Invincible Starts From One Punch Martial Arts

Chapter 348: The rain is coming, the wind is filling the building

   Chapter 348

In the hall, Xia Wuji was a little surprised when he heard Li Han's report.

   "So, the people sent by the Demon Sect and the Heavenly Demon Sect this time are almost dead?"

"Returning to Shishu, it's about the same." Li Han said solemnly: "This time we encountered a large number of corpses in the periphery of Death Valley. The people from the Demon Sect and the Heavenly Demon Sect have not yet come out due to their deep entry. Basically, the chances of surviving are zero."

   "Why do you say that?" Xia Wuji asked.

   "Death Valley is very strange, full of dead energy, pervasive, and it is difficult for ordinary people to exist in it for a long time. Even me, I can stay in it for at most 20 days, and I can't bear it any more."

  Li Han said.

   "The people from the Demon Sect and the Heavenly Demon Sect have been inside for almost a month, and no one has come out. It can be seen that they were most likely besieged and attacked by corpses, and their chances of surviving are very small."

   "How many corpses have you encountered?" Xia Wuji asked.

"There are quite a few, about a few hundred, all of them are very powerful corpses, the lowest are out of body stage, the highest have reached the fusion stage, and there are still several, even the old me is a bit difficult to deal with. "

   There are still corpses in the fusion stage?

   This also seems to be a little too strong.

  Xia Wuji's heart moved.

   Then the person who controls the corpse should be stronger.

   Li Han went on to say: "In addition, we also found the Bone Race in Death Valley that had disappeared for ten thousand years."

  Bone tribe?

  Xia Wuji was surprised.

   This kind of evil thing that only exists in the classics has appeared.

  The corpse is evil enough, but compared to the Bone Clan, it's nothing.

  The Bone Race is not a puppet, they are the real evil race.

   Live by sucking the qi and blood of all kinds of creatures, they will **** up the qi and blood essence of any creature they encounter, leaving only a mummified corpse, or even a piece of skin.

   Therefore, the Bone Race was killed by all races thousands of years ago, and finally disappeared into history.

   Now this notorious evil race has resurfaced.

  Is the world really about to change?

   "How many were found?"

   "Not many, we only found two and then disappeared." Li Han said: "But I can guarantee that it is definitely not my old eyes, it is really the Bone Race, it is exactly the same as what is recorded in the ancient books."

  Xia Wuji nodded.

   He didn't doubt Li Han's words.

  Dizzy eyes just doesn't exist for mortals, and for a powerhouse like Li Han in the fusion period.

   Besides, although Li Han is quite old, he looks like a person in his fifties and is very strong.

  Thinking of the fusion period, he couldn't help but probe Li Han with his divine sense.

   "Huh? Elder Li, your cultivation has broken through?"

  Xia Wuji said in surprise.

   He remembered that Li Han was only in the middle of the fit stage before, but now he has reached the peak of the fit stage.

   This is too fast.

   Is it really related to the recent luck of the sect?

  Thinking of the people from the Demon Sect and the Heavenly Demon Sect who went to the Valley of Death, none of them have come out so far. The Taoist people also went to Death Valley, but none of them were lost, and they came out intact.

Li Han clasped his fists with emotion and said, "This is all thanks to Uncle Shi, the luck you have brought to Dao Sect is too great! Taking Tiantian Peak as the center, if you open your eyes, you can see that the luck is so strong. substance."

   "Cultivation at Dengtian Peak can be described as a thousand miles in a day. My cultivation level, which has been difficult to break through for a long time, is now the same as when I was in the early years from the Qi realm to the foundation-building stage. The cultivation is like a broken bamboo."

   "Breaking two realms in just a few years and reaching the peak of the current integration period is something I never dreamed of before, but now it's easy to achieve."

   "Not just me, but other disciples as well."

Li Han pointed to the disciples of Taoism sitting around, and said, "Now the sect is centered on Tiantian Peak, and has built many caves for the disciples to cultivate. From the out-of-body stage to the late stage of distraction, the fastest of them only took five years. The slowest of them only took seven years."

   "This is the luck that you brought to Daozong, Uncle Shi!"

   A group of disciples clasped their fists, grateful.

   "We are all thanks to Uncle Shi, we are here today! Thank you Uncle Shi!"

   Seeing the sincere expressions of gratitude from many disciples, Xia Wuji was slightly taken aback.

   Air luck condensed in Dengtian Peak? Zongmen also built many caves around Tiantian Peak?

  To be honest, he really didn't notice.

   In other words, I didn’t even pay attention to it.

   Now that I think about it carefully, it seems to be the case.

   Centered on Dengtian Peak, there are indeed many breaths of life on the major mountain peaks.

   Originally thought that the martial arts institute had recently recruited more disciples.

   Now it seems not.

   Martial arts is still difficult to cultivate, and there are still too few warriors like him.

Although the    martial arts institute is second to none in the Taoist sect, there are still two or three big cats and kittens, and the number is rare.

  This world is still dominated by cultivators.

   But Xia Wuji didn't care either, he was not enthusiastic about the so-called promotion of martial arts.

   Martial arts require talent just like immortal cultivation.

   Not everyone is as vulnerable as he is.

  Xia Wuji said with a smile: "I'm very pleased that I can bring some benefits to everyone. But this is also your own efforts and talents. It's your own accumulation and it has nothing to do with me."

  Li Han sighed in his heart that the little uncle was too modest.

   It is obvious that the credits belong to the junior master, but the junior master does not care about these credits at all, but instead says that it is the efforts and talents of others.

   is worthy of being a little uncle, this broad mind is few and far between.

   To say that what he admires the most, apart from Xia Wuji, is the uncle Ying Wudao.

   It was Ying Wudao's uncle, who had a bright eye, and gave the sword to the little uncle, which made the overall luck of the Daoist school in the sky!

   "By the way, are there still corpses in Xuanwu City now?"

  Xia Wuji asked.

   "Not yet." Li Han replied: "All the corpses in Xuanwu City have been swept away by the disciples, plus the disciples of the Heavenly Demon Sect and the Demon Sect have swept all the way, the corpses should all be in the Valley of Death today."

  Xia Wuji nodded and stood up.

   said: "I will go to Death Valley. You unite with all the major forces to guard outside Death Valley. Whenever something evil comes out, shoot it."

  Li Han was startled, "Uncle, are you going alone?"

  Xia Wuji nodded and said lightly: "Well, you can't help if you go."

  Li Han's face twitched slightly.

   He is a supreme elder of the Taoist sect, no matter in the sect or the outside world, no matter in terms of strength or status, no one has ever underestimated him.

   But he also knew that the little uncle was right, and he really couldn't help when he went.

   With this kind of cultivation, in the eyes of the little uncle, he is really nothing, and he can kill a large area with a wave of his hand, which is no different from an ant.

   (end of this chapter)

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