Iron Powder and Spellcaster

Chapter 191 Review and review

Amidst the rapid beating of military drums, two large groups of Plato soldiers formed an airtight wall and ruthlessly drove Hurd's wounded soldiers towards the confluence river.

In his not too long career, Winters has seen many horrific scenes, but what he saw before him still made him unbearable to see:

People are like animals waiting to be slaughtered in a cage, tightly packed together.

Thousands of Hurd's wounded soldiers were trapped on an extremely small dry bank. In front of them were the blood-stained spear points, and behind them was the cold and fast river.

Too many people, too small a place.

Your shoulders are pressed against my chest, and my back is pressed against his back. Everyone was unable to move and almost lost control of their bodies.

The outermost Huds stood knee-deep in the water, while the Huds inside were still pushing them out.

They screamed and begged desperately, and squeezed to the shore with all their strength, and were soon dragged into deeper waters by the crowd.

The cries of women and children in the distance were so loud that even the Plato veterans who were used to seeing life and death could not look directly into the eyes of the Hud.

But the drums kept moving, urging the Plato soldiers to move forward.

The space for the Hurd wounded soldiers on the shore was further compressed. The Hurds who refused to move were stabbed to death, and the Hurds who wanted to break through the spear wall died faster.

A few lucky ones seized the opportunity to pass through the spear wall, and were hacked to death by the Platuan cavalry from behind before running a few steps.

In the end, the Hittites were completely driven off the dry bank, and the Platoon soldiers also entered the river, pressing forward step by step.

One, two... one after another, Hurd's wounded soldiers screamed and were washed away by the rapids, while the military drums were still beating.

Winters finally met Colonel Haugwitz and Colonel Laszlo, the top commanders on the scene.

[Note: Haugwitz is the second-in-command of the Arpad Faction and Laszlo is the second-in-command of the Szekler Faction. The former is a cavalry officer and the latter is an infantry officer]

Two sirs, with all due respect. Before he could introduce himself, Winters got straight to the point: By dealing with these Huds, you are helping the barbarian chief Yasin.

Colonel Laszlo looked at Winters with a numb expression, then turned away without saying a word.

Who are you? Haugwitz frowned and looked Winters up and down. The colonel obviously didn't recognize the little lieutenant in front of him.

But Haugwitz then looked at Qiang Luck and suddenly sneered, seeming to recognize the horse.

Oh, it's you. Haugwitz also turned his head and didn't look at Winters directly: Isn't this the Veneta boy that General Arpad particularly likes? Your horse is quite good, Lucian breed?

Seeing that the two colonels ignored him, Winters became anxious and angry.

Winters suppressed his anger and spoke quickly: There are nearly ten thousand prisoners here, either the wounded or the elderly, women, and children. They want to eat! They want to drink! They want to live! And they can't go to the battlefield. Kill them all, that's it! Help White Lion get rid of tens of thousands of burdens!

At the end, Winters almost choked: Two sirs! Don't you understand that [the sad and angry army will definitely win]?

He emphasized the word sir very hard and his tone was extremely disrespectful.

Haugwitz was furious. He glared at Winters and yelled: [Old Slang] What do you know?

Winters stiffened his neck, met the colonel's gaze, and looked back.

The smell of gunpowder in the air was almost suffocating. The nearby soldiers subconsciously turned their backs, not daring to get involved in the conflicts between the officers.

A burst of rapid hoofbeats sounded from behind, slightly dispersing the smell of gunpowder, and Andre finally caught up.

He reined in his horse, saluted the two officers, and shouted at Winters: Second Lieutenant Montagne! What are you doing here? Lieutenant Colonel Jessica is looking for you!

Let's go! The lieutenant colonel is waiting impatiently. Andre rode up to Winters and pulled the latter's sleeve: Two sirs, please allow us to leave first.

Haugwitz snorted, shook his head boredly, waved his hand and said, Go away.

Winters shook off Andre and continued to ask: Is there something wrong with what I said?

Haugwitz laughed angrily, but before he could make any move, Lieutenant Colonel Laszlo, who had been silent until now, spoke before him.

Laszlo looked at Winters expressionlessly: No, what you said makes some sense... Drummer, stop drumming!

The deadly drumbeat finally stopped.

The Plato soldiers stopped in confusion at first, then under the guidance of the centurion, they returned to the river beach and reorganized.

Haugwitz was stunned, touched his chin, and finally said nothing.

The Hud people survived, holding each other's arms and crying. They supported each other and stood in the shallow water, but were still not allowed to go ashore.

Laszlo summoned a messenger cavalry, and after giving a few instructions, the messenger galloped towards the camp.

Don't I understand what you are saying? Haugwitz looked at Winters and said in a lecturing tone: Wounded soldiers will recover, children will grow up, and women will give birth to more soldiers. These are Yassin of the tribe, that’s why we can’t even leave anyone alive!”

Not to be outdone, Winters retorted: It will take at least one month for the wounded soldiers to recover; it will take at least five years for children to go into battle; and it will take at least fifteen years for women to give birth to more men. But if I hadn't guessed If we make a mistake, Yasin will be right behind us! Which one is urgent? Which one is slow?

We have our own considerations! How does the legion deal with Yasin's tribe, do you allow you to interrupt? Haugwitz paused heavily and said summarily: The winner takes everything from the loser. This is the rule of the wasteland. You Veneta people don’t understand at all! If we were the ones who lost the battle on the North Shore, would the Hud people be merciful to us? Your heads would have been saddled long ago!”

Laszlo stared at Winters, his expression still as numb as a puppet: I have sent people back to ask for instructions. The two generals have their own arrangements for this matter. You can go.

Winters was still a little unconvinced, but he really didn't care about this. The colonel used the commander of the regiment to pressure him, but he had nothing to say.

He saluted and rode away.

As he walked back angrily, Winters suddenly recalled his days in Wolf Town.

Although he was in danger twice in Wolf Town, looking back now, he actually lived a very happy life at that time.

The folks in Wolf Town respected him. He always spoke the truth and no one told him what to do.

Even the busy life of leading the Wolf Town Hundreds as a civilian husband was more comfortable than it is now.

He finally understood why the old magic stick said, A local emperor like the town official will not change even if he is given a thousand households.

Being controlled by others is really the most frustrating thing in the world, especially in a hierarchical army.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and the angrier he became, the more he thought about it. Winters grasped the whip pole and looked around, and finally swung the whip fiercely into the air: [Vulgar language]!

This was his last act of calmness - he didn't draw any luck because he couldn't bear it.

When has our brother ever been wronged like this? Let me tell you, you should have put on your Grand Cross just now and showed it to him! Andre was not good at making excuses. He sighed rarely: Be patient. Just be patient and hold on until we get home, and we won’t have to do anything for the stupid Japanese sheep guy!”

Don't mention going home.


Every time you mention going home, I have a bad feeling. Winters took the locket in his hand, and for the first time, his desire to go home was so strong.

He didn't open the locket. He really couldn't face Anna at this moment.

That's alright, I won't mention going home until I go home. Andre spat on the ground and said angrily: Damn it! The elderly and children will also be killed! Border residents! How fucking barbaric!

For some reason, when the word barbaric came out of Andre's mouth, it was naturally full of black humor.

After a moment of silence, Winters asked thoughtfully: That infantry colonel, named Laszlo? It always feels a bit weird.

Laszlo? Andre thought for a while and patted his forehead: I heard that a high-ranking official's son died in the war. His surname seems to be Laszlo?

Winters couldn't help but sigh.

the other side.

Watching the two centurions riding away, Colonel Haugwitz casually said to Colonel Laszlo: Humph, I never thought that those waiters from the Veneta people actually have guts like the people from the plateau?

If told to his subordinates, this witty remark might elicit a burst of laughter.

But Laszlo turned a deaf ear, as if he heard nothing.

Haugwitz looked at his colleague's face carefully. Laszlo's facial features were now like a puppet, losing their former look.

Although the two usually did not deal with each other, Haugwitz also had a son and a daughter. He could not even imagine the pain of losing a child.

But Haugwitz could not forgive anyone, so he could only let out an almost inaudible sigh.

Time is running out and we can't wait for the entire army to gather.

Early the next morning, the four assembled brigades set off as the vanguard.

Because the Jessica Brigade was prepared early, it was also among the vanguard.

There was no sense of ceremony, no mobilization, and no speeches. The order was issued, and all troops, regardless of standing army or auxiliary troops, took out their carriages and left.

The Jasika Division had the same advantage. Because they were originally a baggage unit and had forced many traders' vehicles and mules and horses, their carriage retention rate was much higher than that of other units.

Of the more than 4,000 Hed horses captured in the night attack on the Terdun camp, a small part was killed, and a large part was taken away by the legion.

There are still more than 500 horses left in the hands of Lieutenant Colonel Jessica. Although it is unusable, it is better than nothing.

Including the original mules, horses, and a small number of donkeys, there were nearly a thousand large animals in total, so the Jashka tribe was not short of horses to pull carts.

Bud was worried: if you want the horse to do heavy work, you need to give him not only hay, but also feed. Nearly a thousand large livestock eat a terrifying amount of fodder every day.

When setting off, we must carry as much as possible, but we are afraid that the animals will not be able to hold on.

So Bader selected more than forty militiamen who had raised horses, and Angel was in charge of overseeing the use of the mules and horses in the brigade.

Mr. Angelou not only understands horses, but he also feels sorry for the animals. When Bud reported to the lieutenant colonel, he commented on the young stableboy: It doesn't hurt even if it's not his own.

Then him. Jessica also nodded in agreement: Promote him as a temporary sergeant, and then deal with a few thorns. Otherwise, he will be too young and will not be able to suppress others.

After the appointment was issued, the militiamen in Wolf Town were saying: Little Hook, the horseherd, has really become a horse officer now.

[Note: Angelou is the hook, the formal tone is the name, and the ambiguous tone is the nickname]

In the morning light, the leading troops crossed the temporary bridge, arrived at the south bank of the confluence river, and then headed east.

The current situation is this:

Plato is to the east, so retreat to the east;

The confluence river flows from west to east, and finally merges into the Styx River. You can walk on the south bank or the north bank;

On the north bank, there are Hurd cavalry;

The South Bank is temporarily safe.

The problem is: [If you take the south bank, the Platons cannot cross the Styx].

The closer you get to the north, the fewer tributaries that join the Styx, and the narrower the river, so it's easier to cross.

The engineer brigade and two infantry brigade sent earlier were heading north to find a suitable location to erect a pontoon bridge.

So in the end, we still have to go to the north shore.

It's just that Sackler used a trick. The leading troops arrived at the south bank first, walked 35 kilometers downstream, and then circled back to the north bank from a shoal.

That ford was the detour position of Arpad's cavalry.

Time goes back to the night before. Winters, who was sleepy and unconscious, was called into the tent by Lieutenant Colonel Jessica. Bud, Andre and Mason were also in the tent.

The lieutenant colonel announced that he would give his centurions a review.

Five people sat around a small table, and the other four watched eagerly as Lieutenant Colonel Jessica took out a palm-sized wooden board, which unfolded into a two-palm-sized chessboard.

Lieutenant Colonel Jessica took out the chess pieces from a faded wooden box as symbols of the enemy and our respective departments.

Winters picked up a chess piece and played with it.

The material of the chess pieces was unrecognizable to him. They looked like stones and felt cool and comfortable to the touch.

As for the carving—Winters carefully placed the chess pieces back on the board—the carving was exquisite.

The lines must be consistent and even, the corners must be smooth and rounded, and the surface must be carefully polished. Winters will not dare to touch it casually.

Learn more. Jessica laid out the chess pieces and said to Winters, who was yawning profusely: You will never be a centurion for the rest of your life.

From the known information:

The Herd coalition forces surrounded the point for reinforcements.

When he learned that Beizhai was encountering enemies, Szekely led troops to support them, but they were ambushed halfway.

On the day of the ambush, Sackler sent someone to inform Arpad to take action in advance.

In order to ensure surprise and avoid the eyes and ears of the Hedians, Arpad left all the military flags in the camp as suspects.

He led the main force of the cavalry to the south bank first, then marched 35 kilometers eastward, crossed the river from the ford, and circled behind the Heds.

Such a wide range of detours led to the final thunderous blow.

Sackler's plan was a vicious right hook, a simple and effective anvil-and-hammer tactic.

As long as Arpad's troops successfully detour, Herd's troops in front of Szekeli will definitely be defeated.

For Sackler, the biggest difficulty was how not to alert the enemy or scare them away.

Lieutenant Colonel Jashka analyzed to the centurions: Sackler should initially use the North Village as the anvil; after encountering the ambush, the plan was changed to use the temporary camp as the anvil; in the end, the main battlefield returned to the North Village.

According to changes in the enemy's layout, Szekely's layout also changed three times.

This is the only main course, and as for the action of the Jessica Department, it can only be regarded as the appetizer.

That's what happened. Lieutenant Colonel Jessica pushed down the chess piece and ended his review: You can't blame the old man for being angry at us.

Winters, Bud, Andre, and Mason sat around the table, staring at each other.

Without Lieutenant Colonel Jessica's review, Winters wouldn't even know what happened elsewhere.

The information the centurion could get was too little, and it was almost the same as what the soldiers saw.

For Winters, within a hundred meters of him there was the entire war.

It was precisely because of Lieutenant Colonel Jasika's review that Winters understood why General Josekler was so angry with the Jasika Department.

Sackler took great pains and careful planning, first using Beizhai as bait, and then himself as bait.

If he knocks down with a hammer, Chihe and Teldun will be smashed.

The Jasika tribe burned the old camp of Teltown. Although it severely damaged the Teltown people, it also caused the strength of the Herd coalition forces to disperse.

The golden men of the Terdun tribe were captured, and they attacked the bridgehead like crazy.

So in the end, the only one who was crushed by the anvil and heavy hammer was Akagawabe.

On the other side, the Teldu Department was repulsed.

However, the strength of the Jessica Brigade was too small and they failed to fight a battle of annihilation.

The core of the fire roasters were still there, and he gathered the defeated troops all the way to the main battlefield. The remaining Chihe troops used the fire roasters to escape.

When misfortunes come, blessings depend on them; when blessings come, misfortunes fall upon them.

The four centurions didn't know what to think when they learned that their desperate fighting had disrupted General Sackler's plan.

Making correct decisions in the absence of information is what makes a great general. Lieutenant Colonel Jessica fiddled with the chess pieces and said calmly: It seems that none of us are famous generals.

The fighter plane is right in front of us. Winters was angry and funny. He looked at Bud and Andre: We can't let it go, right?

Lieutenant Colonel Jessica yawned and began to clear the chessboard: I only said that we are not famous generals. As a centurion, you played very well.

Anyway, we are centurions as big as sesame seeds. Andrei concluded: If the enemy stretches out his neck, we will cut it. If you want to blame it, it is General Selleck who did not come to inform us.

Stop talking. Lieutenant Mason took the blame neatly: It's all my fault.

Winters was so tired that he curled up in his chair and didn't want to talk. He just wanted to go home as soon as possible, even if it was back to Wolf Town.

Lieutenant Colonel Jessica collected the chessboard and chess pieces, took out a few maps and distributed them to everyone, asking: How do you think about the homework on the maps?

A+. Winters took the map without looking up.

A. This was Bud's answer.

B. Andre said sheepishly.

Mason scratched his head and said awkwardly: I was also A+ when I first left school. I don't know how many I have left now.

The map is a vertical projection map - one of the results of military reforms thirty years ago.

Compared with a map viewed from a 45-degree angle, a vertically projected map is more difficult to understand, but it is more accurate and can carry more information.

[Note: There are no contours yet]

Winters recognized it at a glance as a map around Bianli. He curiously asked the lieutenant colonel: Drawed with graphite strips? Did you draw it yourself? Did you draw each map?

The lieutenant colonel nodded three times.

Winters' respect for the lieutenant colonel suddenly increased: You can actually do surveying and mapping?

Plucked from the Legion's large-scale map.


Lieutenant Colonel Jessica asked the centurions: Do you see the marked ford downstream of the confluence?

The four of them nodded in unison.

That's where Arpad's troops cross the river, and we have to cross the river from there. Lieutenant Colonel Jessica announced: We are the vanguard and will set off early tomorrow morning.

The reaction of the four centurions was mediocre. They had to leave sooner or later, so it would be a good thing to leave first.

Mason suddenly became energetic and hurriedly asked: Then... what should I do with the golden man? Continue to bury it.

Winters also became more energetic, straightening his back and pricking up his ears.

What else can be done? Lieutenant Colonel Jessica replied coldly: Continue to bury it.

Will someone get him out? Mason asked hesitantly.

Then we will be raised. Lieutenant Colonel Jashka frowned: The cannons are too cumbersome, but they still have gold men? Wait until the next time we attack the Red River Department, and we will find an opportunity to raise them.

next time?

Hmph, Bian Li is broken, but the White Lion is not dead. Look, this battle is not over yet.

Next time, many militiamen may not serve.

Register and make a record. As long as it's not lost, you can't lose to them.

After comparing it with a measuring tape, Bud said in slight surprise: The distance General Arpad ran in one day and two nights was nearly ninety kilometers in a straight line?

Winters took the measuring tape and measured it himself.

If the scale is correct, the straight-line distance is really seventy kilometers.

Without rest for one day and two nights, the straight-line distance of the cross-country march exceeded 70 kilometers. After arriving at the battlefield, he smashed the Akagawa tribe to pieces with a tsunami-like charge... and still had enough energy left to continue chasing and killing the remaining enemies.

Winters quoted the old marshal's admiration: It's really a galloping horse.

Jessica also showed a smile and didn't say much.

Don't neglect your homework on the map. Lieutenant Colonel Jessica took out a few small wooden tubes to hold the map for the centurions: Sooner or later it will be useful. It is said that the old marshal likes to carry a blank paper with him when he meets someone he likes. The terrain is recorded.”

Hmph, my aunt also said that the old marshal likes to do housework, do homework and eat lettuce. Winters yawned and carefully put away the map: I found that each republic has its own unique version of the old marshal's anecdotes. I saved them all. I will publish them together soon, and the book will be called Footprints of Great Men. It is mandatory for every primary school student in Mainland China to buy a copy, haha, I have distributed it.

Everyone shook their heads and showed helpless smiles. .

A voice suddenly came from outside the tent: Excuse me, is Second Lieutenant Montagne here?

Several people in the tent looked at each other.

Come in! Winters shouted.

A tall, thin, serious infantry colonel opened the curtain and walked into the military tent: Um... Jessica? Are you there too?

Lieutenant Colonel Jessica stood up: Robert? Why are you here...are you here to find Montagne?

Others stood up as well.

Jessica introduced the others: This is Lieutenant Colonel Robert from the Sixth Army. He is an old acquaintance of mine and a great person.

The lieutenants quickly saluted.

Oh, how can you be so great? Let's get down to business quickly. Robert waved his hand and asked anxiously: Who is Second Lieutenant Montagne?

I am. Winters replied, Sir, what do you need me to do?

Robert narrowed his eyes and examined the second lieutenant in front of him from head to toe, but he didn't see anything special.

He only saw a tired young man, slightly thin, with a gentle and quiet temperament, not at all as exaggerated as the rumors said.

There is an inconspicuous white scar on the young man's forehead. If that position is two inches lower, there will be another one-eyed dragon in this tent.

You spell casters don't see anything special. Lieutenant Colonel Robert looked a little regretful, and then asked: I heard that you are the only spell caster in the army who can use magic?

Later, in the camp of Robert's brigade, Winters met Lieutenant Roy, who was also a spell caster.

Lieutenant Roy had a towel stuffed in his mouth. His face was pale and his teeth were clenched. He huddled under the blanket and his body was trembling uncontrollably.

We don't know why this is happening. There are no external injuries on Roy's body, and no internal bleeding can be seen. Lieutenant Colonel Robert's eyes turned slightly red: But he is like this now...he is in so much pain, he is in too much pain now, I I even thought about giving him a good time, which is better than this endless torture...

Winters covered Roy with a blanket and asked, Are all spellcasters in the army like this?

Lieutenant Colonel Robert sat on the bench, holding his forehead and replied: There are people whose condition is not so serious, but they can no longer use magic. Roy is still fine, and there are people who are more conscious than Roy and keep shouting. 'Kill me, kill me', it hurts until I faint, then wake up, faint again, then wake up again.

Next to him, Second Lieutenant Varga said softly: It's as if their bodies are still in the world, but their souls have been dragged into purgatory to suffer.

Can I talk to people who have milder symptoms? Winters asked again.

Okay, I'll take you to see them. Lieutenant Colonel Robert said and was about to leave.

Lieutenant Colonel, wait a minute. Winters hurriedly called to the other party: I don't know what to do, but the top priority should be to reduce Lieutenant Roy's pain.

What is Roy going through? Winters is very familiar with it, because he has also experienced the [muscle strain] after accidentally using a fire tornado.

Winters had a guess: Roy's stage was still a strain injury, while the dead Hed shamans were snatched.

But Winters isn't sure whether the muscle metaphor is appropriate.

Winters is not sure whether the third hand really operates like a flesh-and-blood arm. This is the only self-consistent logic he can find at the moment.

So in theory, just use Moritz's secret sedative and wait for the third hand to repair itself while sleeping.

There may even be gains after recovery.

After long-term Moritz-style overload training, Winters' spell ability improved much faster than in the past.

He therefore speculated that the process of tearing and healing could make muscles and even bones stronger.

But the problem was, Winters didn't have the calming herb on hand.

When the bastards from the United Province pushed him into the carriage, the herbs he carried were still in the luggage bag.

The luggage bag was not sent to Plato either.

Therefore, Winters' training for the past six months has mainly focused on [precision control]. Overload training relied entirely on willpower, causing his sleep quality to become increasingly worse.

And even if there was that calming herb, Winters wouldn't take it out.

There is no problem with the intelligence of Plato's spellcasters, and sooner or later they will notice a slight increase in their spell abilities when they return to normal.

The improvement is actually not obvious. According to Winters' intuitive feeling, it is actually less than one percent.

But the Veneta people have a saying: The small number is afraid of the long calculation.

Assuming that if you improve by one percent every day, you can increase it by thirty-seven times in a year; if you increase it by one percent every day, you can increase it by six times in a year.

[Note: Exponential is the scariest function in the world. ]

[Also note: The exponential improvement is just Wintermow’s guess, but he has indeed improved a lot]

In Winters' view, this sedative herb should be classified as a strategic material, and its secrets should be kept a secret forever. It is strictly forbidden to export any finished products, seedlings, and seeds. Smugglers will be punished with death, family imprisonment, and excommunication.

However, the problem is that the Alliance does not produce this thing, and the entire continent does not produce it...

It can only be obtained from the ends of the known world, the fringes of civilization, places unimaginably far away - the empire's overseas colonies.

The natives there use this stuff as a sleeping aid, chewable tablets and hookah leaves.

Therefore, Winters is even less likely to leak this secret, especially to the Platoans.

Without sedative herbs, we can only use homespun methods.

Do you know how to ease Roy's torture? Lieutenant Colonel Robert asked expectantly.

How about... Winters asked tentatively: Try some wine? The stronger the better.

Alcohol anesthesia was also a treatment that Winters used on the ship. He didn't even want to say this at first, but looking next to Lieutenant Roy who was worse than dead, he couldn't bear it.

Except for Lieutenant Roy, who was tormented by phantom pain, everyone in the tent stood stunned.

Lieutenant Colonel Robert and Second Lieutenant Varga's eyes met. The Lieutenant Colonel shook his head slightly and turned away.

Second Lieutenant Varga said helplessly: Winters, do you think we haven't thought about using wine? We tried it, but it didn't work. He clenched his teeth and if he drank it hard, he would choke.

If your teeth are clenched, pry him open. If you choke, just pull it out and drink again. Winters' rationality prevailed. He spread his hands and said, Either force him to drink or knock him unconscious. I can only think of these two. The method can alleviate his pain. Once the power of knocking someone unconscious is not controlled well, the person will be beaten to death directly. In contrast, it is safer to drink alcohol.

Lieutenant Colonel Robert clenched his fists and turned around, stared at Winters and asked, Are you sure there is no other way?

Winters was a little hesitant, he hesitated and said: Maybe... there is another way...

What? Lieutenant Colonel Robert asked quickly: What can we do? is said that suffocation can also make people comatose. How about trying suffocation? Winters was also very helpless: I always feel that it is better to let him pass out than to let him wake up and suffer torture.

Lieutenant Colonel Robert slapped his thigh, his eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth and said: Fill it! I will fill it myself! I will try any method! If there is no other way, I will personally free Roy. He should not suffer this kind of torture... …”

Winters also feels that using strong alcohol has the highest credibility. There are no teeth that cannot be pried open, only people who are not determined enough.

As long as Roy can still swallow, he should still be able to pour it in.

Varga ran to get the wine, and after a while he ran back in a panic: Lieutenant Colonel, there is no more wine!

What? Robert was furious: Isn't there a lot? Can you drink them all?!

Varga said with a sad face: Throw them all into the river...

Didn't you save any wine?

I don't drink... Lieutenant Varga - this is Winters' real squad leader - was really about to cry.

[Vulgar language]! Lieutenant Colonel Robert yelled: I don't drink either.

Suddenly, Robert and Varga looked at Winters.

Winters waved his hands repeatedly: I don't drink either. I am a spell caster and cannot drink.

The tent whined in the west wind, and the three of them looked at each other speechlessly.

Lieutenant Colonel Robert calmly instructed Varga: If you ask for it from others, just say what I want. There will always be someone hiding a few bottles of wine.

Winters had a flash of inspiration, reached into his arms, groped... and found it!

Wine! He took out the silver flagon and said excitedly, That guy Arpad gave it to me!

After being forced to consume a large amount of spirits, Lieutenant Roy's consciousness gradually became blurred.

That's the only good thing about spellcasters. They don't usually drink, so their drinking capacity is generally poor.

Seeing Roy falling into a deep sleep, no longer the same as before - obviously enduring great torture, the others in the tent felt relieved.

Lieutenant Colonel Robert called three strong soldiers to help. The six of them worked together and with great effort, they were able to pry open Roy's mouth and pour the wine down Roy's throat without choking him to death. .

On a cold day, Winters was sweating profusely. He panted and said, It seems that some poisons can also paralyze people. Snake venom, scorpion poison and so on... it's much easier than what we have now...

Lieutenant Colonel Robert, who was wiping his sweat, kicked Winters and laughed.

Lieutenant Colonel Robert said proudly: This method works, you have to tell others. Lieutenant Montagne, I owe you once.

I want to see those spellcasters with milder symptoms. Winters quickly requested.

It's easy to talk. Lieutenant Colonel Robert waved his hand: I will take you there.

In the medical clinic, Winters met fellow spellcasters who had mild symptoms and could bear the phantom pain.

Some even had little to no phantom pain, just no ability to use magic - sort of like a symptom of an imminent recovery, indicating that they weren't severely torn apart.

After the spellcasters had a long discussion behind closed doors, Winters got a keyword: [Vortex].

According to the descriptions of other spellcasters, they could only think of the word whirlpool to describe the feeling at that time.

Trapped in the whirlpool, spinning around and around, falling deeper, but unable to escape.

It was not until the endurance limit was exceeded and consciousness was lost that relief was achieved.

Isn't it possible that I won't be able to use magic anymore? Lieutenant Mitch said worriedly.

Probably not. Winters comforted: Although I'm not sure.

Another spell caster, Lieutenant Matt, asked curiously: Why didn't anything happen to you? Do you have any ideas?

Winters noticed that the idle spellcasters were all second lieutenants who had just left school.

So he speculated and said: In my opinion, the Hed's attack spell should be that the stronger the caster's ability, the more serious the damage received. I was almost knocked unconscious at once, and although I woke up, I still couldn't. There is phantom pain, but I can barely bear it and still be able to use magic.”

I think, Winters concluded, probably because I have the weakest ability.

Lieutenant Matt wanted to interrupt, but was held down by Mitch calmly, who shook his head almost invisible.

Mitch looked at Winters, smiled and said, Maybe so.

[Chang'e 5 successfully returned, the needle does not poke]

[8923 words... Actually, I originally thought that 7,000 words was the limit. Human potential is indeed unlimited. I am no longer a human being! jojo! ]

[I originally wanted to make a battle diagram to illustrate the Battle of Bianli, but I went to Night City last weekend, so I can only wait until this weekend to do it. Let’s all watch it when the time comes, even though we have already left Bianli by then...]

Thanks to Shuyou Mage Tower Designer, Kerwendek VII, Tashan Cheese, Rhapsody and Thirst, Lihua Kongxiang, and Zhang Haoran for their tips. Thank you all.

Thank you to book friends for reading, subscribing, recommending tickets, monthly tickets, tips and comments, thank you all;

As usual, the list of monthly tickets is posted in picture form at the end of the chapter.

[A book friend asked, let me explain the word count issue.

I remember it was 500 words per jump, and the middle part was free. For example, there was no charge for the part between 1,000-1,500 words.

So this book has many chapters with a word count of 39XX.

If the writing reaches 400X and it breaks out of context, I will also delete it to 399X.

Because I will use a lot of [Herdese] signs in the article, lest people say that I am too short on word count.

And I think it's interesting to identify the different languages


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