Iron Powder and Spellcaster

Chapter 451 The Great Alliance Moves Forward (Twenty-four)

The unique navy blue military flag just raised on the horizon, rekindling the hope of the soldiers of Baeksan County who were worried about the military.

However, Geza Adonis was not as optimistic as his subordinates, because he did not know how many Tiefeng County troops had come, and he was not even sure whether it was the Tiefeng County Army who came.

However, no matter who comes, no matter how many come, Gesa has only one thing to do - continue to fight.

Reinforcements are coming! Gesa ran among the phalanxes, shouting with all his strength: Hold the battle line!

The officers and sergeants shouted and repeated the colonel's words. After a brief commotion, all the formations in Baishan County suddenly burst into cheers of survival from desperate situations, one voice louder than the other.

Likewise, the unfamiliar navy-blue military flag just appeared south of River Valley Village, disrupting the entire deployment of the parliamentary army.

Colonel Saner and Colonel Nagy have exhausted their reserves. There will be no more ambushes, let alone support. All active forces have been thrown into the battle.

The parliamentary army as a whole has no formation at all. Except for the troops besieging the remaining troops in Baishan County, every unit still in the chain of command is desperately pursuing the retreating left wing of the coalition forces.

It is like a wrestler who has finally forced his enemy to lose his center of gravity after a tough and fierce battle. He is squeezing out the last bit of strength and pressing every inch of his body to win a complete victory.

In fact, the parliamentary army was already sure of victory. It controlled the battlefield, trapped the coalition forces, forced back the coalition left flank, and broke into the coalition center.

It just takes a little time to digest the results.

a little time.

But at this juncture, Tiefeng County Army appeared on the battlefield, but Tiefeng County Army did not give it a little time.

Before the cavalry of the New Reclamation Army, which was chasing the remnants of the coalition forces, turned back, and before the outflanking troops of the Parliamentary Army under the banner of the Sixth Army established a defensive line, the sound of high-spirited military drums had already sounded at the exit of the valley.

The Tiefeng County army, which was less than two brigades in number, quickly spread out into a horizontal plane that was wider than the square formation of four brigades. Following the marching drum, it resolutely launched an attack on the Sixth Army Corps that was besieging Baishan County.

The terrain on the north bank of the nameless creek is flat, and even if there are slight undulations, it is not enough to disrupt the Tiefeng County army's formation.

Tamas held a sword in his hand and walked at the front to guide the entire army. The sergeants walked between the lines, mercilessly striking the straggling recruits with their halberds.

The light cavalry of the Parliamentary Army patrolling the periphery of the battlefield continued to charge towards the Tiefeng County Army with strange screams.

However, the soldiers holding high the navy blue flag completely ignored the enemy's intimidation. Their marching speed was not affected at all, and they did not even waste a tiny bit of gunpowder on the incoming guerrillas.

They were just moving forward, to the beat of the drum, moving forward resolutely, and nothing could stop them except orders and death.

In the battle of will and courage, the light cavalry of the Parliamentary Army were defeated. Every light cavalryman of the Parliamentary Army yanked the reins and left the formation just before they crashed into the human wall.

The Tiefeng County Army continued to advance.

Not only the light cavalry of the Parliamentary Army, but also everyone on the battlefield was pulled by the attack of the Tiefeng County Army at this moment.

Herald cavalry in green uniforms galloped between the scattered parts of the parliamentary army.

The outflanking troops of the Parliamentary Army that swarmed into the valley village then poured out of the village in chaos.

The troops who originally went to pursue the fleeing enemy turned around and rushed back to the main battlefield.

The Sixth Army Corps, which surrounded the remnants of Baishan County, was forced to separate into two brigades from the front to block the Tiefeng County army attacking from behind.

However, before the Sixth Army could establish a second front, the remnant troops from Baishan County had already counterattacked, biting the enemy troops who were about to retreat and reorganize.

The Tiefeng County Army continued to advance, and cavalry from the New Reclamation Army carrying short guns began to appear around them.

Unlike the light cavalry who only dared to skirmish and harass, although the brown-clad pistol cavalry also galloped straight towards the Tiefeng County soldiers, they turned their horses 20 meters away, fired sideways, and then rode away.

The real test began from this moment, and the Tiefeng County Army suffered casualties for the first time.

Gunshots penetrated the drum beats, lead bullets were fired at the human wall, and Tiefeng Army soldiers kept breaking away from the queue.

They either stumbled, half-knelt on the ground, and their backs curled up unconsciously due to the severe pain; or they fell down silently, without making any sound.

Tamas received the most greetings, and the parliamentary cavalry immediately saw the brightly armored Tiefeng County officer walking at the forefront of the battle line.

However, intimidated by the large number of musketeers in the Tiefeng County Army who were ready to attack, the parliamentary cavalry who fought alone did not have the courage to charge directly to the front of the battle line, and could only shoot from both ends of the battle line and from a distance.

The lead bullet grazed Tamas' body and landed at Tamas' feet, turning up clods of soil on the ground.

However, Tamas walked at the front of the queue without squinting, the sword in his hand motionless, and never gave an order to fight back.

Apart from the beating of drums, the sound of horse hooves and the sound of guns, the only thing that could be heard in the queue was the emotionless instructions of the sergeants: Stay in formation! Fill the gaps!

So the Tiefeng County soldiers bypassed their fallen comrades and continued to advance.




The marching drum beat is like the clarion call of doom. The enemy is right ahead. If you can spread your legs and run, you will be able to fight happily in no time.

But the soldiers of the Tiefeng County Army were still walking. Even if the pistol cavalry fired lead bullets at them in turn, and even if more blood was shed with every step forward, their pace did not speed up or slow down a bit.

The soldiers of the Sixth Legion had never seen such an enemy before. The Tiefeng County Army, which was like hot and silent magma, was more frightening than the most ferocious and fearless enemy they had seen today.

One hundred meters.

The musketeers of the Sixth Army had already set up their muskets; while the Tiefeng County Army was still advancing.

Ninety meters.

The fingers of the musketeers of the Sixth Army could already feel the resistance transmitted by the firing rod; while the Tiefeng County Army was still advancing.

Eighty meters.

The musketeers of the Sixth Legion had dry throats and swallowed unconsciously; but the Tiefeng County Army was still advancing.

Seventy meters.

The musketeers of the Sixth Legion looked at their commanders in panic, eagerly awaiting orders; while the Tiefeng County Army was still advancing.

Sixty meters.

The back of Lieutenant Thorin of the Sixth Army was already wet with cold sweat. He had never seen the tactics of the Tiefeng County Army. He could vaguely guess the Tiefeng County Army's intentions, but he could not think of any way to deal with them.

Fire! Lieutenant Thorin shouted: Fire!

The musketeers of the Sixth Army pressed down the firing rod with relief, and a series of flames burst out from the edge of the phalanx. The front of the phalanx was filled with smoke, and after the smoke, there were many muffled sounds of falling to the ground.

But when the smoke cleared, the Tiefeng County army was still advancing.

Fifty meters.

Free fire! Lieutenant Thorin sternly urged the stunned musketeers: Hurry up and reload!

The musketeers woke up from a dream and hurriedly searched for gunpowder bottles and lead bags. However, many musketeers' fingers seemed to be frozen, and it became difficult to pour gunpowder into the barrel.

The Tiefeng County Army is still advancing.

Forty meters.

Thirty meters.

In the frightened eyes of the enemy, the Tiefeng County Army stopped and stood still.

Three rows of volleys. Tamas turned around and ordered: Get ready.

Three rows of volleys - prepare! the sergeants shouted to pass on the order.

The Tiefeng County musketeers in the second and third rows quickly filled the gap between the musketeers in the first row, standing close to each other at an extremely dangerous distance, setting up their matchlock guns and aiming at the enemy in front of them.

In front of them, the musketeers of the Sixth Army were frantically pushing lead bullets deep into their barrels. This time, Tiefeng County Army will not give them another chance.

Tamas retreated to the battle line and roared an order:

“Let them hear the thunder!!!”

In an instant, the gunshots across the front converged into deafening thunder, and the anger and hatred that had been accumulated until now turned into a brilliant flame.

The devastating volleys shattered the opposing sides of the two parliamentary phalanxes.

Compared with the casualties, the will and morale of the parliamentary army were more completely destroyed.

Before the sound of thunder dissipated, the beast-like cry of killing had already begun.

A short Tiefeng County soldier was the first to rush out of the square, jumped into the Sixth Army's square that was littered with wounded soldiers and corpses, and went straight to the lieutenants under the army's banner.

It seemed like countless Tiefeng County soldiers rushed out of the smoke, like a storm of steel and blood, and the parliamentary soldiers were involved in bloody hand-to-hand combat that they had never seen before.

The indestructible rock was shattered into brown torrents, and the parliamentary army formation, which was attacked from both sides, groaned in pain and collapsed irreparably.

Don't stop! Without enough time to meet the officers of Baishan County, Tamas led his men to attack another parliamentary army formation: Drive them away! Drive them to overwhelm other formations!

While the troops commanded by Tamas were fighting with the parliamentary army, the large cavalry force of the New Reclamation Army finally rushed back to the battlefield.

As the figure of the cavalry officer of the Parliamentary Army appeared on the other side of the river, the scattered soldiers who had been wandering near the Tiefeng County Army immediately found their backbone. The originally scattered brown cavalry quickly regrouped and lined up on the west bank.

The second front commanded by Bart Schalling also changed its formation immediately. Each company turned and moved to the beat of the drum, establishing a direction on the southwest side of the Tamas Department.

The second battalion commander has been closely observing the movements of the parliamentary cavalry, because no matter how confident he and Tamas are in their men, they cannot change the dilemma that their troops are only light infantry without cavalry cover.

Therefore, when the troops commanded by Tamas had gained the advantage, the troops commanded by Bart Shaling did not follow up immediately.

For Bart Schalling, protecting the friendly flanks and rear from attack was more important than expanding the results of the battle.

The situation was exactly as Bart Xialing expected. When Tamas's troops and the remnant troops of Baishan County attacked the enemies of the Sixth Army from inside and outside, the cavalry of the New Reclamation Expedition Army was also ready to charge.

Listen up, boys! Bart Shilling walked in front of each company, checking the equipment of the musketeers in a leisurely manner, and encouraged loudly: Whether this battle can be won or not depends not on the battalion. It’s our ability that matters! What’s the point of dealing with a few coward soldiers of the puppet army? Only those who can withstand the puppet cavalry are worthy of being soldiers who claim to be blood wolves! As for the trivial chores...

Bart Xialing stopped, looked at his subordinates, and laughed: Let the first battalion commander do it!

The Tiefeng County soldiers beside Bart Xialing also laughed.

Just as he was talking, the cavalry on the other side moved, guiding the cavalry to divide into two groups, one on the left and one on the right to outflank the Tiefeng County army.

Okay! Stand up straight, don't take a step back. Bart Xialing put away his smile and retreated into the human wall: Three rows of volleys! Get ready!

Three rows of volleys! The sergeants relayed the order to all parts of the battle line like a relay: Get ready!

For the Tiefeng County Army, where half of the soldiers were musketeers, devastating volleys were their ultimate means of confrontation.

But so far, no one has used this tactic in actual combat - and Bart Schalling is not completely sure.

I know! You are very tired! Bart Xialing walked behind the soldiers, without a trace of panic or hesitation in his tone, as if victory was already within his grasp: So - fight hard! Finish this battle. , I’ll let you sleep for three days and three nights at a stretch!”

In the blink of an eye, the brown-clothed cavalry had crossed the unknown river from the fording field, guiding the charging cavalry to speed up.

The rumble of hoofbeats echoed on both sides of the river valley, drowning the Tiefeng County Army's battle line. There are only a few hundred cavalrymen, but they seem to be thousands of troops.

Including Bart Xialing, the Tiefeng County soldiers responsible for blocking the cavalry subconsciously held their breath.

The cover of the gunpowder pool has been opened, and the finger is already on the firing rod. There is only one chance to fire a salvo. The slightest difference may put the entire army into catastrophe.

Bart Shilling stared closely at the brown cavalry, constantly assessing the distance in his mind.

Just before he was about to give the order to fire, the brown cavalry suddenly changed direction and turned back towards the west bank.

The dust kicked up by the horses' hooves blocked Bart Xialing's vision, but when the east wind swept away the smoke and dust, Bart Xialing immediately understood the reason for the enemy's strange movement:

A cavalry force coming from the northwest was charging on the west bank, desperately trying to intercept the parliamentary cavalry that had not yet crossed the river.

The flag held high by the cavalry was embroidered with the symbol of Baishan County.

It's the cavalry from Baishan County! Bart Xialing shouted: The cavalry from Baishan County are still there! Attack! Attack! Attack!

The fighting opportunity was fleeting, and he couldn't wait for his subordinates to convey the order to all parts of the battle line. Bart Xialing grabbed the flagpole directly from the flag bearer, held the military flag high and ran out of the battle line. While rushing to the camp, he shouted loudly, shouting It was even so sharp that it almost broke the voice: Attack!!!

This time, there was no need for sergeants and orderlies to pass on instructions. All Tiefeng County soldiers understood what the second battalion commander's order was.

After a brief hesitation, the Tiefeng County army was like a flash flood, shouting and rushing towards Tushe Field following Bart Xialing.

Captain Luo Song, who commanded the cavalry of Leiqun County on the west bank, was surprised to find that the infantry of Tiefeng County on the east bank took the initiative to attack.

After successfully leading the parliamentary cavalry back to the west bank, Lauzon had ordered a retreat and reorganization.

But seeing a rare opportunity to fight, Luo Song pulled the reins without hesitation and led his men to charge again.

Without any contact, Tiefeng County infantry and Leiqun County cavalry completed an extremely well-timed coordinated attack, trapping the parliamentary army's cavalry at a retreat on the upper reaches of the unknown creek.

Bart Shilling commanded the musketeers to occupy the high ground on the river bank, and shot down the brown cavalry who were panicking.

Perhaps it was an illusion. When the military flag of Baishan County galloped past on the other side of the river, Bart Xialing saw the cavalrymen of Leiqun County under the military banner taking off their helmets and nodding to himself.

[East Bank Mound]

[Parliamentary Army Artillery Position]

It's all over. Lieutenant Colonel Varley thought tiredly: It's all over.

The emergence of the Tiefeng County rebels disrupted the deployment of the parliamentary army, forcing the parliamentary army that was already pursuing the fleeing enemies in Bianjiang County and Leiqun County to change direction and refill the southern front.

If the enemies in Bianjiang County and Leiqun County choose to take the opportunity to retreat, the parliamentary army will still have a chance to defeat them one by one.

But will the enemy commander commanding Bianjiang County and Leiqun County take the opportunity to retreat?

Although Lieutenant Colonel Varley did not know the senior who held the silver-edged military flag, he already had the answer after just a few battles today.

At this moment, within his field of vision, the enemy's large column was moving towards Hehe Valley Village again, which further verified his answer.

Today's parliamentary army is like a clumsy giant, trying to turn around and catch the wolf biting its butt, but then exposes its butt to another wolf.

Turn the cannon! Lieutenant Colonel Varley pointed at the silver-bordered military flag in the distance and ordered through gritted teeth: Reload.

The numb-looking gunners stood there, motionless. Finally, the gray-haired old gunner nodded, and the gunners got back to work.

They struggled to move the cannon and redirect the artillery aimed at River Valley Village at the incoming enemy from the southwest.

Warley closed one eye, stretched out his arm, and measured the distance to the silver military flag.

At this moment, he heard someone behind him ask: Hey! What do you do?

A lazy voice answered: He came from the camp to deliver cannonballs.

Although the respondent spoke a Plato dialect, Lieutenant Colonel Warley recognized a somewhat familiar accent.

He turned to look in the direction of the sound, frowned and asked, Who asked you to deliver the cannonballs?

The respondent said Oh casually, took out a folded piece of paper, walked over and handed it to Vallee: Sanel, this is an order.

Sanel? Lieutenant Colonel Vallee was startled: You mean Colonel Saner? Why did he ask you to send artillery shells...

The respondent stopped talking and just continued to walk towards Vale, and he would be in front of him in a few steps.

Lieutenant Colonel Varley looked around suspiciously and found that the strange riders had surrounded the artillery position. He shouted in horror: Stop! You are not delivering artillery shells!

Before he could finish his words, the answerer had already jumped towards him.

Valei wanted to draw his sword, but it was too late. As soon as his hand rested on the hilt of the sword, the opponent's fist was already in his face.

Ware was punched so hard that his eyes were filled with stars. He screamed and fell down. His throat was choked by the opponent, and he received several more heavy punches on his eye sockets, bridge of nose, and cheekbones.

After venting his anger, the respondent stood up. He spat, revealing a pair of wolf-like fangs, and smiled viciously: I am indeed not a deliverer of artillery shells, you provincial man!

But Lieutenant Colonel Varley couldn't hear and couldn't answer. The Lieutenant Colonel had been beaten unconscious, and only a low moan came from his throat.

The man with a pair of wolf-like fangs - Major Seb Carrington, put his hands on his hips, kicked the lieutenant colonel at his feet, and ordered: Tie up this federal guy, don't let him Ran.

Two riders immediately ran over, tied up the lieutenant colonel, lifted him onto the horse, and drove away immediately.

Major. A rider wearing an old lieutenant's uniform and with a clean shaven head came over, looked at the gunner who had been controlled with a sullen face, and asked: Are you going to kill him?

Seb waved his hand, walked up to the gunners, and asked sternly: You are all Platoans! Why are you helping the United Provinces to kill the Platoons?

The gunners lowered their heads, no one dared to answer, and no one dared to look at the evil star in front of them.

Speak! Seb shouted again.

Someone asked in a low voice: It's not okay to help the people of the United Provinces to kill the Platts, so is it okay to help the Platts to kill the Platts?

Seb was furious: Who's talking?!

Sir. Sergeant Suter, the gray-haired old artillery commander, took a step forward, raised his head and looked at Seb: I asked them to obey the orders of the commander of the United Provinces.

Old man. Seb sneered and asked, Do you want to take the blame and pretend to be a hero?

The old gunner did not defend himself, but lowered his head and continued: Their children are all in Maple Stone City, and they have no choice.

Seb snorted and ignored the old man in front of him. He strode to the cannon and quickly scanned the battlefield. Then he turned back and asked, Do you want to live or die?

Live. The old sergeant replied in a low voice.

Don't want to die? Then from now on, you will be our gunners. After saying that, no matter what the answers of the old gun commander and gunners were, Seb had already walked towards the three cannons that could still be used, and loudly ordered: Take these Point the three cannons at the impostors bearing the flag of the Sixth Army to the south! Hit those bastards hard!

The gunners looked tentatively at the old gunner.

The old gunner closed his eyes in pain and nodded.

At the same time, on the battlefield where Baishan County fought against the Sixth Army, the situation had reversed.

The Tiefeng County Army successively defeated a veteran brigade of the Sixth Army and two weak reserve brigade that had been deployed to defend the river bank.

The defeated soldiers of the Sixth Army panicked and were driven to flee towards Hehe Village.

The Tiefeng County army cooperated with the remnants of Baishan County to vaguely surround the two remaining veteran brigades of the Sixth Army.

Go to Saner! Colonel Nagy grabbed the messenger and shouted into the latter's ear: Tell him! Let him set up defenses in River Valley Village! There are few rebels! Let's retreat to River Valley Village to regroup! still have a chance!

As soon as the messengers of the Sixth Army rushed out of the phalanx, the messengers of the New Reclamation Expedition Army crossed the fire net and rushed into the phalanx where Colonel Nagy was.

Because the officers of the Sixth Army at all levels had already changed into civilian clothes, it took a lot of effort for the messenger to find them.

The messenger of the New Reclamation Expeditionary Force brought Saner's password, which was completely opposite to Najib's command: Colonel Saner orders you not to retreat! Hold your ground!

Hold on! Najib yelled regardless of his grace: How the hell am I going to hold on?!

The messenger of the New Reclamation Expedition Army was shouted at and subconsciously dodged: The colonel said that reinforcements will be here soon!

Najib was furious: Reinforcements? Where are the reinforcements?

While he was talking, reinforcements really arrived.

Along the provincial road, from between two intersecting hills, a big army with the flag of the New Land Reclamation Corps marched out.

But what kind of army is that!

There is no order, no formation, and no command to speak of;

A small number of people had weapons in their hands, others had sticks and branches they had picked up, and the rest had nothing but bare hands.

The dark soldiers were like a group of wild beasts, blindly following a military flag.

One hundred cavalrymen were like shepherd dogs, waving whips, wooden sticks, and scabbards to drive away those who fell behind, and mercilessly killed those who tried to escape.

Najib just took one look and cursed.

What reinforcements?! It's clear that Saner drove the defeated troops here like livestock! What the hell kind of battle can this be?

But after the scolding, a faint fire ignited in Najib's heart.

There is no other way! Najib murmured with red eyes: The rebels have few soldiers! The rebels have few soldiers! Even if we can break up the rebel formation! Even if...even if we can consume the rebels, The army fires a volley! Everyone has a chance! Everyone has a chance! A chance...

In the phalanx of Baishan County, Geza Adonis was also yelling.

If a ray of hope was ignited in Najib's heart, then the last flame of hope in Colonel Geza's heart was extinguished.

So he used the most vicious words to curse Sanel, cursed Chloe, cursed the bastard who commanded the Sixth Legion, and even couldn't help but cursed Colonel Bode and Winters Montagne.

Of course, Geza knew that the reinforcements that Saner came over were just a ragtag group, and he also knew that Colonel Bode and Winters Montagne had done their best.

However, Saner had already made it clear that he wanted to use the defeated troops to fill the trenches. However, his troops were too few, and the reinforcements from Tiefeng County were also too few. The support until now was all thanks to a bloody bravery.

Not to mention that the various departments in Baishan County and Tiefeng County are already in a melee at this moment. They can only win in one go and have no chance to retreat and reorganize.

Gesa cursed again and led the guards out of Baishan County's main formation, across the chaotic battlefield, and headed straight for the Tiefeng County military flag.

Who's the leader? Gesa didn't recognize the Tiefeng County officer, so he asked right away, Who's the leader?

An armored soldier with a reliable face and a strong build stood up and raised his hand in salute.

Take your people and withdraw. Gesa ordered without any doubt: Meet Colonel Scull and follow his command.

I think so. The reliable-looking soldier paused and said, No need.

Gesa was startled and was about to explode on the spot, but he heard the other party report with a hint of excitement:

Reinforcements are coming, Colonel.

Reinforcements? Gesa raised his eyebrows: Are there reinforcements? How many are there?

The trustworthy-looking soldier put away his smile and answered seriously, word for word: One!

As soon as he finished speaking, the desolate horn sounded throughout the valley.

A bloody flag was planted on the hill in the southeast.

Seeing the military flag, Colonel Nagy couldn't help but swallowed:

The ghost of Styx arrives on the battlefield.

[Additional explanation: The [three-row volley] tactic should theoretically be a tactic specifically used by musketeers to resist cavalry. But the real world is pragmatic, so whether a three-row salvo can be used against infantry, of course it can, and there are many battle examples]

[For example, there was such a war in the [1621-1629 Polish-Swedish War] before Sweden officially participated in the Thirty Years War (the two fought several times, all called the Polish-Swedish War)]

[October 1, 1626, the third confrontation of the Battle of Medway, Gustavus II versus Sigismund III]

[The Swedish musketeers occupying the high ground fired a volley at the Polish infantry, and then the Polish cavalry seized the opportunity and defeated the Swedish musketeers with a charge] (Note: This is why it is best not to fire volleys casually/volley theory It should be a tactic specially used to resist cavalry)

[However, the Swedish army deployed another front on the high ground in advance. When the Polish cavalry pursued the defeated troops, they were fired upon by musketeers on the second front of the Swedish army. The Polish cavalry was forced to retreat and reorganize] [This battle ultimately resulted in the withdrawal of the Polish army and the victory of the Swedish army]

[Thanks to book friends for their collection, reading, subscription, recommendation votes, monthly votes, rewards and comments, thank you all]

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