Iron Powder and Spellcaster

Chapter 467 Rekindling the Spark (Prologue)

The rebel infighting expected by many newly settled gentlemen did not happen.

What shuttled between the Tiefeng County Army and the Leiqun County Army were not cannonballs and lead bullets, but messengers holding green flags.

Richard Mason, who was based in Maple Stone City, took the initiative to send beer newly brewed from the newly harvested barley to the troops of Leiqun County and Bianjiang County stationed at the county border.

Colonel Scull gave the captain a pure white horse as a symbolic gift in return.

From then on, Richard Mason rode the white horse sent by the colonel every day between the siege camp in the suburbs and the city hall in the city.

As a result, the citizens of Maple Rock City gradually relaxed with their hearts hanging in their throats, and the tense atmosphere inside the new land also eased.

However, Colonel Skull and Lieutenant Colonel Matthias did not easily accept the proposal to condominium Maplestone City. Instead, they solemnly stated that they needed to communicate with Colonel Gesar before giving a reply.

However, with the absence of officers stationed in various towns in the new land and the deterioration of public security, the relay system once established by the new land corps has long since ceased to function.

Although the armies of all parties have set up small relay systems in their own areas of control, once they need to communicate with the outside world, they will immediately revert to the inefficient mode of one man and three horses running the whole journey.

At a distance that can be reached in a single day, this method of communication is not too much of a delay.

However, if you want to send a letter to a farther place - such as Jinghu County, then the time cost will increase exponentially.

Moreover, the reliability will be severely reduced, and there may even be a situation where the messenger who left later will return first.

More importantly, since the division of troops in Hehe Village, the letters sent to the Baishan County Army began to go unanswered.

For security reasons, after Colonel Gesa receives a letter, he will only send the courier away with a receipt proving that the letter has been delivered, and never let the courier take away the reply letter along the way.

The latest letter from the Baishan County Army reported that they had successfully crossed the Snake Lake and were advancing towards Bazenauer.

Winters paid close attention to the developments in Jinghu County, but he did not have the patience to wait for the results of the communication.

After Bard led a large number of accounting students to Artemis and Pierre presented the last seven city gate keys of Warne County, the Tiefeng County army started to move again after a brief rest.

The hard-wearing cavalry escorted the civilian personnel and rushed to various parts of Wargne County to check the field registers and maps; the loyal and reliable infantry took over the checkpoints and outposts on the main transportation routes in company units.

Proclamations of peace and security signed by the tribunes were also sent to the entire county, and at least one copy was posted on the notice boards of even the most remote villages.

Among them, the part about tax collection won the favor of all the people of Wargne County.

The reason is simple: the Governing Committee announced that from now on, all taxes and taxes in Wargne County will be levied according to the standards of two years ago.

Not only that, the ruling committee also specifically allowed farmers to wait until after the autumn harvest before paying this year's head tax and land tax together.

After learning that all the special taxes levied and imposed after the Great Wasteland War had been banned at once, all farmers, merchants, and craftsmen in Wargne County were delighted and rushed to tell each other.

If we say that when the people of Warne County said the term blood wolf before, they only had fear and disgust in their hearts.

Well now, they will at least add the honorific Your Excellency.

As the army of Your Excellency Blood Wolf took over the checkpoints and posts in Wargne County and hunted down the bandits in the territory, transportation within Wargne County began to resume.

Bold businessmen drove their carriages out of the high wall, trying to get the first piece of the pie before others.

For ordinary people, traveling alone no longer seems to be a terrible thing - at least it is no longer a suicidal behavior.

Grain harvest, transportation restored, people's peace of mind... It's like the good days of the past are back.

But no one knows how long such good days can last.

[(Raises hand) This is not a chapter, nor is it included in the debt sheet, nor is it included in the goal of updating every Wednesday. This week is still 0/3(._.)]

[Thanks to the leader of the book friend [13th Lamb], thank you! 】

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