Iron Powder and Spellcaster

Chapter 427 Dinner (Part 2)

Upon hearing Winters' question, Major Meyer did not answer. Instead, Major Nievitz answered. He said optimistically:

On the contrary, I think Colonel Sarnell should march steadily. He has the advantage of troops and logistics. As long as he does not encounter a turning defeat, victory will belong to the Great Council sooner or later. The colonel can definitely march more efficiently, but he still chooses to march at a regular speed Push forward and don't give the rebels a chance. Not only is this not a bad thing, it's actually a good thing.

Winters listened to Major Nievitz's analysis carefully with an encouraging look, then turned to look at Ike: Second Lieutenant Axel, what do you think?

Ike, who was concentrating on dealing with the beef tendon, took a moment to realize who the Second Lieutenant Axel Winters was talking about was.

He swallowed the beef tendon that was not completely chewed, picked up a napkin and wiped his lips gently, and asked with a smile: I am your prisoner. Do you want to hear a prisoner's opinion?

Winters nodded seriously.

Ike put down his napkin, propped his chin, and said slowly: The victory report released by the Legion did not disclose the strength of both sides, so I cannot evaluate their strategy. But I guess-since the rebel commander chose to shrink the defense, he must It is clear that if this continues, he will face a full-scale siege; Colonel Saner must also know that if this continues, he will face a brutal siege. But they still made the decision to continue, which shows that they must Everything is prepared”

Ike shook his head and smiled bitterly: They are all senior officers. They can consider everything I can think of, so I am not qualified to evaluate their decision-making. And among everyone here, I have the lowest rank and the least experience. Captain Tagne, please don’t let me mess around with my duties and embarrass myself.”

After listening to Ike's words, Major Meyer, who was sitting on the left side of Ike, asked lightly while cutting the meat: Second Lieutenant, where did you learn about the battle situation in Jinghu County?

Of course it's Communication. Ike said matter-of-factly: The piece of oil paper sent to me every morning is my only channel for contacting outside information. Without it, I don't know how to live.

Ike smiled and asked Winters: Captain Montagne, is there really a person named 'Engineer Officer Elek'? Or is it someone else's pseudonym? Is it yours?

Of course not me. Winters asked righteously, How could I be so mean?

Sitting on the left side of Winters, Anna, who had been playing the role of vase, covered her lips and coughed lightly.

Then Mr. Elek should pray that Colonel Sarnell will not see the Communication, otherwise Colonel Sarnell will have to come and fight him! Ike looked at the ceiling and tried his best to recite the words about Sarnell in the Communication. Colonel Nell’s comments:

'Aiming for a quick victory but not having the courage to take the plunge, being unwilling to fail yet taking risks and taking the initiative, being indecisive and timid, and bragging about occupying an undefended small village as a glorious victory is not good at all.' What is this evaluation? Who wrote it? It’s so… so vicious!”

After that, Ike couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud while looking out the window.

The smiles on the faces of Major Nievitz and Major Meyer could not be hidden. They picked up the napkin in unison and pretended to have something on the corner of their mouths.

Winters saw it all. He cleared away the last food on the plate - even the soup was eaten with bread, then drank the water from the empty glass, and finally wiped his mouth haphazardly with a napkin.

After finishing all this in a hurry, he patted his chest and exhaled a long and comfortable breath like a rough veteran who had had a good meal the night before the battle.

Then, he stared at Major Meyer and Major Nevitz and asked with interest: I think when the winner of the competition in Jinghu County is decided, the two of them will say goodbye, right?

Major Meyer put down the tableware and replied calmly: That's why, Captain Montagne, I tell you, 'There is no better time than now to return to the embrace of the Republic.'

No matter how dull they were, Ike and Major Nievitz could still notice that the relaxed and happy atmosphere just now no longer existed.

The air in the restaurant almost solidified, and the uneasy candlelight made the figures tremble.

Both of them put down their tableware and stared quietly at Captain Montagne and Major Meyer who were going back and forth with each other. Only Anna was still slowly tasting the dinner she had made by herself.

Yes. Winters calmly repeated the other party's words: You tell me that the Republic will never offer a better price than now.

My attitude has not changed now. Major Meyer said with a smile on his face: You are a Veneta person. Of course you understand the importance of 'timing' better than I do. When the war is raging, a A good horse can be exchanged for a large bag of gold; but if people no longer need to ride horses to fight, no matter how good the horse is, it will only be sent to the dining table and become inferior meat that will be eaten by the lower class.

Winters didn't smile. He leaned back in his chair and asked, pretending to be confused: But my comrades and I only have one county, and it is the most desolate and poorest county in the newly cultivated land. We also have the smallest number of troops, Warnie. County and Baishan County can easily mobilize much more troops than us. Why us?

Major Nievitz lowered his head and looked intently at the bread basket in the center of the dining table.

Ike raised his eyebrows slightly and glanced at Major Mel curiously.

Major Meyer was calm and composed, and gushed over the advantages of Tiefeng County: Although Tiefeng County is desolate and remote, it is the most extensive and promising place in the newly reclaimed land; although the population of Tiefeng County is among the counties in the newly reclaimed land, At least, but the people here are brave, adept at fighting, and tenacious.

Although Colonel Mayer's words were fantastic, the more Ike listened, the more puzzled he became.

As for you saying that Tiefeng County has the smallest number of troops? Major Meier paused for a moment and showed a smile of admiration. First, you defeated the encirclement and suppression of the two counties, and then defeated the Teldun Khan Court. Is it possible that these two The battle is not enough to demonstrate your commanding skills? Even in recent days, there have been surprise attacks on Chilian and the annihilation of the Potal gang in Shovel Port - the Republic needs a commander like you who is good at fighting. As for soldiers, that's not it. Question. You can have as much or as little loyalty to the Grand Council as you want.

Winters was noncommittal, turned his head to look at Ike, and said jokingly: Second Lieutenant Axel. Did you hear that? Mayor Potal's men have been recognized as 'gangsters.'

Ike took a sip of wine and replied calmly: I am whatever the Republic needs me to be.

Winters nodded and saluted, then looked at Major Meyer, looked directly into Major Meyer's eyes, and asked seriously and coldly: So, why us?

Major Meyer blinked, seemingly as confused as Ike: What does 'why us' mean?

When Winters heard this, his back left the chair. He propped up the dining table, got closer to Major Meyer, and looked at Major Meyer: Why did you choose to come to Tiefeng County to bribe me, but not to bribe the garrison officers in other counties?

Major Meier was sensitively aware of the other party's subtext. He narrowed his eyes and asked, Then... why do you think that only we came to Tiefeng County and no other envoys went to other counties?

Anna gently put down the tableware, pushed away the chair and stood up: Gentlemen, please allow me to excuse myself temporarily.

Then she smiled, curtsied slightly, and walked out of the restaurant gracefully.

Winters didn't speak until Anna left. He did not answer the major's question directly, but dipped his fingers in the water from the kettle and traced the outline of the new land on the table.

I have a guess. Winters glanced at Ike, then continued to lower his head and draw: Want to hear it?

Ike nodded slightly: I'm all ears.

While he was talking, Winters had already completed the map of the newly cultivated land and drew the boundaries of each county with a few clean strokes.

He first pointed at Maplestone City, Warnie County and Leiqun County: The most dangerous situation when the army goes out for an expedition is when the retreat is not guaranteed. In the new reclamation province, the only ones that directly border Maplestone City's jurisdiction are Warnie County, Leiqun County and Jinghu County. Apart from these three counties, there is no route that can accommodate large armies.

Ike's voice was very low: So...

So we only need to stabilize Warnie County and Leiqun County. Winters said bluntly: The other three counties will not make any splash.

Ike nodded in agreement.

Winters picked up the knife and drew a circle on Wargne County: The original garrison officer of Wargne County was killed in the battle last year, and the officer corps of Wargne County garrison was almost emptied. The newly appointed garrison officer With a weak foundation and weak military strength, he needs to rely on the authority of the legion headquarters to maintain his status. I don’t think he has the courage to attack Maple Stone City.”

Ike nodded in agreement again, and Major Nievitz next to him also listened intently, but Major Meyer remained silent.

Immediately afterwards, Winters used

The knife carved three crosses in Leiqun County, Bianjiang County and Baishan County, and said lightly: These three counties are just the opposite of Warnie County. The garrison officers are all experienced, have abundant troops, and have just experienced a winter. The most important thing is that although the garrison officers in these three counties usually criticize General Adams, they are even more disgusted with the Grand Council of the Kings Castle - they will never accept a government that betrays Plato.

That's a betrayal. Major Nievitz cleared his throat and whispered, That's too harsh.

Ike echoed word for word: I also don't think it's wrong to try to build a truly unified alliance.

What you think is one thing. Winters said nonchalantly: I'm only talking about what they think—at least what I think they think.

Major Meyer waved his hand, indicating to Winters, Please continue.

Winters picked up the knife and drew two shallow circles on the cross between Leiqun County and Bianjiang County: However, Leiqun County not only borders the jurisdiction of Maple Rock City, but also borders Beilu Province. Bordering. There is also Bianjiang County, which also borders Beilu Province.

Ike frowned and narrowed his eyes unconsciously.

If I'm not wrong. Winters glanced at Major Meyer and said firmly: The Grand Council is currently trying its best to make a move in Beilu Province. It does not seek to occupy Bianjiang County and Leiqun County, but to It can contain the garrison troops of the two counties, leaving them no room to move northward.

Ike and Major Nievitz both looked at Major Meyer, who still wore the polite mask.

So the only one that can really threaten Maplestone City is Baishan County. Winters hung his knife over Baishan County, then let go: Only Baishan County.

The falling table knife should have bounced off the table - at most leaving a small impact mark on the table. However, due to unnatural reasons, the table knife penetrated the table in the blink of an eye, reaching the handle.

Ike's eyebrows raised unconsciously.

So. Major Meyer cleared his throat and asked with a smile, What do you want to say?

Winters crossed his arms and replied with a smile: So Tiefeng County has become important, so I am important.

The candles on the dining table all jumped.

If I turn to the Great Council, Colonel Geza will not dare to make any move. Winters said slowly: If I turn to the three counties of Baishan, Leiqun and Bianjiang, then the situation will be reversed.

Major Meyer spread his hands slightly: That's why we are willing to offer you a high price.

Winters stood up, looked down at Major Meyer and Major Nievitz, and said coldly: No, I don't think you are really making an offer. For you, even if I don't lean towards either side, your purpose is It can be achieved as well - and you are staying in Gévaudan with this idea in mind. So once the battle in Jinghu County is decided, you will leave without hesitation.

No, no, no. Major Meyer also stood up and responded politely: The Grand Council sincerely wants to accept you back into the arms of the Republic.

Major Meyer paused for a moment, and his flawless mask finally cracked. He said tit for tat with a threatening tone: But there is one thing you are right about. This is your last chance. Our kindness and patience are There is a limit, once the battle in Jinghu County is decided, your door of opportunity will be closed forever!

Winters looked at every detail of Colonel Meyer's expression and asked with a smile: I'm curious, why are you so sure that you can win?

Major Meyer was puzzled at first, then his pupils suddenly dilated and his eyes widened. Ike was the second to notice something strange, and finally Major Nievitz.

Winters punched the dining table and shouted angrily: Military police!

As soon as he finished speaking, Charles and Heinrich led a team of military police armed to the teeth into the restaurant.

Catch them all. Winters' voice was as cold as ice.

Charles and Heinrich immediately stepped forward, tied up Major Meyer, Major Nievitz and Second Lieutenant Axel, and took control.

I am the messenger! The messenger! Major Meyer struggled desperately and asked angrily: Montagne! You served me with salt and bread first! Are you going to treat me like a prisoner again?

Be honest! Charles kicked Major Meyer's knee, causing the latter to kneel on the ground.

I protect envoys. Winters walked up to Major Meyer and patted the major's handsome face: But I don't protect spies.

Ike looked at the two majors in confusion: Major Nievitz lowered his head, and Major Meyer also became silent.

I never informed you that Maplestone City was sending troops, and I never provided you with a Communication. According to the agreement, you will not take the initiative to contact people other than the designated receptionists. But it seems that you are not concerned about the major and minor events in the outside world during this period. We all know everything. Winters asked solemnly: Then, who told you?

Major Meyer snorted coldly and said nothing.

Winters asked pleasantly: Is it them?

Charles knowingly carried Major Meyer to the window and pushed open the window.

Outside the window, in the backyard of the officer's apartment, more than twenty men and women with wretched postures, ashen faces, and tightly tied up looked directly at Major Meyer.

Judging by their appearance and clothing, these twenty-odd people should all belong to the pampered class. However, at this moment, they only have fear, regret and despair in their eyes, and there is no trace of the bossy air they had in the past.

Winters walked out of the restaurant and walked up to the manor owners, merchants and forge owners who provided news and gathered intelligence for Major Meyer and Major Nevitz.

I gave you a chance, I gave you three chances. Winters' fingers clenched and unclenched unconsciously, and he asked calmly: Do you think I don't dare to kill? Or do you think I don't want to kill?

The arrested men and women begged for mercy, but because their mouths were blocked, they could only make whimpering noises. Some burst into tears, while others were so frightened that they lost control.

Winters took a deep breath, suppressed the urge to make Anna's carefully tended garden bleed, and coldly ordered: Take them away.

Then he looked at the silent Major Meyer, the frightened Major Nievitz and the overwhelmed Ike: Take them away too.

After a while.

It didn't hurt you, did it? Winters asked Ike apologetically: I'm sorry I didn't discuss it with you in advance.

If you had discussed it with me in advance, I would definitely have failed. Ike carefully moved his wrist while helping Winters put on his armed belt: But that little follower of yours is really cruel...but I still don't quite understand. , why are you acting in such a play?

It's not a follower, he's the brother of one of my good friends... I don't know how he is now. Winters raised his hands high so that Ike could help tie the sword belt to the armed belt: If Major Mel If Major Nievitz sees that you are so close to me, then you will really become a 'traitor'.

Isn't that what you want? Ike joked: I can't turn back and can only follow you as a rebel.

Winters shook his belt to make sure it and sword were securely strapped. He turned around and said sincerely to Ike: No, I will not use such cruel methods on you. If you become my comrade, I hope you will do it voluntarily.

What if I become your enemy? Ike asked with a smile.

If you choose that way. Winters took a deep breath and said calmly: I will accept it too.

Ike laughed loudly and punched Winters in the chest: I won't wish you a 'win' anymore. I hope you return safely.

Charles came over leading the black horse that Winters was used to riding. Winters took the reins and mounted the horse: Definitely.

After saying that, he nodded, lightly stabbed the horse in the ribs, and walked towards the gate of the small block where the officers lived.

When he left the gate, he looked back and saw Anna's figure in the second-floor window of his cozy little house.

Winters couldn't bear to say goodbye. He stared at Anna and silently told his lover: Wait until I come back.

He didn't know if Anna saw clearly what he was saying, turned around and rode away.

Anna stood at the window for a long time. After a long time, she looked at Winters' back disappearing into the night, and whispered with tears:


The hail-like sound of horse hooves echoed through the streets of Gevaudan, causing residents to stand at their windows to watch.

Winters led a small group of guards and ran straight out of the city onto the road.

Beside him, a real army was marching through the night.

Forests of spears were moving slowly in the fields on both sides of the road; draft horses pulling artillery and baggage were driving in the middle of the road.

When they discovered that it was the Blood Wolf galloping past, the soldiers cheered and greeted him.

In addition to Major Seiber, there were also several countrymen and elders who came to see him off at the intersection: tobacco merchant Old Priskin, municipal councilor blacksmith Chauchat, representatives of the manor owners who moved to Gevaudan... and Carmen.

You really don't need me to protect you? Kaman asked sheepishly and worriedly: The enemy you face this time is an army that also has magicians.

Don't worry about my safety. I have thousands of troops to protect me. Winters said seriously: In comparison, I am more worried about Anna. Please protect her on my behalf.

Don't worry. Carman raised his chin: I will protect Miss Navarre like I protect my family.

Thank you. With you here, I can rest assured. Winters thanked him sincerely. He looked at Kaman, who still looked worried, and couldn't help but smile: Don't worry about me, I still have someone to protect me. .”

Say it, he pointed forward.

Kaman followed Winters' instructions and looked over: an inconspicuous gray-haired war horse, a listless Lieutenant Colonel Moritz Van Nassou in ordinary cavalry attire yawned.

Kaman couldn't help but laugh and nodded: That's it.

Winters wanted to give a few more instructions, but Major Seber was already on the verge of the limit of his self-control. He yelled from a distance: Damn it! Is it over yet?! Colonel Bode, Colonel Gesar and Colonel Skull have to wait. I'm so impatient! You want three colonels to wait for you and a captain?!

Winters nodded to Kaman: See you tomorrow, Father Kaman.

May the Lord bless you. Carman saluted: Unbeliever Montagne.

Winters rode quickly up to Major Seber's side.

Why are you here? Major Seber pulled the reins and said in a very impatient tone: Captain Mason and Captain Cellini have already set off.

Okay. Winters nodded.

Major Seber suddenly narrowed his eyes, the tip of his nose trembled slightly, and tried to smell the air: What does it smell like?

Winters replied with a hint of defiance: Beef stew!

Not bad! Not only was Seb not angry, but he nodded: It's suitable as the last meal before death in battle! It's a pity that no one served stirrup wine, otherwise it would have been a complete success!

When you come back, please taste Anna's craftsmanship.

It's a deal.

It's a deal. Winters looked back at Gévaudin, but all he saw was the vast night. He no longer hesitated and waved his hand: Let's go!

The army of iron and steel rushes to the unknown distance.


[The enemy is in Jinghu County! ]

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