Camp, it's Jesska battallion's turn to set off.

Carriage drove past the camp, and the sour "ga zhi" sound spread throughout the camp.

Many people walked out of the tent to watch the convoy leave the camp.

A Veneta officer and several Platonic seniors also came to see off Winters.

Lieutenant Mitch and Winters punched each other: "See you at the next camp, Winters."

"See you at the next camp, Squad Leader," Winters replied.

When Winters entered Lu Academy, Mitch was in the third grade. He really served as the monitor for Winters, and he was also a senior in the sorcerer.

Taking one last look at Bian Li, Winters left everything behind and rode forward.

He came with nothing and left with a half spell.

[Decomposition Spell ], and another prototype of the spell.

According to Winters' speculation, the large spell that caused the torrential rain may not only be powered by the Hed shaman, but also the sorcerer of Palato.

The spells of the Hed shamans resonate with the sorcerers of the Alliance, their "magic" being sucked away like a sailboat entangled in a vortex - if there is such a thing as "magic" this thing.

According to this principle, the first [enemy spell] in the history of the alliance sorcerer is ready, and Winters temporarily calls it [mana vortex].

But thinking is useless, Winters needs more resources for experimentation and practice.

"The 'Antoine-Laurent' award is mine now." Winters thought: "The youngest winner."

Watching Winters' back gradually fade away, Mi Lieutenant Qi asked Lieutenant Matt who was still waving desperately beside him: "Do you think Winters · Montagne is a false person?"

"Huh?" Lieutenant Matt wiped his tears and listened to When I got to Mitch, I was slightly taken aback: "Winters...Is this kid good? What's wrong?"

"Yes, or no."


"I don't think so either. I took him for a year. He's a good boy, I know it very well." Second Lieutenant Mitch said in a deep voice, "But he was deliberately hiding it from us yesterday."

"What?" Matt was still immersed in the sadness of parting.

"I've been told that Winters killed the first warrior of Teltown with a single spear throw. Do you think he has that kind of arm strength?"

"I sound like increasingly distort the truth..."

"No, it's true." Mitch rubbed the stubble on his chin and said, "If I'm not mistaken, it's a specialized version of flying arrows. ."

Matt puzzled: "So what? Sorcerers have the movement method."

"I tried, but I can't do it." Mitch earnestly Said: "Neither precision nor power can be reproduced."

"You mean..."

"A person who is not inaccurate, but If he does something that is not true, then the information he wants to hide must be very important." Mitch straightened his body and looked at Winters' back - he could hardly see clearly, and shook his head with a wry smile: "What is the weakest? He is the strongest one. ”

[About the records of dignitaries raising wild beasts, I remember a more interesting one:

A certain Austrian archduke [Habsburg family] - which one I remember I don't know - a lion was raised, and the lion "appears and disappears unpredictably in the palace, roaming at will, occasionally eating an unfortunate servant"]

[Tell me the story of the white lion and the old god stick , the progress of the plot will be slowed down...]

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