Iron Powder and Spellcaster

Chapter 458 Cumulonimbus Clouds

Under the shade of the tree, Winters glanced at the note in his hand, and then at the preparatory student who sent the note.

Tribune Mason sent you to find me? Winters asked in surprise: Didn't he say anything else?

No. The preparatory student in front of him replied with a blank look on his face.

Okay, I want you to wait for me for a while. Winters stuffed the note into his wristband and casually put his clothes and backpack under the tree: There is water and food there. If you are hungry, you can get it yourself. .”

Then, he saw a preparatory student named Hodel walking stiffly under the tree, his legs straighter than the trunk of the tree.

Sit down. Winters couldn't help but smile: It's okay.

But the preparatory students still stood up straight. He was obviously at a loss as to whether to treat the tribune's words as a courtesy or to obey them as an order.

Winters was somewhat used to this. He cleared his throat and ordered in a deep voice: Soldier, stand at attention!

Preparatory students subconsciously press their heels together and tighten their knees and shoulders.

Listen to the command - sit down.

The preparatory student pushed his butt to the ground as quickly as possible.

Winters nodded, pulled down his mask, turned around and walked towards the other swordsman who had been waiting, and the two resumed the conversation they had just interrupted.

Let's continue. Winters held the wooden sword firmly with both hands.

The swordsman in front of him also stood up, and a muffled voice came from inside the helmet: Did you hear Speaker Malhouse's speech?

Which speech are you referring to? Winters nodded and motioned for the other party to attack: The one in Varn? Or the one after returning to the United Provinces?

After returning to the United Provinces. After Winters' opponent finished speaking, he stabbed over without any warning.

However, the sudden attack had no effect on Winters. He raised his arm to knock away the oncoming sword, and pointed the tip of the sword at his opponent while the blades were entangled. The whole process was smooth, light and natural.

Winters even had time to chat: I heard about it, but it's just like rumors. I want to hear your version.

His sword edge stopped one foot away from the opponent's shoulder - the opponent stopped on his own initiative, took half a step back, raised his hand, and then walked towards the starting position.

Raising your hand means acknowledging that you have lost a point, which is the etiquette of the official game.

However, there is neither a referee nor a scoreboard next to this small open space under the shade of a tree. The only spectator is a guy who still doesn't understand the situation.

In the eyes of the confused spectators outside the venue, the competition between the tribune and the sparring partner was like a formality, it was over before it even started, and it was completely unclear who won and who lost.

I can’t blame the audience for being clumsy.

Winters and his opponent lacked the necessary protective gear, so their lives depended on their opponents rather than their own - even though they were using wooden swords, a solid blow would still result in damage.

Only under the premise of absolute trust in each other can both parties play like this. Since it is a play, it naturally seems that everything is done until the end, with no winner or loser.

You should have heard the content of Malhouse's speech at the Alliance Conference. It is not much different from the declaration of war. Winters' opponent returned to the other end of the open space, moved his wrist, and clenched the long Jian: When he returned to Guitu City, he immediately gave a public speech in Martyrs Square. The content was even more shocking than the speech at the Alliance Conference.

After that, he raised his sword and attacked Winters.

Winters still managed to neutralize the opponent's swings with ease: Let's talk about it.

Speaker Malhouse personally determined that the 'April 1st Revolution' was a rebellion. The opponent took a step back, raised his hands, and took a breath: An illegal armed rebellion.

Winters frowned unconsciously. He lowered the tip of his sword and asked, The Federal Provincial Army has no response to this?

I don't know. At least when I left the King's Castle, I didn't hear any big news in Guitu City. The opponent's laughter escaped from the helmet, and you can fully imagine how gloating the expression under the mask was: But That guy Cornelis must be feeling bad, he went from being a 'hero' to a 'traitor' all of a sudden.

Winters lowered his sword and said thoughtfully: Tell me more about the speech of the new speaker of the United Provinces.

Cliché. The swordsman standing opposite Winters also put his wooden sword on his shoulder and replied cheerfully:

First he scolded and scolded how corrupt and incompetent the former federal provincial government was; then he cried and cried about how difficult the lives of the people in the federal provinces were; then he started to scare people with the civil unrest in the Empire, Veneta and Palatine; only in the end he said He spoke the truth and admitted that the 'April 1st Revolution' was an armed rebellion, but also made an excuse, saying that because 'Lionel's regime was too corrupt and incompetent', 'the army had to step in to temporarily take over the country.' .”

Temporarily? Winters keenly caught the unusual place.

Yes, for the time being. The swordsman who had just been talking humorously became hesitant and hesitant, and he said slowly: Speaker Malhouse has publicly promised to reorganize the National Assembly and re-elect representatives at all levels. Within three years Gradually transfer state power from the military to the new National Assembly.

Three years? Winters raised an eyebrow.

Yes, three years.

Counterattack by the Federal Provincial Army?

There was no counterattack. On the contrary, several generals came forward to endorse Speaker Milehouse's promise. The Union Provincial Army is also in a weird state, with many factions. You bite me, and I bite you.

Where's Minister Cornelius?

He is no longer the chief, and I have not heard of any new appointments. After Speaker Milehouse dissolved the Provisional Military Committee, Colonel Cornelis should have been sent home to rest. The swordsman standing in front of Winters Shrugging his shoulders: Cornelius rose to prominence with the help of a coup, and he made many people jealous. He is not a likable guy. I am not surprised at all that Speaker Malhouse used him to appease public anger.

Winters thought for a moment and asked the practicing swordsman: Do you believe it?

What do you believe in?

The Malhouse Promise.

I... The swordsman swordsman fell into silence. After a while, he said distressedly: I don't know either. But according to the current situation, if I am from the United Provinces, I can only place my hope in Mai Speaker Alhouse has handed over state power, right? After all, he has made a public commitment.

After hearing this, Winters let out a long sigh: Then let's wait and see.

Speaker Malhouse also stated his position in the communiqué. The swordsman swordsman added in a low voice: The federal trusteeship government will make every effort to promote the peaceful settlement of the civil strife in Palatine. He also promised that he will never let the federal army get involved in Palatine. There is civil strife in Plato—as long as Veneta does not interfere in Plato’s affairs.”

Winters snorted softly, turned the sword around, and grasped the hilt with both hands again.

The swordsmen who were sparring with Winters also hurriedly prepared themselves.

The two sides slowly approached each other, and the second the sword tips touched, they both started to move.

In the blink of an eye, Winters let go of his fiercely advancing opponent and patted the latter's shoulder with his free left hand.

The swordsman stopped and raised his hands in frustration. He sensed the change in Winters' mood, so he changed the topic to a lighter topic: There's another big case in the north. Have you heard about it?

What big case? Winters had never heard of it.

Of course it's a major case of the Southern General Army.

Didn't the puppet emperor disband the Southern General Army?

It was because the Southern General Army was to be disbanded that a big case was brought about. The swordsman swordsman asked enthusiastically: What do you think the puppet emperor is using to purge?

Winters replied without thinking: Corruption?

Smuggling! Everyone from top to bottom of the Southern General Army is involved! The swordsman swordsman laughed loudly: The Southern General Army established to prevent us has turned out to be the largest smuggler in the empire. The puppet emperor has lost face. It’s over!”

Winters also burst into laughter, but he was not as optimistic as the swordsman: The false emperor is determined to pull out the sores, which may not be a good thing for us.

Who cares? The swordsman practice didn't care: Anyway, it's the imperial guy who kills the imperial guy. No matter who dies, we will make the profit. The pseudo-emperor has already executed three counts. According to the news leaked from the north, this is just the beginning. .Without a few years, the Southern General Army will not be able to rebuild.

Winters sighed: That's even worse.

Yes, I understand what you mean. The swordsman's mood suddenly dropped. He lowered his head and said gloomily:

The false emperor doesn't even hide his strategy. He just wants to sit back and watch the civil war among the republics. The method to crack it is also very simple, as long as we don't attack each other. I can think of it. Can you generals and congressmen not understand? ? But they...but me, what can I do? I'm just a little lieutenant...

The swordsman's voice became quieter as he spoke, and suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He raised his head and met the senior's calm gaze without any reproach.

It's their fault, not your fault. Winters' calm voice contained reassuring power: Don't be anxious about this, we are all people swept away by the river.

Yeah. The swordsman swordsman sniffed hard.

Winters tapped the swordsman's shoulder armor affectionately, held the sword upside down, and walked towards the roots of the tree where the clothes and water were placed.

I don't know if you understand. The small voice of the swordsman swordsman sounded behind Winters: There are also many opponents of Grove Magnus in the King's Castle... This time in the newly cultivated land A disastrous defeat will definitely shake... no, it will disintegrate the rule of Grove Magnus...

Winters replied without looking back: I don't mind bleeding less, even if it takes longer.

Hmm! The swordsman's voice was filled with excitement.

But don't be too optimistic. Winters turned around, his eyes as deep as a pool, and he said slowly: Because you still don't understand what a gambler who loses all his chips will do next.

After saying that, Winters squeezed the swordsman's shoulder and walked toward the shade of the tree with his sword in hand.

Under the shade of the tree, the monkey Hodel looked on blankly as the blood wolf and his sparring partner chatted and competed.

Because he couldn't understand who was winning and who was losing, Hodel didn't know whether he should cheer or not.

After a few moves like this, Xue Lang suddenly stopped and said something to his sparring partner, and then walked straight towards Hodel.

Hodel was even more confused for a moment. It wasn't until the blood wolf came to him that he came back to his senses and jumped up.

Hodel saw Xue Lang waving his hand to him: Sit down, be comfortable, it's okay.

Immediately afterwards, the latter began to remove the protective gear on his shoulders and arms.

Holder was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that he should help.

However, before Houdel could step forward, someone had already stood behind Xue Lang and skillfully helped Xue Lang unbuckle the belts on his arms and shoulders - it was the swordsman who was sparring with Xue Lang.

Houdel was greatly embarrassed. He looked around and saw the kettle.

However, someone moved faster than him. Before Houdel could bend down, Blood Wolf's sparring partner had already rushed to the kettle and handed the kettle to Blood Wolf.

The blood wolf naturally took the kettle and drank.

In desperation, Houdel began to search for words that could be used to praise someone's skill in swordsmanship.

In the end, it was Blood Wolf's sparring partner who spoke first, and the sound of squad leader made Hodel's skin crawl.

Squad leader! Xuelang's sparring partner boasted without hesitation: Your swordsmanship is too strong now! It's a real thing tempered in actual combat, but it's different from the showy style! It doesn't look like there are many moves, but every movement is different. There is only a little bit of redundancy, and the timing is extremely accurate. I have performed beyond my level, but I still can't win even a small point. It's really too strong.

It's not what you said. Xue Lang seemed to be somewhat impressed. He smiled and said sheepishly: I haven't practiced for too long, so I have fallen behind a bit.

Hodel on the side had already begun to curse in his heart.

From the first moment he laid eyes on Xue Lang's sparring partner, he knew that this guy was a boot-wearing guy. His demeanor, demeanor, and the faint smell that every boot-wearing guy had betrayed him.

But the monkey never expected that the man in boots would be so flattering, so flattering, and so shameless.

I think Master is no longer your match. Xuelang's sparring partner looked sincere.

Ike? That's right. Xue Lang thought of something, raised his chin and nodded at the bewildered Hodel next to him: The person who captured Axel alive is here.

Ah?! Blood Wolf's sparring partner was surprised: Ah?!

Hodel, who had always been treated as nothing by the other party, finally regained his face. He felt the other person's eyes sweep from the top of his head to the soles of his feet, and then from his shoulders to his fingertips.

Hodel didn't speak, but just straightened his waist a little harder.

The blood wolf's sparring partner frowned and looked at the big soldier in front of him carefully, then smiled and extended his hand to Houdel generously: I am Kadar Lagre.

Hodel looked at the blood wolf questioningly. When he saw the blood wolf nodded slightly, he wiped the sweat from his palms and shook the hand of Kadar Lagre.

Senior Axel is the best swordsman in the Army Academy, maybe even the best swordsman since the school was founded. Kadar said with a smile: By capturing Senior Axel alive, you have accomplished all of us. Something no one has ever done.”

The man in boots was so polite that it actually made Hodel feel embarrassed.

I wasn't the only one at the time. Hodel said with a red face, And I used a fishing net to attack in a sneak attack, which is disgraceful.

When he heard fishing net, Kadar was startled at first, and then burst out laughing fiercely. I was laughing so hard that I couldn't breathe.

In a life-and-death fight, there is nothing glorious or disgraceful. Kadar wiped away the tears from laughter, shook hands with the soldiers in front of him again, and said seriously: There are only those who are standing and those who are lying down... this I learned it not long ago.”

Hodel scratched the back of his head.

Winters couldn't help but laugh out loud, but it affected the injured area and the pain started again under his ribs. He supported the tree trunk and slowly sat on the ground.

Kadar noticed something strange and hurriedly stepped forward to support the squad leader. He asked with surprise and concern: Are you injured?

I was careless. Winters explained lightly: I haven't seen him for so long that I forgot about anti-magic tactics.

Anti-magic tactics? Kadar's expression suddenly became nervous: What step has it taken to discover, lock and destroy?


Destroy?! Kadar's pupils expanded uncontrollably.

Destroy. Winters smiled: But Sanel underestimated me and didn't use enough gunpowder.

Hodel on the side saw with confusion that the man in boots who had been so energetic just now suddenly had red eyes.

Don't be so nauseous. From the look on your face, I thought you were attending a memorial service. Winters teased, But I heard that there seems to have been a memorial service for me?

Yes. Kadar wiped his eyes and said with a smile, Senior Axel cried so miserably!

Really? He didn't tell me.

What a tragedy! Howling! We even used your old uniform to build your tomb. On the day of your 'burial', Teacher Christian from the Magic Department came.

Winters thought: How is Teacher Christian doing?

Not good. Kadar replied seriously: The symptoms of mental illness are getting more and more serious.

Winters thought of Christian, then of the Army Academy, and then of Guitu City... His thoughts suddenly drifted to the horizon.

Winters came back to his senses and couldn't help but sigh: I have already written the report on the Battle of River Valley Village and will send it out tomorrow. It will not only be sent to Tiefeng County, but also to other places in the newly cultivated land. Counties and outside the newly cultivated lands will also be seen. Lists of officers killed and captured will also be issued as an appendix.

Winters looked at Kadar: I have ordered the news to be blocked. The other prisoners know nothing about your situation. So, you make your own choice.

Monitor. Kadar lowered his head: Since the United Provinces dare to let me go back to Palato, they are sure that I dare not join the 'rebels' - just like those classmates who are leaning towards Arpad, are still under house arrest. Guitu City.”

Winters nodded without saying anything, waiting for Kadar to make a decision.

If I join your army, my family will become hostages. Kadar whispered: But if I become a 'prisoner' and am exchanged back, they will force me to fight with you.

Winters nodded again.

So. Kadar pretended to be relaxed: Please report him missing to me.

There is only one formality between missing and dying in battle. Winters asked softly: Your family will be very sad.

If I let them know that I am still alive, it will only be more dangerous for them. Kadar pretended not to care: I am missing. I don't know whether I am alive or dead. There is still a glimmer of hope.

Winters thought for a moment and said softly: Lieutenant Colonel Jessica has a teaching and research office in Gevaudan. Because of the lack of manpower, he has been angry with me several times. How about you go and help him? There is no one in Gevaudan. Knowing you, you’re safe there.”

Okay! Kadar's eyes lit up.

Then it's settled. Winters stood up holding on to the tree trunk: I will ask Samkin to take you to Jevaudan today. Although you live alone, the prisoner camp is crowded with people. The sooner you leave, , the safer it is.”

Kadar was silent for a long time and lowered his head deeply: Thank you.

Winters just touched Kadar's shoulder and said nothing.

On the side, Hodel, who felt that he was redundant, was suddenly called by the blood wolf: Okay, come with me.

Okay... yes! Hodel stood up in a hurry. He patted the dust off his clothes and asked puzzledly: But... where are we going?

Winters blew a sharp whistle, and not long after, a very handsome white horse walked out of the woods slowly.

The horse was saddled, but without a bit, and still had uneaten young leaves in its mouth—the long wind preferred the buds of broad-leaved shrubs to rough grass.

Go to the stable, Winters said.

Holder realized something was wrong, his eyes widened and he stammered: Sir, what are you doing in the stable?

Go get a horse.

Who will get it?

Of course it's you. This time it was Winters' turn to be confused. He took out the note from his wristband: Didn't Tribune Mason ask me to teach you how to ride a horse?

This, this, this... Hodel was almost suffocating: How could it be?

Don't be nervous. Winters smiled tolerantly and comforted the preparatory students: Tribune Mason hates two things the most. The first thing is that he can't find me, and the other thing is seeing me idle. Arranging you here is equivalent to solving the two things he hates most.

Hodel really didn't know how to react, so he could only raise his hand and salute with a sad face.

Let's go, pick a tame mare for you, you will learn quickly. Winters patted the preparatory student's shoulder, looked in the direction of the King's Castle, and murmured: Learn to ride a horse as soon as possible Well, you will need this skill soon.

[at the same time]

[Outskirts of King's Castle]

Under the scorching sun, two riders, one behind the other, were galloping towards the west.

The rider who fell behind looked back at the smoke behind him and shouted in fear: Major Ronald! They are catching up!

Major Ronald, who was running in front, heard the cry for help from behind. He gritted his teeth and turned back to the rider who fell behind.

The major stopped his companions and changed horses with them without any explanation.

Don't look back. Major Ronald pushed the other rider onto the saddle: Just run forward.

The rider who was helped onto the saddle gasped and asked desperately: Where can we go ahead?

Colonel Ronald was silent for a moment and replied decisively: Go to Winters Montagne!

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