Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 133


Chapter 133 Two Guards
Winters was shocked by the words of the old cultivator, he asked rhetorically : "Isn't the Plateau Republic now sitting on a volcanic crater?"

"Almost, at least in the new land." Reid cultivator did not refute: "Plato does not suppress mergers, and a few hold the majority. Land. The rich have fields, like the Mitchells; the poor have no place to stand, and the tenants can't be a farmer, so they can only be long-term workers. Landlords are greedy and suppress the poor to cultivate land in order to grab more land. There's chaos. In my opinion, there's only one reason why there's no civil uprising in this place, and it's nothing more than 'large area and sparsely populated'."

"Old Guy, you're not being alarmist." Winters endured He couldn't stop defending the Mitchell family: "You say the landlord is greedy, but I think the Mitchell family are good people."

The old cultivator said calmly: "Gillard is indeed a generous person. A man, but his character has nothing to do with the desires of the entire landlord group. For example, there are good and bad soldiers, but in the battlefield, no matter whether they are good or bad, they have to kill the enemy. Take each landlord's house out and see it. Some of the families are above average. But is it fake that they annexed the land?"

Speaking sharply and eloquently, where is the fledgling ensign who is the opponent of the senior clergy.

But Winters was still a little unconvinced: "But if these things can exist to this day, doesn't it mean that there is no problem?"

"Boy, it's not 'existing' to this day, it is 'Sustain' to this day! Politics is not a rock, it is a building block, and it is never a static thing." Reid cultivator smiled even more: "No one knows what will happen in the future. Everything has an end, there is no undead monarch, no The country of destruction. To be honest, I really want to see where this system will go in the end."

Winters sighed, the old magician in front of him became rambunctious again, he already had some got used to. But the reason why he came to seek alms cultivator at night was actually something else, it was just that accidentally Old God Bei had misdirected the topic.

"Enough." Winters complained, "I came to ask you what you think about the establishment of a standing security team in Wolf Town, but you didn't say a word about it, and you told me a lot about it if it had nothing to do with it. Heap."

"I mention you because I look up to you." Reid cultivator feigned anger: "Boy, don't tell good from bad, the old man's time is very precious."

Winters' original idea was not to disband the militia and keep training weekly. However, the idea of Mayor Mitchell took a big step on this basis, which made Second Lieutenant Montagne hesitate.

If it is in Hailan, Winters can go to Antonio to discuss any doubts, and it is not embarrassing for him to ask the elders.

There is no one he can rely on in Langtun Town, Bud and Andre are both dozens of kilometers away. But he also wanted to hear other people's thoughts on it, preferably objective, neutral thoughts.

Thinking about it, he can only ask the opinion of Rhett cultivator. After all, the old cultivator lived for ninety-five years (self-proclaimed) and still accumulated some wisdom - which Winters had to admit, and the old cultivator was a third party with no interest.

"Alright, alright, you've also drunk the wine, let's get down to business. Is it really feasible to organize a standing security team in a small place like Langtun?" Winters glanced at the bottom of the wine on the table. bottle. It's hard to ask for something empty-handed, so Winters brought a bottle of wine to the door, didn't expect the old cultivator to get excited as soon as he drank and began to talk nonstop.

"Yes!" Reid cultivator threw his hands: "It seems that I have said everything in vain before."

"What do you mean?"

"Have to be Can you understand the words clearly?" Reid cultivator said helplessly: "Of course it is feasible. In the small place of Wolf Tun, if Gillard supports it, and you support it, it will definitely be done."

" I think the wolf town is too small to support full-time soldiers." Winters expressed his concerns: "Is it adding a burden to the people by forcing the establishment of a security guard?"

"There is no need for that. You take care of it. Let Girard be responsible for the money, and you can be Chief-In-Charge." Reid cultivator disagreed: "The military book says that fifteen men can support one soldier. You and Girard work together. , Organizing a squid is this not just reaching over to snatch away the grain? If you can't support full-time soldiers, then they are half-agricultural and half-soldiers."

"Will there be any objections? "

"Who dares to object?" The old cultivator's eyebrows stood up. "What do the security forces do?"

Winters suddenly remembered the Veneta Standing Army, compared to the outside world. At times, the standing army is always more inwardly. He was a little disinterested: "Okay, let's do as Mayor Mitchell wants."

"No! Have to do as you want." Rhett cultivator stroked his beard, at a moderate Pace said: "The key to the Guard is the selection of candidates. It must not be faked by others. You must choose it yourself."


"Then you might as well think about it. , what will happen if Gillard is asked to recommend and select people?" The old cultivator chuckled.

After thinking for a while, Winters tentatively answered, "They're all from Dusa?"

"That's right, if Gillard picks someone, the security team must be all of them. Dusa people." Reid sneered: "Dusa people are brave and fierce, and their equestrian skills are superb. Even if it is a fair selection, how can any farmer be comparable to them? But you are not the resident officer of Dusa Village, you are the whole wolf village. The resident town officer. The structure of the security team must be balanced, otherwise the other villages will not be convinced.”

What the old sage said was true, Winters pondered nodded: “Then what should we do? The village chooses one person?"

"Yes, just choose one person from each village." Reid cultivator glanced at Winters with relief: "Dusa Village can choose two or three, so that Dusa No one can gossip. Everyone will not be satisfied, but everyone can accept it, and this is the proven mystery of politics."

This kind of plot against made Winters very boring, he sighed: "Rui De, I have one more thing to ask you."

Winters then repeated Sergey's speech at the funeral, detailing the different reactions of Dusa and other villagers.

"What the hell does Sergey mean? Who is Ralvnovich?" Winters asked. "He only seems to say a few compliments. Why are the other Dusa people so surprised?"

"Why do you care about the Dusa people?" Reid cultivator eyebrow raised .

"Ralph entrusted me to take care of his son before he died." It was still a little sad when it came to the old hunter Winters: "I have to figure out what Sergey means, whether it is malicious to Bell."

"That's right." Reid cultivator also sighed: "Ralph is indeed a rare hero, it's a pity."

The old cultivator stroked his long beard a few times, frowned Said: "Don't worry, Sergey should have good intentions. Ralph Novich means Ralph's son, and he wants to restore Ralph's son to Dussac."

"What do you mean? Isn't Bell a Dusa? Half a Dusa?" Winters entered the blind spot of knowledge.

"Dussas and Dussacs, these are two concepts." Reid cultivator explained while leaning on the table: "The Dussas are not exactly a race, but a way of life. The people who follow a certain way of life are the Dusa people, their bloodline can be said to be a mess, and their ancestors are myriad.

And not every Dusa is a Dusa, Ralph should It was because he was deprived of his Dussak identity that he could not live in the village of Dussac. The father is not Dussac, so naturally his son cannot be Dussac. Sergey wants to restore Ralph's son's Dussac identity, which is why It's a good thing for Bell."


"Because Dussac's identity is linked to the land." Reid cultivator asked back: "You know what grants Farm system?"

"Uh...I don't know."

Rid cultivator was a little stiff after sitting for too long, he stood up and paced and said: "In the shade mountain The empire on the other side of the range, Dussac is known as the 'Emperor's Whip'. Their way of life is extremely special. Every Dussac male is destined to serve for life when he is born, and he has to prepare his own horse. As a reward, the emperor will grant them rich land, enough to make them rich peasants and small landlords.

The emperor gave Dussak land, so he ordered Dussac to kill anyone, and Dussac would kill anyone. There was no hesitation. So most of the time Dussack was used to suppress rebellions, and they never killed farmers softly, so they were called 'whips'. This is the land grant system."

Winters listened and nodded: "Then how can they farm for life? What's the use of giving them land?"

"Lifetime service doesn't mean lifelong military service." The old cultivator said with a smile : "The system of granting land is a very complicated system. Dussac will serve six years in one term, and then he can go home to grant land. After a few years, he will serve the second term of military service for three years. Lifetime military service means forever. They're all on the roster, ready to be called up."

Winters whispered an "oh".

Reid cultivator pondered and continued: "The problem is that Dussak's settlement is within the empire, and the Dussas are all citizens of the empire. Although I don't know how this group of Dussacs got there. It's from Plato... But as far as I know, the Council of Plato treats them in the same way as the Emperor, and also exchanges their loyalty with the grant of land. So for these Dusa people, it's nothing more than a change The master holds the whip, and there is no other difference.

And the men who serve for life among the Dussas are called Dussacs—women are naturally not Dussacs. Only Dussacs can serve. , granting land, starting a family and starting a business. Dusak's identity is an obligation and a right. Sergey wants Ralph's son to serve, grant land, and return to Dussa Village. It's a good thing for that kid, Don't worry."

Winters' biggest worry is the local tyrant embarrassing the little hunter. Now that he understands that Sergey has good intentions for Bell, Winters is sighed in relief.

It was a little late, and Winters looked towards Rhett's farewell.



For the next few days, Winters and Girard were focused on general affairs.

Wolftown's wounds are gradually healing. Life has to go on, people gradually stop taking the initiative to mention the victims, it seems that the pain can be forgotten in this way.

Beast plagues have gradually evolved from the vivid memories in people's minds to faded stories in the old people's mouths, and Winters sees all these in their eyes.

He visited the families of each of the deceased, experienced indifference, hatred, and gratitude. He can never make up for the trauma of the death of his relatives, and he can only do everything he can to comfort the families of the dead and wounded.

By contrast, the job of organizing a standing militia is much easier.

Winters changed Sunday archery training to militia training as a borough officer.

The men from each village go to the town center in the morning to attend Sunday services, and receive military training at noon and in the afternoon.

Because the original intention was to prevent animal disasters, not to let the militia go to the battlefield. Therefore, the training subjects formulated by Winters do not include content such as queues and squares. It's just simple weapon use training, plus some tactical training for beasts summarized by Winters.

The old hunter passed away, Winters originally wanted the militia to patrol the woods near the village once a week.

But he considers that patrolling and standing guard are the jobs that require the most perseverance, and the militia will definitely not be able to persist in the long run. So he could only instruct the militiamen who went into the mountains to collect firewood to pay more attention to the situation in the woods.

Preparations for the security guard were smoother, as Winters stumbled across the money issue.

Because Langtun Town has less than ten permanent residents, but it is an unquestionable "town" in terms of procedures. Therefore, after a village is established as a town, 20% of the taxes collected each year will be used as the financial funds of the town government.

And the mayor of Wolf Town is amazingly honest. Winters has never seen such a clean public servant as Gillard Mitchell in his life.

Mayor Mitchell eats and lives in his own house, rides his own horse, and owns his own forage, and even the clerk was brought by Mrs. Mitchell when she got married Steward Pan Weiqie concurrently.

Aside from hiring farmers from several surrounding villages to mend and repair dirt roads in winter, Gillard has been the mayor for more than ten years and has no other place to spend.

Oh, except for one more recent expense - the scribe's salary for the Rhett cultivator.

Steward, scribe and accountant, Pan Weiqie, kept the accounts neatly and at a glance the use and surplus of the town government's funds.

The surplus accumulated over the years has turned into a sum of neither too big nor too small, more than enough to buy a small arsenal. Winters didn't intend to make the security guard too big, a Ten Men Squad was a bit too much in his opinion.

[Note: Ten Men Squad is full of only eight people, Ten Men Squad is a customary name]
even more how essentially as a "tax officer", Mayor Mitchell theoretically has the power to The people of Wolf Town levy an additional "police tax".

But given Wolf Town's good financial situation, there is no need to resort to this for the time being.

After Winters and the village chiefs of the five villages discussed and understood respectively, the matter of the security guards in Langtun Township was quickly settled.

Langtun Town has five villages under its jurisdiction, and Winters will select one person from each village to serve as a part-time guard.

Part-time guards are also paid a salary, they are not full-time, and they provide their services as long as they are needed. For example, to help maintain order on Sundays.

Normally part-time guards still live in the village like other farmers, and are responsible for the daily security of each village.

Winters will also select a few more people as full-time full-time guards. The candidates for full-time guards are not limited to a certain village. Winters decides with one word.

Full-time and part-time combined, the total number of guards does not exceed one Ten Men Squad [eight], i.e. a maximum of three full-time guards.

As the old magician said: everyone is not satisfied, but everyone can accept it. So in the end no one objected to Winters.

Winters actually thinks the three full-time guards are a bit too much, because he is normally in the town hall. With a sorcerer officer in charge and virtually no need for any guards, 2nd Lieutenant Montagne can do it all alone.

Even considering that one day he'll be back in Veneta, one or two full-time guards in town will suffice, and Winters already has a good fit.


"Me? You want me to be a guard in town?" Stable Anglo stared wide-eyed, the bruises on his face still not going away. "Sir, don't tease me!" the half-hearted boy shouted in a hoarse voice.

"I'm not kidding." Winters patted the pony's shoulder: "The stablemate can't keep doing it all the time. Let's go? Being a guard will not delay your granting of fields. You can work in town until you are twenty, and you can continue to work when you come back from your first term of service. I made an agreement with Mayor Mitchell, and I will give you You keep the position."

Winters had always liked this little stablemate who knew horses, because the kid reminded him of Bud. Not to mention that the pony herdsman saved his life in the first battle of the bear hunt, which made him want to find a chance to express his gratitude.

Anglo looked down at his toes and hummed softly, "Actually...actually I just like being a horse herder."

"en?" Winters wondered: " Why?”

According to Reid cultivator, the status of the horsemen in the Dussas society is not high, and most of the time it is the Dussacs who are punished or the Dussas who cannot play. Appointed to be a horse herd.

"Because I can ride a horse as I want, and I'm happy enough to be able to ride a horse." Anglo snorted softly: "I don't have a warhorse myself, and I can't ride a horse if I'm not a stablemate, so I don't want to be a guard in the town."

Winters laughed: "Boy, I can ride a horse. Enough?"

"Enough." the stablemate shrugged.

Winters thought about it and decided to persuade the pony herder in a different way: "You have to prepare your own horses for service in Dussack, right?"

"When you are on duty, the boss will give you A sum of money to buy a horse." Anglo replied in a low voice.

"Is that money enough to buy a war horse?"

Anglo lowered his head and said in a lower voice: "Not enough."

"Then you What should I do? You don't have a warhorse, no equipment, you can't go..." Winters paused for a while: "...I'm on duty, can you still get the land?"

Anglo stopped talking, halfway through. The eldest child is still immature, and he almost burst into tears after being uttered by a few words.

Winters hits the railroad while it's hot: "You don't have money to be a horseman, but you get paid for your job in town. You can save your salary when you go to town, although you can't ride casually for the time being. But wait for you. When you are 20 years old, the money you have saved plus the money you are given to buy horses should be enough to buy a warhorse, and you can go on duty. When you get back from your first term of service and get the land, then you are the real one. Dussack, he has his own land, war horses, family..."

Angelo cried out with a "wow", and nodded agreed to go to the town "as an errand".

"Why are you brat crying?" Winters rubbed the pony's hair helplessly: "It's not like I won't let you get on the saddle again, I can lend you Red Mane to ride."


"My mother..." Anglo sobbed: "...When my mother died, she was looking forward to me becoming a Dussac, I thought I would never be a Dussac... ..."

Winters was also a little sad, and he squeezed the pony's shoulder and said nothing.

"And...sir..." Anglo wiped two tears hard: "Don't be too tired to Ryzhik, take good care of it. Teller is gone, next year The only stallion in the village horse group is Rezhik...but you don't cherish it at all..."

"I don't cherish red mane..." Winters was so angry that he laughed and slapped him on the small On the stable's head: "Then Redmane will take care of you after that, and when you arrive in the town, you will specially raise horses for me!"

Winters only intends to arrange two full-time guards in the town. The stable Anglo had taken a position, and the other candidate had already been decided early on.

Bell, the little hunter, was brought to town by Winters from the hut in the woods and became the second official guard of the Wolftun Town Guard.

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