Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 171


Chapter 171 Shadow Commander

Fate tortures both sides in a comical way.

Once upon a time, the city wall was the only way for farming civilization to resist the Barbarian Race, but now it has become a nomadic tribe hiding behind a high wall.

The Paratus fought hard, and on the fourth day of the siege, they barely filled the double-layered moat outside the southern wall.

On the fifth day of the battle, a battallion breakthrough came under the southern wall bastion. Using the chariot as a cover, the sappers began to excavate the wall to prepare for blasting.

The siege's bloodiest battle to date begins.

The Heards on the bastions poured boiling water and boiling oil out of the walls like a frenzy.

The main city gate and the three side gates slammed open, and the continuously Heard armored elite counterattacked. Some of the fierce and unafraid of death even jumped directly off the city head, jumping into the crowd and slashing wildly.

The arrows above the head are like hail, and the oil is like rain. A few steps away are the comrades and brute soldiers who are fighting, screaming, screaming, and the sound of weapons piercing the flesh. Under such circumstances, grit your teeth and dig the wall.

In the context of Veneta and the province, the "frontier people" - the Monta and the Palatine are synonymous with rudeness and barbarism.

But Winters was still impressed by the bravery and ferocity displayed by the Plato soldiers and their enemies.

The bloody battle also made Winters' auxiliary soldiers and civilians numb their scalps, so that they complained much less when they worked.

Although the siege was not going well, the Winters excavation project was progressing well.

He has successfully pushed the trenches to within 200 meters of the city wall. Several trenches are even less than 50 meters away from the city wall. The voices of the Hurd people in the city can be heard in the trenches. Clearly.

These trenches greatly shorten the attacking distance of the troops, and now Paratus soldiers can reach the city wall safely through the trenches before launching an assault.

When retreating, you can also retreat to the nearest trench and move to the rear.

In Winters' estimation, the Hurds would attack when the trenches crossed the center line.

So Winters carefully prepared countermeasures, and he had his five most elite Ten Men Squads geared up, sentries, rams and evacuation routes all over the trenches, and so on.

But the wink was thrown to blind, and the Hurd people's counterattack never appeared.

This made Winters more convinced that although the Hurds had well-planned city defenses and strong will, they lacked actual combat experience in sieging cities.

Bianli City is first-class in terms of site selection and design. Obviously, it came from their own hands. However, at present, the defenders in the city are fighting by instinct.

Their attention is focused on the competition under the city wall, and it is likely that even if the Hurd people find that the trench is gradually approaching, they will not be able to deal with it.

Or the defenders thought the battle at the wall was more important, so they ignored the trenches for a while.

No matter what the Hurds think, one side's mistakes are the other's opportunities. Since the Hurds despised the trenches, the Winters accelerated.

On the afternoon of the fifth day of the siege battle, the Palatine sappers finally arranged explosives, and the mud-covered sapper captain Andreo lit the lead by himself.

Seeing that the Paratus people scattered, and realizing that the major event was not good, the Hurds attacked again, and were desperately blocked by Captain Andreo.

The lead si si burned into the earth, and the people around the wall involuntarily held their breaths, waiting for the loud noise.

Andreo even closed his eyes because he was so close to the blasting point that he thought it was impossible to survive.

But no one heard the loud noise, the explosion sounded like a muffled fart.

As the smoke cleared, there was a large hole in the wall. The city wall stood silently in place, as if nothing had happened.

The finished apprenticeship, the wall-digging and blasting tactic that the Paratus had high hopes for, was unfavorable, and the black gunpowder of several hundred kilograms set off fireworks like this.


The fifth day of the siege, it was night.

The ensign was writing on a parchment when Lieutenant Colonel Jesska lifted the curtains of the Montagne ensign tent.

Seeing the Lieutenant Colonel coming in, Winters subconsciously blocked the parchment with a map and stood up to salute.

Jesska took everything in his eyes, he stood at the door of the tent, his tone was as cold as usual: "Sackler wants to see you."

"General Sackler ?" Winters was taken aback.

Jesska slightly nods.

"I'll pack up, I'll go." Winters took out the parchment full of handwriting from under the map, folded it in half twice, and put it into a small square wooden box.

When the second lieutenant opened the wooden box, Jessica saw that there were stacks of parchments folded in half, neat and tidy.

Winters followed the lieutenant colonel, and the two walked to the headquarters in the center of the barracks.

"The Sacklers are nice, don't be nervous," said Lieutenant Colonel Jesska.

Winters nod should be.

"Maybe it's a tactical question, you can answer whatever he asks. Sackler likes people who can get to the point. It's better to cut down on nonsense and be concise."


"Thank you sir."

The lieutenant colonel snorted lightly, and seemed to be indifferent to the "thank you".

After walking a section of the road in silence, Jesska suddenly asked, "What were you writing just now? Of don't need to say anything."

"Give Family members write letters."

"Family." The one-eyed lieutenant colonel chewed on the word: "This damn place, even if I write it, I can't send it."

"It can't be sent, But still write."

The lieutenant colonel hummed again.

In a large tent, Winters met Brigadier General Sackler.

Compared to the size of the tent itself, the style inside the tent is shabby. A bed, a desk, a hanger, that's all.

General Sackler sat on the pony, with a bench in front of him. It appears that he is using the bench as a dining table and eating dinner.

There is a plate on the bench with some goo.

As Winters entered the tent, Brigadier Sackler was holding a pickle in his left hand and eating a batter of bread in his right hand.

Just looking at this look, he doesn't look like a General with a heavy army in his hands at all, but like a farmer who just came home from work in the field.

Plateau officers generally talk about pomp and circumstance and pursue luxurious things: embroidered gold waistbands, silk horse coats, jeweled swords, a complete set of ceramic tableware...

especially It is a cavalry officer, and he is very beautifully dressed at all times, even a little too fancy.

A caustic Veneta critic sums up this tendency: "The Platonics always live in want, so for the Platonic, who rarely have enough, 'Enough' means more than anyone else."

For just a second, Winters had a sentimental judgment on Sackler: if it wasn't a Saint, it was a fake, anyway Not ordinary people.

The brigadier general was very accommodating: "Gentlemen, find a place to sit by yourself."

He said he was looking for a place to sit, but there was not even a spare bench in the tent.

Lieutenant Colonel Jesska sat unceremoniously on the brigadier general's bed. And the lieutenant is neither standing nor sitting, and finally stands obediently and honestly.

“I brought the people.” Jesska pouted: “He is Winters Montagne, and he brought people to dig those trenches.”

Winters originally thought The proofreader is only lukewarm to his subordinates, didn't expect him to speak in the same tone as the brigadier general.

Sackler took a bite of the bread and looked towards Winters: "Lieutenant Montagne?"

"Yes." Winters drew the heels of his boots together.

"I know you are wronged, you can't go home, we are sorry for you." Brigadier General Sackler said sincerely: "I promise you that when this battle is over, I will immediately arrange for you to return to Vine. Tower."

Winters had a bad feeling: "Thank you General."

"What do you think of this siege?"

"Our army will win!"

"How long do you think it will take to take the city of the Hurds?"

Winters wondered, he wanted to tell the general To be fair, what's the point of fighting?
But when the other party asked, he had no choice but to simply answer: "I don't know!"

Sackler and Colonel Jessica looked at each other with a wry smile: "If you dare to say it, just take it It's okay to guess."

"It's as short as two or three days, and it's hard to say if it's longer, it depends on the reserves of the Hurds."

"Two or three days?"

"Maybe we will be able to reach the city tomorrow."

"But today our army suffered a terrible defeat."

"The siege of a city is not about winning or losing in one day." Winters couldn't help but said: "Today has proved that wall-digging and blasting tactics are feasible. The Hurds' artillery has been firing less and less in the past few days, and their gunpowder must have bottomed out. Without the artillery, the Hurds will take There's nothing I can do about it."

After speaking, Winters paused and added: "Of course, the blasting method has to be improved."

"How to improve?"


"Strengthen the seal. It's better to blast it with a tunnel, isn't it still digging a tunnel?"

"The city wall has not been dug yet."

"The key It is still necessary to destroy the morale of the Hurds. If the Hurds do not lose their morale, even if the outer wall is broken, there will be an inner wall behind. If the inner wall is broken, there will be another fight for the house.”

Sekler laughs Shook the head: "Do you know who the Hedman guarding the city is? It is the tribe of Yasin, the barbarian chief, his relatives, direct descendants, and guards. As long as Yasin doesn't die, the Hedman in the city is not. Will give up resistance."

Winters suddenly realized that with the hatred between the Platoons and the Hudds, it would be difficult to dismantle the enemy's morale with ordinary methods.

Sackler continued: "You should have met those Heard Marauders who crossed the Netherworld River east?"


"Do you know who those Heards are?"

"I don't know." For those who don't know wasteland, the Heards are the Heards, and so is the Winters.

"Those are Naiman made up of more than 20 large and small tribes, but there is not a single person from the Chihe tribe." Sackler said with emotion: "Don't underestimate the barbarian Yaxin! He took our tribes to hook us, but let other tribes go to Palatu to loot and eat the fat. I gnawed the bones myself and gave the meat to others. With this kind of humility, if I didn’t press him today Die in this dirt city, and there will be no peace in the Palatine frontier for the next twenty years."

Winters was fascinated. At first, the battle for him was nothing more than "Platoons against the Hurds".

But as he became more and more involved, the more he discovered that the deep logic of this war was far more than the simple "frontier people and barbarians".

This is a "plow court sweeping acupoints".

While Winters was still thinking about it, Brigadier General Sackler opened the mouth and said: "Lieutenant Montagne."


The Brigadier General was amazing. : "If you are in charge of the overall planning, how long can you take Bian Li?"

Winters didn't react for a while.

Brigadier General Sackler said it again.

“Next year.” Winters replied.

Winters saw a slight difference: the brigadier general had been a little trying to find anyone or anything in a crisis.

During this siege, Winters actually commanded nearly 1,200 auxiliary soldiers and civilians.

This is the first time he has been responsible for so many people, and it has already made him a little overwhelmed.

And Winters is very clear in his heart that he can dispatch thousands of people because the commander of the auxiliary troops is his Veneta. At the same time, the second lieutenants of Veneta are the same qi, connected branch, everyone is not disgusted to listen to him if.

And the civilian husband naturally obeys the authority of the officer, so there is no need to worry about it.

"If I co-ordinate." Winters repeated earnestly, "Next year. No one will listen to me, just wait for the Hurds to starve to death."

Brigadier General Sackler Knowing what the second lieutenant meant, he explained: "Of course you don't need to go to the table, you can serve at Legion headquarters. The order is issued in the name of me and Arpad, and will not make you a target."

"Why are you so impatient?" Winters asked back, "Even if you let me go, it's just the same old three things - excavation, blasting, and shelling. We can already see signs of victory today, as long as you have patience, Bian Li The city belongs to Plato sooner or later."

"No!" Sackler's eyes were bright and serious: "must be fast! p>


That night, the Palatine Army entered the trenches and drove forward overnight.

The next day, the Palatine army once again blasted the city wall of the southern bastion.

This time the sappers used a new way of digging, instead of going straight, they dug out a corner hole. Although more work, the sealing effect is better.

The sappers in the army also improved the container for the gunpowder. Previously, for ease of handling, barreled gunpowders were fed into the blasthole. The gunpowder barrels detonated in sequence, dispersing the formidable power.

This time, only one "coffin" filled with gunpowder was used. The coffin was bound with iron rings and sealed with asphalt inside and outside.

The second blast, the explosion is no longer a dull fart.

The corner of the southern bastion was directly bombed, and the sound of the explosion even frightened the warhorses of the camp. Dirt and broken wood flew up to dozens of meters in the air, and it was like a mud rain outside the city.

As soon as the southern bastion was blown up, the newly formed grenadier battallion of the Palatine Army rushed into the breach.

As suggested by Winters, Sackler selects tall, strong, brawny soldiers from Legions 5 and 6, equipped with half-armor, full-coverage helmets, melee weapons, and iron bombs. Used for breakthrough gaps.

Although the iron bomb is heavy, it does wonders for the tough battle.

The Hurds fought back desperately.

At this time, it was impossible for the Hurds to repel the Paratus, because while the two sides were still seeing the gap, Winters had already led someone to get through the last section between the gap and the trench.

Platoon's army can continuously support gaps through trenches.

It was getting dark, and the exhausted Platoons and Heards couldn't help each other. Both sides died down, licked their wounds, and the battle came to an end.

However, in the dead of night, people, livestock and poultry within a radius of more than ten kilometers were awakened by another loud noise.

This time, it was a tunnel blasting that was almost unlimited by the amount of charge, and the North Fortress of the West Acropolis of Bianli flew into the sky.

The Hurd people in the city even thought it was an earthquake, and fled in all directions in a panic.

The two infantry battallions of the Palatine Army, which had been prepared for a long time, took advantage of the situation to attack the gap in the northern bastion.

From late night to dawn, the Bianlixi Acropolis was conquered, and the Hurds fled to the main city for refuge.

The Palatine side army on the south and north banks also took advantage of the situation to cross the river and set up a ladder to attack the East Acropolis.

As the sun rose from the horizon, Winters stood on the watchtower overlooking Bian Li, and the four-quadrant flag of Plato had been planted all over the western city.

Andre was beaming next to Winters.

The Veneta Lieutenants have heard it—the battle is over to go home, and victory is within reach.

"unable to withstand a single blow, unable to withstand a single blow!" Andre, laughed heartily, patted Winters hard on the shoulder.

"The battle hasn't been won yet, so don't be in a hurry to celebrate." Winters also showed a smile, and he stretched out his hand to call for the messenger: "Go to Brigadier General Sackler. Lieutenant Mason has collected Hurd from there. man's cannonball. Let Lieutenant Mason take the shells to the front, turn the cannons of the Hurds, and blast the main city gate. ”

The messenger climbed down the outpost and ran quickly to Legion headquarters.

Winters had an unprecedented sense of satisfaction that the army was at his disposal like a chess piece, and he was free from restrictions There's nothing that excites him more than to make a plan and watch it happen.

Even though he's just a scheming facilitator, he finds it all gives him an omnipotent delusion, He couldn't help but ask himself, "This is power? Dangerous and intoxicating. "

In the morning light, groups of soldiers left their attack positions and drove towards Bianli City.

Winters reached out and touched the locket: "The hearts of the Hurds have been shaken, Maybe it is really possible to fight and go down. "

Behind him, out of his sight, a rider rushed straight into the gate of the barracks. The guards stopped him immediately, and the rider fell off his horse, shouting and crawling toward Legion headquarters.

Five minutes later, Winters received a note.

The joy on his face faded, and the wrinkles on his forehead began to appear little by little.

"What's wrong? "Andre noticed something strange.

In the field of vision, the Palatu squadrons who were marching towards Bianli turned their directions one by one, and the green helmeted and feathered Chuanlin soldiers rode their horses towards the West Acropolis.

Winters raised the note in his hand, his expression unusually calm: "The reinforcements from the Hurds are here. "

[Winters' illusion is actually the illusion of the military staff, the old Japanese mainland graduates. Winters and other Veneta ensigns did a staff job. They made plans , Sackler and Arpad make decisions. However, there is no such military post as staff in this era, so this chapter is called "Shadow Commander"]
I'm late, sorry, mainly because it's not good in the previous chapter, so I put the I'll post it at the end.

There may be a little bit of abuse, but I didn't realize it until I wrote it. The FLAG is full...but I'm sure Winters can go back to Veneta, tomorrow or in the future.

Thanks to the book friends who have voted for the recommendation before and the book friends who voted for the recommendation today, thank you all, bow;

Thanks to the book friends Mr. Teacher, cclihua, book friend 121219172307533 for the reward, thank you all;

Thanks to book friend Yoger, [book friend with Russian name], Falling Leaf Flying Flower, desperate 620, AyaCrystal, Wangan butcher Monthly tickets for Dicos, iRuin, 3:00 Blue, Windbreaker 4000, TheRedButton, Book Friends 20200227214355974, thank you all;

Thanks again to the book friends who voted for the recommendation, thank you all.

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