Invincible Starts From One Punch Martial Arts

Chapter 332: The powerful second avatar, the way home?

   Chapter 332 The powerful second clone, the way home?

   The mechanical body at this time seems to be about the same size as an ordinary person.

   He stepped out and instantly appeared on the city wall.

  Because Xia Wuji and others were twenty miles away, the air in the golden desert was dry, and the image on the surface was distorted, and the Zerg race on the city wall was not found.

   But the sudden appearance of the mechanical body made the patrolling Zerg panic.

   The speed is too fast, and it appears at once, at least at the level of the Insect King.

  The insect people patrolling the city wall are only the leader, not even the insect king, where can they catch the sudden arrival of the mechanical body.

"woo woo woo woo……"

   The siren blared loudly on the city wall.

   The second avatar doesn't care either.

   When the cannons on the city wall began to be aimed at him, and when the insect emperors flew towards him, he started to shoot.

   The figure flickered and turned into countless afterimages.

   A dozen cannons bombarded in a row, but all of them were empty, and even the second clone didn't get close.

   Through the clone, Xia Wuji knew that the energy of these cannons turned out to be starlight energy.

   Immediately, he killed a group of patrollers with one punch. When he turned on the cannon to watch the energy, he found that the energy supply turned out to be the star stone he was familiar with.

   Are these Zerg races from the astral world?

   But he didn't find any zerg in the astral world.

   All day long, they are faced with star beasts, very huge star beasts, of all kinds, even those with three heads and two legs, but there are no Zerg.

   Apparently, these zerg were not creatures he encountered on the astral plane.

  So, where did these buggers come from?

   However, the astral world is boundless, and there may be more powerful civilizations that he has not touched.

   Although there were doubts in his heart, the second avatar's subordinates did not stop.

   The size of the body suddenly became larger, and the height was ten meters.

   smashed the cannon with one punch, and then a flash of knife light flashed between the waves, killing seven or eight patrolling Zerg races.

   These exoskeletons, which are only equivalent to leading the Zerg, are hard, but they can't resist the blade attack of the eighth-level mechanical body, and they are cut in an instant.

   From the beginning to the end, one split in half, immediately killed.

  Brown blood splashed down from the corpse, infecting the city head.

   "Your Excellency, please stop!"

   A wave of divine soul appeared in the mind of the mechanical clone.

  Language cannot communicate, but soul communication is not hindered.

   Insect emperors flew from the depths of the city, they spread their wings, and quickly flew to the city wall.

   These Zerg skeletons are gray-green, and the bone armor is a bit hideous.

Each is tall, standing about three meters tall, with human-like faces, two huge hind limbs on the ground, hands wrapped in exoskeletons, narrow and small foreheads, slightly pointed, slender chins, sharp teeth, but eyes Compound eyes.

  The Zerg face has muscles, but the muscles are covered by bones. Although they are compound eyes, their eyes are full of radiance.

   And the mechanical body wears armor, the whole body is covered with metal, the eyes have no light, there is no muscle and no expression, and it is flat.

   So, these Zerg couldn't see anything from the face of the second clone.

   However, they can still perceive through their breath and know that the "Senior Metal" in front of them is a great respected person.

   Da Zun is beyond the level of these insect emperors.

   So they are very respectful to the second avatar.

   Of course, another reason to respect the second avatar is that the second avatar is not human.

   They are both aliens, and they have the feeling of meeting old acquaintances in a foreign land.

   The second avatar did not do anything and asked, "Where did you guys come from?"

   "Go back to Your Excellency, Starry Sky."

  An insect king replied.

   "Where is the starry sky?" the second clone asked.

  The Insect Emperor hesitated for a moment and said, "...Guyuan Star Realm."

   "I only know the star realm, but I have never heard of the ancient source star realm. Are you sure you didn't lie?"

   The second avatar's soul fluctuation without the slightest emotion appeared in the opponent's mind.

   Hearing that the second avatar knew about the astral world, the compound eyes of the insect emperor suddenly lit up, and then he exchanged information with several other insect emperors.

   The second clone snorted coldly.

   Seeing that the second avatar was a little impatient, the insect emperor immediately said: "Sir, we really didn't lie, we are indeed from the ancient source star realm."

   The second avatar didn't dwell too much on this issue, sighed, and then asked, "Then why are you here?"

   "Uh...because, the ancient source star world is about to collapse, we really have nowhere to go, just accidentally broke a space tunnel, and we came here."

  The Insect King said.

   "Listen to what your lord means, does your lord also come from the starry sky?"

   "This is not something you should ask." The second avatar said: "I ask you, are you here to stay for a long time, or is there any other purpose?"

When    was asked about the core question, the insect king immediately turned to his left and said, "We haven't considered this issue yet, we are just a traveler at the moment. However, the environment here is really bad, and I think humans have given up here."

   The soul fluctuation of the second avatar sounded in the mind of the insect emperor without emotion: "If you don't want to say it, then you are worthless."

   While speaking, he raised his hand and punched it out.


  The air was blasted, and a huge force erupted. Before the insect emperor could even escape, he was blasted by the second clone.

   All of the insect emperors were shocked, and they were about to escape when they heard the soul fluctuations of the second avatar ringing in the minds of the other insect emperors.

   "Don't think about escaping, this city is so big, where can you escape to?"

   The seven insect emperors stopped immediately when they heard the words, and said quickly, "Your Excellency, we don't want to offend."

   Seeing a few insect emperors stop, the second part of the body and mind moved.

   Originally, it was just a test, but I didn’t expect it to be the case.

   He found a very strange phenomenon, that is, these Zerg did not leave this giant city.

   It is said that at the level of the Insect Emperor, entering the Xuanhuang Continent is not to say sweeping, but at least one can dominate one side, and it will not be a popular drink at that time.

   But none of these zerg people left.

   As if this giant city was their ban, so that they could not leave.

   "Why don't you leave here?"

   asked the second avatar.

   "Return to Your Excellency, there are deserts all around, and this desert is too big, we can't support it for long without water."

   The Insect Emperor replied without hesitation.

Is that right?

  Xia Wuji on the dragon carriage was a little suspicious.

   If he is a mortal, then he has nothing to say.

   After all, this vast golden desert is like a huge death Jedi for ordinary people.

   Including those ordinary beasts, and even more so with worms.

  To come in is to die, and there is absolutely no possibility of surviving.

   But these Zerg races can already travel through the void, one by one has evolved to an advanced form, are they still unexpected environmental changes in the world? Do you still care if there is a source of water?

  Xia Wuji suspected that they were lying.

   But he did not continue on this issue, but let the second avatar continue to ask: "I will ask you again, are you here to stay for a long time, or is there any other purpose?"

   The seven insect kings looked at each other, and one of them said, "If we return to your lord, we are here to find our way home."


   Xia Wuji in the distance was stunned.

  Come to Xuanhuang Continent to find a way home? What's the situation? Could it be that the Xuanhuang Continent used to be the hometown of the Zerg race?

   But he didn't think for too long, and soon found out through the second avatar that these insect emperors were rapidly communicating with each other in a special wave, and at the same time transmitting information to the distance.

   At this moment, a huge wave came from the depths of the giant city.

   A group of insect people who flew out of Wuyang from the depths of the steel giant city, there are nearly a thousand in number, and most of them are insect emperors.

   Among them, five auras are particularly powerful, and they have reached the Great Senior level, which is the same as the second avatar.

  OM~~~ Woohoo-boom!

   A rapid pulsation of the soul quickly penetrated the space and rushed towards the second clone.

   This is an attack against the soul jointly launched by the five Zerg lords and countless insect emperors.

   The strongest of the second clone is physical defense and physical attack, which can only be regarded as reluctance for the defense of the soul.

   The one with the strongest attainments in the soul is only the first avatar, the current first-grade peak ghost emperor.

   In the face of this huge divine soul attack, the second avatar could not stop it at all, and there was a loud bang in his mind, as if struck by lightning, his body shook.

   On the dragon chariot, Xia Wuji's eyes narrowed slightly.

   This is the first time that the second avatar has encountered a soul attack. This feeling is very bad. He can feel the rage in the second avatar's body and mind.

   With a thought, a ghost emperor in black appeared.

   One step across dozens of miles, and in the blink of an eye, he reached the city wall.

   The ghost realm unfolded, directly covering a hundred miles, covering the entire group of Zerg Lords and Zerg Emperors.

   All the Insect Emperors and the Zerg Great Seniors felt an unstoppable coercion of a huge divine soul, as if they were in a quagmire, their bodies stiffened.

   was startled one by one.

   The stature of the five big insects soared, reaching a hundred feet, and the terrifying power rippled.

  Compared to size?

   The second avatar suddenly skyrocketed, reaching a height of five hundred feet, like a mountain towering into the sky.

   Step down with one foot.


   He stepped on a huge gap in the solid city wall.

   Some of the Zerg in the giant city are in the ghost realm of the ghost emperor, and some are outside the ghost realm, but at this time all the Zerg tribes were shocked.

   They looked at the second clone who was five hundred meters tall, as if they had seen something terrifying.

   But in addition to fear, there is hatred and greed in their eyes, it seems that swallowing the second avatar can give them some kind of huge gain.

  The worms have compound eyes and exoskeletons on their faces. They have no expression changes, but they are in the ghost realm, and this special emotional change will appear in the soul, which is immediately clearly captured by the ghost emperor.

  There is a story!

   On the dragon chariot, Xia Wuji stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes were bright, and the corners of his mouth drew a faint arc.

   It seems that these Zerg and StarClan have really come into contact.

   And it is very likely that there was a war between them and StarClan, and it is very likely that the Zerg will lose in the end.

   Of course, not all the Zerg races have lost, maybe it can only be said that this one of the Zerg race has lost.

   (end of this chapter)

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