Iron Powder and Spellcaster

Chapter 488 Rebuilding Home and Country (4)

The shocking explosion occurred at noon, but the negotiating envoys did not appear outside Maple Leaf Castle until dusk.

Because before that, the Tiefeng County army was busy fishing people out of the river.

In order to ensure that the culvert could be blown down in one go, Mason ordered the watertight coffin to be filled with a guaranteed destruction amount of explosives.

But no one expected that the power of underwater explosions would be so terrifying. Explosions on the ground, which are explosive charges that make a loud noise, can literally turn the sea underwater.

As soon as a coffin of gunpowder fell down, not to mention the culvert, even the large and small boats moored on the river were instantly overturned.

Fortunately, before the official detonation, Mason, who was always cautious, ordered the evacuation of the casualties at the scene.

But when the explosion occurred, the sailors who stayed on the ship and the engineers who were responsible for operating the winch were all thrown into the river.

So throughout the afternoon, the soldiers of Tiefeng County Army worked hard to save people.

Especially Mersel Jack, who was alone in the diving bell and detonated explosives underwater. Mason strictly ordered his subordinates to find him - to see him alive and to see his body dead.

Hearing that something happened on the river, the light cavalry squadron stationed on the outskirts of the city also dispatched urgently to assist friendly forces in search and rescue.

However, the soldiers of Tiefeng County Army searched every beach and clump of reeds on both sides of the Anya River to find everyone else, but no trace of the mason apprentice was found.

It wasn't until it was getting dark that the farmers living downstream of the Anya River drove their carriages and sent the semi-conscious mason apprentice back to the Tiefeng County Army.

It turned out that when the underwater blasting occurred, not only were the boats on the river overturned by huge waves, but a large number of river fish were also killed under the water and washed ashore downstream.

Although the Palatuan people do not eat fish as a custom, such wonderful sights still attract many coastal residents to pick up gifts of nature.

So, on a river beach about five kilometers downstream, residents along the coast discovered the dying mason apprentice.

Fortunately, I still have energy.

After cleaning up the chaos at the blasting site, it was time to clean up the remaining enemies in Maple Leaf Castle.

The new rebel negotiator is a young man with a tall figure and a rosy complexion.

Although his rank could not be seen from his clothes - from Major Felt's point of view, the rebels, regardless of officers and soldiers, all dressed like beggars and paupers - but the major instinctively felt that this was A character with far greater prominence than yesterday's messenger.

The new negotiator walked into the dark Maple Leaf Castle gate without fear, ignored Major Felt's invitation for a private interview, stood in the small open space inside the Maple Leaf Castle gate, and announced bluntly: Don't waste any more time. Major! Surrender now, you, and you...

The negotiator glanced around at the faces that were flickering by the torches: Every soldier in Maple Leaf Castle, no one will be executed arbitrarily. You will be treated fairly and mercifully.

The last thing Major Felt wanted to see was for the rebel negotiators to talk directly to the defenders.

This... sir. Major Felt made a concealed gesture and said loudly: Please follow me to the fort to discuss in detail.

The only two formal officers left under the major - Lieutenant Nemeth and another second lieutenant - immediately strode forward, intending to control the rebel negotiator.

Go away! the rebel negotiator roared, instantly calming the two lieutenants, preventing them from taking action directly.

He shouted to Felt: Major! Maple Leaf Castle is everyone's Maple Leaf Castle. This is what you said! In this case, is there anything that cannot be discussed in front of everyone?

Major Felt knew something was wrong and urgently ordered his officers: Don't let him talk anymore.

You! The rebel negotiator pointed at the soldiers around him and shouted before the two lieutenants could take action: Aren't you afraid that this federal provincial guy will sell you out?!

As soon as he finished speaking, he was pushed to the ground with both hands behind his back and gagged.

Major Felt tried to regain control of the situation and signaled the two lieutenants to bring the rebel negotiators into the fort, and then waved his hands and shouted for the soldiers gathered around to disperse.

But no matter how many times the major repeated it, none of the defenders in the small clearing moved.

When Felt saw that the soldiers could not be persuaded to leave, he planned to retreat into the fort himself. After all, once the focus is lost, the crowd will naturally slowly disintegrate.

But the dark figure blocked his way and surrounded him instead.

That's right! someone in the crowd shouted, Why can't the negotiation be done in front of us?

Major Felt knew that he couldn't explain at this time. The more he explained, the more complicated it became. He could only stare and ask: Who is talking? Come to me!

No one came out, but questions came one after another, and the tone became increasingly angry.

What's there to hide?

Why don't you let us listen?

Are you going to betray us?

The soldiers began to move forward step by step, and the space around Major Felt became increasingly tight.

In desperation, Major Felt could only adopt the worst of the worst - trying to explain to the angry crowd: If we negotiate in public, the rebel envoys will definitely incite you to oppose me. By then, Maple Leaf Castle will only Defeat yourself!

However, the angry soldiers did not listen to the major's words.


Go the fuck away!

Some people were even shouting: Beat this guy from the federal province who talks nonsense!

Major Felt couldn't help but lament in his heart: the water source was cut off, which would eventually become the last straw that broke the garrison's soldiers; even though there is still a lot of water, once hope is lost, the harm it will cause is far greater than the water cutoff. hundred times.

What's more, the major has deliberately ignored one fact in his propaganda to the soldiers - even if he is captured and executed, it may not be a bad thing for the soldiers.

In the final analysis, his interests were different from those of the defenders, and his reasoning was untenable.

Once the soldiers are mobilized, the already shaky tower of trust between the two sides will quickly collapse.

Okay! Major Felt, who was forced into a desperate situation, made up his mind to burn the boat. He looked around at the soldiers and shouted: Let's talk here! Right here! In front of everyone! Listen to the rebels what you want to say!

The rebel negotiators were brought out again. He rubbed his swollen wrist and looked at Major Felt without saying a word.

Mr. Messenger, you are very courageous. Major Felt praised him in a different way, then changed the subject and spread his arms: But if you want to take Maple Leaf Castle, courage alone is not enough. You have courage. We also have…”

I know. The rebel negotiator sneered: You have tens of thousands of kilograms of gunpowder.

Major Felt was startled.

You have tens of thousands of kilograms of gunpowder. The rebel negotiator repeated and stamped his feet: It's buried in the reservoir down here - it makes my ears go numb.

If the Blood Wolf doesn't satisfy us. Some of the soldiers around were threatening: We will follow Maple Leaf Castle...

Perish together? The rebel negotiator turned around suddenly and stared at the speaker: Okay, you can go and light the fire now.

Everyone couldn't believe their ears, and even Major Felt was caught off guard.

The rebel negotiator looked around contemptuously and repeated word for word: If you have the guts to die together, go and light a fire now.

The soldiers were enraged.

They pushed the rebel negotiator and led the latter to a hiding cave under the west side of the fort wall.

The Soldier Cave is a space dug directly into the fortress wall, about the size of a bedroom, and was originally used to conceal personnel and store ammunition. There is a staircase in the Tibetan Soldier Cave that leads to the underground where you can't even see your fingers.

A soldier pointed at a roll of hemp rope coiled at the top of the stairs and told the rebel negotiator in a threatening tone: See! This is the fuse leading directly to the gunpowder magazine! As long as your people dare to come, we will... …”

Perish together? The rebel negotiator sneered and said dismissively: Then I'm here, you can light a fire.

The defenders were stunned.

The rebel negotiator opened his eyes angrily and shouted: Light the fire!

One of the defenders was so angry that he cursed loudly, gritted his teeth, and extended his torch to the fuse with red eyes.

The soldiers in the Tibetan Soldier Cave couldn't help but exclaimed. Others wanted to step forward to stop them, but it was already too late.

However, just when the flames and the hemp rope were only a foot away, the torch stopped. No matter what, the soldier holding the torch could not reach down another inch.

Everyone's hearts almost jumped out of their throats before they resumed beating.

Major Felt wiped the sweat from his forehead and was about to say something when he saw the rebel negotiator stepped forward, grabbed the soldier holding the torch's wrist, and pressed the blazing flame onto the fuse. superior.

A hissing burning sound immediately followed.

The defenders who realized what had happened screamed and rolled and crawled away from the Tibetan Soldier Cave.

Only Major Felt lost consciousness for a moment, then flew towards the depths of the cave where soldiers were hiding, picked up the bucket prepared in the stairwell, and quickly doused the fuse with his eyes and hands.

After a great chaos, only the rebel negotiators were left standing, unmoved.

If you can't do something, don't use it to scare people. The messenger looked at the defenders no longer with contempt in his eyes. He stood proudly in the middle of the defenders and calmly stated a fact: Don't be afraid. Death, you are no match for us.” Major Felt held the bucket, his hands still shaking unconsciously.

He organized his speech for a long time, and finally lowered his head: I am willing to hand over Maple Leaf Castle to Captain Montagne in its entirety, but can...

Impossible. Don't count on it! The rebel negotiator coldly rejected the major in advance: The more stubborn you are, the more preferential treatment you get? We will never allow this wrong message to be passed out. If you hadn't shown mercy, you would have They all should be hanged in the square of Maplestone City as a warning to others!

Everyone's expressions instantly darkened, and their eyes towards Major Felt also had a bit of resentment.

The negotiator changed the topic, looked at the surrounding soldiers, and promised: But if you surrender now, I can guarantee that that fate will not befall you. Your treatment will not be worse than that of the previous prisoners. It's generous, but it won't be worse than them. Most of you will work in the prison camp for a period of time, and then be released home. However, remember that the blood wolf's patience and compassion are limited. Don't waste your last chance.

After that, the messenger opened the document bag on his waist, took out a large pile of folded letterheads, and showed it to all the defending soldiers: These are the letters that your family members in Maplestone City asked me to send. If you don't believe it, my words……

He threw the letter over the crowd's heads: Then let's listen to what your family members said.

The appearance of letters from home completely shattered the defenders' psychological defenses. The soldiers frantically scrambled for pieces of letterhead scattered in the open space, even if they could only get half a piece of shredded paper, even if they were illiterate at all.

What a good idea. Major Felt walked to the rebel negotiator and nodded silently: Then next...

We will send people into the fort tonight. The messenger replied bluntly: There will be a surrender ceremony tomorrow.

Okay. Okay. Major Felt Nono nodded: Who will accept the surrender?

The messenger smiled politely: Your Excellency values ​​you very much. He will personally accept your surrender... Please send a few people to open the door.

Okay, Major Felt replied.

The rebel negotiator put away his smile, clasped his boots together, raised his hands in a solemn salute, turned around and left.

Um... Major Felt thought of something and asked loudly: I don't know your surname yet.

My name is Bart Shilling. The messenger replied proudly: In the battle of Green Valley Town, I was the one who attacked your left wing and defeated your army.

The next day, noon.

Since the All Freedmen's Conference of the New Reclamation Land is about to open, many freedmen who are willing to participate in the meeting have arrived in Maple Stone City one after another.

The free people who arrived earlier were invited to watch the ceremony.

They were led to the siege camp opposite Maple Leaf Castle and watched the red rose flag on Maple Leaf Castle slowly lowering.

Then the gate of Maple Leaf Fort opened, and the defenders lined up and walked through the trenches. Under the gaze of the coalition soldiers, they discarded their weapons and walked bare-handed through the main gate of the attack city camp.

The leading school officer came to Xue Lang and respectfully presented his sword.

The blood wolf took the sword, and the salute sounded.

The sea-blue flying-winged golden lion flag rises above Maple Leaf Castle.

The war in the newly cultivated land has completely subsided.

On the night of the surrender of Fort Maple Leaf, Winters returned home from a banquet celebrating the return of peace to the new land. He was surprised to find little Priskin already waiting in the living room.

Another 'emergency' so soon? Winters asked jokingly.

Little Priskin looked sad, as if he had something to hide.

Tell me. Winters sat on the soft couch and said with a smile: I'm in a good mood today. Even if there's nothing important, I won't let Charles and Heinrich beat you up.

Little Priskin lowered his head and asked aggrievedly: Do you still remember... Mr. Mikesh Kelemin who helped you find the mason apprentice?

How could you forget so quickly? Winters was dumbfounded, and then laughed: You just did me a favor, and you come to me to repay the favor so quickly?

Little Priskin nodded reluctantly.

Winters leaned comfortably on the backrest of the soft couch: Tell me, what does he want?

Little Priskin shook his head hurriedly: Your Excellency, Mikesh Kelemin does not want to ask for anything, he is... he wants to invite you to meet someone. According to him, that person is named Messer Jack. He didn't find the mason's apprentice, but that person found him. So the person who really helped you was another person, and he was just doing a favor.

Little Priskin scratched the back of his head: But I think these are all lies, just an excuse to let you see that person anyway.

Sir, see you? Little Priskin asked tentatively: Still not seeing you?

If I don't see you, Winters asked with a smile, I'm afraid you won't be able to walk around in front of Mikaesh Kelemin anymore, right?

Little Priskin nodded sheepishly.

Then bring that person. Winters rubbed his chin: I also want to know who can make the 'big shots' in Maplestone City go to such great lengths to help.

Little Priskin shrank his neck: That person can't have to go see him in person.

Winters raised an eyebrow.

[Maplestone City]

[Mikesh House]

Accompanied by Father Carman, Winters stepped into the mansion of Maplestone City's leading wealthy businessman for the first time.

Old man Mikesh, who was said to be seriously ill and unable to get out of bed, personally led his son and family members to greet him in the hall.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Mikesh led Winters deeper into the mansion.

In the secret room on the ground floor of the mansion, a handsome man in his early thirties, with medium height, curly hair, and bright blue eyes, had been waiting for a long time.

The man's face lacked color, but he was immaculately groomed and dressed meticulously. It was obvious that he attached great importance to this meeting.

Seeing Winters and Kaman entering the secret room, he immediately stepped forward to greet them and extended his right hand.

Your Excellency Montagne, I am Kay Morland. The handsome man announced his family name: Member of the Grand Council of the Republic of Plato, representative of the newly cultivated province in the Castle of the Kings.

Without waiting for Winters to answer, the handsome man bit his lower lip and begged sincerely:

Major Ronald asked me to come to you - I need your protection.

[Kayi Moreland is the rider who escaped from the Castle of Kings when Major Ronald tried his best to protect him at the end of Chapter 46 [Cumulonimbus] of this volume]

[I'm sorry it's been so long Orz]

[Thanks to book friends for their collection, reading, subscription, recommendation votes, monthly votes, rewards and comments, thank you all]

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