Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 147


Chapter 147 Lottery and Lions

“South New Village, Bart Shalling!”

"Hexi Village, 'Redface' Philpot!"


Washika took out a small piece of paper with her name written on it from the iron pan and handed it to her body Panviche next to it.

The old steward registered on the roster while reading aloud the words on the note.

One name after another resounded through the town square, and the farmers who were named were ashen-faced.

There are more and more small pieces of paper piled next to Pan Weiqie's right hand, and 48 places are about to be filled.

Someone counted aloud in the town square and had reached 47.

Everyone watched nervously as Vashka pulled out the last note from the wok, and many believers were praying silently.

Pray that you don't hear your own or your family's name next.

Panweiqie took the last paper sign from Vashka and was stunned for a moment.

"Read it!" Someone in the square couldn't help urging.

Pan Weiqie took a deep look at the youngster beside him and read aloud: "Dusa Village, Vashka Sergeinovich Morozov!"


All candidates for military service have been identified.

In the eyes of pity, 80 youngsters stepped out of the crowd and stood on the open space of the town square, the first time the Hundred Men Squad of Wolf Town gathered.

Sergey shouted the order loudly, and several old Dussacks ran in the queue, lining up the young men who were standing scattered in four neat rows.

With the formation of the queue, these peasant boys finally have the appearance of soldiers.

Father Anthony began to lead the newly recruited militiamen to take the oath. He recited a sentence, and the militiamen followed. Then one by one they went up to Father Anthony and kissed the Book and the Saint Artifact.

The oath was over, and the militia re-arranged to listen to the second lieutenant.

“Fleeing from service is a serious crime, family members are together, don’t take risks.” Winters opened with a brief statement: “Many of you are still young, and many of you have never taken weapons. But after the oath, there are no children, no farmers, only soldiers. From this moment on, you are bound by military law. Go home and prepare to kiss your parents, wives, and children."

Winters glanced Face after face, he concluded: "Now, soldiers, go home. May you all be blessed." It was over, but things were not as simple as he thought. The draw ceremony just announced the end of the first half and the second half has just begun.

Before the crowd had dispersed, Hoffmann's father and son went to Lieutenant Montagne. The Hoffman family is the owner of the Golden Spike Manor, and can be regarded as the number one landlord in Wolf Town.

The piece of paper with Little Hoffman's name written on it had just been pulled out of the iron pot, and Old Hoffman was obviously reluctant to let his son leave home to serve.

"Mr. Hoffman." Winters politely and resolutely blocked the other party in advance: "The lottery ceremony is absolutely fair, your son is unlucky to be selected, and I can't help you."

"Understood, my lord, we understand." Old Hoffman rubbed his hands together and said, "I mean...still in the same way as in previous years?"

"What in previous years?" Winters Eyebrows raised inadvertently.

Old Hoffman replied as it should be by rights: "My lord, of course, the previous years were the way of the previous years."

Soon, Winters knew that the old Hoffman said What is the way.

The approach is an unexpected one.

"My lord." Berrian, the young blacksmith, stood before the second lieutenant: "I volunteered to serve in the place of Mr. Hoffman Jr."

"I didn't ask you Is it?" Winters glanced at the blacksmith: "You said you didn't want to."

As early as when the draft order was issued, Winters asked the blacksmith "Would you like to sign up for the militia"?
Blacksmiths are always needed in the army, especially those with ability.

Skilled soldiers like Berrian not only avoid the heavy manual labor of digging trenches and building camps, but also receive double their salary.

At that time, Berian smiled silently and shook the head, rejecting the second lieutenant's proposal. But now he took the initiative to come to serve in place of Little Hoffman.

Hearing the second lieutenant's question, Berian replied calmly: "I don't want it now."

"So it is." Winters nominated: "You sold yourself. How much?"

"Mr. Hoffman gave a very fair price."

The conscripts paid to hire someone to serve in their place, something Winters also heard Yes, but he's not sure if it's legal.

After Berrion left, Winters found Girard to ask and learned that "substitute" was common sense in Palato.

As long as they get enough manpower, the Legion in Xinkendi doesn't care if there are any replacements.

In previous years, if the son of the owner of the wolf town manor was selected, he would spend a sum of money to hire someone to replace him, as long as the roster has not been handed over to the station.

However, if the replacement evades service, the original service member will also sit together, so the candidate must be honest and reliable.

It is not uncommon for tenant farmers and long-term workers to serve for others several times in a row, and it is not uncommon for them to use the money accumulated by their replacement to buy land and become self-cultivators.

"Berion? Misha's helper? Misha likes him closely." Girard thought for a while, then said, "Didn't he have a brother working at Hoffman's? I think it was for him. Younger brother, buy a fortune."

Winters has a hard time hiring a replacement. But this is also a kind of fairness in disguise, and he doesn't want to break the original operating rules.

So Hoffman Jr.'s name was crossed out from the roster, and "Berryon of South Village" was added.

Before the ink on the roster was dry, Bell ran over happily: "Sir, I volunteered to serve in place of Mr. Wilkes!"

Winters finally realized Mr. Mitchell old The mood when picking up the stick.

"What are you doing here?" He forcibly suppressed the idea of beating the brat in front of him: "I haven't figured out what to do with your new pet!"


Time goes back five days ago, in the hunter's hut.

Winters, Bell and a - now at worst than a cat but will surely grow to several hundred kilograms - a lion cub in the same room.

Bell quickly picked up the lion cub from the ground and protected it in his arms. The little lion let out a dissatisfied whimper and tried hard to climb onto Bell's shoulder.

"My lord, I beg you not to kill it." Bell pleaded, and he stepped back while holding the cub, almost crying.

Silence, lasting more than ten seconds of silence.

Winters sighed, ask: "Is it weaned now?"

"Not yet."

"Then what are you feeding it?"


"In the beginning, it was dog milk. Someone in Hedong Village gave birth to a dog. Later, there was not enough dog milk, so I bought goat milk from others."

"If you want money, just For this?"

Bell nodded.

“Speak straight to me?” Winters dragged his chair and sat down. “Put it down. It’s so hard for you to hold the little thing. If I want to kill it, you stop it too. Can't stop."

Bell wiped his tears and put the lion cub on the ground cautiously, and the free lion cub quickly hid in the corner of the room.

The pitiful appearance of the little hunter reminded Winters of Elizabeth who was picked up from outside when he was a child and begged Kesha for adoption by the little general - but he was not called the little general at that time, just one eye had not opened. cat boy.

The scene in front of him inadvertently touched a soft spot in his heart.

[Don't be impatient. ] Winters thought, admonishing himself: [Use what Bell understands. ]
The poor second lieutenant is not married yet, and is already experiencing the pain of raising children.

"Male or female?" Winters gestured to the other chair across the table: "Don't stand, sit down and talk."

"Male." Bell sat obediently on the chair.

"When it's two months old, it's not enough to drink milk. By that time, it needs to eat meat, you know?"

Bell hook the head first , and quickly nodded.

"It's going to eat meat, how are you going to feed it then?" Winters asked sharply.

Bell hurriedly replied: "I can hunt! I hunt rabbits, deer, and wild boars to feed it!"

"With your ability, you should be able to feed it before it is half a year old. Fill it up. I'll be generous, and you can feed it until it's a year old." Winters tapped the table lightly, staring closely at the little hunter's eyes: "But do you know how long the lioness will have her cubs?"

The little hunter stared blankly.

"Two years less." Winters said coldly: "According to the Rhett cultivator, it is not surprising that the cub follows the lioness for three years. You have also seen the size of its mother, it is Can you still feed it after one year old?"

"At that time, I can put it back in the forest, and it will be able to eat enough when it preys on its own in the forest." Bell still defended himself.

“Boy, have you ever had a cat?” Winters asked a wild question.

The little huntershook the head.

"Only a kitten brought up by a mother cat will catch a mouse, because the mother cat will teach the kitten how to hunt. A cat that has been fed by a human will not catch a mouse even if it is placed in front of you. You Is it a lioness? Will it go hunting after eating what you feed?"

"I..." Bell speechless.

"I'll ask you again, why did your father kill his mother so desperately?" Winters didn't give the little hunter a chance to breathe, and asked himself: "Because it cannibalize its mother. And why is its mother? Can it eat people? Isn't it because the prey in the forest can't get enough? You send it back to the forest and it will be full? Isn't it going to repeat its mother's tragedy again?"

Good again After a while of silence, Bell sobbed and said, "I don't care, I just can't kill it anyway."

The little lion hiding in the corner of the room was gradually no longer afraid. The strange and terrifying erect ape crawled over.

Winters felt something touch his boots, and looked down to realize that the lion cub had run out at some point, rubbing and gnawing at the toe of his boot.

He picked up the lion cub. The cub's body was fluffy, soft, and warm. It really felt like a cat's touch.

Bell was taken aback. Just wanted to come up to grab it, but saw that the second lieutenant just put the little lion on the table to tease casually, and sat back on the chair again.

"You don't want to kill it, do you?" Bell asked cautiously.

"I didn't say that. If I thought it was going to plague Wolftown in the future, I wouldn't hesitate. But there's a lot of possibilities right now." Winters rubbed the lion cub. With a round belly, the little lion whimpered in dissatisfaction: "Have you helped it defecate and urinate today?"

Bell was obviously panicked: "What?"

" Don't you understand? It is estimated that the dog mother you found for him did it for him." Winters sighed: "Otherwise, this little fellow would have died long ago. It is also his tenacious life force that can hold on to your hand until now."

Winters took out the handkerchief from his arms and dipped it in warm water to gently wipe the cub's excretion area. After a while, the handkerchief was completely wet with pale-yellow liquid.

After holding back the urine for several days, the bladder finally stopped squeezing, and the little lion yawned comfortably.

"Boy, haven't you realized yet?" Winters walked to the sink to wash his hands, and said without looking back, "You don't have the ability to take care of this little fellow right now, put it in the Here, you will be killed sooner or later. It's a matter of ability, not a matter of will."

Although Bell was not convinced, but seeing the handkerchief on the table wet with pale-yellow liquid, he But speechless.

"And even if you can raise it, you have no idea what to do with it when it grows up." Winters, who had washed his hands, sat back in his seat and pointed to the handkerchief on the table with his chin: "Clean it up and return it to me tomorrow."

"Then what do you say..." Bell said dejectedly.

"The best fate for this giant beast in the future is probably to live in the cage of a high-ranking official. Send it to the emperor's court, then it will live very comfortably in the future." Winters said with a wry smile: "Maybe the Veneta governor will be happy to buy a lion back as a mascot."

"No!" Bell suddenly stood up: "That's for Tengger. Insult!"

The little lion was startled, and rolled off the table and fled to the corner of the room.

Winters leaned on his chin and said at a moderate pace, "But it can't go back into the woods either. I'm the resident officer of Wolftown, and if there's any danger to the people of Wolftown, I will No. You have to put it back, then either I will kill it, or someone from another town will kill it. Do you want to see this scene?"

"I'll keep it for the rest of my life. ' Bell murmured.

Winters said with a smile: "Let's not talk about money. When it grows up, I'm afraid there won't be enough pigs and sheep in the whole town to eat."

The little hunter was silent again .

"I'm curious, why do you have to protect it?" Winters asked earnestly.

"Because it is the spirit of the wilderness, the darling and mount of Tengeri." Bell whispered, "My mother said it."

"Your mother is Heard. People, right?"


"But your father killed a giant lion before."

"giant lion to kill My father, my father also wants to kill giant lion, which is fair." Bell continued to whisper: "But Tengger does not allow indiscriminate killing of cubs. My family has owed a debt to Heavenly God for a cub, I'm going to pay my father back, or he won't be able to rest in peace and reincarnate."

"Oops, I'm still a believer, I don't understand now." Winters thought.

Bell called out softly, and the lion cub ran meekly from the corner of the house, not at all like when he was just frightened.

It climbed onto Bell's knee, rubbed its head against Bell's chin, and licked Bell's face.

Seeing the close relationship between one person and one lion, Winters didn't know what to do: "Send it to captivity, you don't want to."

The little hunter nodded.

"It might be feasible to send it back to the forest, but I don't agree." Winters said helplessly, fiercely, and have no desire to improve: "You little bastard, go to the circus later. !"


Time returned to the present, and Bell ran happily: "Sir, I volunteered to serve in place of Mr. Wilkes!"

" What are you doing to make trouble? I haven't figured out what to do with your new pet!"

"I figured out what to do!" Bell exclaimed excitedly, his eyes full of joy: "The white lion is a sacred relic among the four-legged people, we can return the white lion to the big sweat!"

Winters shuddered at the little hunter's head: "I'm going to make peace with you. The 'Khan' fought a war!"

[Note: The tribes of the four-legged people are the self-proclaimed name of the Hed people, which means those who ride horses. ]
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