Iron Power And Sorcerer Chapter 124


Chapter 124 cultivator
Winters didn't expect "De brother" is actually such an old man with vicissitudes.

There is no trace of black in the old man's beard and hair, and the skin has slackened, as if drooping on the bones.

Because of his age, the inevitable bone loss made his body a little rickety, but his eyes hidden in the wrinkles were still shining.

The cultivator, dressed in a sackcloth gray robe, looked at the Wolf Town Hall and the two public officials calmly and composed, as if he were the master of the place.

In front of this old man, Gillard and Sergey can only be regarded as young men. Kaman called him "Reid brother", but in fact his age was more than enough for him to be a great-grandfather.

“Old Mister, how old are you?” Winters asked politely. Considering the general hearing impairment of the elderly, he deliberately raised the volume by a seventh: "Seventy? Eighty?"

"Don't worry, Your Excellency, I'm not too old to be deaf." Reid cultivator laughed heartily The author said: "Frankly, old man is ninety-five this year!"

Father Kaman also explained: "Reid's brother was not consecrated until he was sixty years old. He took an oath to become a cultivator, Even though he is ninety-five years old, he is still traveling and preaching."

"Ninety-five? Did I see the live Saint?" Girard, who was fifty-five, started, and quickly put himself He moved his chair to the old cultivator: "Please sit down, old man, you look young..."

Reid cultivator was not polite and sat down generously.

The ninety-five-year-old alms-cultivator shocked Winters, too, but he noticed another anomaly: the old man spoke in an awkward accent that sounded like he was speaking in another. The language imitates the pronunciation of the lingua franca.

"Ryder cultivator? You're not from Cenas, are you?" Winters frowned.

The old cultivator smiled and replied, "No, it's not."

"Are you a Celica? From the East?"

" Your Excellency is very knowledgeable." The old cultivator said with a smile: "Few people can tell that I am from Celica, and most people think that I am a Saracens from the East even if they recognize that I am not a Senus. "

Sure enough! Winters thought.

For the Cenas or the Empire on this continent, "Oriental" generally refers to the Saracens in the Near East, and "Oriental" naturally refers to the territory of the modern Freman Empire .

And the east of the east, the turning point of the monsoon route, the land of spices, silk and porcelain, the far east, is called the Far East in geographical scholar mouths.

But most people in this age don't know the difference between the East and the Far East, and they don't need this knowledge either. Besides scholar, only businessmen knew that there was another powerful empire in the far east.

For everyone else, there is no difference between the Celicas of the Far East and the Saracens of the Near East.

But from the moment the cultivator entered the door, Winters felt that the old man was from the Far East.

Although there are thousands of faces, people in different regions have subtle differences in their facial features. Even if you can't tell where the difference is, you can recognize it intuitively.

The altar cultivator is too old, with loose skin, layers of wrinkles, and deposits of pigment that hide the appearance of a foreigner.

So to the less perceptive, Rhett cultivator is just an old man with a strange accent.

"It's nothing, I just met some Celica merchants from the Far East in Veneta." Winters did not accept the compliment, but found the old man more suspicious: "I'm curious, a How did the Celica get the Catholic priesthood? Could it be that the church has spread to the Far East?"

"Oh, this speaking of which is a long story, I'm afraid three days and three nights from the beginning I can't finish talking." The old cultivator stroked his long beard and said with a smile: "I was converted, ordained and consecrated in Rhode Island. As for why a Celica became a Catholic cultivator? I don't understand either, it's probably the Lord's arrangement."

Winters wanted to keep asking, but was interrupted by Gillard.

" are from the easternmost part of the world?" Old Dussack's attitude became awe-inspiring and respectful.

"In a sense." The alms-cultivator stroked his beard and said with a smile, "Yes."

Girard's expression became more and more respectful, and he I was about to kiss the corner of the cultivator's clothes: " are Saint?"


Looking at the appearance of old Dussac's bent knees, Winters was simply out of breath.

He coughed twice, and asked the old man lukewarmly, "I thought Karman said Rhett's brother was youngster, you are ninety-five years old, and you have to come and be me. Scribe?"

"What?!" Girard became anxious, he jumped up and shouted: "How can Rhett cultivator be a scribe?"

"Mr. Mitchell, please don't be impatient." The alms-cultivator waved to Girard, and the old Dussack immediately calmed down like a tame puppy.

Immediately afterwards, Rhett cultivator said calmly: "I'm here to apply for a scribe. I'm going to spend the winter in Wolf Town this year, so I'm looking for a job that can support myself."

"How can you do the work of a scribe, please come to my house. I am willing to support you anytime." Girard said eagerly.

"Mr. Mitchell, I am a cultivator." Reid smiled and looked at the head: "I swore to be poor, I would not eat without labor, and I would not accept free offerings from others. ”

Gillard was even more moved when he heard this, he even knelt on the ground involuntarily and held up the cultivator's clothes on his lips, his eyes were red, and he almost cried on the spot.

Winters only felt a chill when he saw this scene, involuntarily rolled the eyes, he thought to himself: "Well, even if this old goddess makes Mr. Mitchell jump off the cliff, I am afraid he will not have the He jumped down with slightest hesitation."

Looking at the old magician in front of him, Winters became more and more annoyed, and he asked in a prickly tone: "Rid cultivator, the scribe's work is very heavy, I'm afraid you are one of them. The old man can't do it, can he?"

"Please rest assured, Mr. Montagne. Don't look at the old man's age, his brain is still clear, and his hands can still be used." The cultivator's smile became more kind and kind: "The copy Scrolling, calculating money and keeping accounts, nothing difficult; internal and external medical skills, incurable diseases, I have some experience; Mass confession, baptism and blessing are my own work; even if it is exorcism, dream interpretation and divination, old man also I know a thing or two..."

The old cultivator's eloquent, tongue-twister-like speech stunned Winters and Girard on the side.

The more Rhett cultivator spoke, the more respectful and humble Girard's attitude became.

But the more Winters listened, the more he felt that the old man in front of him was simply not a cleric, but a swindler.

Winters looked suspiciously towards Kaman priest, and the young priest responded with an awkward smile.

Winters and Kaman were relatively silent, Girard listened devoutly, the old cultivator twitched his beard and smiled, and the town hall fell silent for a while.

The door was suddenly pushed open, and the grocer who lost one's head out of fear once again brought bad news: "Sir! Beacon fire! Another beacon is burning!"

"Fenghuo?" Girard both shocked and angry: "Is that group of wolves hungry and crazy yesterday? They dare to come?"

"I'll go and see what's going on." Winters immediately took out Musket and ammunition, and before he could even say goodbye, he ran to the backyard to lead the horse.

Gillard Mitchell stayed at the town hall to receive Reid cultivator and Father Carman.

The red-maned Winters didn't realize something was wrong until he ran out of the town center - the fire beacon was rising in the direction of Dousa Village.


Old Sergey led Winters to the public ranch, where the pony Anglo was kneeling beside a dead horse and weeping sadly.

Seeing the azure's mane, Winters identified the horse carcass in the grass.

It's Terezin, the mighty blue horse, leader, father, and protector of the herd.

"It should have been this morning when the ominous beast broke in and dragged Teleqing into the woods." Sergey lost his normally smile and said gloomily: "Little Hook. When I woke up in the morning and found that there was a missing horse, I called us to find it. When I found it, the horse's stomach was hollowed out."

"Angelo!" Winters dismounted and walked to the stables: " See what it is?"

The pony shook the head with tears in her eyes.

Seeing the pony herder kneeling beside the corpse and sobbing uncontrollably, Winters grabbed his collar and pulled him off the ground: "Don't cry! If you're a man, don't cry! It's not surprising. You, but you will take the strength of your tears to take revenge!"

Wiping the pony's tears with his sleeve, returning to Winters on horseback, he asked Sergey: "There is something else Are there casualties?"

"The youngest son of the Rostov family and the daughter of the Yushka family are also missing." Old Sergey's expression became even more gloomy: "The drunkard of Rostov didn't survive until the end. I found out that my son sneaked out last night...the two children are always hanging out together, maybe something happened..."

You dare to go to the woods to fight at this time? !

Winters was impatient and angry: "When did they run out? Did anyone see where they went?"

"No." Sergey snorted the head .

“Where was the horse body found?”

“In the woods in the south of the village.”

“Call all the Dussacks and follow me!”

There is no need for any mobilization, the anger and shock of the Dussacks have reached the extreme, so the men who can still ride horses, young and old, all lead their war horses, carry lances and shotguns in the village. Assemble in the square.

In the eyes of the Dussacks, they are the predators and the one who provides assistance and protection.

No one thought that the village of Dusa would be attacked - the Dussacs simply would not have such an idea, and the village of Dusa was not even prepared for the beacon fire.

It is also this kind of blind arrogance that makes Dusa Village neglect to guard against, and makes youngster dare to go to the forest at this time for a tryst.

It's too late to say anything.

After dispatching riders to inform Girard and summoning the militia from the other four villages, Winters led nearly a hundred Dussacks into the woodland, pulling nets in groups of three to find the missing men, women and wild beasts. trace.

In the dark and dark primitive forest, the riders searched carefully in their respective fields of vision, lowered their heads and hidden silhouettes among the branches and leaves.

Everyone used sticks and lances to beat the tree trunks, to frighten the wild beast and also use this method to determine the distance of their companions.

Winters with Ralph the Hunter and Sergey.

Seeing Winters' gloomy face, Ralph cautiously persuaded: "Sir, please don't worry too much, those two children will probably be fine, maybe they just played crazy and forgot to go home."


"Because wild beast seldom kills for the sake of killing." The hunter explained cautiously: "Even if a beast is full and throws a rabbit in front of them, they will I won't pay any attention to it. That thing only abandons the horse carcass after a full meal, unless it is provoked, it shouldn't be actively attacking people."

Old Sergey's expression softened after listening to the hunter's words. Some.

The old man smashed his stick fiercely on the tree trunk and said angrily: "First the wolf, then this thing, why are these beasts running out of the woods like crazy?"


Ralph thought for a while, then replied slowly: "The biggest possibility is that you can't get enough to eat. Unless you have tasted human blood, no matter how vicious wild beasts are, they will be afraid of people. Besides, wild beasts have a territorial range. If When something more vicious took over the territory, the original beast had to run away. I think...the pack of wolves was probably driven out of the woods by the thing we were looking for."

Winters was moved and asked the hunter, "You mean the wild beast's territory will be knocked down one by one like the Bone Token?"

"I don't mean that, if the wolf is driven by the bear into another bear's territory, It still can't beat the bear." Ralph scratched his hair and said in distress: "I don't understand... oh, there are so many secrets in this primitive forest, I don't know anything."

"Hey! What do you want to think about? It's just the wolf disaster? Where is the beast hurting people?" Sergey curled one's lip, and said disdainfully: "is it possible that someone could kill the rabbits and deer in the forest. It's all gone, so the wolf bear has nothing to eat before running out?"

The hunter was about to say something when a shout came from an invisible place deep in the woodland: "Here! Here! "

The three immediately moved towards the direction of the voice.

A Dussack found rags hanging from bushes...and blood.

Following the blood trail, everyone found the body.

Two corpses.

A roughly complete male corpse, bitten off above the neck, and the head no longer knows where it went.

There is also a corpse that cannot be identified as male or female, and can no longer even be called a "corpse".

Because only two legs were left, the other parts were ripped apart, and organs and minced meat were thrown in the woods like rain.

Rostov was devastated, clinging to his younger son's icy body and refusing to let go. The man who had been drinking for a long time regained his sobriety for the first time, but he experienced the pain of losing his son.

The girl's father fainted when she saw this scene.

Sergey clenched his fists and looked at Ralph wickedly.

The old man didn't speak, but the hunter wouldn't misunderstand the look: "Didn't you say it won't happen?! Didn't you say so?!"

Ralph Check After picking up the two bodies, he said with difficulty: "The ominous beast should have dragged the girl away first, and the boy wanted to save her so he chased after him, and was bitten to death by the ominous beast."

The Dussacs, who were scattered and searching, heard the news and rushed over. People gathered around the remains, and two young lives were lost, leaving nothing but grief and anger.

"Leave a few people to help the family send the body back." Winters suppressed his emotions and stepped back on the horse's back: "Others, follow me!"

Thank you for your vote. Book friends who have passed the recommendation ticket, thank the book friend 20190816233921971, Tianjian, Kun Kun, I don’t know what it is called, book friend 161120205936216, and the yellow rabbit of the Hua Family for the recommendation tickets, thank you all.

(end of this chapter)

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