"By the way, is there a sequel to the story about two butterflies you just told?"Meijia asked innocently

"Forehead..."Chen Yi shook his head.

Does the story he just told sound like two butterflies?

At this time, Meijia walked into the room and looked around, muttering:"Pikachu with three ears."..."

Seeing this, Zhao Haitang asked strangely:"Sister Meijia, what are you looking for?"

"without...It's okay, I'll just take a look."

Meijia's eyes panicked. Seeing that there was nothing she was looking for in the room, she quickly made an excuse and said she was out walking the dog.

Chen Yi frowned slightly:"I always feel that Sister Meijia has been acting weird lately.

Dali smiled and said,"It's okay. It's normal for pregnant women to have some strange phenomena.""

"That’s right, maybe I’m overthinking it. Chen

Yi looked at Dali and asked,"Dali, when will the second couple come?"

Hearing this, Dali looked at his watch:"They said they'd be back in five minutes.""

"Okay, after mediating this couple, let’s go have dinner. I found a nice place yesterday."

"What’s a nice place?"

"You'll find out later."

Dali raised his eyebrows. Seeing Chen Yi's mysterious look, his expression became a little expectant.

"Master, can I follow you?"

Suddenly Zhao Haitang came up and asked shamelessly. emmm......

Chen Yi was a little speechless. Why would he bring a light bulb when he was dating Dali?

He patted Zhao Haitang on the shoulder:"Tonight you write a poem about wine. I will check it tomorrow. If you pass, I will officially start teaching you."

Zhao Haitang's eyes suddenly lit up:"Master, are you serious? of?"

"certainly!" certainly......No, anyway, he just asked Zhao Haitang to write a poem. As for whether it is qualified or not, it is not him who has the final say.

Hearing this, Zhao Haitang stopped even attending the mediation and ran back to the room with excitement on his face, presumably to start practicing in seclusion.

Seeing this, Chen Yi and Dali were happy to be quiet, and no one disturbed them.

After chatting quietly for a while, the next couple came.

But the strange thing is that the boy of this couple showed no expression on his face from the moment he came in until he sat down.

Chen Yi and Dali looked at each other and felt strange.

"Tell us briefly about your situation."Chen Yi gestured to the two of them.

However, the boy remained expressionless.

Seeing this, the girl spoke first and said:"Deputy Director Chen, I don't believe everything Ajian said."

"So he cheated on you and you found out?" Dali asked

"That's not true, but he is a master of werewolf killing, with a winning rate of 83%. He deceives people without blinking an eye when he talks in the game. I really can't tell which of his words is sincere."

Hearing this, Chen Yi looked at the boy. He had played werewolf before, but this was the first time he had seen someone who could remain expressionless. At this time, the boy who had been silent suddenly raised his hand:"I want to speak. He looked at his girlfriend with his peripheral vision:"Xiao Xing, I have never lied to you. I am sincere to you. If you don't believe me, you can test me.""

Chen Yi was stunned, can this thing still be tested?

Seeing this, Dali said to the boy:"Player, please speak."

The boy took out his mobile phone and handed it to Chen Yi, and said:"I am a very honest person in real life. Even when I post pictures on Moments, I never retouch them. The background is not coded, and the colors are not. The content I post is visible to everyone, my contacts are all real-name, my credit record is good, and my Sesame credit score is very high. These are all proofs of who I am as a person."

Chen Yi opened his mobile phone to check, and it was exactly what the other party said.

But he felt that it was very strange when the other party said this, because the boy's expression and tone did not even change.

The other party explained:"Werewolf Killing This happens after playing too much. Deputy Director Chen, you are a professional. Please don’t be disturbed by my expression and tone. Tell Xiaoxing that I am a good person!"

Listening to what he said, Chen Yi really wanted to tell the girls that he was a good person.

But his tone didn't sound like a good person.......

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