Iron Powder and Spellcaster

Chapter 482 The flames of the furnace are blazing (7)

[Newly reclaimed land]

[Maplestone City]

Compared to the republics of the Alliance, which are increasingly shrouded in the clouds of war, Maplestone City, which is in a sense the center of the storm, is a scene of joy.

The streets and alleys were all cleaned up, and every house, regardless of poverty or wealth, was decorated with lights.

The huge crisis that has been suffocating all the citizens of Maplestone City - the internal strife of the rebels has reduced Maplestone City to ashes - has finally been temporarily lifted.

Because Colonel Gesar Adonis returned from Jinghu County and brought troops from Baishan County with him.

The entry of the Baishan County Army broke the overwhelming strength advantage of the Tiefeng County Army over the Leiqun County and Bianjiang County armies, and immediately triggered a series of chain reactions.

If before this, Colonel Skull Mecklen only dared to take a defensive stance in the face of Winters Montagne;

So after receiving the support of the Baishan County Army, Colonel Scull had a bargaining chip.

Therefore, the days and nights when the Baishan County military flag first appeared on the outskirts of Maple Rock City were the days when the citizens of Maple Rock City were most on tenterhooks.

People were afraid of Colonel Skull's impulsiveness and wanted to fight with his juniors; they were also afraid of the blood wolf going crazy, so they decided to take a preemptive strike.

So much so that even though it was the busy farming season, there were few cars and horses and no pedestrians around Maple Stone City. In the city, the price of flour has risen three times a day, and every household has locked its doors for fear of becoming a victim of the insurgents.

Fortunately, in hindsight, those sleepless nights were actually the darkness before dawn.

To this day, the citizens of Maple Rock City still don't know what kind of magic power Colonel Gesar Adonis has that can easily eliminate the differences between the Tiefeng County Army and the coalition forces of Leiqun County and Bianjiang County.

With the return of Colonel Gesa, Colonel Scull, who had been retreating his base to Leiqun County, finally let down his guard - at least on the surface - and led the troops from Leiqun County and Bianjiang County back to the outside of Maple Stone City. Joined with troops from Baishan County and Tiefeng County.

As a symbol of the re-unification of the alliance forces, at the suggestion of Colonel Geza, the troops from the four counties held a symbolic entry ceremony into the city and made up for the victory celebration that had not been held.

Since the late General Adams and Colonel Sarnell, who later took charge of Maplestone City, recruited a large number of officers and soldiers from all walks of life in Maplestone City, many of the prisoners captured by the coalition forces in the Battle of River Valley Village were actually Maplestone City residents.

Therefore, in order to avoid irritating the people of Maplestone City, the coalition's entry ceremony and victory celebration did not include the customary prisoners parade part, but only displayed the captured weapons, military flags and cannons.

Behind the convoy of trophies were the military commanders of the four counties holding the coffin of Colonel Bode Gates: Colonel Gesar Adonis, Colonel Skull Mecklen, Lieutenant Colonel Matthias Corwin and Winter S. Montagne...Captain.

Finally, there is an infantry brigade and a cavalry squadron selected by each county army.

Since the Battle of River Valley Village was a tragic victory for the troops from the other three counties, if the entire army marched into the city, they might be regarded as losers, so each county only sent a token number of soldiers.

When the city entry ceremony was held, the citizens of Maplestone City who had not been able to see the blood wolf in person the previous time rushed to see the blood wolf this time.

But it was Colonel Geza Adonis who attracted the attention of most people and was talked about the most afterwards.

The citizens talked with great interest about Colonel Gesa's non-existent hair and horrific disfigurement, inventing bizarre stories about their origins, and arguing with each other over the inconsistencies in the different stories.

As a result, the citizens of Maple Rock City and those from other places who did not watch the entry ceremony soon learned that there was a hairless and terrifying-looking colonel among the rebels. Although ugly in appearance, it was he who saved Maplestone City from the flames of war.

Finally, the coalition parade stopped at the cathedral in the center of Maplestone City - this was also the real purpose of the city entry ceremony.

The cathedral opens its nave, and the bronze bell in the tower rings twelve times.

Amidst the solemn bells, the bugler blew the last homecoming horn, and Colonel Bode's coffin was buried in the grave below the church.

The people of Maplestone City stared at this grand funeral in ignorance. They did not know who the buried person was, and they did not know why he received such courtesy.

Afterwards, someone swore that he saw tears in the blood wolf's eyes.

But most people don't believe it, because the blood wolf is a blood wolf, how could a blood wolf shed tears.

But some people say that maybe blood wolves will also be sad.

As the heavy door of the main hall of Maplestone City Cathedral closed again, the parade of the four-county coalition came to an end.

The troops from each county who participated in the ceremony were not taken out of the city. Instead, they directly entered the barracks in the city and formally jointly took over the defense and security of Maplestone City.

The military commanders of the four counties each brought their own guards and lived in the officers' apartments in the city.

The sharp sword hanging over the heads of the citizens of Maple Stone City was finally taken down, and everyone let out a sigh of relief. After all, even conspirators who are looking forward to infighting among the rebels would not want to see the rebels fighting on their doorstep.

The newly harvested summer grain is being continuously transported into the city, the price of flour has dropped back to the level of previous years, and the brewers have begun brewing the new year's nectar.

After a bloody battle, people were finally able to enjoy a short period of peace and ease.

In addition to the roar of artillery from Maple Leaf Castle outside the city, everything is developing in a good direction. Even in a daze, people seem to have returned to the good old days that were once spurned.

Except Maple Leaf Castle.

[Maplestone City]

[officers' quarters]

Although since its inception, few hours have been fully staffed—until recently.

However, the New Reclamation Corps is still a corps in terms of organization and level. Maple Stone City is the headquarters of the New Reclamation Legion, and the relevant supporting facilities are naturally built according to the legion's specifications.

The accommodation of local county garrisons is incomparable in terms of comfort and convenience.

Therefore, even the unlucky ones and losers who are assigned to the New Reclamation Corps will try their best to stay in Maple Stone City to avoid being assigned to garrison in various counties, or even being assigned to some desolate place. He went to a small town to serve as a resident official.

The officers' apartment located in Maple Stone City is naturally a legion-level officer's apartment.

However, due to the long-term shortage of officers in the New Reclamation Corps, most of the officer apartments in Maple Stone City are idle. Except for regular cleaning, there is almost no smell of life.

It was not until a year ago that the late General Adams began to hire a large number of honorary officers, and after the Maplestone City mutiny, Colonel Sarnell led the troops from the King's Fort, that the officers' apartments in Maplestone City were finally filled.

Furniture was added, the wine cellar was filled, firelight was cast in the fireplace, and aromas wafted from the kitchen.

But today, they all changed owners.

In the leisure room of the most luxurious of the many single-family officers' apartments, a one-sided quarrel was taking place.

You...what are you thinking about? Colonel Skool Mecklen's face turned red, and his clothes and hair were trembling.

He walked back and forth angrily and asked Gesa sharply: What are you thinking?!

Colonel Geza was intently checking the wine cabinet of the former resident of the apartment and asked casually: What do you think?

Why are we attacking Bazenauer? Why are we attacking [Gaspar]'s troops? Colonel Scull lamented: We just fought a bloody river with the King's Castle. At this time, we are fighting against the Blue Bloods. Damn it, have you thought about the consequences?!

Colonel Geza took out a bottle of wine, glanced at it and put it back. It took several attempts to find a bottle of wine that interested me.

He first poured a glass for Colonel Skull, who pushed him away impatiently.

Geza poured another drink for Lieutenant Colonel Matthias Corwin, who was leaning against the window sill, and the latter accepted it with a smile.

Finally, Gesa poured himself a glass and took a pleasant sip.

Okay, anyway, the battle has been fought, the city has been attacked, and Gaspar has been captured by me. I did everything, and the responsibility rests entirely on me.

Geza Adonis unbuttoned the top two buttons of his military uniform, lay down directly on the soft couch in the leisure room, leaned comfortably against the couch railing, stretched out his arms in a gesture of surrender, and suggested with a very bachelor smile: Otherwise, I will tie you up and send you to Jiangbei to plead guilty to that old guy Arpad. As long as you take action, I promise not to resist.

Colonel Skull was stunned for a moment, then slammed the table in annoyance, and the wine in the glass on the table jumped out: What nonsense are you talking about?

Look, aren't you still reluctant to let go? Colonel Geza smiled and turned to look at Matthias Kerwin: Isn't that right?

Lieutenant Colonel Matthias also smiled and nodded.

Of course, the Jinliu River has been blocked now. Even if you are willing, you still have to have a boat to take me there. Colonel Gesa said slyly, and then began to check the tobacco box on the coffee table: Huh, Adams, an old man, would actually enjoy it.”

Why? Faced with the rogue behavior of his old classmate, Colonel Scull almost went crazy: What I'm asking is why did you do this?

Why? Colonel Geisar pretended to be confused: I thought you were the one who disliked the Blue Bloods the most and didn't want to continue to be a second-class person. Based on my origin, I am a member of the Blue Bloods. Even if I defect to Al Pad, I am certainly more comfortable than you.

Colonel Scull suddenly became silent.

After a moment of silence, Colonel Scull clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and squeezed out words bit by bit: The situation is like this, we must choose a side. I will never stand with the traitors, we can only choose Al Pad.”

You are right. Colonel Gesa stood up, pushed Colonel Skull to his seat, and poured the latter a glass of wine: There are a group of villains and traitors in the castle of the kings.

Immediately, Gesa poured himself another glass of wine. After drinking it, he smashed the glass on the table and said heavily: But even if I am considered a blue blood, I have to say that Arpad's men are also a bunch of bastards. !”

With fire in his eyes, he looked first at Matthias Corwin and then at Skull Mecklen: Why do we have to choose between them?

Skull frowned tightly.

On the other side, Lieutenant Colonel Matthias, who had not interrupted until now, coughed lightly and said politely: Senior, I think the key is not why, but whether it is possible. For newly cultivated land, I am afraid there is no ability to choose between the two.

Corwin. Geza laughed: If you think too much and think too far, some things will never be accomplished.

Here you go again, talking crazy things again. Colonel Scull regained his usual state and asked coldly: You and I are not making decisions for ourselves, but for thousands of people. How could you not think too much? How could you not make long-term plans? As for you, have you ever thought about what to do next?

Next. Gesa gently shook the golden wine in the cup: While the strength of the King's Castle is greatly damaged, we must take the initiative to fight out.

Fight, yes, where can we fight? Can we hit the King's Castle? With our current strength, can we defeat it? Skull showed no mercy and continued to ask: The leading troops of the United Provinces have already entered the Zhuwang Castle. King's Castle, follow-up troops will continue to come over. Without General Arpad's support and containment, can we cope with them?

Okay, okay, okay. I'm not as thoughtful and long-term as you. Gesa patted his bare head and waved his hand as if surrendering: Just take it one step at a time and see if you can beat me. You have to fight to know. As long as we have troops in our hands, if you want to negotiate peace, there is always a chance.

Gesa turned to look at Matthias Kerwin and asked with a smile: Do you think so? Kerwin.

I agree with you. Lieutenant Colonel Matthias smiled and nodded in response, looking at the other colonel: So, Senior Scull, the most important thing for us right now is to restore the army's combat effectiveness, and Establish more troops to deal with possible wars in the future.

After a pause, Lieutenant Colonel Matthias said tactfully: So we must reach an agreement with Captain Winters Montagne on the distribution of the spoils as soon as possible. We need the storage in Maplestone City, and we need it now.

That's right! Geza clapped his thigh happily, stood up, slammed the table hard, and said loudly: Corwin said it to the point of the knife!

Colonel Skull was stunned and subconsciously leaned back to avoid it.

Geza Adonis stepped in front of his old classmate, his strong figure almost covering him. He grabbed the latter's shoulders and said sternly: If you have the intention to get angry at me here, why don't you Go and see what Winters Montagne is doing. That brat could have killed us all, but he didn’t do it; he could have swallowed up all the war supplies in Maplestone City, but he didn’t do it; he was clearly qualified to live in the city. He entered the official residence of the school, but look at him, he still moved into a lieutenant's apartment.

Colonel Skull was said to have a heart attack, and his brows tightened unconsciously.

In my opinion, that kid must be holding back his energy to fart loudly. Gesa struck while the iron was hot and came to the conclusion: Instead of getting angry with me, you should take care of him first.

[Sorry, Orz]

[There have been too many things going on recently, it’s dark and dark. I always thought I could update it tomorrow, but it turned out that there was another tomorrow, and in the end I missed the opportunity to ask for leave, and fell into the trap of not daring to speak out until I had written an update. We are now here in the blink of an eye]

[I'm very, very, very sorry, I'm sorry to everyone]

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