Iron Powder and Spellcaster

Chapter 195 White Lion

Imperial calendar year 540, autumn.

[Note: Winters was two years old, 18 years ago]

Great wilderness, Black Sheep Pasture, an unknown river valley.

The 1st Hussars Regiment of Plato is recruiting.

Two sentries escorted an unkempt half-grown boy to Lieutenant Colonel Arpad.

The half-grown boy's arms were twisted behind his back, and he was still struggling and yelling. The two adults could hardly hold him down.

Arpad felt irritated and gave Lieutenant Haugwitz a look.

The lieutenant walked over and punched the half-grown boy hard in the stomach.

The latter curled up like a shrimp in pain, and the ears of others were considered clean.

What's going on? Lieutenant Colonel Arpad asked.

This kid is sneaking around outside. The sentry replied: He called us [Arpad] when we met him. We couldn't understand anything else he said, so we brought him to you.

He calls you Arpad, so you bring him to see me. Lieutenant Colonel Arpad scolded in displeasure: He calls you my name, and you still want to bring him to see me?

The sentry dared not speak.

Call the interpreter!

After a while, the interpreter came over in a panic.

Ask him. Arpad ordered impatiently: Which department are they from? What are they doing sneakily? Where did you know about me? Ask clearly!

The interpreter leaned down to communicate with the young man,

After saying a few words, the interpreter reported helplessly: Sir, this kid is repeating a sentence over and over again.


He said that if you give him his mother, sister and brother, he can trade his life for you and become your 'haheer'.

Mother? Sister? What are you talking about? Arpad was confused: And Haheer, what do you mean?

The interpreter thought painfully for a long time, but couldn't find a suitable adjective: It's probably like being a soldier, but more loyal than a soldier... a lot more loyal.

Arpad raised his eyebrows: Which movie is he from?

He wouldn't say.

If you don't tell me, you'll die. Tell him.

The interpreter leaned over and asked the young man, and replied: Wen Duo'er means hill, mountain. He said he is from Wen Duo'er.

Wenduo'er Department? Hasn't Wenduoer Department been wiped out? Arpad remembered something.

Listen to the translator and translate: He said that Wen Duo'er was wiped out like ashes. His father died, and his mother took him and his sister to pick fruits in the Oran River and later gave birth to him. younger brother……

Stop! What you said is nonsense! I didn't ask about his family tree! Arpad got impatient and got angry: Please pick out the key points for me!

The interpreter scratched his head, asked the young man a few more questions, and replied: He said that his home was robbed by the [Zhal Chiwu] tribe, and his mother, his sister, and his brother were all kidnapped by the Zhar Chiwu people. I heard that you wanted to attack the Zha'er Chiwu tribe, so I came to join you.

Arpad's face looked a little strange: Design yourself to me? I led the troops to defeat Wen Duo'er. He doesn't know? He doesn't care?

The translator relayed: He said he only cares about his family.

Arpad laughed loudly, looked at the young man and said, I want to risk my life to save my family... I still have some backbone. Ask him, does he have a war horse?

Yes, he is riding an old horse. The sentry rushed to answer: Yellow coat, very old.

Arpad clapped his hands: As long as there are horses, we need people anyway, and he is the only one. Give him a knife and take him away.

Lieutenant Haugwitz answered yes.

Let him go!

The sentry let go of his hand, and the young man regained his freedom.

He didn't run, he just stood there with his body tensed and looked around cautiously with a pair of brown eyes.

Arpad walked over and asked, Boy, how old are you?

The interpreter acted as a messenger: Seventeen.

Seventeen? You can pick up your sword and go into battle. Before leaving, Arpad asked casually: What's your name?

Yasin. The interpreter replied: White lion.

Imperial calendar year 542, spring.

[Note: a year and a half later]

In the dark night, a war horse carried two people and ran eastward desperately.

The sound of the pursuing soldiers' hooves and shouts of death could be heard faintly, and little bits of fire could be seen not far behind them.

One side underestimates the enemy and advances rashly, while the other side is well prepared.

The final result is not surprising.

I haven't lost yet! I haven't lost yet! I want to regroup the defeated troops! Arpad lay on his horse, furious: Let me down! Yasin! Let me go!

No! the brown-eyed rider replied in blunt Common Tongue.

Arpad's left calf showed an unnatural twist and was obviously broken, being hastily fixed with a few wooden sticks and hemp ropes.

His shirt was soaked with blood, and the blood scabs stuck the cuts on his shoulders and back to his clothes.

And Arpad himself was tied to the horse, looking miserable.

He shouted hysterically: I would rather die than suffer this humiliation!

No! The brown-eyed rider whipped the horse harder.

The war horse was foaming at the mouth, breathing hot air from its nose, and its belly was almost touching the top of the grass.

You Hurd barbarian! Bastard! Bastard! Yes! I know! You want to betray me! You want to take me to your master to collect the reward! I will kill you! Ah!!!

Arpad's answer was only silence.

I don't know how far I ran, but the horse suddenly stopped, its hind legs bent and fell to the ground.

The two men on horseback were like sacks filled with grain, flipped over the horse's head.

The brown-eyed rider quickly got up, put Arpad on his back, and continued walking eastward.

Arpad, who had lost too much blood, was already unconscious. He murmured: Give me a knife. I don't want to be a prisoner, and I have no face to live...

The moment he accepted the fact that he had lost the battle, he no longer denied reality and was no longer angry, leaving only shame and despair.

You can't carry me, Yasin, just run for your life.

After saying this with the last of his strength, Arpad fell into a coma.

The brown-eyed Hurd stepped forward with difficulty and said word by word: I am your Haheer.

Imperial calendar year 548, summer.

[Note: ten years ago]

King's Castle, Plato Army Headquarters, there were more than a dozen people sitting in a small conference room.

Brigadier General Arpad was among them.

Here, the Suradi tribe. Arpad drew a circle on the map: The territory of the Suradi tribe is very close to the buffer zone. They defeated the Vagan tribe a year ago and began to expand rapidly. Now from Oran The river as far as the Kurgan river belongs to them.”

Arpad concluded: Soledie is dangerous and is becoming more dangerous.

General Janos took the file and flipped through it: What do you mean?

The chief of the Yangwei tribe is old and dim and poses little threat. The leader of the Surdie tribe is just the opposite. He is very popular. Many small tribes even defected to the tribe. Arpad elaborated on his plan: I suggest that we still attack the Yangwei tribe. Under the illusion of encircling the troops, the army bypassed the Oran River to attack the Suledi tribe.

An old wolf and a cub. General János put down the file and said with a smile: Then beat the cub first and then the old wolf.

Brigadier General Sackler took the file and asked casually: Soledie, what do you mean?

Red river. Arpad said expressionlessly, The leader's name is White Lion.

A month later, Plato's army swept across the wasteland, and the white lion only escaped with his body.

Time returns to the present: February, 559th year of the Imperial Calendar.

Hurd's allied forces did not camp together. Each department set up camps several kilometers away from each other.

On the one hand, the horses need space to find food; on the other hand, the tribes are also wary of each other.

On the north side of the Chihe tribe camp, a dozen riders were galloping towards them, with a trail of brown smoke rising behind them.

The guard on the sentry tower squinted his eyes to identify it carefully, and suddenly shouted happily: The white lion is back! There is also a little lion!

Everyone in the Chihe tribe cheered.

The guards moved away from Luzhai, and the riders rushed into the camp and stopped next to the big tent.

Everyone's horse's sides were dripping with sweat, as if they had been washed by water.

The little lion watched his brother leap off the saddle vigorously and walked straight to the big tent.

He also hurriedly dismounted and followed closely behind his brother.

The guards were all standing outside the tent, and only the two brothers entered the tent.

As soon as he was out of sight of the tribesmen, the white lion, which was walking firmly and powerfully, suddenly lost its balance and fell straight to the ground.

Brother! The little lion shouted softly and rushed forward.

He helped his weak brother and let the white lion lie flat on the blanket.

White lion, what do you mean with gray eyes? The door curtain was opened again, and the old chief of Yinglin Department [Tie Feng] walked into the felt tent.

[Note: Tiefeng was once translated as Tie Duo. The pronunciation of begging for iron teeth in Khedic means lots and lots of iron, both ch and ya represent the plural form]

After learning that the White Lion had returned to camp, Tie Feng rushed to the tent immediately.

He originally wanted to ask about the situation, but as soon as he entered the tent, he saw his nephew lying on the ground. Tie Feng quickly turned around and lowered the curtain.

The little lion hurriedly untied his brother's armor and robe so that the white lion could breathe more smoothly.

Tie Feng was so anxious that he beat his thigh and complained to the little lion: You two brothers! The great shaman left a message. He can heal the bleeding injury, but your brother will also have to lie on the bed for ten days. What should we do now? what to do?

The little lion remained silent, tears welling up in his eyes.

The little lion heard his brother say feebly: I'm fine, help me up.

Tie Feng joined hands, and the old man and the young man helped the white lion to the couch.

There are two light red marks on the left abdomen of the white lion, which look like birthmarks, or like newly grown tender meat that has just shed its scab.

The two birthmarks looked inconspicuous at all, because the white lion's body was covered with scars that were a hundred times scarier than them.

The daring Platuan people actually dressed up as Hedians and pushed the cannon to within 100 meters of the White Lion.

At the critical moment, Owl blocked most of the bullets with his life, but two lead bullets still hit the white lion.

If it weren't for the shamans from all tribes to help, the white lion would have died long ago.

The little lion felt something touch his shoulder - it was his brother's hand.

He raised his head and saw his brother forcing a smile.

It's okay. White Lion said.

The little lion nodded and wiped away his tears.

The white lion sat up straight with difficulty and slowly fastened his belt.

What did Gray Eyes say? Tie Feng asked anxiously, What did the leaders of the tribes say?

The Plataeans want peace.

Tiefeng was shocked: What? The two-legged people want to negotiate peace? The Haidong and Suzi tribes will not be deceived, right?

The white lion shook his head.

Peace was a year's truce, and the Hurds knew this only too well.

Seeing that the white lion was having difficulty speaking, the little lion said, My brother wants the family members of the tribe back.

Tie Feng slapped his thigh: Okay! Being able to get it back means that the various tribes still use us as a flag.

The wind blew through the tent, making a whining sound.

The little lion also sat on the couch and said angrily: The greed of the healthy eater is greater than his appetite. When he heard that Gray Eyes and my brother did not choose the war leader, he was like a vulture that smelled the smell! Is it the greatest contribution? Isn’t it us?”

The tribes recommend a healthy eater to be the war chief? Tiefeng stared at the white lion: You have no objection? When you become the war chief, you will sit on the throne of the Great Khan with half your butt!

The prey has not been caught, but they are biting each other over who can eat the meat first. There is no such stupid dog in the world. The white lion said slowly: The battle has not been won, but the battle is fought over the spoils. Then it is better not to fight at all. Fight. Defeat the Platoans first, and everything else will be easy to solve.

Tie Feng sighed: We have suffered too much loss, and so has the Teldun tribe. Only now that our two families are united can we be qualified to share the spoils. We are afraid that the people who are warming the fire will not be of the same mind as us.

A fire-warmer may be irritable, but he is not stupid.

What do the dieters say?

He wanted to fight.

Note: The social structure of Hed is still in the clan and tribal stage, and the living standards are also very difficult, so there is no time for word games.

Therefore, the Hed people speak more straightforwardly and rarely mince words. But he will use a lot of metaphors and make comparisons with common things in life.

And Hurds tend to be more fist-sized than words. If the White Lion makes humble requests, he will be looked down upon.

This setting refers to The Secret History of Mongolia. For example, Temujin discusses the successor, and the disciples spit at each other:

[Genghis Khan: I have not encountered death yet, and I have forgotten about death from old age. Among the sons, Zhuochi, you are the eldest son. What do you say? You say it.

Before Zhuo Chi could speak, Cha Agai said first, Father Khan asked Zhuo Chi to speak. Could it be that he wants to pass the throne to him? How can we let this Mie'er beg to be punished by a bastard?

When Cha Agai was saying this, Zhuo Chi got up and grabbed Cha Agai's collar and said, I have never heard my father say anything special about me. How can you treat me as an outsider? What skills do you have? If you beat me, you just have a bad temper. If I compete with you in long-distance shooting, if I lose to you, I will cut off my thumb and throw it away! If I compete with you in wrestling, if I lose with you, I will fall to the ground forever. Get up! I am willing to listen to Father Khan’s holy judgment.”]

First of all, Chagatai pointed out that his eldest brother may not be his father's son; secondly, the two of them directly pulled each other's clothes; thirdly, they were obviously competing for the throne, and the wrestling and archery competitions were also very interesting;

All in all, very straightforward and candid, without too many twists and turns.

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