Iron Powder and Spellcaster

Chapter 182 Strategy Master

The Herds were still attacking the city, and the general suddenly arrived. Jessica was obviously a little panicked: You...why are you here?

Me? Sackler punched the Lieutenant Colonel on the left chest and said through gritted teeth, I'm here to give you an award!

The general moved his hand away, and everyone saw a golden medal on Jessica's chest.

Gentlemen! Andre saw the opportunity, raised his helmet and shouted: Three cheers for Lieutenant Colonel Jessica!

Long live!

Long live!

Long live!

Other soldiers in the headquarters took off their hats and cheered in unison.

Only Jessica's smile was very forced - because the needle on the back of the medal hurt when it penetrated her flesh.

Mason and Winters were also summoned to the team headquarters urgently, but Sackler did not get angry at the centurion, and awarded the two lieutenants with a pleasant tone.

Winters' ears were buzzing from the cannon, and he couldn't hear what Sackler was saying.

After receiving the commendation order tied with a red rope, he lowered his head to let the general hang the medal around his neck, and hurried back to the fort wall.

The three medals of swords symbolizing [bravery] - two silver and one gold - were awarded by Sackler himself in recognition of the heroic raid of the Jashka Division on the Teltown camp.

Both gold and silver medals are tied with a blue ribbon and have pins on the back that can be pinned to clothes.

Although Jessica never deliberately gets close to his subordinates, judging from his actual actions, he still cares about his centurions.

When the lieutenant colonel reported to headquarters, he was merciful and did not write, Lieutenant Richard Mason is lost.

It is only said that in order to get rid of the pursuers on the way back, the brigade detoured northward and accidentally bumped into the enemy's camp.

But there is a slight flaw in the story: according to the habits of the Hed people, they would put on their armor, change their horses, and string their bows ten miles away from the battlefield, so the camp should be at least ten miles away.

Detour? How can we go around ten miles away?

According to Winters's idea, he said that he caught up with Detective Hurd as he returned to camp and followed him all the way. At least it was logically reasonable.

But the quill was in Jashka's hands, and the lieutenant colonel didn't want to brag too much.

In the report, the lieutenant colonel did not mention offering sacrifices to the golden man at all - because the golden man was still buried in the pit.

He only said that he had seized some sacrificial vessels and flags and sent a few to the headquarters as proof.

The sacrificial vessels and flags were all imaginary, but the real and most important trophy was the thousands of Herd horses.

The horses in the Terdun tribe were frightened by Winters' enhanced version of the [Terrifying Beast] and fled in all directions. Most of them disappeared into the night, and only a few were gathered up.

The captured horses were brought to the south bank of the confluence river, in groups of thousands, and no fakes were allowed.

However, after Bud inspected the horse, he evaluated it as unusable.

First of all, the best horses have been taken away by the Herd cavalry, and the horses left in the camp are in poor condition;

Secondly, the Hed horses were not tall enough. According to the standards of Plato’s cavalry, these horses were a bit short even for light cavalry;

Finally, and most importantly: the season is wrong.

There is a huge farming society behind it. The Palatu war horses can eat food, while the Hede horses living in the wilderness mainly rely on eating grass.

It is difficult for Hedema to find food in winter, so he has to rely on forage and fat saved in autumn to survive the winter - this is one of the reasons why Plato chooses to start the war in winter and early spring.

Horses continue to lose weight in winter, and mares are about to give birth in spring, which is when the Hed tribes are at their weakest.

[Note: Because the horse's pregnancy cycle lasts 11 months, and the Hart tribes lack greenhouse stables, it is difficult for foals born in autumn and winter to survive. They will try their best to mate the mares in the warm spring and summer.]

The Terdun tribe gathered for the expedition this season. Although Plato was caught off guard, they would never feel better.

Clues can be seen from these Hed horses: the captured Hed horses have flat abdomens, ribs bulging one by one, and are too thin even for cooking.

Either find a good place to keep these horses until next year. Bud had the absolute right to speak on this matter. He suggested to the lieutenant colonel at the meeting: Either eat them early, and gain less weight later. In short, it is unusable and cannot even be fed to fatten.”

Why can't we feed him fattening food? Winters was puzzled.

In order to besiege the city for a long time, the Palatine army transferred a large amount of grain from the mainland, otherwise Winters would not be here now.

Herd horses have been eating grass since they were young, so they are prone to gastrointestinal problems if they eat food directly. Bud explained: If you want these horses to survive, you must let them freely forage for at least half of the day.

Regardless of whether they are worthless or not, it is a great achievement to seize thousands of horses, and they are eaten as meat and kept for the Hud people.

A medal adds up to almost 100 grams, of which at least 80 grams are obtained from those Hede horses.

I have to thank Lieutenant Colonel Jessica for passing most of the credit to his subordinates, otherwise it would not have been the turn of the two little centurions to win the [Knight Grand Cross with Swords].

As soon as Winters left the house, he tore off the medal, rolled up the ribbon randomly, and stuffed it into his trouser pocket.

If he looks carefully, he will find that there is an inscription [Pro Patria] engraved on the medal, which means [For the Motherland]...

On the battlefield, everything is appropriate.

After the simple investiture ceremony, Sackler left Lieutenant Colonel Jashka for a private interview.

Andre, who was driven out of the team headquarters, ran to the base wall in three steps and two steps. At the northwest bastion, he found Winters.

Another round of siege was repulsed, and there were corpses everywhere outside the wall. The Hurds were regrouping two hundred meters away - they now knew that the defenders had run out of solid ammunition, so they acted unscrupulously.

Bud led some soldiers into the trench quietly and was dragging the body to the river.

Winters was urging the musketeers to take this opportunity to clear the chambers of their guns.

The musketeers were so tired that they didn't even want to lift a finger. Even with the supervision of the centurion, their movements were still slow.

Where's the medal? Andre asked in surprise when he saw there was nothing under Winters' neck.

Winters smiled bitterly and knocked the iron helmet on his head: There are a lot of sharpshooters outside the city. Are they looking for death by wearing such conspicuous things? I even changed the officer's helmet.

show me.

Winters took out the silver medal from his pocket and threw it to Andre.

Oh! It's still a big ankh! Andre couldn't put it down. His tone was extremely regretful: Why didn't I follow?

Don't mention it! Mason led us the wrong way and almost led us into the Hud's lair. Fortunately, the Telton tribe suddenly came out in full force, otherwise whether we could have escaped unscathed is another matter.

You already got two dollars, right? Andre's mind was not at all on Winters' words.

Winters was confused: Where did you get the two pieces?

The victory medal on Red Sulfur Island. Andre added: Although I am keeping it for you now.

Winters snorted lightly and did not answer the question.

It's really good! Andre reluctantly returned the sword medal to Winters: It looks good!

If you want it, I'll go back to my brother-in-law and give you a hundred shots! I have something to ask you. Wintel led Andre to a quiet corner of the wall: What on earth is Sackler doing? Reinforcements Woolen cloth?!

When Winters questioned Andre, Lieutenant Colonel Jessica was also enduring the general's storm.

Seeing the expressionless look on the one-eyed colonel's face, Sackler was furious.

The Platuan army's war strategy against the Hed tribes was only kill, kill and more kill.

Late the night before yesterday, the Palatu Army used tunnel blasting tactics to storm Bianli. The defenders of Bian Li set fire to the city.

Yesterday morning, the camp on the north bank was attacked, the siege was stopped, and the Jashka Brigade was stationed at the North Bridge Fortress.

When Sackler and Arpad learned that Hurd's reinforcements were attacking Beizhai, they were not alarmed.

The most troublesome part of Hurd's tribes has never been head-on confrontation. They wanted to fill the ravine with human lives, and the two generals couldn't get it.

The location of Beizhai blocked access to the north of Bianli City. If the Hud people wanted to break the siege, they had to conquer it.

Therefore, Sackler used six brigades to support Beizhai, intending to use Beizhai as bait to catch Hurd's reinforcements and annihilate them in one fell swoop.

As a result, Szekely's men were ambushed halfway through the journey - unexpectedly and reasonably, the Hud people were also fishing.

They used Beizhai as bait to lure the main force of Plato to attack and encircle the area for reinforcements.

Plans changed, but for Sackler the situation was still controllable and only required technical adjustments.

Whether he uses Beizhai as bait or his six brigades as bait, there is no difference as long as the strategic purpose is achieved.

By interrogating the prisoners, Sackler had roughly learned that the Herd reinforcements in front of him actually consisted of two parts.

The Hud army that is besieging Beizhai is led by the uncle and brother of Yasin, the chief of the Chihe tribe, and can be regarded as the peripheral force of the Chihe tribe.

The Hurd army that came for reinforcements was the Terdun tribe, led by the leader Roasting Man himself.

In the past, whenever there was a battle, the Hed tribes not only refused to save the tribes, but the tribes that were not affected by the war would happily annex the tribes that were defeated by the Platuan people.

No one knows how Yassin persuaded the Teldu tribe to send troops, but it seems that the roasters are determined to fight the Platuan people.

But it doesn't matter, the Plato Army can still cope with it.

Unlike General Arpad, who is brave, fiery and always passionate, Sackler is a master strategist. He is calm and cautious, preferring to rely on careful pre-planning to achieve victory.

But plans never change quickly. Who would have thought that just last night, an inconspicuous pawn on the chessboard suddenly moved to a position that surprised everyone.

Now the Tertun Division was attacking the Jashka Division like crazy, but instead left Sackler's six brigades aside.

As a result, the forces of the Hed people were dispersed. The troops of the Chihe tribe were pretending to attack Beizhai, and the Terdun tribe was attacking the bridgehead.

Isn't it a good thing for the enemy to divide his forces?

The bad thing is that the strength of the Plato army is also scattered.

Bridgehead - Szekeli Department - Beizhai, these three camps are distributed on the north bank, shaped like a long snake.

Among them, the bridgehead had the smallest number of troops, with only the Jessica Brigade and two Centuries.

There are two brigades in Beizhai and six brigades in Szekely.

Sackler originally wanted to lure the Hud to attack the snake's head or waist, but the snake's tail took it upon itself and suddenly struck the fire-warmer's crotch hard.

Now Hurd's reinforcements stretched out two fists, one punching the head and the other punching the tail.

The straight-line distance from the bridgehead to Beizhai is about seventeen kilometers, and it takes the infantry five to six hours to walk.

But for the Hurds, who had a large number of horses, it was only half an hour of extreme marching.

The advantage of cavalry over infantry in short-distance maneuvers is fully demonstrated at a distance of seventeen kilometers.

Only war controls mankind, no one can control war. The situation is spiraling out of control, for both sides.

In this game of chess, the Hedians currently took the initiative. Their two armies were able to quickly join forces, but the Plato army could not care about each other.

No need to explain more. Lieutenant Colonel Jessica took off the Sword Medal and held it in the palm of his hand: If you have any questions, please just say it.

Sackler was stunned for a moment, but quickly regained his composure.

You have no reinforcements here, the general informed.

The eight brigades of the camp? Jessica asked.

Six brigades were seriously damaged in the siege battle, and they are responsible for the siege. I have other uses for the other two brigades. Szekler stared at Jessica: I want to clench my fist into a fist and attack the Chihe tribe. I will never Divide up the troops. The Tellun Division may be lured away, or it may not.

Jessica was silent for a while, looked at the medal in her hand and said, This thing... is really hot to touch.

Just treat it as if it was sent to you in advance.

Then I have to ask you for one more thing. The one-eyed lieutenant colonel calmly judged: After defending today, the Teltown people will never be able to attack this place again.

I feel that the two chapters written yesterday and today were very dull and very slow. I feel like I was in bad shape yesterday and today. I will try my best to make the later battles more exciting.

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