Iron Powder and Spellcaster

Chapter 432 The Great Alliance Moves Forward (5)

[Jinghu County]

[Outside of Green Valley Town]

Away from the lushly wooded Qingmeng Mountains, the terrain becomes increasingly flat.

Major Alder Felt stood on the mound beside the road, his eyes stretching along the sun-dried road. The town of Green Valley with green walls and red tiles in the middle of the river valley was already vaguely visible.

Beside him, six brigades composed of the Sixth Army and the New Reclamation Army, totaling more than 3,000 soldiers, were marching towards Green Valley Town.

Major Felt looked at the town of Green Valley under the setting sun, and the uneasiness that had been lingering in his heart became more and more intense.

What other people see as a peaceful valley town, in Felt's eyes, is like the bloody mouth of a beast, waiting for its prey to fall into its trap.

The reason why Alder Felt felt this way was not because the road from McCue to Green Valley was not smooth.

On the contrary, the small group of rebel Qingqi that had been causing a lot of trouble since they left Maiqiu Town and headed for Green Valley Town disappeared without a trace overnight.

It was as if an invisible giant hand gently wiped the rebel Qingqi off the canvas. Felt's troops were never harassed again, and the journey from Wheathill to Green Valley was uneventful.

The honorary officers at all levels were delighted, and the spirits of the soldiers at the bottom were also greatly boosted.

After all, the situation of you might be arrested if you pee on the roadside puts everyone under tremendous pressure; in contrast, although marching is tiring, at least there is no risk of life.

But Felt couldn't laugh at all. He subconsciously touched the newly scabbed wound on his cheek - it was a souvenir left by a small group of fierce rebel light cavalry.

At that time, the opponent jumped out from the reverse slope of the roadside mound without warning, and rushed straight towards Felt like lightning.

Because the opponent was riding a captured army horse and wearing the uniform of his own light cavalry, no one, including Felt, had time to react immediately.

By the time Felt came to his senses, more than twenty rebel cavalrymen had already rushed towards him.

The surrounding soldiers dispersed, and Felt rolled off his horse in embarrassment, hiding among the soldiers and escaping. The freshly scabbed cut on his face was left at that time.

Felt's entourage was not as lucky as him, and together with the two honorary officers present, they were all hacked to death in the blink of an eye.

Moreover, the rebel cavalry not only attacked fiercely, but also let go more decisively. Seeing that they missed a single hit, the leading rebel cavalry blew a whistle, and the twenty-odd rebel cavalrymen immediately fled away.

By the time the light cavalry rushed to the rescue, the rebel cavalry had already disappeared behind the hillside.

Recalling that thrilling scene, Major Felt unconsciously reached out and touched the wound on his face.

Although the rebels' throat-sealing sword was unsuccessful, the shadow left on Felt's heart was not small at all.

The hard scab covering the wound not only reminded Felt that his enemy was cunning, fierce, and decisive. He did not hesitate when he drew his sword, and he was never sloppy when he sheathed his sword. He was not at all the exhausted and vulnerable traitor in the propaganda of the Grand Council. military.

It also gave Felt a deeper understanding of the meaning of the coming and going of the Plato cavalry.

Completely different natural and cultural environments have shaped completely different art of war.

In the former Duchy of the Piedmont and today in the United Provincial Republic, warfare was fought outside the bastions, in the trenches, and on the small polders between fortified towns.

Therefore, the federal army is good at defending cities, adept at sieging cities, skilled in soil work, and is accustomed to short-distance maneuvers between two cities.

In the second half of the Sovereignty War, relying on the fortress-like fortified town clusters, the United Provinces finally blocked the mad emperor who was driving his own expedition, ensuring that Plato and Veneta were not affected by the war, and finally won the victory.

However, in the vast Plato - especially in the newly cultivated land with minimal development, the war is fought in the endless plains, rolling hills and forests with towering giant trees.

There are vast expanses of wasteland between villages, and the distance between towns is far beyond reach. The distance from the station in Xilin Province to Maple Stone City alone is longer than the distance across the United Provinces from north to south.

Speed! Speed! Speed! Major Felt sighed belatedly: An army that lacks speed and mobility can only be beaten everywhere in Plato!

Major Felt vaguely regretted rashly accepting the task of leading half of the legion on the expedition, and his ambition to achieve great results was diluted by the imminent threat.

He did not believe that the enemy would give up the numerical advantage of the cavalry and allow him to pass unmolested through the road between Maiqiu and Green Valley.

And Felt was convinced that the enemy's cavalry had not withdrawn, because although the harassment of the small group of rangers stopped, his own light cavalry was still suppressed.

As long as the light cavalry under his command dare to leave the sight of his own army, they will never appear on the horizon again.

The messengers sent by Felt were like mud cows drowning in the sea, never to return, while the messengers from Bazenauer and Maplestone City had never appeared again since the day before yesterday.

Whenever faced with a difficult problem in the past, Felt often turned to logic.

But this time, his logic gave an answer he was unwilling to accept:

Since the enemy cavalry can still firmly suppress our own cavalry, it proves that they still have the ability to use continuous harassment to weaken our own troops;

If you clearly have this ability but don't use it, and ignore the possibility that the opponent's commander is an incompetent and mediocre person, then there is only one reasonable answer - the enemy commander premeditatedly stopped harassing the tired enemy.

The other party doesn't want to slow down my march. Felt thought to himself: Not only that, he is also eagerly waiting for my arrival.

Thinking of this, Felt looked at the town of Green Valley, which was surrounded by farms and orchards. He felt that the peaceful town on the surface was actually full of murderous intent. Even a series of birds flying in the farmland in the distance seemed like a sign of the enemy's presence.

Felt looked at his troops again: nearby, soldiers carrying weapons on their shoulders took long strides and silently followed the people in front; in the distance, the tips of spears floated above the wheat ears.

In fact, Felt didn't even need to look at it. The whole picture of the marching column was already in his mind:

Six cohorts, totaling thirty-six centuries, were arrayed on the road in order;

Three brigades were in the front section, three brigades were in the rear section, and the baggage carriages were protected in the middle section;

Although he had ordered the centurions as the smallest unit and the densest eight-column march, the size of the army caused the marching column to inevitably extend for two kilometers, stretching the entire army's formation into a long strip.

As for the enemy troops?

According to the report received by Felt: the enemy's main force has bypassed the Qingyin Mountain Pass and is heading to Bazenauer from Qingmeng Town and Changhu Town, seeking a main battle with the New Reclamation Force;

Between Maplestone City and Jinghu County, the enemy only has some light cavalry units that act independently. The purpose should be to monitor our army's movements in Maplestone City and Warne County and prepare that the enemy's main force is about to attack Maplestone City. Illusion and interception of communications between Colonel Sarnell's troops and Maplestone City.

Until leaving McCue, the enemy's behavior was consistent with Major Felt's intelligence.

Although harassment by small groups of rangers is difficult to prevent and seriously damages the morale of the troops, it also proves that the enemy's army is small in size and lacks the ability to launch a frontal offensive.

However, the unusual calmness along the way from Maiqiu to Green Valley gave Major Felt a sense that something was wrong.

However, what made Major Felt more anxious than the enemy's movements was his own men.

Half of the Sixth Army led by Major Felt first trekked from the Xilin Province to the New Reclamation Province, rested briefly in Maple Stone City for one night, and then marched non-stop towards Jinghu County.

Marching for several days severely consumed the soldiers' physical strength and will, and the soldiers were in urgent need of rest.

However, the battle situation did not allow them to rest and recuperate. Felt's troops must occupy Qingyin Pass as soon as possible, cut off the rebels' retreat, and ensure that not a single rebel officer escapes.

If the prey that had fallen into the trap was allowed to escape again, then Ald Felt, who had finally found the opportunity to make a crime, could pack his luggage and wait to return to the United Provinces to write the history of the war.

Felt couldn't help but feel a little frustrated. If it weren't for various unfavorable conditions, he would have the confidence to face any enemy head-on by training five infantry groups with his own hands.

But he quickly cheered up - from ancient times to the present, generals and commanders have always overcome all kinds of adverse conditions to achieve victory.

Blow the trumpet. Major Felt ordered: Stop the march and order all officers to come to my place for a meeting.

The long marching column moved forward for a while before completely stopping due to inertia.

Officers of all ranks rode horses from all parts of the column to the mound where Major Felt was located.

Among all the officers, only six captains were from the Lu Academy, and they were all graduates of the 22nd batch who had just returned to China.

The remaining thirty-four centurions were all honorary officers appointed by the Great Council - there would have been thirty-six if it were not for the fact that two were attacked and killed on the road.

Green Valley Town was right in front of them, but the soldiers were not in a hurry. It was rare for them to take a break, so they took the time to rest where they were.

On the contrary, the officers were impatient. As soon as all the troops were gathered, someone asked impatiently: Green Valley Town is very close at hand, Major, why are you calling off the troops now?

The question was asked by an honorary officer. Major Felt sighed and asked, Didn't you notice that the enemy hasn't harassed us like before the whole day today?

So... they retreated? the young honorary officer asked with wide eyes.

Two captains crossed their arms impatiently.

Major Felt was very tolerant. He patiently explained to the novice officers: This kind of independent light cavalry will not retreat easily. Their duty is to cover the battlefield. The further we go forward, the greater the resistance they will give us. That's right. It's too quiet today, a bit strange.

The honorary officer who asked the question fell silent.

What do you think? A captain asked in a deep voice: They haven't made any movement today. Are they concentrating their forces and trying to make a desperate move?

Major Felt nodded: Other than that, there is no reasonable explanation.

The air became thicker, and the honorary officers suddenly felt that the evening breeze had become colder.

Major Felt changed the subject and said with a smile: But don't forget, we are an army that cannot be underestimated. As long as we don't get into trouble and want to eat us, we have to see if they have the teeth first. .”

The atmosphere relaxed a bit, and some people laughed softly in cooperation.

Felt looked at the town of Green Valley in the setting sun and tapped the hilt of his sword lightly with his fingertips: Our communications have been blocked. None of the liaison messengers sent to Green Valley Town before have returned; regularly sent from Bazenauer The signal cavalry that returned has not appeared again in the past few days. Prepare for the worst - Green Valley Town and even Qingyin Pass may have fallen. The rebels will not sit back and watch their retreat be cut off, if they want to stop us To control Qingyin Pass, Green Valley Town is their last and best chance.

Several captains nodded in agreement.

So we are not in a hurry to enter Green Valley Town. Major Felt waved his hand: Send another group of light cavalry to Green Valley Town to find out the situation. The captain will stay, and the centurion will go back to prepare. If there is no accident , We will camp outside Green Valley Town tonight.


Three light cavalrymen were sent to Green Valley Town. Their figures flew quickly among the wheat fields and branches, and soon they arrived under the high wall of Green Valley Town.

The gate was raised and the three cavalrymen were let in.

After a while, the gate was raised again, and three cavalrymen ran out again, hurrying back to Major Felt's temporary command post.

Sir. The leader of the cavalry reported, sweating profusely and overjoyed: There are no enemies in Green Valley Town!

Major Felt was noncommittal and simply asked: Did you see it with your own eyes?

I saw it with my own eyes! the light cavalry squad leader swore, slapping his chest: The old mayor said that there was still a group of rebels in Green Valley until yesterday, but they all withdrew during the day. He must have heard He said we were coming and scared him away!

Several captains present looked at each other.

Major Felt frowned: Evacuated? Where?

Evacuate to Qingyin Mountain Pass! The light cavalry squad leader pointed to Qingyin Mountain in the distance. He vividly recounted: The old mayor said that the rebels not only took away all the supplies stored by the legion, but also took away the town's supplies. All the grain and grass on the carriages were scraped clean! The carriages were all loaded high and they moved one after another. It took a whole morning to complete the journey!

Shave it clean? Is it too late? A captain smiled contemptuously: Does the 'Old Mayor' have a lot of evil intentions? He is afraid that we will come to scrape their territory too.

Maybe the rebels really retreated? Another captain asked optimistically: Maybe they think they don't have enough troops? Or maybe they plan to defend Qingyin Pass?

Major Felt remained noncommittal and continued to ask the light cavalry: How many rebels are there?

A few hundred more, right? The light cavalry squad leader scratched the back of his head and said hesitantly: The old mayor said that he didn't know that the rebels didn't enter the town, and they weren't allowed to enter the rebel camp. But according to reports He said the camp was not big.

Major Felt tilted his chin, lost in thought.

Major. A captain stood up and volunteered: Why don't you let me bring a hundred people and go over and take a look? Whether it is a snake pit or a beast's den, you will know if you step on it?

Major Felt shook his head and nodded again: I want to send someone to take a look, but you can't go - just pick a centurion.

Soon, an honorary officer led a group of soldiers into Green Valley Town.

After a while, the honorary officer galloped out on horseback and reported the victory to Major Felt: Great victory! Major! There are no enemies in the town! We recaptured Green Valley Town without blood!

Felt's brows furrowed even more. He pondered for a moment and ordered the captain who had just volunteered: Take your people and station in Green Valley. Remember, search the town first and then control the city gate. If there is any situation, report to him at any time. I'll report... By the way, send the mayor to me, I want to question him personally.

Yes! The officer from Lu Yuan raised his hand in salute and took the order to leave.

Soon, five centurions separated from the middle of the column and drove toward Green Valley in a mighty manner.

Another captain asked hesitantly: What about us? Major?

Major Felt pursed his lips and finally made up his mind: If we don't enter the town, we will spend the night outside the town.

He stood on the mound and looked out, wandering around again and again, and finally chose a good location, pointed with his riding crop: Send the order to the entire army to camp on that meadow tonight!

At the same time, in the meadow where Major Felt pointed with his riding crop, Andre, lying in the wormwood, was yelling: [A sea-blue expletive with anger that breaks through the sky]! Why don't you go into the city? That man is Ald. ·Is Felt’s guy a bastard? Why are you so cowardly?! Bastard! Rabbit! Rat! [An angry Hailan swears]!”

With nowhere to vent, Andre stared at his red eyes, looked left and right, grabbed a handful of grass, and bit it down like crazy to prevent himself from making too much noise: [Indistinct single word Syllable swear words]!!!”

Winters next to Andre turned his head and glanced at the setting sun, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at the subordinates waiting beside him: Although the enemy has not completely entered the ambush circle, if we wait until it gets completely dark, It will not be conducive to our reorganization. If Major Seber cannot restrain himself from taking early action, our arrangements are more likely to be in vain.

Andre suddenly became energetic, spit out the grass stems in his mouth, and became very energetic.

All ministries, Winters ordered calmly, attack as planned.

On the road not far from the town of Green Valley, the light cavalry of Felt's troops, who were marching, suddenly found that the horses under their crotches had become restless.

Immediately afterwards, the soldiers were horrified to see billowing smoke passing over the yellowing winter wheat that was just waiting to be harvested all over the mountains and plains, heading towards them from both sides of the road.

Then there was a burst of fire.

[Although, I can only get here temporarily today...]

[Most of today’s chapter is devoted to the situation faced by “Old Felt”, as well as the decisions he made and the reasons for his decisions]

[Originally, I wanted to compare the decisions made by Winters and the reasons for them, and then write until the end of the Green Valley part, but... it was too late...]

[So, to be continued...]

[Also, it is not made up by the author that he was arrested and killed after going to the toilet on the roadside. The author has seen similar descriptions in at least four war records from different eras, regions, races, and types. Including but not limited to: the Russian Campaign of the Napoleonic War, Liu and Deng's advance into the Dabie Mountains, the United States' Vietnam War, and the Pacific War of World War II... Many times, an army seems to occupy a certain area, but in fact it can only control Roads - not even the gutters on either side of them, just roads. In this case, it is really dangerous to walk down the road to go to the toilet, because you never know if there is an enemy hiding on the roadside...]

[Thanks to book friends for their collection, reading, subscription, recommendation votes, monthly votes, rewards and comments, thank you all]

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