Iron Powder and Spellcaster

Chapter 221 Prologue

Bandit leader Pot Ring Dixon has been very comfortable recently because he has a group of fierce men.

Because of heavy taxes, the newly reclaimed land was originally an area hit hard by banditry.

Nowadays, Red Rose and Blue Rose's extortionate recruitment has made it very easy for the gang to expand their manpower.

As long as you give him a bite to eat, some desperate people will come to seek refuge.

But that would only attract some clumsy farmers.

And the new batch of people under Guoquan are all ruthless characters.

Not only does he work quickly and with quick hands and feet, but he also never asks too much about irrelevant things.

The most important thing is that each of them has a war horse and is a good saber wielder.

There are cavalry guys, be good. Guoquanzhi thought proudly: Even in the entire newly cultivated land, he is the only one, right?

With his new men, Guoquan easily swallowed up another group of bandits nearby.

Now the only family left in the forest is Pot Circle Dixon, who has finally achieved his long-standing career pursuit: monopoly.

The only flaw is that the new subordinates only listen to one of the boys named Pierre.

Even the order from him, the boss, had to be conveyed by that boy a second time.

We have to find a way to get rid of that kid. Guoquan thought secretly: Eat this group of people completely.

Boss! It's not good!

One of his men ran back rolling and crawling on the ground, shouting: There's a really powerful guy coming in front! He's really powerful!

The pot circle came up and knocked over his hands with a slap.

Why the hell are you panicking? Guoquan scolded fiercely: Who dares to walk outside now? Who's not awesome?

The war led to rampant banditry, which brought commercial activities between towns to a near standstill.

There are no ordinary pedestrians on the road, and the caravans are almost extinct.

Travelers who dare to walk outside are either extremely courageous or confident in their abilities. Most people have both.

This resulted in Guquan's business becoming increasingly bleak.

But he wasn't too worried. He couldn't rob passers-by, but he could still rob farms.

Now that his gang has this powerful group of thieves and recruits a few more people, it will be easy to deal with a small village of dozens of households.

Hearing his subordinates say that the one who came here was very powerful, Guo Huan rolled his eyes and took action.

Pierre? Guoquan shouted looking for him in the camp: Where is Pierre?

No rider paid attention to him, everyone was busy doing their own thing.

This made Guoquan even angrier, and he yelled: Pierre!

An unshaven young man crawled out of the tent, looked at the pot ring with sleepy eyes, and responded casually: Here.

There is a horseman coming in front. Guoquan ordered: You go and take the back road, don't let him escape. I will lead people to block the front.

Pierre responded and stretched out his hands to put on his clothes.

The other riders seemed to have something to say, but Pierre shook his head slightly.

Guoquan watched with envy as Pierre mounted his horse and ran toward the forest road with his saber in hand.

War horses are too expensive and raising them is too troublesome.

Even Guo Quan, the leader, didn't have a tall horse to ride on, only a short hed horse.

Seeing Pierre leaving on horseback, Guoquan quickly called on his other men to follow him.

On the side of the road, he saw the guy who his subordinates said was really awesome.

Just by looking at him, Guoquan could tell that he was a dangerous person.

The other party was riding a horse and walking leisurely.

He looks young, with a well-proportioned figure and an inconspicuous white mark on his forehead.

A horse-head cane was stuck in the saddle bag, and a sword was stuck in the other saddle bag.

Intuition told Guoquan that the other party was really dangerous, even more dangerous than Pierre and his gang of thieves combined.

But for pot circles, the more dangerous the opponent, the better.

Guoquan watched Pierre approach the opponent from behind, getting closer and closer, and he would not lose even if he died.

An accident happened.

Like thunder exploding in the forest, a voice spread throughout the forest: Pierre Giladenovich! You are really capable!

Guoquan watched in stunned silence as Pierre dismounted and embraced the dangerous stranger.

Grass, it's broken. Guoquan only had one thought.

As the saying goes: How do you feel about beheading today? Starting a business is hard and full of battles. Go to Quantai to recruit old troops, and kill Yama with a hundred thousand banners.

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