Iron Powder and Spellcaster

Chapter 429 The Great Alliance Moves Forward (2)

[New Reclamation Province]

[The border between Wargne County and Maplestone City]

It was already dark, and the army rested temporarily on a hill between Provincial Avenue and the Big Horn River.

Tens of thousands of people marched in a hurry, and the marching column was inevitably stretched very long. While the soldiers at the front of the marching order were already camping to feed their horses, many troops at the back of the marching order had not yet arrived at the camp.

Colonel Bode found a large rock on the side of the road to sit down and rest, and asked the officers in front of him in a relaxed tone: The troops in Wargne County are still not moving?

Yes, senior. The garrison in Wargne County has not been dispatched. Colonel Scull from Leiqun County stood in front of Colonel Bode and replied carefully:

The scouts reported an hour ago - the Wargne County garrison is standing still, and the main force is still in Artemis. After discovering our marching column in the towns along the way, they all chose to close their doors tightly, and no abnormality has been found yet. .

Colonel Bode nodded as he beat his sore knees.

In this dispatch, the troops from Leiqun, Bianjiang, and Baishan counties first gathered secretly at Yuanhua Castle in Baishan County, and then crossed the Anya River under the cover of night and entered Tiefeng County and Winters Montagne's garrison. armies join forces.

After continuing from Tiefeng County into Wargne County, the four-county coalition did not take the shortest route directly to Bazenauer. Instead, they took a detour to the northwest and then marched northward along the Bighorn River.

The reason is simple: the shortest route is also the most densely populated and most heavily guarded route. For the four-county coalition, time is their most powerful weapon and the resource they cannot waste.

The reconnaissance cavalry in the rear also sent back reports. Colonel Scull continued to add from memory: Hammer Town and Ice Creek Valley sent messengers to Artemis and Maplestone City respectively today to ask for help - they have been intercepted. Captain Lauzon captured There are some people who spy on our march, and I have ordered them to be brought in for questioning.

The march of an army is like a herd of horses migrating. No matter how concealed the movement is, it is impossible to hide it. Colonel Bode waved his hand indifferently: No matter whether there are spies among those people, ignore them. Lock them up first. Just stay here and don’t let them run away.”

When a unit marches for more than sixteen hours a day, any officer who thinks the soldiers still have the energy to build a camp that meets defensive standards will sooner or later be hanged by mutinous soldiers.

Therefore, the four-county coalition camp tonight did not have trenches or walls. They only arranged a circle of horses outside the camp, and then used wooden sticks and ropes to divide different areas inside the camp.

Dark night, tired soldiers, camps lacking fortifications, densely arranged tents and baggage...

If one wanted to single out the moment when this army was most vulnerable, it would be in a few hours, when it would be completely dark.

By then, a hundred-horse raid might completely destroy its order. And order is the key to the survival of an army.

Fortunately, the commander of this army knew the weaknesses of his army better than his enemies.

At this moment, thousands of light cavalry were patrolling and reconnaissance on the periphery of the army, like a sparse net, closely monitoring the march route and movements within fifty kilometers around the camp.

This is one of the reasons why the commander of this army chose the Provincial Avenue on the east bank of the Big Horn River when planning the march route - marching along the river can reduce the service burden of the light cavalry by at least one-third.

Senior is right. The bald colonel standing next to Colonel Skull agreed: There is no need to pay attention to them at all. We just go our own way. Even if we are discovered, it doesn't matter.

The bald colonel stood with his arms folded, stroking the spiderweb-like scar on his left cheek with his right hand, and smiled contemptuously:

No matter how many scouts there are, it's impossible to block all the scouts. No matter how slow that boy Sander is, it's impossible not to realize that an army just passed by him. In the end, he just pretends not to see it! Well, we don’t expect him to send troops anyway. He wants to ride on the wall? Then let him continue to ride on the wall!”

Several lieutenants beside the bald colonel also laughed.

Colonel Bode felt that his calves had regained some strength, and he stood up with his knees on his knees.

He put away his relaxed and easy-going attitude, and his tone became calm and majestic: Strictly order the rear cavalry to avoid active contact with the Shandel tribe. However, as long as the Wargne County garrison dares to take a step forward from Artemis, he will be given the most resolute A blow. Big deal, let’s take Warne County first, and then slowly deal with Maplestone City.”

Yes! The surrounding officers stood at attention and raised their hands in order to salute: Legion Commander.

Colonel Bode took the reins, put the stirrups on the horse, and waved his hand: Go to boy Montagne's camp.

Among the four-county coalition forces, Tiefeng County's garrison seemed a bit different.

Not only because the Tiefeng County garrison was organized differently from the garrison troops in Baishan, Leiqun, and Bianjiang counties.

It is also because when the Tiefeng County garrison marches, they never mix with the troops from the other three counties and always form their own way.

When setting up camp, the Tiefeng County garrison did not join forces with the troops from the other three counties, but set up a separate camp at a certain distance from the main camp.

Even the supplies collected by the forwards were received individually by the Tiefeng County garrison.

The officers of Baishan, Leiqun, and Bianjiang counties all knew why. If the soldiers had any doubts, they would be put off by things like Tiefeng County troops are reserve forces.

But no matter what, the gap exists objectively.

Fortunately, the Commander of the New Reclamation Corps elected by the four-county coalition forces was Colonel Bode.

In terms of family background, Colonel Bode comes from one of the oldest and most influential families in Plato; in terms of military exploits, the appointment of the chief captain of the Sixth Army speaks for itself; even in terms of seniority, Bode Gates is a newcomer. The highest-ranking person among all the academic officers in the Reclamation.

In a sense, Colonel Bode was also the only officer in the new land who was qualified to shoulder the crime of rebellion.

Relying on his own prestige and his personal relationship with Winters Montagne, Colonel Bode single-handedly united the rebels and government forces under one banner.

With the mediation of Colonel Bode, a harmonious relationship was temporarily maintained between the Tiefeng County officer corps and the officers from the other three counties.

At the camp of the new army in Tiefeng County, Monkey, who was hammering tent pegs, heard the sound of horse hooves and looked up - a dozen or so impressive officers were galloping past him.

He chased out, staring closely at the officers on horseback until the latter's figures were obscured by other tents, and said enviously: So majestic! So beautiful! The horses are also beautiful! The clothes are also beautiful! If one day...

After returning from chopping firewood, Lu Xirong raised his leg and kicked the monkey on the butt: What are you doing standing there stupidly? Have you fed the horse?

Hey! Feedy! The monkey grinned in pain, covered his buttocks and screamed: Sergeant, do I dare not to feed him? That horse eats six times a day, which is better than me! Since I left Tiefeng County, I Only two meals a day! And they’re all dry, hard bread!”

You carry the things carried by the horse on your own, and I will let you eat six meals a day! I will let you eat twelve meals a day!!! Old Lu Xirong, who has been officially appointed as a sergeant, glared: Hey Go and fetch water! Then dry the foot-binding cloth! If you really have nothing to do, go to bed. You will only have to walk further tomorrow than you did today! Don’t complain then!

After teaching the monkey a lesson, Lu Xirong still kept a straight face: When this battle is over and you enter the training school, you will be like those adults when you come out.

After saying that, Lu Xirong carried the firewood to light the fire, leaving the monkey standing by the roadside.

The monkey stood for a while longer, scratched his head, returned to the tent and shouted: Paco! Paco!!

There was a response from the tent, and a thick-lipped soldier with a stout figure and an honest face walked out of the tent: Captain Pot, what's the matter?

Let's go! Get water with me!

The thick-lipped soldier named Paco nodded: I'll get the bucket.

Paco carried two buckets, and the monkey carried one bucket. They walked through the camp to the river.

When Paco lowered the barrel with a rope into the river, the monkey patted Paco on the shoulder: Since you have been assigned to my tent, I will not let you be bullied. Who dares to bully you? , just come and tell me! I will deal with him!

It sounded very funny when the skinny monkey said these words to the stocky Paco.

But Paco just nodded and replied: Thank you, Captain.

After the Battle of Shovel Harbor, the new army in Tiefeng County absorbed many prisoners from the Potal tribe.

Therefore, the monkey's account was also divided into two former shovel port militiamen. And the monkey is particularly pleased with Paco, who is both honest and strong... With Paco, he has a lot less physical work to do.

Don't be afraid, just do your best when you come. The monkey said grandly: You are now Lord Blood Wolf's soldier! After a few days of military service, you will be able to share the territory! It's a pity that you didn't catch up. In good times, in the past... Ouch! A hundred acres per head!

Paco's shoulders trembled. He lifted the bucket filled with water ashore and put down another bucket: Thank you, Captain.

The three buckets were quickly filled with water, and the monkey waved his hand: Let's go back!

Paco picked up two buckets of water and went to get the third bucket of water.

What for? Monkey raised his eyebrows and pushed Paco's hand away: It's not like I can't lift it! If I let you take it, isn't that bullying you? Let's go! Go back!

After that, he held a bucket full of water in both hands and trudged towards his tent.

Paco, carrying two buckets of water, followed the monkey step by step.

On the other side, in the stables of the New Army in Tiefeng County, Colonel Bode and others found Winters who was checking the hooves of the horses one by one.

Turning over and dismounting, Colonel Gesar touched his bare scalp and couldn't help but whisper: Where on earth did this guy get so many horses? Oh, if I had known better, I should have killed him...

Colonel. Winters wiped off his muddy hands and came over to greet him: I heard everything.

So what if you hear it? Geza Adonis glanced sideways at Winters Montagne: You are really proud of having three colonels come to have a meeting with one of your lieutenants.

Winters stood at attention, saluted the three officers meticulously, and then looked at Colonel Bode in confusion.

Okay. Colonel Bode waved his hand and joked: He would like to enter your military camp to have a look. Are you willing to let him in?

Gesa snorted, looked at Winters, and after a while muttered: Senior Bode is too biased towards you.

Colonel Geza Adonis seemed to be holding back his energy to find trouble with Captain Montagne, but in fact he secretly showed a close attitude.

In contrast, Colonel Skull, the top military commander of Leiqun County and who had previously rushed to the aid of Tiefeng County, seemed a bit taciturn.

In fact, from the moment he entered the Tiefeng County army camp, Colonel Scull was paying attention to everything around him.

From the soldiers' clothes, weapons and mental outlook, to the layout, discipline and overall look and feel of the military camp, and even the quantity, quality and condition of the horses.

What Colonel Skull saw made him, who already attached great importance to the Tiefeng County rebels, become more frightened and vigilant, so he unconsciously became taciturn.

It is interesting to say that it is completely different from the composition of the local troops in the counties of the New Reclamation Corps, which is mainly infantry.

The troops under Winters Montagne showed a distinct Plato style: they attached great importance to mobility and were as light-armed as possible; not only were they equipped with a large-scale cavalry unit, but even the infantry also had a large number of troops. Horses and packhorses assisted in transporting weapons and equipment - although mostly short Hed horses were used.

If all identification indicators are covered, let a third-party officer visit the military camps of the troops in Baishan, Leiqun, and Bianjiang counties and the troops in Tiefeng County. Then the third-party officers will definitely think that the new army in Tiefeng County comes from Plato, and the garrison troops in the three counties are the reserve legions of the people from the United Provinces.

The troops commanded by the real Platons look like the federal provincial army, but the troops under the Venetians are more like the Platon army than the Platon army. They can be called a part of the four-county coalition army. A wonderful sight.

Bader, Captain Moreau, and Lieutenant Colonel Jessica stayed behind in Gevaudan. Major Seiber and Andre were leading the cavalry on patrol, so currently only Winters and Mason were in the camp.

The reason why Colonel Bode led the mid-level officers from the three counties to Winters' camp was for one purpose - to hold a meeting.

Winters sent someone to find Senior Mason who was counting the baggage, eleven officer representatives from the three counties, two officer representatives from Tiefeng County, plus Colonel Bode, commander of the coalition forces and elected as the new commander of the New Reclamation Corps. , a total of fourteen officers began a military council meeting in the stable.

Different from the military meetings in dramas and poems where generals bicker and make clever plans, the content of pre-war meetings of academic officers has always been simple, that is, settling accounts.

After the expansion the previous year, there were already ten brigades under the direct control of General Adams. After the Maplestone Incident, these troops were all recruited by the traitor Chloe. Colonel Scull continued to serve as the account book. The memory said: General Adams also accumulated at least four squadrons of cavalry, which also fell into the hands of the traitors.

Winters placed ten soldier pieces on the map to represent the ten brigades, and four knight pieces to represent the four cavalry squadrons.

Colonel Scull added: The New Reclamation Expeditionary Force - that is, Saner's army - also has at least four brigades and two cavalry squadrons.

Winters laid out more pieces.

Colonel Skull continued: Whether it is the troops that fell into the hands of the traitors or the New Reclamation Expedition Army, their equipment and training level are quite good. Especially the New Reclamation Expedition Army, they can be regarded as Grove Magnu He is the only direct lineage that Sri Lanka has that he can use, and Sanel is the one that Grove Magnus strives to cultivate in the army.

Colonel Geza spat viciously: When the Hud barbarians came to plunder us last year, we were grateful because the Great Council sent elite soldiers and generals. But in the blink of an eye, the poisonous snake turned around and bit us - Grove Ma That poisonous snake Gnus! You can’t be trusted at all!”

In other words, the enemy has at least 7,000 well-trained infantry, 1,100 qualified cavalry, and may be equipped with artillery units. Colonel Scull calmly concluded: In the defense of Maple Stone City and Maple Leaf Fort, Next, perhaps we can also recruit an armed militia of 1,500 to 2,000 people.

No one present objected.

But their problem is the dispersion of troops and morale. After listing the enemy's advantages, Colonel Scull began to explain the enemy's disadvantages:

Both Maplestone City and Maple Leaf Castle need to be defended, and Sanel and Chloe cannot go out in full force. Therefore, their forces must be dispersed.

The troops that originally belonged to the New Reclamation Army simply surrendered due to inertia and would not willingly be loyal to the traitors. According to intelligence, in order to fill the vacancies at the grassroots level, the traitor Chloe appointed a large number of 'honorary officers' '——That's the guy who spends money to buy his status as an officer.

There were several disdainful sneers among the officers present.

Morale cannot be measured, and the enemy must be treated leniently. Colonel Bode turned his head and coldly lectured his juniors: If we expect the enemy to lay down their weapons and surrender as soon as the war begins, then we might as well disband now and kneel at the feet of the traitors. Go and beg his forgiveness and don’t waste the lives of soldiers in vain.”

The school officer and lieutenants stopped talking.

Finish settling the enemy's accounts. Colonel Bode came to his senses and said in a deep voice, Next, let's settle our accounts.

Compared with the accounts of the Reorganization of the New Reclamation Army and the New Reclamation Dispatch Army, the accounts of the four-county coalition forces did not need to be calculated at all. The officers present knew it well.

The Baishan County garrison devoted all its resources to six brigades—two more brigades than last year.

Leiqun County and Bianjiang County needed to guard against the Red Rose Army in Beilu Province, so they dispatched a total of seven brigades.

However, the two counties also provided a total of seven squadrons of cavalry, most of which were temporarily recruited riders, and a small number were elite hussars.

As well as the new Tiefeng County Army, which is small but well-equipped with all the internal organs - according to the Union Army's calculation method - there are four infantry brigades, 1,200 cavalry, and... three six-pound long guns.

In fact, after a winter of expansion, Tiefeng County's new army has expanded to five battalions and twenty companies, with a reported strength of 2,400 men.

However, the newly formed fifth battalion was left by Winters to guard Gévaudan, so the number of troops dispatched this time was four brigades.

The four-county coalition has a total of 8,160 soldiers, 2,460 light and heavy cavalry, and 3 artillery pieces unique to the Tiefeng County Army.

According to the numbers on the books, even when faced with the fully-staffed Reorganized New Reclamation Army and the New Reclamation Dispatch Army, the four-county coalition still had an advantage.

Then there's only one thing left. Colonel Bode's eyes flashed with fire: Is it to save Jinghu County?

He thrust his sword into the center of the map: Let's fight Maple Leaf Castle.

[this! This counts as an additional update...]

[So whether there will be an update tomorrow, I’m not sure yet]

[Supporting characters appearing in this chapter]

[Bod Gates, Colonel. The original second-in-command of the Sixth Army, a senior army officer with profound qualifications and background, was captured by the Chihe tribe in the Great Wasteland Battle and lost his left arm due to injury. Currently elected as the new Commander of the New Reclamation Army by the four-county coalition]

[Skull, Colonel. The garrison officer of Leiqun County once led more than a hundred hussars to the aid of Tiefeng County. It was a pity that Winters went on the road of rebellion, so he was also wary of Winters; General Zhi]

[Geza Adonis, Colonel. Baishan County garrison officer, outstanding military exploits, cheerful personality, likes bathing, no hair]

[Sunder, Lieutenant Colonel. The garrison officer of Warne County, who was appointed at the critical moment, obeyed the orders of the legion headquarters during the Blood Mud War and did not send troops to support Tiefeng County. Facing the menacing four-county coalition forces, we temporarily choose to sit on the fence and wait and see]

[Thanks to book friends for their collection, reading, subscription, recommendation votes, monthly votes, rewards and comments, thank you all]

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